Neodymium: YAG Capsulotomy in Children
Neodymium: YAG Capsulotomy in Children Susan K. Woelfel Paolo Nucci Albert W. Biglan Paul Rehkopf HISTORIC PERSPECTIVE Over the past four decades, the techniques for removing cataracts in children have…
Neodymium: YAG Capsulotomy in Children Susan K. Woelfel Paolo Nucci Albert W. Biglan Paul Rehkopf HISTORIC PERSPECTIVE Over the past four decades, the techniques for removing cataracts in children have…
Lost and Slipped Extraocular Muscles Irene Ludwig A lost extraocular muscle is defined as a muscle that has lost all direct or indirect connection to the sclera.1 It may be…
Inferior Oblique Muscle Surgery Cynthia L. Beauchamp David R. Stager Paul R. Mitchell Marshall M. Parks, M.D., once described the inferior oblique as the last bastion of motility disorders to…
Surgery to Correct Cyclotropia Anya A. Johansen Donny W. Suh David L. Guyton Ocular torsion is rotation of the eye about its anterior-posterior axis. Cyclodeviations are relatively common in patients…
Surgery to Correct Nystagmus Michael X. Repka A patient with nystagmus seeks surgical correction for one of three reasons: to correct an anomalous head posture induced by a nystagmus, to…
The Fadenoperation James B. Sprague In 1974, Cüppers described the “Fadenoperation” at the second meeting of the International Strabismological Association.1 Two years later, Mühlendyck presented this new procedure to a…
Chemodenervation of Extraocular Muscles Edward G. Buckley Lucas Trigler Derek B. Hess In the early 1970s, Dr. Alan B. Scott discovered that when botulinum A toxin was injected into an…
Transposition Procedures David A. Plager Daniel E. Neely Kathryn M. Haider Muscle Transpositions General Indications A muscle transposition procedure may be indicated when the function of one or more of…