Chapter 11 Management of the Patient with Drug Allergy
▪ Epidemiology
Management of a history of adverse reactions to drugs is challenging for both the physician and the patient. Almost all persons will have some sort of adverse drug reaction during their lifetime. Adverse drug reactions are responsible for one in twenty hospital admissions and occur in nearly a fifth of hospitalized patients.1 Fifty-nine percent of drug-related hospitalizations are preventable.2 Patients experiencing adverse drug reactions are more likely to stay in the hospital longer, 10.6 verses 6.8 days in one study, and their hospital costs are over US$5000 higher.3 Adverse drug reactions are responsible for 106 000 deaths per year.4 This makes them the fourth leading cause of death of hospitalized patients, and is even likely a very low estimate given underreporting and misdiagnosis of cause of death.5 This is even more of a tragedy as many of them are preventable and can be avoided through education and correction of systems errors. Any drug can cause an adverse drug reaction, but only a few drugs have been found to cause the majority of severe immune reactions. By becoming familiar with adverse drug reactions, physicians can protect the safety of their patients without unnecessarily withholding vital and recommended treatments.
▪ Risks
Certain medications have been implicated more frequently than others in allergic adverse drug reactions. There are particular risk factors that make an exposure to a drug more likely to lead to a clinically significant reaction (Table 11.1).6 The underlying chemical properties of a drug may make it more likely to become antigenic by reaction with host tissue, for instance by acting as a hapten and complexing with a native protein. Concurrent illness may lead to a drug reaction that would otherwise not occur. For example, almost all cases of Epstein–Barr virus infection treated with a course of amoxicillin lead to a characteristic drug rash.7 This rash does not recur on readministration of the medication when the patient is no longer experiencing their active, primary infection. The molecular weight of a drug is also an important factor. Low molecular weight drugs are likely not immunogenic on their own without haptenizing. This includes most medications. However, newer biologic agents such as monoclonal antibodies, are often complex protein structures with a high molecular weight and are capable of inducing an immune response on their own. The route of administration may make a patient more likely to have a drug reaction. The oral route and the subcutaneous routes are less risky in most cases, versus the IV route of the same medication. When a patient is receiving a repeated course of a medication they may also be more likely to react. The likely mechanism for this type of reaction involves sensitization through antigen presentation to the immune system during the first course (sensitization), followed by faster more severe response with a second dose due to immunologic memory. Patients may also be more likely to experience a drug reaction if they have had a prolonged course at a high dose of a particular drug therapy.
TABLE 11.1 Risk factors for drug reaction
Risk factor | Proposed mechanism/example |
Chemical structure | |
Concurrent illness | |
Route of administration | Oral less risky vs IV? method of antigen presentation |
Atopy | Possible – method of antigen presentation |
Gender | Greater in females, mechanism unknown |
Age | Possible – method of antigen presentation |
HLA polymorphism | Still being defined; method of antigen presentation |
Atopy significantly increases the risk of both having reactions and having more serious reactions. Female gender is associated with a one-third higher risk of cutaneous reaction verses male counterparts. Extremes of age, the very young and the elderly have fewer allergic drug reactions.6 The mechanisms that predispose an individual to adverse effects are related to the method by which a certain patient’s immune system responds to an antigen and determines what is “foreign,” and to what degree immunologic tolerance exists. Interestingly, HLA genetic polymorphisms are being identified in the population that may make one patient more likely to experience a reaction to a drug verses another patient. This exciting new field of pharmacogenetics may eventually make it economically and clinically feasible to prescreen patients by a laboratory test prior to treatment with medications in order to minimize adverse reactions.7
One must distinguish between known side effects or symptoms caused by a drug, or toxicity to the drug, termed type A reactions, and those that are more unusual and not anticipated in the general population based on the drug’s properties, termed type B reactions. An example of type A reactions would be tinnitus with high dose aspirin or nausea after taking an antibiotic. Type B reactions include allergic, pseudoallergic, and idiosyncratic drug reactions. Only type B reactions will be discussed in detail below and will be the focus of this text. Approximately 25% of adverse drug reactions can be classified as type B reactions.
