‘Visual Vertigo’ and Motion Sickness
Fig. 8.1 In the passenger looking out of the bus and fixating upon the road sign, vestibular (VOR) and visual (pursuit) mechanisms cooperate to stabilise the eyes on the road…
Fig. 8.1 In the passenger looking out of the bus and fixating upon the road sign, vestibular (VOR) and visual (pursuit) mechanisms cooperate to stabilise the eyes on the road…
8. Nedzelski JM, Barber HO, McIlmoyl L (1986) Diagnoses in a dizzy unit. J Otolaryngol 15:101–104PubMed 9. Bance ML, O’Driscoll M, Patel N, Ramsden RT (1998) Vestibular disease unmasked by…
13. Maguire EA, Nannery R, Spiers HJ (2006) Navigation around London by a taxi driver with bilateral hippocampal lesions. Brain 129(Pt 11):2894–2907PubMedCrossRef 14. Maguire EA, Spiers HJ, Good CD, Hartley…
1.3.3 Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood 1. At least 5 attacks fulfilling criterion 2 2. Multiple episodes of severe vertigo,a occurring without warning and resolving spontaneously after minutes to hours…
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014Bruno Colombo and Roberto Teggi (eds.)Vestibular Migraine and Related Syndromes10.1007/978-3-319-07022-3_9 9. Therapy of Vestibular Migraine Alexandre R. Bisdorff1 (1) Department of Neurology, Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch, Esch-sur-Alzette, L-4005, Luxembourg Alexandre R. Bisdorff…
Reference n Spontaneous nystagmus (%) Central positional nystagmus (%) Saccadic pursuit (%) Central oculomotor disorder (%) Unilateral caloric paresis (%) Cutrer and Baloh [2] 91 7 7 n.r. n.r. 21…
Ictal phase Interictal phase Neurophysiology EEG [7, 8] Alpha suppression H-response in photic driving Normal or abnormal alpha activity Alpha rhythm variability Evoked potentials [13] VEP Normal latencies ↑…
A At least five attacks fulfilling criteria B–D B Headache attacks lasting 4–72 h (untreated or unsuccessfully treated) C 1. Unilateral location 2. Pulsating quality 3. Moderate or severe pain…
Method Routine evaluation Level of recommendation [4] EEG Recommended for basilar/hemiplegic migraine and epilepsy-related migraine IIB Evoked potentials Not recommended IIB Reflex responses Not recommended IV/IIIC Autonomic tests Not recommended…
1. Vestibular migraine A. At least five episodes with vestibular symptomsa of moderate or severe intensityb, lasting 5 min to 72 hc B. Current or previous history of migraine with…