Malignant photopsias

Jun 15, 2024 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Malignant photopsias

History of present illness A 65-year-old White man presented in 2015 with bilateral light sensitivity and 4 months of mobile, white spots in his vision that persisted when his eyes…

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Hypopyon uveitis

Jun 15, 2024 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Hypopyon uveitis

History of present illness A 20-year-old woman of Middle Eastern descent presented because of acute onset of floaters, decreased vision, and redness in the left eye without pain, photophobia, or…

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Unilateral vision loss in a 45-year-old woman

Jun 15, 2024 by in OPHTHALMOLOGY Comments Off on Unilateral vision loss in a 45-year-old woman

History of present illness A 45-year-old woman with a past medical history of chronic alcoholism, gastric bypass surgery, and multiple psychiatric conditions noted painless decreased vision in the right eye…

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