19 Double-Needle Iris/Intraocular Lens Fixation

May 10, 2020 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on 19 Double-Needle Iris/Intraocular Lens Fixation

10.1055/b-0039-172079 19 Double-Needle Iris/Intraocular Lens FixationJohn C. Hart Jr Summary Previously described techniques for fixating an intraoc ular lens (IOL) to the iris commonly result in distortion of the pupil…

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18 Jacob Paper Clip Capsule Stabilizer

May 10, 2020 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on 18 Jacob Paper Clip Capsule Stabilizer

10.1055/b-0039-172078 18 Jacob Paper Clip Capsule StabilizerVinanti Kangale, Soosan Jacob Summary Subluxated cataracts are managed depending on the degree of zonular dialysis. For a subluxation of up to one quadrant,…

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16 Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery and Valves

May 10, 2020 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on 16 Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery and Valves

10.1055/b-0039-172076 16 Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery and ValvesPriya Narang, Amar Agarwal Summary The chapter describes various types of minimally invasive glaucoma surgery and the different devices used for the minimally…

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13 Iris Prosthesis Implantation

May 10, 2020 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on 13 Iris Prosthesis Implantation

10.1055/b-0039-172073 13 Iris Prosthesis ImplantationWalter T. Parker, David R. Hardten, Michael E. Snyder Summary This chapter reviews the various iris prosthesis options currently available worldwide, including surgical tips for their…

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10 Iridodialysis Repair

May 10, 2020 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on 10 Iridodialysis Repair

10.1055/b-0039-172070 10 Iridodialysis RepairPriya Narang, Amar Agarwal Summary The correction of iridodialysis is crucial to prevent glare and photophobia. Following iridodialysis repair, corectopia is often observed that leads to potential…

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15 Pinhole Pupilloplasty

May 10, 2020 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on 15 Pinhole Pupilloplasty

10.1055/b-0039-172075 15 Pinhole PupilloplastyPriya Narang, Amar Agarwal Summary The chapter explains the concept and applicability of performing pinhole pupilloplasty in cases with higher order irregular corneal astigmatism. The pinhole effect…

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