8 Surgery in Adults

May 14, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on 8 Surgery in Adults

10.1055/b-0039-169073 8 Surgery in Adults Abstract This chapter starts with minimally invasive surgery of the palate, palatal implants, and stiffening procedures. Then the various current invasive palatal procedures, including tonsils,…

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3 Diagnosis of Sleep-Disordered Breathing

May 14, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on 3 Diagnosis of Sleep-Disordered Breathing

10.1055/b-0039-169068 3 Diagnosis of Sleep-Disordered Breathing Abstract This chapter focuses on the workup of a patient with sleep-disordered breathing. As in all domains of medicine, the workup starts with the…

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5 Surgical Principles

May 14, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on 5 Surgical Principles

10.1055/b-0039-169070 5 Surgical Principles Abstract This chapter focuses on surgical principles in sleep-disordered breathing that might help select suitable patients for surgery. Factors that need to be addressed after extensive…

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4 Nonsurgical Treatment: Lifestyle, Weight Loss, Positional Therapy, Mandibular Advancement Devices, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, Multimodality Treatment

May 14, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on 4 Nonsurgical Treatment: Lifestyle, Weight Loss, Positional Therapy, Mandibular Advancement Devices, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, Multimodality Treatment

10.1055/b-0039-169069 4 Nonsurgical Treatment: Lifestyle, Weight Loss, Positional Therapy, Mandibular Advancement Devices, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, Multimodality TreatmentNico de Vries, Peter van Maanen, Linda B. L. Benoist, and Aarnoud Hoekema…

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6 Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea

May 14, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on 6 Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea

10.1055/b-0039-169071 6 Pediatric Obstructive Sleep ApneaKerstin Rohde† and Thomas Verse Abstract As in adults, pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by partial or complete obstruction of the upper airway…

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7 Nose

May 14, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on 7 Nose

10.1055/b-0039-169072 7 Nose Abstract The impact of treating nasal obstruction in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is still discussed controversively. This might be related to the ambivalent results of…

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1 Introduction and History of Sleep Apnea Surgery

May 14, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on 1 Introduction and History of Sleep Apnea Surgery

10.1055/b-0039-169066 1 Introduction and History of Sleep Apnea Surgery Abstract Symptoms and surgical procedures for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are known from antiquity especially from Greece, where uvulas…

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2 Pathophysiology

May 14, 2020 by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY Comments Off on 2 Pathophysiology

10.1055/b-0039-169067 2 Pathophysiology Abstract Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is diagnosed more frequently now than in the past. The characteristics of this potentially life-threatening disorder are (socially) disturbing snoring, excessive daytime…

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