Corneal Dystrophy
BASICS DESCRIPTION • Two major categories of lattice corneal dystrophy are described by the International Committee for Classification of Corneal Dystrophies (IC3D) (1). • A dystrophy is a process that…
BASICS DESCRIPTION • Two major categories of lattice corneal dystrophy are described by the International Committee for Classification of Corneal Dystrophies (IC3D) (1). • A dystrophy is a process that…
Jacqueline R. Carrasco BASICS DESCRIPTION • Traumatic defect in the bony floor of the orbit • Can extend from fractures of the inferior orbital rim • Indirect (blowout) fractures of…
Jacqueline R. Carrasco BASICS DESCRIPTION • Traumatic defect in the bony medial wall of the orbit • Can extend from fractures of the maxilla, lacrimal bone, and ethmoid bones •…
BASICS DESCRIPTION 4th nerve palsy is caused by weakness or paralysis of the superior oblique muscle, and may result in diplopia. EPIDEMIOLOGY Prevalence 4th nerve palsy occurs frequently after closed…
BASICS DESCRIPTION An acquired and usually unilateral condition affecting young and middle-aged women. The condition causes various degrees of iris abnormalities, corneal edema, and glaucoma in affected individuals. The etiology…
BASICS DESCRIPTION A loose and unstable upper eyelid associated with a chronic papillary conjunctivitis and spontaneous eversion of the eyelid during sleep (1)[C] EPIDEMIOLOGY Incidence • Males > female •…
BASICS DESCRIPTION • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)-related uveitis is a group of idiopathic arthritides with an onset before 16 years of age that persists longer than 6 weeks. • There…
BASICS DESCRIPTION • Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) is an ocular motility disturbance manifest by intact abduction of ipsilateral eye but impaired adduction of contralateral eye during ipsilateral horizontal gaze attempts. It…
BASICS DESCRIPTION • Juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG) is a nonneoplastic form of non-Langerhans cell group (class II) of histiocytic proliferative disorders typically seen in infants and children. – Usually a self-limited…