Radiation Therapy Technique
Radiation Therapy Technique William M. Mendenhall PYRIFORM SINUS Parallel-opposed portals are used to treat the primary cancer and both sides of the neck to include lymph nodes in levels II,…
Radiation Therapy Technique William M. Mendenhall PYRIFORM SINUS Parallel-opposed portals are used to treat the primary cancer and both sides of the neck to include lymph nodes in levels II,…
Radiologic Imaging Concerns Jeffrey A. Bennett Imaging the larynx requires high speed because of the difficulties patients have with secretions and throat discomfort, which lead to frequent swallowing, coughing, and…
Radiation Therapy Technique William M. Mendenhall T1N0-T2N0 GLOTTIC LARYNX The portals used to treat T1N0 and T2N0 glottic carcinomas are limited to the primary lesion. The risk of occult disease…
General Principles and Management Tim J. Kruser Nitin A. Pagedar Henry T. Hoffman Paul M. Harari INTRODUCTION Cancers of the hypopharynx and the cervical esophagus share a number of overlapping…
Surgical Decision Making and Technique F. Christopher Holsinger Andrew J. McWhorter Options for surgical treatment of early larynx cancer include open conservation laryngeal surgery (CLS) or transoral endoscopic resection, with…
Radiation Therapy Technique William M. Mendenhall T1N0-T2N0 GLOTTIC LARYNX The portals used to treat T1N0 and T2N0 glottic carcinomas are limited to the primary lesion. The risk of occult disease…
General Principles and Management William M. Mendenhall John W. Werning Cancer of the larynx represents about 0.8% of the total cancer risk in 2010 and is one of the most…
General Principles and Management Waleed F. Mourad Kenneth S. Hu Walter H. Choi Bruce Culliney Zujun Li Adam S. Jacobson Louis B. Harrison INTRODUCTION Oropharynx cancer (OPC) is a common…
Surgical Technique Vikas Mehta Robert L. Ferris INTRODUCTION Over the last decade, technological advances in minimally invasive, transoral surgical techniques have revolutionized the treatment paradigm for oropharyngeal neoplasms. Since the…
Radiation Therapy Technique Louis B. Harrison James E. Dolan Rudolph Woode Waleed Mourad Kenneth S. Hu TONSIL The chapter has provided extensive discussion about the relative indications for unilateral neck…