Surgical management of posterior uveitis
Surgical management of posterior uveitis Sunir J. Garg MD Vitrectomy is important for the care of patients with uveitis.1 It plays a role in the treatment of complications that result…
History of Photocoagulation
History of Photocoagulation Kenneth R. Jaegers James F. Vander The effect of solar light on the retina has been known for centuries. After observing burns of the retina caused by…
Retinoblastoma John D. Roarty HISTORY Retinoblastoma was first described in 1765.1 Virchow2 identified the tumor as a “glioma of the retina” in 1864. In 1926, Verhoeff3 proposed a possible embryonic…
Pediatric Vitreoretinal Surgery
Pediatric Vitreoretinal Surgery Kimberly A. Drenser Michael T. Trese Philip J. Ferrone The pediatric patient presents many challenges to the vitreoretinal surgeon that require special consideration relative to surgical circumstances….
Surgical Management of Posterior Uveal Melanoma
Surgical Management of Posterior Uveal Melanoma Carol L. Shields Jerry A. Shields There have been several new developments in the management of patients with choroidal melanoma over the past decade….
Giant Retinal Tears: Surgical Approach
Giant Retinal Tears: Surgical Approach Derek Y. Kunimoto Mitchell Fineman Giant retinal tears are defined as circumferential retinal tears that extend 90 degrees (three clock hours) or more (Fig. 6-69.1)….