Disorders of the External Ear
Applied Clinical Anatomy and Development The external ear includes the auricle and auditory canal ( ▶ Fig. 6.1 a). The anterior and posterior surfaces of the auricle are characterized by…
Applied Clinical Anatomy and Development The external ear includes the auricle and auditory canal ( ▶ Fig. 6.1 a). The anterior and posterior surfaces of the auricle are characterized by…
The larynx is a complex, funnel-shaped organ ( ▶ Fig. 21.1). It comprises a cartilaginous framework that supports membranes and fascial layers to allow the attachment of a number of…
Foreign Bodies Children are notoriously curious and enjoy experiments. Foreign bodies in the ear and upper aerodigestive tract are very common, particularly in young (preschool) children who, as their manual…
Development of the Paranasal Sinuses The pediatric nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, when compared to those in adults, differ not only in size but also in proportions. Knowledge of the…
Infection 22.2.1 Historical Perspective Historically acute airway infection was a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children. Airway obstruction due to upper respiratory infections was an important cause of child…
Conductive/mixed/sensorineural hearing loss Bone conduction hearing devices: Percutaneous Transcutaneous (active/passive) Active middle ear implants: Semi-implantable Totally implantable Severe-to-profound sensorineural hearing loss Cochlear implant Auditory brainstem implant 15.2 Bone Conduction Hearing Devices…
Introduction 24.1.1 Development of the Pharyngeal Arches In a developing embryo, the most typical features in the head and neck region are the external clefts that are part of the “branchial”…
Neck Masses in Children Who Are Acutely Unwell 25.2.1 Clinical Assessment In a child who presents acutely with pain, fever, malaise, and a neck mass, the most likely cause is infection,…
Indications Tracheostomy is used to bypass an obstructed upper airway ( ▶ Fig. 23.1; ▶ Table 23.1 a). It reduces the respiratory “dead space” and permits easier instrumentation, including suctioning,…
Acute Otitis Media AOM is defined as a condition with acute inflammation of the ME cleft and the presence of an effusion, and is associated with the onset of the…