Technology of Sialendoscopy
Technical developments have taken place since the first endoscopes suitable for sialendoscopy appeared. Now, a variety of endoscopes are available. Ranging from rigid to flexible, each type has its own…
Technical developments have taken place since the first endoscopes suitable for sialendoscopy appeared. Now, a variety of endoscopes are available. Ranging from rigid to flexible, each type has its own…
Algorithms for treatment of salivary stones for physicians without access to an extracorporeal lithotriptor are proposed. Strategies for stones of different sizes and for salivary duct stenoses and strictures are…
The traditional treatment for sialolithiasis was extirpation of the affected gland. It is now known, however, that salivary gland function can recover completely after stone extraction alone. Since the mid-1980s,…
Salivary gland preservation during treatment for obstructive duct and gland problems is a goal worth pursuing. Difficult cases may seem to be candidates for sialadenectomy. However, progress in endoscopic and…
Salivary gland ductal obstructions are common, being the most frequent nonneoplastic salivary disorders in adults. Salivary calculi are the main cause of obstruction. Traditional and invasive transcervical sialadenectomy is still…
Minimally invasive alternatives for treatment of salivary duct obstruction are discussed. Radiologically- and endoscopically-guided interventions using wire baskets and dilating balloons, including cutting balloons, are covered as are combined endoscopic…
When basic surgical principles are followed diagnostic salivary endoscopy is a relatively safe operative procedure. Therapeutic sialendoscopy uses such instrumentation as lasers, forceps, baskets, and balloons for endoductal fragmentation, retrieval,…
The advent of sialoendoscopy techniques presents new challenges in the diagnostic imaging of the salivary glands. This article reviews the different diagnostic imaging approaches for work-up of patients before sialoendoscopy….
This article presents and discusses advanced minimally invasive sialoendoscopy and combined methods: endoscopy, endoscopic-assisted techniques, and external-lithotripsy combined procedures. It also presents rare situations and complications encountered during sialoendoscopic procedures….
Juvenile recurrent parotitis (JRP) can be a debilitating illness in children. Knowing how to recognize and diagnose it for early treatment avoids recurrences that could lead to significant destruction of…