CHAPTER 109 Transoral Laser Microresection of Advanced Laryngeal Tumors
Terms and Definitions
Two features distinguish TLM from open surgery1: healing is allowed to occur by secondary intention2 and the tumor block can be subdivided into manageable units by the laser (in situ).
Safe TLM requires two conditions: adequate exposure through the mouth and a tangible specimen.
Is it cancer? Laser surgery manages everything along the histologic spectrum, but this chapter only relates to the worst actor, invasive squamous cell carcinoma. The Ljubljana taxonomy3 is probably the closest thing we have to an internationally accepted classification of epithelial hyperplastic laryngeal lesions (EHLL). For the most benign, “simple hyperplasia,” acanthosis predominates. “Abnormal hyperplasia” is next, and basal proliferation is the hallmark. “Atypical hyperplasia” features dysplasia and atypia. Fourth is carcinoma in situ (CIS), cytologic neoplasia on an intact basement membrane. All these can be laser resected, but TLM is a higher strategy for a higher challenge, group five, neoplasia with subepithelial penetration (i.e., invasive squamous cell cancer).
Is it TLM? An excellent classification for laser cordectomies has been developed by the European Laryngological Society.4 It names five types: subepithelial, subligamental, transmuscular, total, and extended cordectomy. The first three are elegant one-piece excisional biopsies, and a laser may be used on them. TLM (and the strategy of depth determination) comes into play for the last two.
What site? Before “multidisciplinary” committees imposed a theoretic anatomic classification (glottic, supraglottic, and subglottic) on laryngeal cancer, surgeons included clinical behavior in the sorting system. For 50 years, laryngeal cancer was “intrinsic” or “extrinsic.”5 Intrinsic was “interior region” cancer, primarily glottic in origin, and slow growing, and its nodes were generally late.6 TLM treats most of these, but not all. Extrinsic cancer was more supraglottic, originating around the laryngeal opening or its pharyngeal surface. It had a higher rate of metastases and was more lethal. TLM treats the local disease, but not the metastases.
Now the official categories are glottic, supraglottic, and subglottic, whereas “transglottic” is used to describe tumors that span the ventricle. However, in the anterior larynx, glottic and subglottic cancers behave similarly.7 Subglottic cancer often turns out to be glottic, with descent. The height of the glottis is controversial (5 mm high, 10 mm high), or excluded posteriorly (sparing the posterior commissure). None of the sites is off limits to TLM.
The tumor, node, metastasis (TNM) staging system8 uses TX, Tis, T1 (a and b in the glottis), T2, T3, T4a, and T4b to define a local tumor, expanding 3 regions to 18 “extents.” And this is just for the local disease (T). Nodes multiply the possibilities by 7. Metastases multiply the possibilities by 3, for more than 300 possibilities. Some are suitable for TLM. Some are not. No one knows where we should place the dividing line, or where “advanced” should start (or end). The staging system does encourage a summary format, stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, and stage 4, but the neck dominates this classification. If the neck is positive, everything is stage 3 or 4 (advanced), even if the primary is miniscule.
The staging of laryngeal cancer is not linked to any particular therapy and has significant limitations. TNM staging leaves out historic factors (age, previous treatments, habits, work, duration of and number of symptoms, literacy, religious beliefs, distance from treatment facility, etc.) and leaves out comorbidities. Both symptom severity scores and comorbidity scales have been shown to improve the accuracy of TLM.9 TNM also ignores complex patient factors (e.g., exophytic vs. endophytic, keratinized vs. ulcerated, stridor, obesity vs. cachexia, forced expiratory volume, ejection fraction, hemoglobin, protein levels, blood sugar, liver function tests). These and other limitations of TNM staging pose challenges to the treating physician.
Five Types of Local Laryngeal Cancer
Laser Surgery and Transoral Laser Microsurgery in the Treatment of Early, Intermediate, and Advanced Cancers
Laser surgery is not new in larynx cancer. Davis and colleagues35; Jako and colleagues36; Strong37; and Vaughan and assessites38 all treated selected tumors during the 1970s and early 1980s.
Through the 1980s and 1990s, Motta and others39 and Steiner40,41 pioneered a new concept: tumor transection in situ. Consider the implications. If infiltrative cancer could be safely resected in pieces, tumor depth could be determined in situ. Incremental resection would become possible—as in Mohs’ chemosurgery.42 (Mohs treated cancer successfully in more sites than just the skin.) One could “follow the tumor” (i.e., custom tailor the excision to each individual patient). If tumors could be subdivided into manageable subunits, early, intermediate, and even some advanced laryngeal cancers might be candidates.
Of course, transoral cordectomy provided outstanding results long before the laser was added. Suspension43–46 and the microscope were the keys, not a laser. What the laser added was questionable—costs for new equipment, time to set up, regulations in the operating room, thermal injury hazards, maintenance issues, anesthesia issues, more suction, filters, retraining requirements, and new credentialing. And what the laser gave up was considerable—the tactile feedback of cold steel microinstruments, the ability to cut around corners, the plume-free operating site, the char-free pathology specimen, operating room space, an unencumbered microscope, and the precision of a cut path versus a vaporization path.
But in the 1980s and 1990s, a sustained experience of endoscopic laser surgery for larger than T1a glottic cancers was growing in Germany.40,41,47–51 This raised additional questions among traditionalists. They had concerns about exposure, hemostasis, reconstruction, margins, and wound healing. The greatest concern, however, was tumor transection. Steiner cut right through laryngeal cancer—in situ—through a laryngoscope! The claimed advantage was visualization and confirmation of tumor depth. How did the skeptics respond? First, they were asked to compromise access and work through smoke with an endoscope, with no convincing evidence this was meaningful. Then they were asked to give up orientation and violate the principle of en bloc resection—with no laboratory evidence this was safe!
