Benign Vocal Fold Mucosal Disorders

CHAPTER 62 Benign Vocal Fold Mucosal Disorders

Key Points

Benign vocal fold mucosal disorders (e.g., vocal nodules, laryngeal polyps, mucosal hemorrhage, intracordal cysts, mucosal bridges, glottic sulci) seem to be caused primarily by vibratory injury (excessive amount and/or manner of voice use). Review of thousands of patients reveals that an expressive, talkative personality correlates best with most of these disorders. Occupational and lifestyle vocal demands appear to be additional but lesser risks, unless these demands are extreme. Occasionally, injury can occur as a “fluke” based on one episode of vocal strain in an otherwise moderate voice user. Cigarette smoking is a cofactor for smoker’s polyps (Reinke’s edema). Infection, allergy, and acid reflux may also potentiate vibratory injury.

Nonsingers with benign vocal fold mucosal disorders present because of change in the sound or capabilities of the speaking voice. By contrast, singers may have no issues with their speaking voices but may seek help because of singing voice limitations, usually in the upper range. Benign vocal fold mucosal disorders are significant because of the importance of spoken or sung communication and the voice’s contribution to identity.

Benign vocal fold mucosal disorders are common. More than 50% of patients seeking medical attention because of voice change have a benign mucosal disorder. Even before the laryngeal videostroboscopy era, when subtle and small lesions may have been missed, Brodnitz1 reported that 45% of 977 patients had a diagnosis of nodules, polyps, or polypoid thickening. From the same era (1964-1975), Kleinsasser2 reported that slightly more than 50% of 2618 patients seen for a voice complaint had one of these benign entities.

Anatomy and Physiology

The anatomy most relevant to the benign vocal fold mucosal disorders is the microarchitecture of the vocal folds, as seen on whole-organ coronal sections in a study of cancer growth patterns3,4 and in the work of Hirano.5 Medially to laterally, the membranous vocal fold is made up of squamous epithelium, Reinke’s potential space (superficial layer of the lamina propria), the vocal ligament (elastin and collagen fibers), and the thyroarytenoid muscle. Perichondrium and thyroid cartilage provide the lateral boundary of the vocal fold (Fig. 62-1).

The vocal folds move as a whole between abducted and adducted positions for breathing and phonation, respectively. The mucosa (epithelium and superficial layer of the lamina propria [Reinke’s potential space]), which covers the vocal folds, is the chief oscillator during phonation (continuous adduction during expiratory flow of pulmonary air); thus, one might speak of vocal fold mucosal vibration rather than vocal fold vibration. In a canine study that supports this idea, Saito and associates6 placed metal pellets at varying depths into the vocal fold (e.g., epithelially, subepithelially, intramuscularly) and used radiographic stroboscopy to trace their coronal plane trajectories during vibration. Pellet trajectories of the mucosa were far wider than those of the ligament or the muscle. Thus, primarily the vocal fold mucosa oscillates to produce sound.

’The work of Hirano7 provides an explanation for these observations. Hirano described the vocal fold muscle as the body of the fold, the epithelium and superficial layer of the lamina propria (Reinke’s potential space) as the cover, and the intermediate layers of collagenous and elastic tissue (vocal ligament) as the transitional zone (see Fig. 62-1). Because of the different physiologic stiffness characteristics of these layers, they are somewhat decoupled mechanically from each other during phonation. Decoupling is graphically illustrated in Figure 62-2 (mucosa being stretched). This decoupling allows the mucosa to oscillate with some freedom from the ligament and muscle. An analogy can be made to the relative freedom from the paddle experienced by the red rubber ball and elastic band in a child’s paddleball toy. During phonation, pulmonary air power supplied to adducted vocal folds is transduced into acoustic power. To accomplish this, pulmonary air is passed between appropriately adducted vocal folds. At this point, the vocal fold mucosa vibrates passively according to the length, tension, and edge configuration determined by the intrinsic muscles and elastic recoil forces of the vocal fold tissues. Figure 62-3 shows the maximum open and closed phases of one vibratory cycle, as seen during laryngeal videostroboscopy. Further details concerning the mucosa’s vibratory behavior can be found in the works of Baer8 and Hirano5 and in Chapter 57.

