Interaural Time Processing When Stimulus Bandwidth Differs at the Two Ears
Fig. 28.1 The relationship of the noise spectra at each ear (L and R) used in Brown and Yost (2011; left panel) and the current study (right panel). In Brown…
Fig. 28.1 The relationship of the noise spectra at each ear (L and R) used in Brown and Yost (2011; left panel) and the current study (right panel). In Brown…
Fig. 4.1 (a) TMC results for a 4-kHz signal for one listener. The legend shows masker frequency. (b) The derived response function. The dashed line shows linear growth (Data are…
Fig. 22.1 Spectrograms of the ‘sir’ end point of the test-word continuum showing the near sound (a) and the effects of increasing its reverberation with the 10-m room impulse response…
Fig. 20.1 Stimuli used in Experiment 1. Listeners had to detect a 100-ms signal (grey line) embedded in a 100-ms masker. The masker + signal stimulus could be preceded by…
Fig. 53.1 Simulated peripheral activities and psychophysical results. (a–d) The upper row shows sound waveforms for a portion of the stimuli denoted above. As shown by the lower row, the…
Fig. 50.1 Example stimuli from each experiment. Only triple sequences are shown here. Each empty bar represents a 500 ms silence unit. Each colored bar represents a note unit, a…
Fig. 3.1 The LIEFTS model captures absolute thresholds. (a) Schematic envelopes of some of the stimuli for which such thresholds were measured. They are grouped into three categories, multiple-burst (MB),…
Fig. 13.1 Following SNHL, the most dominant TFS response component was below the estimated cochlear CF (arrow in top left panel, Liberman 1984). (a–d) Normalized power spectra of difcor functions….
Fig. 17.1 Percentages of pitch-matched F0 relative to the overlap-and-add frequency The response distributions were discrete: most of matches were concentrated near 0 cent or −1,200 cents (an octave below)….
Fig. 36.1 Influence of rate of formant-frequency variation on the effect of competitors (F2C+F3C) on intelligibility (synthetic-formant sentences). Mean scores and standard errors are shown separately for the constant- and…