Neurologic Alex V. Levin Thomas W. Wilson J. Raymond Buncic During embryogenesis, the brain and many ocular structures are derived from neuroectoderm. Therefore, many structural abnormalities of the brain will…
Hematology Alex V. Levin Thomas W. Wilson David Smith Abnormalities in the hematologic system will often have associated ocular diseases or findings. All four major components of the blood (serum,…
Child Abuse
Child Abuse Alex V. Levin Child abuse is often categorized into four subgroups: physical abuse, sexual abuse, child neglect, and emotional abuse. All types of child abuse may have ocular…
Psychiatric Alex V. Levin Thomas W. Wilson Psychiatric illnesses and ophthalmic disorders can be associated in three different patterns: (a) psychiatric diseases causing ophthalmic disease; (b) ophthalmic diseases causing emotional…
Gastrointestinal Alex V. Levin Thomas W. Wilson Stephen P During development, neural crest migration to form the gastrointestinal tract and many of the ocular tissues occurs at similar times of…