Other important microanatomy includes glands in the supraglottic, saccular, and infraglottic areas, which produce secretions that bathe the vocal folds during vibration.

Evaluation of the Patient: General Principles

The necessary and sufficient elements for diagnosis and management of benign mucosal disorders are (1) a skillful history, (2) a perceptual assessment of vocal capabilities and limitations, particularly through elicitation of vocal tasks designed to detect mucosal disturbances, and (3) a high-quality laryngeal examination (often including laryngeal videostroboscopy). In addition, certain measures of phonatory function (aerodynamic, acoustic), although not crucial for diagnosis, may be of interest for study, documentation of the disorder’s physiologic effects, and assessment of improvement after treatment.


Besides the usual items in the general medical history, the voice history should focus in particular on the following list of items, which may be best captured via use of a questionnaire9,10:

Vocal Capability Battery

The vocal capability battery is an auditory-perceptual assessment of vocal capabilities and limitations. It assesses, macrophenomenologically, the two crucial questions “What can’t this voice do that it should be able to?” and “What does this voice do that it shouldn’t?” This process involves elicitation of a variety of vocal tasks, followed by auditory-perceptual assessment of the voice production that results. The vocal capability battery is an often-neglected part of the diagnostic process that provides the best means of understanding the nature and severity of the voice disorder. To be most efficient, this part of the diagnostic process is performed by the same clinician who takes the history and performs the laryngeal examination. Alternatively, a second clinician can perform this assessment, but for best results, the findings of vocal capability elicitation are immediately correlated with the other two components of the diagnostic process.

Vocal capability elicitation and interpretation require that the examiner have good pitch-matching abilities, a reasonably normal voice, extensive familiarity with his or her own vocal capabilities (and limitations, if any), intimate familiarity with normal singing voice capabilities according to age, sex, and voice classification, and the willingness to model and elicit with his or her own voice. Also needed is a frequency reference, such as a small electronic keyboard.

In voice clinics where expert vocal capability elicitation and assessment are not available or are not immediately correlated with history and laryngeal examination, clinicians may overlook or reject the power and centrality of this part of the evaluation. They may instead rely on various items of equipment that measure components of vocal output (e.g., acoustic, aerodynamic). Although useful for quantification, documentation, and some biofeedback applications, this equipment is cumbersome and expensive, and the data it collects are time-consuming to interpret and, most importantly, diagnostically weak in comparison with those of the vocal capability battery, which can answer far more quickly, powerfully, and synthetically the question “What’s wrong with this voice?”

The basic vocal capabilities and phenomena to be tested are (1) average or anchor speech frequency, (2) maximum frequency range, (3) projected voice and yell, (4) very-high-frequency, very-low-intensity tasks that detect mucosal disturbances,11 (5) register use and phenomena, (6) maximum phonation time, and (7) instability and tremors.

The ability to perform high-frequency, low-intensity tasks is the single most important part of the vocal capability battery in persons with benign mucosal disturbances. Upon elicitation of these sorts of tasks, mucosal disorders are suggested by a loss of expected range under these performance constraints, as well as onset delays, air escape, and lack of tonal clarity. The clinician should also search for inconsistencies between spoken and sung capabilities and should informally note the patient’s sincerity of effort and skill. Basic vocal capability testing requires only a few minutes to perform because the examiner focuses primarily on the extremes of physical capability and secondarily on vocal skill.

