Dry Eye Disease

Oct 3, 2019 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Dry Eye Disease

Definition A multifactorial disease of the ocular surface characterized by deficient tear production and/or excessive tear evaporation, leading to loss of homeostasis of the tear film. Key Features • Symptoms:…

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Stromal Corneal Dystrophies

Oct 3, 2019 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Stromal Corneal Dystrophies

Definition An inherited, bilateral disorder in which an abnormal substance accumulates in the cornea. Key Features • Characteristically bilateral. • Progressive. • Isolated to the cornea. Associated Features • Usually…

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Corneal Degenerations

Oct 3, 2019 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Corneal Degenerations

Definition Secondary deterioration or deposition in the cornea, distinct from dystrophies. Key Features • Common. • Bilateral usually. • Typically does not affect vision. Associated Features • Increased prevalence with…

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Congenital Corneal Anomalies

Oct 3, 2019 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Congenital Corneal Anomalies

Definition Developmental abnormalities of the cornea present at birth. Key Features • Inherited or sporadic but not acquired. • Generally involve dysgeneses of anterior segment mesenchyme. • Frequent association with…

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Diseases of the Corneal Endothelium

Oct 3, 2019 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Diseases of the Corneal Endothelium

Definition Diseases affecting the innermost layer of the cornea, which is in charge of regulating the hydration state of the corneal stroma. Key Features • Bilateral presentation. • Corneal clarity…

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Basic Science of the Lens

Oct 3, 2019 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Basic Science of the Lens

IN THIS CHAPTER Additional content available online at ExpertConsult.com Definition A normally transparent intraocular structure whose function is to alter the pathway of light that has entered the eye to…

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Herpes Simplex Keratitis

Oct 3, 2019 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Herpes Simplex Keratitis

Definition Herpes simplex viral infection of the cornea. Key Features • Dendritic ulcer: classic feature of epithelial disease. • Focal endotheliitis (disciform keratitis): classic feature of stromal disease. Associated Features…

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Bacterial Keratitis

Oct 3, 2019 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Bacterial Keratitis

Definition Corneal disease caused by bacterial organisms. Key Feature • Cellular infiltration of the corneal epithelium or stroma, corneal inflammation, and necrosis. Associated Features • Lid edema. • Conjunctival inflammation….

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