6 Alterations of Contact Lenses Symptoms: Fluctuations in visual acuity associated with blinking. Clinical findings: Inadequate wetting of the lens surface; abnormal break-up time (BUT) on the lens surface. Transient visual impairment associated with blinking implies a disturbance of wetting of the eye or of the contact lens surface. Glare is produced by cloudiness of the lens surface, the interior of the lens, or the refractive media of the eye. Visual impairment lasting 10–20 minutes after lens insertion in the morning may also indicate a wetting problem, as tear flow is normally less during sleep. Such problems can be dealt with by instillation of artificial tears upon awakening, before the physiological inflow of tears starts. Wetting the lens after insertion may also solve the problem. Impaired vision during the day accompanied by cloudiness or glare may be a sign of early corneal edema or giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC); these conditions are readily diagnosed with the slit lamp. Visual impairment can result from disorders of lacrimation and the dry-eye syndrome. Any abnormality of the quality or quantity of tear fluid can impair vision in a contact lens wearer. Soft lenses need a reservoir of tears to retain their elasticity; hard lenses need a cushion of tears so that they can glide freely over the corneal surface. The tear lens between the contact lens and the cornea can only form if adequate tear fluid is present; the tear lens is an optical medium in itself and, depending on its geometry, serves as an additional plano, convex, or concave lens that cancels out small astigmatic errors. Thus, any change in the refractive index of the tear fluid, caused by fluctuations of its osmolarity, pH, or salt content, may affect visual function (cf. p. 128). A contact lens can be worn safely and comfortably only if its surface is smooth, that is, free of nicks, scratches, tears, sharp-edged defects, fracture lines, deposits, or foreign bodies. All of these abnormalities can cause an uncomfortable foreign-body sensation. Surface deposits serve as a culture medium for microbial pathogens and thereby promote infection. They also impair the wettability of the lens surface, which leads, in turn, to impaired vision and increased glare. Surface deposits must be removed from the lenses before each insertion, and defective lenses must be discarded. Patients wearing disposable lenses, in particular, should be reminded of these important facts at each follow-up visit, as these are precisely the patients that tend to wear their lenses much longer than recommended by the manufacturer. Defective contact lenses can injure the lids, conjunctiva, and cornea. Hyperemia or hemorrhage of the tarsal or bulbar conjunctiva, and corneal epithelial defects, are usually caused by wearing contact lenses past their wearable lifetimes. All contact lenses deteriorate over time and are therefore meant to be worn for a limited time only. Lens manufacturers do not guarantee their lenses for any specific length of time, but the general recommendation is that soft lenses should be worn for no longer than 1 year, hard lenses for no longer than 2 years. Contact lenses should be discarded at the end of their wearable lifetime and replaced with new ones. Disposable, oneday, and reusable lenses should be worn for no longer than 24 hours, a few days, and a few weeks, respectively. Patient compliance with these guidelines is, unfortunately, often suboptimal. Disposable lenses that have been worn too long are often broken, discolored, or deformed; fatigue fractures (stress lines) are seen in the lens matrix, the rim of the lens is broken or torn, and tenacious deposits are found on its surface. All of these findings indicate that the tolerance of the contact lens material for prolonged wear has been exceeded. Fine scratches on the anterior surface of hard lenses are only rarely disturbing; these can arise simply from the lens being worn in the eye, but may also be caused by mechanical cleaning with bare fingers. If the lens is well wetted, these defects are optically compensated for by the tear fluid, and are thus barely noted at first. They are disturbing only if they exceed a certain size so that they irritate the cornea or impair vision. If this occurs, it is time to replace the lens. Some types of highly gas-permeable rigid lenses are prone to the development of a mosaic pattern on their surface which resembles a smashed windshield. This change usually occurs after a relatively long period of wear; if it is found shortly after fitting, it is presumably due to a manufacturing error. Such patterns are probably created by too rapid cooling of the lens material in the polymerization process. At each follow-up visit, the contact lenses should be inspected under a dissecting microscope, or under a slit lamp with the aid of an inverting prism. The inspection can be performed in white light, but the use of polarized light will facilitate early detection of stress lines and other defects. Surface and edge defects are very reliably detected by Zeiss dark field examination in cold light. Most contact lenses become discolored with wear because of a change in the molecular structure of the lens material over time. In general, soft hydrophilic lenses turn yellowish-brown after they have been worn for a number of years. The discoloration is harmless in itself but serves as a marker for an accompanying decline in gas permeability. Thus, discolored lenses should be replaced. Eye make-up in all colors is often found on the anterior surface of contact lenses and is not always removable. Lenses rinsed with tap water of high iron content develop a brown hue. The soft lenses of cigarette smokers are often stained reddish-brown to an extent that reflects how much they have smoked; those of firemen turn rust-brown after repeated exposure to the chemical substances liberated in fires (see Table 26). Lenses that have become discolored by external substances in this manner should be replaced, as the risk of toxic keratopathy from re-release of the adsorbed substances is difficult to