As stated, the vocal capability battery—coupled with the initial voice history and then subsequent laryngeal examination—is crucial in diagnosing a voice disorder and in directing subsequent management. For example, signs of a mucosal disturbance (e.g., detection of air escape, onset delays, loss of clarity and range) during assessment of the ability to perform high-frequency, low-intensity tasks minimize the possibility that a singer’s normal-sounding speaking voice during history-taking will subconsciously bias the clinician to selectively perceive normal vocal folds when, in fact, small vocal nodules are present.11a The vocal capability battery also provides insight into the severity of the patient’s vocal limitations, which can then be correlated with the visual examination to help determine, along with the patient’s needs and motivation, the intensity and direction of management.

Office Examination of the Larynx

The laryngeal mirror should provide three-dimensional viewing and good color resolution but, in practice, offers poor visualization in many cases. In other cases, visualization is good, but only during phonation, because the view is obstructed by the epiglottis during respiration. In addition, no permanent image of the larynx results from this examination technique. Because the physician must therefore remember the lesion or document it with a simple sketch, precise critique of the effectiveness of the therapy chosen may not be possible. Rigid and also flexible laryngeal scopes often allow a clearer view, particularly during respiration. When used with the naked eye, however, they have similar disadvantages to those of the mirror. The fiberoptic nasolaryngoscope or a newer “chip-tip” video-endoscope is especially important in a patient who is difficult to examine because of unusual anatomy or an exceptional gag reflex. Even with these technologies, however, it is possible to overlook subtle-to-small mucosal changes unless the larynx is topically anesthetized to allow a close approach of the tip of the fiberscope to the vocal folds. With topical anesthesia, the vocal folds, subglottis, and trachea can be examined easily (Fig. 62-4).12,13

Strobe illumination added to any of these examining instruments allows mucosal vibratory dynamics to be evaluated in apparent slow motion (e.g., to understand mucosal scarring, to distinguish cysts from nodules). Adding a video camera and recording device (computer hard drive or tape) to the rigid or flexible scopes brings additional advantages; for example, a patient’s understanding and motivation are facilitated if he or she views the video documented examination. Also, such recordings enable other clinicians (otolaryngologists, speech pathologists, voice teachers) to participate more easily in assessment and management, serve as permanent records that document the result of voice therapy or surgery, and enhance teaching of residents.

General Management Options

Management of Acid Reflux Laryngopharyngitis

In a person with an incompetent lower esophageal sphincter or hiatal hernia, acid reflux into the pharynx and larynx during sleep can lead to chronic laryngopharyngitis. Such persons may or may not experience one or more of the following symptoms: exaggerated “morning mouth,” excessive phlegm, scratchy or dry throat irritation that is usually worse in the morning, habitual throat clearing, and huskiness or lowered pitch of the voice in the morning. The larynx may show characteristic erythema of the arytenoid mucosa, interarytenoid pachyderma, or contact ulcers; laryngeal findings may, however, be subtle (Fig. 62-5).

Basic management of this condition consists of avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods; eating the last meal of the day (preferably a light one) no fewer than 3 hours before retiring; using bed blocks to place the bed on a mild head-to-foot slant; and taking an antacid at bedtime, an H2 blocker 2 or 3 hours before bed, or a proton pump inhibitor 30 to 60 minutes before dinner.

Voice Therapy

A course of therapy by a voice-qualified speech pathologist is frequently appropriate in patients with benign vocal fold mucosal disorders, given the common relationship of such disorders with vocal overuse, abuse, or misuse. Vocal nodules in particular are expected to resolve, regress, or at least stabilize under a regimen of improved voice hygiene and optimized voice production. In some cases, however, success is defined as having achieved a more consistent voice, without the exacerbations of hoarseness and even aphonia, even if that now-more-reliable voice remains somewhat husky. In other cases, success may require resolution of all upper voice limitations. If surgery becomes an option because the mucosal disorder has not resolved completely and the patient regards residual symptoms and vocal limitations as unacceptable, voice therapy will have optimized the patient’s surgical candidacy, by educating him or her additionally about the surgical process, and decreased the risk of postoperative recurrence.

