Pediatric Traction Retinal Detachments

Oct 8, 2016 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Pediatric Traction Retinal Detachments

RETINAL DETACHMENTS Diverse disease processes may create traction retinal detachments in the pediatric age group. Special approaches are required to manage these difficult problems. These young patients have many years…

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Constellation Architecture

Oct 8, 2016 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Constellation Architecture

The Constellation is the culmination of over three decades of evolutionary development of vitreous cutters and fluidics, new and improved tools, illumination sources, phaco technology, systems integration, efficiency systems, and…

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Giant Breaks

Oct 8, 2016 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Giant Breaks

Giant retinal breaks are traditionally defined as breaks extending for greater than 90 degrees. Because of the propensity of the retina to fold over, surgical management of these detachments was…

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Macular Holes

Oct 8, 2016 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Macular Holes

Until 1991, it was thought that macular holes were untreatable and their pathogenesis was unknown. In that year, Kelly and Wendel developed the concept of using vitrectomy and fluid-gas exchange…

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Membranes and Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome

Oct 8, 2016 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Membranes and Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome

Membranes on the macular surface can result from several pathogenic mechanisms with the common theme of tissue damage and subsequent repair (1–5). Epimacular membranes (EMMs) are hypocellular, largely collagen structures….

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20-Gauge Sutured Wound Construction and Closure

Oct 8, 2016 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on 20-Gauge Sutured Wound Construction and Closure

Whereas 25-gauge vitrectomy is usually performed transconjunctivally with trocar-cannula systems, 20-gauge vitrectomy usually requires conjunctival incision, exposure of the anterior sclera, and sclera closure and conjunctival reapproximation with sutures. Despite…

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Management of Suprachoroidal Hemorrhage

Oct 8, 2016 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Management of Suprachoroidal Hemorrhage

Suprachoroidal hemorrhage is a devastating complication of intraocular surgery. This complication is very difficult to anticipate, prevent, and manage (1–5) (Fig. 30.1). Intraoperative management is complex, as is the decision…

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