Interpreting Fundus Autofluorescence
Interpreting Fundus Autofluorescence Alan C. Bird Interpretation of autofluorescence (AF) images with illumination at 488 nm (standard AF image) is based on the principle that the majority of the signal…
Interpreting Fundus Autofluorescence Alan C. Bird Interpretation of autofluorescence (AF) images with illumination at 488 nm (standard AF image) is based on the principle that the majority of the signal…
Near-Infrared Fundus Autofluorescence Ulrich Kellner Simone Kellner Fundus autofluorescence (FAF) derived from lipofuscin and its major fluorophor, A2E, has developed into an important noninvasive imaging technique in the last decade….
Imaging Techniques of Fundus Autofluorescence Steffen Schmitz-Valckenberg Fred W. Fitzke The imaging of fundus autofluorescence (AF) phenomena in vivo, as discussed in Chapter 1, was first demonstrated in the early…
Lipofuscin and Autofluorescence in Experimental Animal Models Heping Xu Fundus autofluorescence (AF) imaging is increasingly being used in ophthalmic practice to aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with…
Lipofuscin: The Origin of the Autofluorescence Signal François Delori The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) digests the tips of the outer segment of the photoreceptors, which are phagocytosed on a daily…
Lipofuscin of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium Michael E. Boulton Lipofuscin accumulation is strongly associated with retinal aging and the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) (1). Such lipofuscin accumulation is…
Lipofuscin: The “Wear and Tear” Pigment Sabrina S. Seehafer David A. Pearce Many substances fluoresce spontaneously (autofluoresce, i.e., emit light of a particular wavelength) when illuminated by light of a…
7 Principles of Cochlear Implant Imaging Andrew J. Fishman and Roy A. Holliday Radiographic imaging plays a major role in cochlear implantation with regard to preoperative candidacy evaluation, intraoperative monitoring,…
19 Acoustical and Electrical Speech Processing Bruce J. Gantz, Christopher W. Turner, and Kate E. Gfeller Combining electrical and acoustical speech processing is the newest application of cochlear implant technology….
9 Cochlear Implant Electrode History, Choices, and Insertion Techniques J. Thomas Roland Jr., Tina C. Huang, and Andrew J. Fishman ♦ History of Cochlear Implantation The history of cochlear implantation…