Quality of Life in Pediatric Dysphonia

Apr 26, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on Quality of Life in Pediatric Dysphonia

Instrument Participants Reporter Instrument development Pediatric Voice Handicap Index (pVHI) [39] Children aged 4–21 years old with laryngeal airway concerns and healthy children Caregiver (parent) 23 items adapted from an adult…

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Apr 26, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on Voice

Fig. 43.1 Gender Identity & Expression Map. Text within the image can be seen more clearly within the interactive website page. (Courtesy of Antonia Clifford: https://​prezi.​com/​yvqu4hrcexig/​gender-identity-expression-map/​) Transitioning TRANS 101: Gender…

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Young Aspiring Singer

Apr 26, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on Young Aspiring Singer

Fig. 42.1 Parents influence their child’s performance in many ways. (Original illustration by Joey Phyland) Young Singers in the Professional Entertainment Industry With the global success of television talent shows such…

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Aerodigestive Programs: Role of the Core Team Members, Speech Language Pathology, Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Otolaryngology, and Parent/Caregiver

Apr 26, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on Aerodigestive Programs: Role of the Core Team Members, Speech Language Pathology, Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Otolaryngology, and Parent/Caregiver

Airway Choanal atresia Laryngomalacia Glossoptosis Vocal fold paralysis Laryngotracheoesophageal cleft Stenosis: glottic, subglottic, tracheal, transglottis Tracheobronchomalacia Tracheoesophageal fistula Tracheostomy dependence Pulmonary Chronic lung disease of prematurity Diffuse lung disease Asthma…

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Tension Dysphonia and Puberphonia

Apr 26, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on Tension Dysphonia and Puberphonia

!DOCTYPE html> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020J. S. McMurray et al. (eds.)Multidisciplinary Management of Pediatric Voice and Swallowing Disordershttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-26191-7_24 24. Muscle Tension Dysphonia and Puberphonia Marshall E. Smith1   and Daniel R. Houtz2   (1) Division of Otolaryngology/Head…

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to Pediatric Voice Therapy

Apr 26, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on to Pediatric Voice Therapy

!DOCTYPE html> © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020J. S. McMurray et al. (eds.)Multidisciplinary Management of Pediatric Voice and Swallowing Disordershttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-26191-7_21 21. Approach to Pediatric Voice Therapy Maia N. Braden1, 2   (1) UW Voice and Swallow…

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Acoustic Analysis of Voice Production

Apr 26, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on Acoustic Analysis of Voice Production

Fig. 8.1 Visual representation of three sine waves of different frequency being added to create a complex waveform There are also aspects of voice production that are nonlinear, including the…

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of Normal Swallow

Apr 26, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on of Normal Swallow

Fig. 15.1 Swallowing-related anatomy from the lateral view in an infant (left) and in an adult (right) Table 15.1 Muscles involved in each phase of swallowing Phase Anatomic location Muscle…

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Evaluation of Swallow

Apr 26, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on Evaluation of Swallow

Neurological disorders  Traumatic brain injury  Microcephaly  Hydrocephalus  Arnold-Chiari malformations  Intraventricular hemorrhage  Cerebral palsy  Guillain-Barré syndrome  Seizures  Spinal muscular atrophy Respiratory and cardiac disorders  Apnea of the newborn  Respiratory distress syndrome…

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Evaluation of Voice

Apr 26, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on Evaluation of Voice

(1) UW Voice and Swallow Clinics, UW Health, American Family Children’s Hospital, Madison, WI, USA (2) Department of Surgery, Division of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University of Wisconsin School of…

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