assess. Patients at risk for such problems (heavy smokers, firemen, others) should wear disposable lenses. Oral, parenteral, or even topical medications can discolor soft contact lenses, particularly when they are used to treat ophthalmic diseases, such as recurrent corneal erosions or bullous keratopathy. Many different types of dyed and painted lenses are now commercially available; they are used to occlude the eye, to mask ocular birth defects or traumatic lesions, to reduce glare in aniridia or fixed mydriasis, or for elective cosmetic purposes. The last few years have witnessed the rising popularity of so-called party lenses with surface designs such as cat’s eyes, hearts, flowers, and dollar signs. The coloring of such lenses is not necessarily stable and may leach out of the lens to cause an allergic or toxic reaction. Color of staining Causes White, bright gray Proteins, lipids, mucopolysaccharides, calcium, jelly bumps, fungi, medications Dark gray, black Thiomersal, mercuric compounds Red Iron, fungi, tap water, medications Pink Vitamin B12, antibiotics Yellow Cosmetics, aging of lens material Brown Nicotine, fumes from fires, cosmetics, sprays Green Sorbic acid (a preservative), algae, chlorhexidine Blue Cosmetics Tinted, light-absorbing lenses are medically indicated in certain forms of retinal degeneration, and in albinism. They can also be worn for cosmetic purposes to change the color of the eye to blue, green, or brown according to the whim of the wearer. These lenses slowly fade over time; fading may be accelerated by the use of inappropriate lens care products, such as hydrogen peroxide, which acts as a bleach. It is not known with certainty whether the chemical dyes used could, in some circumstances, pose a risk to the cornea and conjunctiva. These substances should be remembered in the differential diagnosis of allergic and toxic reactions in the contact lens wearer; the Ophthalmotest may help resolve the issue (see p. 80). Substances from the environment are deposited on the anterior surface of the contact lens. Solids, including foreign bodies, remain there, while liquids penetrate into the lens itself, and gases are dissolved in the tear film and transported by it around and into the lens. Only meticulous daily cleaning and disinfection can prevent long-term damage from such substances. Not only environmental pollutants, but also components of the tear fluid leave their mark on the lens, as seen under the slit lamp. The tear fluid normally contains proteins, lipids, and desquamated cellular debris from the cornea and conjunctiva, all of which are deposited on the surface of the contact lens during the daily period of wear. If these deposits are allowed to accumulate, they can impair vision, increase glare, and mechanically irritate the eyelids, making lens wear uncomfortable (see p. 66). They can also decrease lens wettability and cause GPC. These organic deposits can also promote infection; kept moist by the tear fluid and the matrix of hydrophilic lenses, they serve as a bacterial and fungal culture medium. Dirty lenses confer a particularly high risk of infection. A special form of contact lens deposit has been termed the “sock phenomenon.” Proteinaceous deposits on the posterior surface of the lens can decrease its mobility by, in essence, gluing it to the cornea. The name is derived from the appearance of the deposits along the lens edges under the slit lamp (they are said to resemble socks on a clothesline). This phenomenon is rare, and its cause is unknown. Jelly bumps are small grayish-white deposits that appear to be spattered on the anterior surface of the lens. Microscopic or slit-lamp examination reveals their crystalline or onion-skin structure. They are hardly ever seen on the inner surface of the lens. They may appear singly or dispersed over the surface of the lens like stars in the night sky. Jelly bumps are commonly found on soft lenses, rarely on hard lenses. The water content and chemical structure of the lens material determine whether they will form. The more hydrophilic the lens, the more rapidly jelly bumps are deposited; deposition is also promoted by poor-quality material and by defects of the lens surface such as scratches, grooves, and polishing flaws. Jelly bumps make blinking uncomfortable because they irritate the lid margin. They are hard to remove and they recur rapidly if they are due to a structural defect of the lens. Such lenses should be replaced. Jelly bumps are composed of water-insoluble calcium–protein complexes. This explains both how they are generated and why they are so difficult to remove. In addition to the defective contact lens, the concentration of calcium in the tear fluid is another important determinant of their formation. Pregnant and breastfeeding women and those taking oral contraceptives develop jelly bumps more rapidly than others; so do patients with parathyroid disorders or hypercalcemia of other causes, as well as patients being treated with medications affecting calcium metabolism or high-dose hormones or oral antibiotics. In some cases, new jelly bumps can be seen as early as a few hours after lens insertion. There remains no effective way to prevent the formation of jelly bumps. Intensive cleaning, sometimes with highly concentrated cleaning solutions, is frequently recommended, but should in fact be avoided, because residues of the cleaning chemicals may be stored in hydrophilic lenses and may then interact with the patient’s lens care solution. Patients prone to the development of jelly bumps should avoid wearing highly hydrophilic lenses to minimize the risk of such problems. A switch to rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses or soft lenses with less than 40% content usually renders the patient asymptomatic. Because of the association between jelly bumps and disorders of calcium metabolism, patients with recurrent jelly bumps should have their serum calcium level determined. Any abnormality should be followed up with a general medical evaluation.
Wetting Problems
Material Defects
Discoloration and Fading
Components of Tear Fluid
Jelly Bumps