Neural Correlates of the Perception of Sound Source Separation
Fig. 29.1 Target azimuth tuning functions of one IC neuron under altered-cue and standard conditions for a single source (a) and with a central interferer (b). (c) Target ITD tuning…
Fig. 29.1 Target azimuth tuning functions of one IC neuron under altered-cue and standard conditions for a single source (a) and with a central interferer (b). (c) Target ITD tuning…
Fig. 58.1 Mean percent correct performance, transformed into rationalized arcsine units (RAU; Studebaker 1985) and plotted as a function of the angular separation between primary and secondary talkers. Chance performance…
Fig. 24.1 (a) 5 kHz tone stimulus (top) and neurophonic response (bottom). (b) 5 ms interval of the neurophonic at tone onset (Modified from Kuokkanen et al. 2010) 3.1 Dorsoventral…
Fig. 18.1 The tritone paradox and contextual modulation of the perceived change in pitch. (a) The ambiguity in the tritone paradox stems from the Shepard tones’ repetitive structure (see Sect….
Fig. 49.1 (a) Results for Experiment 1. Voice recognition performance is plotted as mean d′ over the group of listeners (N = 14) as a function of the gate duration….
Fig. 42.1 Circles and squares show average percent correct for identical- and reflected-spectra, respectively. Vertical lines show plus and minus 1 standard deviation. Abscissa values are offset for clarity A…
Fig. 44.1 Mean PSDTs (black symbols) compared to the maximum phase shift calculated from the mistuning detection thresholds (MDTs) of Klinge and Klump (2010) (gray symbols). The phase shift in…
Fig. 14.1 Average sentence recognition scores as a function of SNR env with SNR tfs as parameter. The vocoder condition (Voc) is also plotted as a parameter. Error bars indicate…
Fig. 40.1 ECAPs for 4–6 (dashed lines) and amplitude-modulated (solid lines) pulse trains Each panel shows data for one subject Table 40.1 ECAP modulation depth in percent (faint type) and…
Fig. 21.1 Example of the ‘artificial scene’ stimuli used. See text for details This chapter is focused on examining sensitivity to change-related transients. While such sensitivity has been shown to…