Episclera and sclera
Episcleritis Simple episcleritis Diagnosis • Presentation: acute onset of redness and mild discomfort. • Signs: hyperaemia may be sectoral (typically interpalpebral; Fig. 8.1 ) or diffuse. Fig 8.1 • Course:…
Episcleritis Simple episcleritis Diagnosis • Presentation: acute onset of redness and mild discomfort. • Signs: hyperaemia may be sectoral (typically interpalpebral; Fig. 8.1 ) or diffuse. Fig 8.1 • Course:…
Keratoplasty Introduction • Classification: (a) partial (anterior or posterior lamellar) or (b) full-thickness (penetrating [PKP]). • Indications: (a) optical, (b) tectonic, (c) therapeutic, and (d) cosmetic. • Donor tissue: should…
Acquired obstruction Primary punctal stenosis Causes: (a) idiopathic, (b) chronic marginal blepharitis, (c) herpetic (simplex, zoster) lid infection, and (d) conjunctival cicatrization. Diagnosis: narrow inferior punctum in the absence of…
Abstract Macular dystrophies are eye-specific, pathologic disorders whose lesions are biomicroscopically visible in the macula when (or before) symptoms first occur. This chapter discusses the clinicians’ initial approach to patients…
Abstract Lasers enable exquisitely precise spatial and temporal control of the light delivery to tissue, which can enact a wide variety of interaction mechanisms, including photochemical, photothermal, and photomechanical. A…
Abstract Vitreous is an extended extracellular matrix that is important in various physiologic processes within the eye. The vitreous body undergoes changes with aging that at best cause floaters and…
Abstract Nanotechnology involves the creation and use of materials and devices at the size scale of intracellular structures and molecules. The aim of nanomedicine is to gain fundamental access to…
Abstract Macular edema as a result of a blood–retinal barrier breakdown is common to various diseases. This chapter describes different clinical entities leading to macular edema and details the molecular…