▪ Pseudoallergic reactions
These reactions often include symptoms that are indistinguishable clinically from true IgE-mediated allergic reactions, including hives and life-threatening collapse of the respiratory and circulatory systems. Medications commonly implicated in pseudoallergic reactions are listed in Box 11.1. These reactions are usually non-IgE-mediated mast cell or basophil mediator release.8 No previous period of sensitization to the medication is required. Pseudoallergic reactions are typical of drug reactions to opiates, colloids, some nonsteroidal medications, radiocontrast media, and some antibiotics. The treatment of a pseudoallergic reaction is the same as that for allergic and anaphylactic reactions (see below). In the case of opiates, especially when clinically necessary as in palliative care, the physician often may treat through the reaction with H1 and H2 blockers or steroids. More severe reactions are rarely seen, and tolerance seems to develop just as it does to other side effects and therapeutic effects of the narcotic. Not all narcotics or synthetic narcotics have a similar risk of inducing pseudoallergic reactions. Morphine and codeine are frequently involved while fentanyl is not.
BOX 11.1 Causes of pseudoallergic drug reactions
Medications associated with pseudoallergic reactions
Radiocontrast media (higher osmolar especially)
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
There is a 1 in 50 incidence of having a pseudoallergic reaction to radiocontrast media. Even though the reactions to radiocontrast media are pseudoallergic reactions, they should be taken seriously as they may be severe and are fatal in up to 1 in 50 000 events. Patients that react to radiocontrast media have a high likelihood, up to 44%, of having a reaction again on a second exposure. Premedication with antihistamines such as diphenhydramine and corticosteroids starting 12–24 hours before the procedure combined with the use of newer, lower osmolar contrast agents may minimize the chance of subsequent reaction to 1%.9,10 This risk is not zero, however, as evidenced by a report of anaphylaxis despite premedication, thus patients should be apprised of the risks with informed consent prior to procedures.11 While more controversial, oral ephedrine and oral albuterol may also be considered as prophylaxis in these cases of reaction to radiocontrast media. The physician must recall that radiocontrast media is also used in myelograms, hystosalpingograms, and retrograde pyelograms. Atopic individuals, those with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unstable heart disease using beta blockers, and those with previous adverse events to contrast in the past, are considered at risk of adverse events when receiving radiocontrast.12,13 In contrast to a popular myth, radiocontrast does not cross-react with seafood or iodine.
Administration of vancomycin may be accompanied by erythema, flushing, and allergic-like symptoms. Known as red man’s syndrome, this type of reaction does not reflect true allergy and can usually be managed by slowing the infusion rate and using premedication such as antihistamines.14 However, although very rare, IgE-mediated anaphylaxis to vancomycin may occur. Pseudoallergic reaction to iron dextran has also been reported, and for patients who require this medication, a successful graded challenge protocol has been described.15
▪ Idiosyncratic Reactions
Most reactions to aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) fit into this category, although true IgE-mediated reactions to isolated agents do occur rarely.16 By non-IgE-mediated reactions, aspirin and NSAID reactions may manifest as urticaria, angioedema, wheezing, nasal congestion, or may trigger recurrence of urticaria and angioedema in a person with chronic idiopathic urticaria. The mechanism to explain why patients with aspirin allergy, nasal polyps often leading to sinusitis, and asthma, which make up Samter’s triad, is also unknown.17 In those patients with Samter’s triad, a decrease in prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and an increase in leukotrienes may be found, implicating a mechanism of action based on the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways following breakdown of arachidonic acid.18 Involvement of this pathway also explains cross-reactive drug reaction with high dose acetaminophen in a third of these individuals. There is no value in skin testing these patients, since the mechanism is not IgE-mediated. These patients may respond to antileukotriene medications such as montelukast and zafirlukast as well as the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, zileuton. These patients with aspirin sensitivity may respond to graded challenge to aspirin as described below. Graded challenge leads to improved quality of life, improved asthma, less need for polypectomy and sinus surgery, reduced symptom of congestion and decreased emergency room visits and hospitalizations. Graded challenge protocols or desensitizations are usually not effective in patients with aspirin-induced urticaria or angioedema.19
Another idiosyncratic reaction is angioedema to ACE inhibitors. Up to a quarter of patients on ACE inhibitors may develop a persistent cough that may last for weeks after the drug is discontinued. This is more common in females and more likely to occur early during therapy.20 Angiotensin receptor blockers have not been associated with cough. Angioedema secondary to ACE inhibitors is much less common, but can be serious, with one-third of patients hospitalized as a result and one tenth requiring intensive care21 (Figure 11.1). Physicians must have a high degree of suspicion to diagnose this condition, as it may occur after a patient has been asymptomatically on the medication for months to years. Unlike in the case with cough, angioedema to angiotensin receptor blockers has been described.22
▪ Immune Mediated
Many, although not all, type B reactions with an immune basis can be classified using the Gell and Coombs classification23 (Table 11.2). Under this classification, reaction types are numbered I through IV based on the immune system components thought to be responsible. This may be confusing, as a single drug can lead to different reactions in different patients, or the same patient, each of which may fit a different Gell and Coombs type. Also, this classification is for discussion and the reactions rarely occur in isolation. For instance, penicillin has been associated with reactions in each classification. Furthermore, the mechanism for many drug reactions is unknown, and other reaction types such as “typical maculopapular drug rash”, do not fit neatly into the classification scheme. However, the Gell and Coombs classification is frequently utilized in the literature to categorize drug reactions on an immunologic basis. Therefore physicians should have an understanding of its classes as well as examples of each type.
