Case Reports of Penetrating and Blunt Ocular Trauma

Oct 21, 2016 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Case Reports of Penetrating and Blunt Ocular Trauma

and Mitrofanis Pavlidis2 (1) Department of Ophthalmology, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden (2) Augencentrum Köln, Cologne, Germany   26.1 General Introduction 26.2 Surgical Management of a Corneal Perforation 26.3 Surgical Management…

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Retinal Detachment

Oct 21, 2016 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Retinal Detachment

and Mitrofanis Pavlidis2 (1) Department of Ophthalmology, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden (2) Augencentrum Köln, Cologne, Germany   13.1 General Introduction 13.2 Pneumatic Retinopexy with BIOM 13.2.1 General Introduction 13.2.2 Practical…

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Diabetic Retinopathy

Oct 21, 2016 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Diabetic Retinopathy

and Mitrofanis Pavlidis2 (1) Department of Ophthalmology, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden (2) Augencentrum Köln, Cologne, Germany   14.1 Combined Phacoemulsification and Anti-VEGF Treatment 14.2 Easy PDR 14.2.1 The Surgery Step-by-Step:…

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Submacular Haemorrhage Secondary to CNV

Oct 21, 2016 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Submacular Haemorrhage Secondary to CNV

and Mitrofanis Pavlidis2 (1) Department of Ophthalmology, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden (2) Augencentrum Köln, Cologne, Germany   22.1 General Introduction 22.2 Surgery of a Small Submacular Haemorrhage 22.2.1 Medication 22.2.2…

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Usage of 27G Instruments

Oct 21, 2016 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Usage of 27G Instruments

and Mitrofanis Pavlidis2 (1) Department of Ophthalmology, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden (2) Augencentrum Köln, Cologne, Germany   3.1 Insertion of Trocars (Figs. , and ) 3.2 Valve Removal and Replacement…

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Important Vitreoretinal Techniques with 27G

Oct 21, 2016 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Important Vitreoretinal Techniques with 27G

and Mitrofanis Pavlidis2 (1) Department of Ophthalmology, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden (2) Augencentrum Köln, Cologne, Germany   4.1 Induction of Posterior Vitreous Detachment (Fig. ) 4.2 Trimming of Vitreous Base…

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