During evaluation, the speech pathologist gathers information on behavior that may adversely affect the voice and establishes a program to eliminate injurious behavior. Voice-qualified speech pathologists also model and elicit a battery of spoken and sung vocal tasks to make plain to themselves and patient the type and degree of impairment from the lesion. They also assess the skill and appropriateness of voice production for both speaking and singing. Depending on the results of this second part of the evaluation, the speech pathologist may help the patient optimize the intensity, average pitch, registration, resonance characteristics, overall quality, general and vocal tract posture, and respiratory support for voice production. For singers, the singing teacher plays an invaluable role in this process, particularly with respect to singing voice production.

Finally, in this technologic era, voice clinicians increasingly document various aspects of vocal tract output, using acoustic analysis, spirometric measures to test respiratory adequacy, frequency and loudness measures, translaryngeal airflow rates, and other measures under various conditions. Speech pathologists may use this equipment for biofeedback (e.g., using a visual electronic frequency readout to modify average pitch for speech in a tone-deaf patient). For obligate false vocal fold phonation and intractable psychogenic disorders of voice production with visible vocal fold posture abnormalities, therapy room videoendoscopy can also be converted into an effective biofeedback tool (Fig. 62-6).11,16


Some lesions are known at diagnosis to be irreversible other than via surgery. Aside from these exceptions, vocal fold microsurgery should follow an appropriate trial of voice therapy. Patients are typically reexamined (vocal capability battery and videostroboscopy) at 16-week intervals after diagnosis. When a compliant patient does not improve after two or more successive examinations and remains unhappy with the voice’s capabilities, surgery may be considered. Good surgical results are directly related to diagnostic accuracy, surgical judgment and precision, and the patient’s compliance with proper voice care.

Although specific techniques vary for each disorder, the basic requirements for successful laryngeal microsurgery for all benign vocal fold mucosal disorders are the same. An understanding of vocal fold microarchitecture and vibratory dynamics (see earlier discussion) is a prerequisite, and preoperative and postoperative videostroboscopic evaluation is necessary so that the patient and surgeon can see the results together.

The first principle of surgery is that microlaryngoscopy (not direct laryngoscopy with the unaided eye) and extreme technical precision are required to minimally disturb mucosa. Because the disorder is benign and confined to the mucosa, including Reinke’s potential space, the cancer concept of surgical margins does not apply. Every case should be approached with the awareness that overly aggressive or imprecise surgery of the vocal fold mucosa can have disastrous results caused by scarring of regenerated or surgically manipulated mucosa to the underlying vocal ligament.

A set of laryngoscopes, microlaryngeal forceps, scissors, dissectors, and knives should be on hand. In the face of the plethora of instruments currently available, the comment by Kleinsasser2 that a relatively simple set suffices the experienced surgeon remains true (Fig. 62-7)!

The carbon dioxide laser has become an important part of the surgeon’s armamentarium, and many have discussed its application to benign laryngeal disorders. Tissue effects of the laser depend on spot size and focus, wattage, duration of beam activation, waveform mode (pulsed vs. continuous), and, perhaps most important, surgical precision. Cold microdissection may be safer than laser techniques, provided that the surgeon is equally proficient in both. Norris and Mullarky,17 comparing continuous-mode carbon dioxide laser with the cold scalpel for incising pig skin, reported that a short-term advantage resulted after laser incision with regard to the speed of reepithelialization; no long-term difference in healing was noted. However, although the fact was not noted in their report, these investigators’ histologic sections clearly showed a wider zone of tissue destruction beneath the epithelium with laser than with scalpel. Duncavage and Toohill18 compared healing response in dogs after traditional fold stripping and after carbon dioxide mucosal vaporization. They concluded that, until late in healing, more edema and giant-cell reactions to bits of charred debris, and greater subepithelial fibrosis occurred with the laser technique than with the cup forceps alone. Manipulation of wattage, focus, and mode of laser irradiation of tissues may decrease thermal injury, charring, and other adverse effects of the laser.