Type I reactions are mediated by IgE and are the reactions that physicians usually consider to be true drug “allergies.” Prior exposure and sensitization is necessary in order to develop IgE. It is thought that either the medication or one of its metabolites is presented by MHC class II complexes on antigen presenting cells. As many drugs have low molecular weights, they need to covalently bond to self proteins to be immunogenic, a process termed haptenizing.24 If the antigen presenting cell containing the drug/hapten complex is a B cell, and is recognized by a MHC/antigen-specific T cell in the presence of the correct cytokine milieu, usually IL-4 and IL-13, the B cell will be activated, leading to IgE production. On second exposure to the drug, drug-specific IgE molecules on mast cells may become cross-linked, leading to degranulation of mast cells and then the typical symptoms consistent with an allergic reaction (Figure 11.2). An example of a type 1 reaction would be the development of urticaria and anaphylaxis immediately following infusion of IV ampicillin, in a patient that had received the medication on a previous hospitalization without difficulty. In addition to the early phase of type 1 reactions, which are mainly secondary to histamine release from mast cells and basophils, a late phase may occur 3–6 hours later. This late phase is secondary to the influx and activation of inflammatory cells, such as the eosinophil, and may cause worsening symptoms hours after the initial event. Type 1 reactions may be evaluated by skin testing under the guidance of an allergist and often can be treated by desensitization protocols if necessaary.
Type 2 reactions are caused by antibody-dependent, cell-mediated cytotoxicity. The antigens, in this case the drug or its metabolite, becomes associated with cells or extracellular matrix proteins. IgG antibodies form against the antigen, in a mechanism similar to, although not identical to, the mechanism described above for IgE antibody formation. These IgG antibodies bind the drug/cell or drug/matrix complex. Complement fixation occurs and effector cells such as phagocytes and natural killer recognize the reaction by binding the Fc portion of the IgG, and lead to cytotoxic events that destroy surrounding tissue. Symptoms depend on the tissue or cells involved. An example of this type of reaction would be immune-mediated, hemolytic anemia causing destruction of red blood cells after taking penicillin or a related compound. Quinidine and alpha-methyldopa have also been implicated in this type of reaction.25,26 Thrombocytopenia is frequently caused by this mechanism as well.
Type 3 reactions are usually due to the formation of immune complexes, containing IgM or IgG plus complement and a soluble antigen. This reaction is most likely to occur in cases of slight antigen excess, often a few weeks after the last dose of the medication. These complexes deposit in specific bodily tissues and when complement fixation or effector cell mediator release occurs, the organs or tissues into which the complexes have lodged become damaged, as innocent bystanders. Examples of this type of reaction include the Arthus’ reaction and serum sickness. This class of drug reaction may become more clinically relevant as more monoclonal antibodies containing mouse and other species’ proteins are marketed.
