Phakomatoses-Neurocutaneous Syndromes

Jul 20, 2017 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Phakomatoses-Neurocutaneous Syndromes

Name Eponym  Neurofibromatosis von Recklinghausen disease  Tuberous sclerosis Boumeville disease  Cerebroretinal angiomatosis von Hippel–Lindau disease  Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis Sturge–Weber syndrome Less accepted  Ataxia telangiectasia Louis–Bar syndrome  Racemose angiomatosis Wyburn–Mason syndrome Bonnet–Dechaume–Blanc…

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Ocular Manifestations of Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases

Jul 20, 2017 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Ocular Manifestations of Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases

  Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) Juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA) Minimum duration arthritis ≥6 weeks ≥3 months Subtypes Systemic Systemic  Pauciarticular Pauciarticular  Polyarticular Polyarticular   Juvenile rheumatoid arthritisa    Juvenile psoriatic arthritis   Juvenile anklyosing…

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Ocular Manifestations of Dermatologic Diseases

Jul 20, 2017 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Ocular Manifestations of Dermatologic Diseases

Type Gene Gene product Prevalence OCA 1 (A and B) TYR Tyrosinase 1/40,000 OCA 2 OCA2 P Protein 1/36,000 (Caucasians) 1/3900–10,000 (Africans) OCA 3 TYRP1 Tyrosinase-related protein I 1/8500 (Africans)…

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Ocular Manifestations of Musculoskeletal Disorders

Jul 20, 2017 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Ocular Manifestations of Musculoskeletal Disorders

System Feature Cardiovascular Aortic root dilation Greater propensity to aneurysm rupture Mitral and tricuspid valve prolapse Aortic and pulmonary valve insufficiency Congestive heart failure Dysrhythmia Calcification of mitral annulus Musculoskeletal…

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Normal Postnatal Ocular Development

Jul 20, 2017 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Normal Postnatal Ocular Development

Method OKN VEP Preferential looking (tellar cards) Otago photoscreener Full term newborn 20/400 20/100–20/200 20/200–20/545 – 2–3 months 20/400 20/80 20/285 20/20–20/25 4 months 20/200 20/80 20/167 – 5–6 months 20/100…

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Ocular Manifestations of Prematurity

Jul 20, 2017 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Ocular Manifestations of Prematurity

Gestational age (weeks) Central comeal thickness (μm) Horizonta corneal diameter (mm) 30–32 Mean 691 8.0 SD 87 0.2 34–35 Mean 648* 8.5* SD 72 0.3 37–38 Mean 605* 8.9* SD…

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Ocular Manifestations of Infectious Diseases

Jul 20, 2017 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Ocular Manifestations of Infectious Diseases

Fig. 12.1 Purulent conjunctivitis due to gonorrhea infection Diagnosis For ocular disease, culture from conjunctival exudates is the gold standard for diagnosis of gonoccal infections. Colonies grow within 24–48 h of…

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Hematologic Disorders of the Eye

Jul 20, 2017 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Hematologic Disorders of the Eye

Fig. 11.1 Angioid streaks. Note the “star like” hypopigmented areas surrounding the optic nerve, courtesy of Edward Chaum, M.D. Ph.D. The pathogenesis of angioid streaks is poorly understood, especially in…

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