The preceding studies date from the early era of the carbon dioxide laser. The microspot carbon dioxide laser appears to diminish these disadvantages,19,20 although a systematic comparison of functional results (including vocal capabilities and videostroboscopy) is not available to guide the surgeon in choosing between laser and microdissection methods. With a caseload approaching 1000 singers and double or triple that number of non-singers—for whom laser and non-laser methods have been used on an individualized basis—I believe that surgical technique and skill are preeminent over the specific tools used.

After surgery, vocal quality and capabilities should show good to excellent improvement; however, patients should be counseled preoperatively what the risk of worsening the voice is predicted to be: For nodules it may be appropriate to say, “This surgery typically restores the voice to ‘original equipment status,’ but there is a small risk that you will experience a large improvement but not to fully normal; and there is a remote, rare risk that your voice will be worse after surgery.” By contrast, one may say to the person with bilateral sulci in whom mucosa is thin, “I am expecting a modest improvement of your voice, but it will take many months to experience this improvement, and there is a quite significant chance your voice will be no better, and even possibly worse.” For the experienced surgeon who uses dissection, rather than microavulsion techniques, along with preoperative and postoperative videostroboscopy as his or her “teacher,” the question in the general case becomes not so much one of possibly making the voice worse, but rather, “Can I make this patient’s speaking and singing capabilities normal, and if not, how close can I come?” Cornut and Bouchayer’s21 experience operating on 101 singers and Bastian’s22 experience in the same population established a role for laryngeal microsurgery in restoring vocal capabilities and in abolishing or diminishing limitations.

Specific Benign Vocal Fold Mucosal Disorders

Vocal Nodules

The term nodules should be reserved for lesions of proven chronicity. Recent or acute mucosal swellings, which disappear quickly in response to simple voice rest and perhaps supportive medical management, are thus excluded when one is referring to nodules.




Surgical removal becomes an option when nodules of whatever size persist and the voice remains unacceptably impaired (from the patient’s perspective) after an adequate trial of therapy (generally a minimum of 3 months). Some writers prefer precise removal using microdissection techniques (Fig. 62-8). Vocal fold stripping has no place in the surgery of nodules. The proper duration of voice rest is controversial; some writers prefer a relatively short period. Typically, the patient is asked not to speak for 4 days, although sighing sounds begin 1 day after surgery. Beginning on the fourth day, the patient gradually progresses over 4 weeks to full voice use under a speech pathologist’s supervision. Early return to nonstressful voice use, as described in Table 62-1, seems to promote dynamic healing. The results of precision surgery are typically remarkably good, even in singers. Cornut and Bouchayer21 stated, in their study of approximately 160 singers treated with surgery, “As long as certain management principles are followed in a majority of cases, laryngeal microsurgery enables the singing voice to regain the whole of its functioning.”

Table 62-1 General Guidelines for Initial Voice Use after Vocal Fold Microsurgery

Time After Surgery* Talking Singing (for Singers)
Days 1 to 4 None Gentle attempts at yawn or sigh for approximately 30 sec, 6-8 times per day
Week 2 (begins day 5) 3 Same exercise 5 min twice per day (after first postoperative exam)
Week 3 4 Same exercise 10 min twice per day§
Week 4 5 Same exercise 15 min twice per day§ (after second postoperative exam)
Week 5 4 or 5 Same exercise 20 min twice per day§
Weeks 6-8 4 or 5 Same exercise, up to 20 min three times per day|

* After fourth examination, return to performance should be considered.

Based on a 7-point talkativeness scale, in which 1 = very untalkative, 4 = average, and 7 = extremely talkative.

Accept what comes out, even if it is only air or is very hoarse.

§ With emphasis on ease, clarity, and agility, not voice building. The entire expected range should be practiced in each session, with gentle insistence on high notes that do not want to sound. In general, practice mostly a mezzo piano dynamic and only occasionally a mezzo forte.

| Same as preceding footnote, with the addition of gradually increasing the dynamic range and insistence.

Capillary Ectasia

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