J. Mark Engel BASICS DESCRIPTION • Exotropia is incomitant if it measures differently in different fields of gaze. This occurs most commonly in A and V pattern exotropia where the…
Jacqueline Carrasco BASICS DESCRIPTION • Eyelid lacerations occur 3 ways: Sharp trauma (e.g., pencil), blunt trauma (e.g., fist), or diffuse trauma (e.g., motor vehicle accident). Lacerations can affect 3 regions…
Jacqueline R. Carrasco BASICS DESCRIPTION • Enophthalmos is a descriptive term and condition referring to the posterior recession of the normal-sized globe within the orbit. • Acquired or congenital. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY…
Neoplasms, Benign
Jacqueline R. Carrasco BASICS DESCRIPTION • The skin of the eyelids includes the epidermis, dermis, and deeper, adnexal tissue. • The epidermis is comprised of four layers of keratinocytes, as…
in Children
BASICS DESCRIPTION Rapidly growing benign blood vessel tumor of the periorbital tissues EPIDEMIOLOGY 1–2.6% of neonates (1) RISK FACTORS • Female sex (1) • Caucasian race (1) • Prematurity (1)…