Other concerns fueled the discussion. After a laser supraglottic resection, there was no reconstruction! Open supraglottic laryngectomy always led to aspiration if one failed to repair the gap between the glottic unit and the tongue base.15,52,53 After laser SCPL, there was no cricohyoidopexy. Yet this was essential in open SCPL.19,24 There were so many additional issues a laser did not address (e.g., bleeders over 2 mm, ossified cartilage, neck nodes).
In North American practices, these considerations delayed TLM. This occurred despite much of the pioneering work originating in North America—the entire organ serial section studies from New Haven,54 Philadelphia,55 and Toronto56,57; the development of the CO2 laser itself at American Optical Corporation by Strong58 and associates in 1965; and the pioneering clinical laryngology of Strong37; Jako,36 Vaughan,38 Davis,35 and Ossoff59 and their coworkers; and Shapshay.60 But the German centers were leaders in the collaborative development of all the ancillary laryngologic instrumentation needed to capitalize on the technique. They pushed their experience well beyond the concerns recited earlier, tracked their results, and continue to report on their experience.41
Theoretic Basis of Transoral Laser Microsurgery
These are theoretic reasons we postulate that laser surgery permits local cancer ablation without en bloc resection. Is there any laboratory or clinical data? Werner and colleagues showed (for CO2 laser incisions) that the lymphatic vessels of the wound margin are sealed immediately, and lymphatic vessels remain sealed for about 10 days after laser surgery.61 And we also have 20 years of European clinical data.62–65 Steiner and colleagues41,64–67 have been performing TLM since the early 1980s. He and his colleagues have observed a low local recurrence rate (2% to 10%), a high survival rate, and a low rate of complications.66,67 They have not seen an increase in late neck or distant metastases during follow-up of more than 10 years. The incidence of cure by TLM is the same as the best results reported for open conservation surgery. Put another way, open surgery follows the principle of block resection but produces no more local cures than TLM! TLM allows laser tumor subdivision, but local failure occurs with the same low incidence as in traditional open conservation surgery.
If tumors can be extracted in pieces, the internal diameter of the laryngoscope does not set the limit on how large a tumor we can resect. The limit becomes the exposure for each step and our disciplined attention to specimen orientation. Mohs42 transected cancers in situ successfully, and his attention to orientation was uncompromising.
Later in this chapter we summarize our TLM results, as well as those of others.67 We have documented a low incidence of failure at the primary site and also reported the ultimate causes of death. Our conclusion is that ultraradical treatment of the primary is not justifiable in a disease for which the main causes of death are advanced neck recurrences, distant metastases, second primaries, and serious general diseases. In modern times, quality of life is increasingly salient. In related diseases like hypopharyngeal cancer (TLM treats pyriform cancer, too68), 5-year survival rates have stood between 15% and 30% for decades. Aggressive combined therapy (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and radical surgery) have not improved the poor prognosis. Again, if we can effect local control with conservation laser surgery, the argument in favor of radical ablation clearly declines.
Transoral Laser Microsurgery Compared with Open Conservation Surgery
During TLM, diagnosis continues.69 Wherever the local tumor extends, the microscope and the laser try to follow. Magnified tissue appearances acquire new significance. Some tumors change the vascular patterns in the mucosa. Deeper in, invasive cancer tends to appear pale and dysmorphic. Tissues give up subtle information about their consistency as they are retracted. Cancer is stiff or soft (soft can progress to friability and bleeding). Beyond the tumor, the expected microarchitecture is striated muscle, fat, seromucinous glands, fibrous perichondrium, (ossified) cartilage, or bone. Fat looks yellow and lobulated; mucous glands are pale and lobulated but more noticeably vascular. Muscle is striated. Fibrous tissue is white and dry. Ossified cartilage and bone carbonize to a dominoes-like appearance. The undersurface of the strap muscles is loose and areolar.
Instrumentation and Techniques of Transoral Laser Microsurgery
Besides mode and power, four more variables influence the effect:
A narrow vertically oval instrument like the Hollinger anterior commissure laryngoscope is the optimal tool to overcome difficult anterior visualization. But a narrow monocular laryngoscope is too narrow to accommodate the side-by-side dual optical pathways of an operating microscope. A Dedo anterior commissure laryngoscope overcomes this limitation. It provides just barely enough width to accommodate a microscope. The Zeitels Endocraft laryngoscope70 maintains this advantage and adds a useful tip enhancement for glottic work—less bevel. A blunt tip is better for holding aside the false cords. Regular tips actually cover the anterior commissure by the time the rest of the barrel reaches distal enough to lateralize the false cords. Zeitels’ scope also features proximal slots along the sides to improve access for the instruments. Special modifications load both the Dedo and the Zeitels instruments with extra light and need extra suctions carriers. Laser plume is the most troublesome limitation to clear vision during TLM, so the optimum allocation of suctions is important.
Storz and colleagues66,67 have developed a specific assortment of laryngoscopes for TLM. Their standard adult laser laryngoscope (8661 CN) has a dome-shaped cross-section, a lip at the tip (anterior commissure), and an unobtrusive suction channel incorporated into the upper wall of the blade and the handle. For larger tumors, distending laryngoscopes are the best. Two we have considered indispensable are the Weerda distending operating laryngoscope (8588 L) and the Weerda/Rudert distending supraglottiscope (8588 E). These instruments are wider, independently adjustable, and fitted with great suction tubes. The upper blade features flare at the side to help hold the tongue out of the way. The lower blade mounts on a strong left proximal C arch (8588 L) or a strong ring (8588 E) to provide minimal encroachment on instrument access.