
Oct 30, 2022 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Uveitis

Terminology ◾ Uveitis: inflammation of the uveal tract. ◾ Anterior uveitis: iritis and iridocyclitis (iris and ciliary body). ◾ Intermediate uveitis: inflammation of the pars plana, the peripheral retina and…

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Oct 30, 2022 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Glaucoma

Ocular Hypertension Introduction ◾ Intraocular pressure (IOP): this is determined by the balance between the rate of aqueous production and the rate of aqueous outflow. About 90% of the outflow…

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Oct 30, 2022 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Cornea

Bacterial keratitis Pathogenesis ◾ Pathogens : most common are (a) Pseudomonas aeruginosa , (b) S. aureus , (c) streptococci. ◾ Risk factors : (a) contact lens wear, (b) trauma, (c)…

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Oct 30, 2022 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Lens

Introduction ◾ Primary function : to focus light on the retina. ◾ Cataract (lens opacification) : is the commonest cause of reversible visual disability in the world. Phacoemulsification with intra-ocular…

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Oct 30, 2022 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Conjunctiva

Bacterial conjunctivitis Acute bacterial conjunctivitis Pathogenesis: direct eye contact with infected secretions. Most common isolates are S. pneumoniae , S. aureus , H. influenzae , and Moraxella catarrhalis ; uncommon,…

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Examination of the Eye

Oct 30, 2022 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Examination of the Eye

Ophthalmic history Before examining the eye, a thorough ophthalmic history should be taken. The history can be divided into the following basic categories of questioning: ◾ Main complaint: (a) rapidity…

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Oct 30, 2022 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Orbit

Thyroid eye disease Pathogenesis: organ-specific autoimmune reaction in which a humoral agent (IgG antibody) produces inflammation and swelling of orbital tissue, especially extraocular muscles. It consists of an active inflammatory…

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Episclera and Sclera

Oct 30, 2022 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Episclera and Sclera

Episcleritis Simple episcleritis Diagnosis ◾ Presentation : acute onset of redness and mild discomfort. ◾ Signs : hyperaemia may be sectoral (typically interpalpebral; Fig. 9.1A ) or diffuse. Fig. 9.1…

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Corneal and Refractive Surgery

Oct 30, 2022 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Corneal and Refractive Surgery

Keratoplasty Introduction ◾ Classification : (a) partial (anterior or posterior lamellar), (b) full-thickness (penetrating). ◾ Indications : (a) optical, (b) tectonic, (c) therapeutic, (d) cosmetic. ◾ Donor tissue : should…

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Lacrimal Drainage System

Oct 30, 2022 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Lacrimal Drainage System

Anatomy The lacrimal drainage system consists of: (a) puncta, (b) canaliculi, (c) lacrimal sac, (d) nasolacrimal duct ( Fig. 3.1 ). Fig. 3.1 Anatomy of the lacrimal drainage system. (From…

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