Modelling Speech Intelligibility in Adverse Conditions
Fig. 38.1 Schematic of the short-term sEPSM. The noisy speech (black) and the noise alone (grey) are processed separately through the model. The decision metric is based on the time-varying…
Fig. 38.1 Schematic of the short-term sEPSM. The noisy speech (black) and the noise alone (grey) are processed separately through the model. The decision metric is based on the time-varying…
Psychophysical: human CI subjects Neural: IC neurons in anesthetized cats Percept lasts throughout stimulus >2,000 pps 30–300 ppsa Sustained responses Rate pitch discrimination 200–1,000 ppsb 40–200 ppsa Temporal coding ITD…
Fig. 30.1 Threshold ITD as a function of envelope-rate or noise bandwidth for stimuli centered at 4 kHz (upper panel) or 8 kHz (lower panel) (Adapted with permission from Bernstein…
Fig. 54.1 Rhythm discrimination by one listener. The dashed line at d′ = 1 indicates the criterion for threshold rhythm discrimination (From Middlebrooks and Onsan 2012) Acuity was somewhat coarser…
Fig. 31.1 (a) Example rate vs ILD function. Distributions of half-max ILD (b), ILD dynamic range (c), and rate-ILD slope (d) for low (<4 kHz)- and high (>4 kHz)-frequency ICC…
Fig. 52.1 Examples of the waveforms (top row) and schematic plots of the spectrograms (bottom row) of the stimuli for the conditions RF (left column), CM (middle column) and CD…
Fig. 45.1 The two noise tokens used in the SSA experiments. (a) Waveforms of the first 30 ms of each of the two tokens. (b) Power spectra of the two…
Fig. 59.1 Temporal coherence model. The mixture (sum of one male and one female sentences) is transformed into an auditory spectrogram. Various features are extracted from the spectrogram including a…
Fig. 16.1 Percentage of correct responses in the melody-discrimination task. Error bars show 95 % confidence intervals 2.3 Discussion The results suggest that tones above 6 kHz can elicit a…
Fig. 46.1 Two principal components were extracted, each consisting of a single frequency profile (left) and corresponding spatial maps for both subject groups (right). The first component (PC1, top) summarized…