▪ Others
Still, many other reactions are not well described by the Gell and Coombs classification table. Following multiple drugs, especially antibiotics, patients develop a morbilliform rash (Figures 11.3, 11.4) or bullous lesions, days after the medication has been started. Organ damage through fibrosis and inflammation occurs with broad medication classes and risk cannot be predicted for an individual patient. The lungs are at particular risk for drug reactions, and depending on the offending medication, almost every pathologic type of lung disease may occur. Sulfonamides, NSAIDs, and others may cause an acute pneumonitis picture. Narcotic drug abusers may develop a noncardiac pulmonary edema. Churg–Strauss vasculitis has been associated with the withdrawal of leukotriene receptor antagonists secondary to the ability to withdraw corticosteroids in asthmatic patients on these medications.27 Methicillin and sulfonamides are classic as causes of interstitial nephritis. Urine eosinophils and increased IgE may be found and may aid in diagnosis in these cases.28 Kidney biopsy is likely not necessary and function often returns to normal after drug discontinuation. Sun-induced rash is described with various antibiotics and some diuretics, among other medications. The frequently used medication for Parkinson’s disease, carbidopa/levidopa, is associated with a hypersensitivity pneumonitis. This may be an important association to keep in mind for those in geriatric medicine or who care for elderly patients. A spectrum of diseases, from erythema multiforme to Stevens–Johnson syndrome to toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), occurs most commonly following sulfonamides but also with other drugs. Stevens–Johnson syndrome has less than 10% involvement of the mucous membranes, while TEN has >30% mucosal involvement.
On a cellular level, an understanding of antigen presentation and involved cells and cytokines in relation to drug allergy is still being determined. Processing of drugs in a certain way by keratinocytes in the skin may have a role, especially as cutaneous manifestation of drug allergy is the most common symptom. T-cell response is critical.29 In many cases, the reaction is specific, as can be demonstrated by drug-specific T-cell response to sulfonamide antibiotics. Depending on the way in which a drug is processed, T-cell response to that particular agent may be secondary to CD4 or CD8 pathways, or to both pathways. The familiar maculopapular morbilliform rash seen in reaction to beta lactam antibiotics is associated with CD8+ T cells with interleukin (IL) 2 and interferon gamma production.30 In an immediate reaction to penicillin, CD4 cells are participating and IL-4 is elevated. As there are alternative methods of inducing immmunogenicity, neither pathway could be involved.
Beta lactam containing antibiotics, such as penicillin, are the most common culprits in IgE-mediated drug reaction in the USA. Up to 10% of hospitalized patients report a penicillin allergy. Each dose of penicillin is associated with a 0.01–0.05% chance of reaction.31 Beta lactam antibiotics are also responsible for the majority of drug-related deaths, causing 75% of fatal anaphylaxis events in the USA each year.32 A person’s IgE to penicillin declines over time.33 It is absent in 70% of adults with documented penicillin allergy upon retesting 10 years later. Perhaps this explains why greater than 80% of patients with a historical penicillin allergy are negative on evaluation.34–36 Patients more likely to retain skin test positivity to penicillin include those with a history of anaphylaxis, 46% positive on skin testing, versus those with hives and swelling, 15% of whom remain positive.37
As the name suggests, beta lactam antibiotics are composed of a beta lactam and a thiazolodine ring. The beta lactam ring is unstable and opens easily. Unlike many other medications, metabolism of penicillin is not necessary for haptenization, the parent compounds are capable of binding serum proteins on their own. Amide linkages are formed with the lysine structures on self-proteins, leading to the major determinant, penicilloyl.38 Minor determinants form through haptenization with carboxyl and thiol groups39 (Figure 11.5). Specific IgE-binding sites have been identified on penicillin.40 Between the major and minor determinants, the majority of IgE-mediated reactions can be explained. Other reactions may be due to side chains, and this may be an important source of cross-reactions with some of the cephalosporin group.40
Drug reactions to other classes of antibiotics are less common than those to the beta lactams, and compromise approximately 3% of drug reactions. Trimethaprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) is a common cause of hypersensitivity reaction and occurs in up to 4% of healthy individuals and half of all individuals with HIV infection. Drug reaction to TMP/SMX usually involves the aromatic amine at the N4 ring position. There is also an N1-substituted ring. Sulfonamides are usually metabolized via N-acetylation to form relatively inactive metabolites. They may also undergo N-oxidation to reactive metabolites, some of which may be reduced by glutathione reductase.41 Problems with cell glutathione levels may explain the tendency for some individuals, such as HIV-infected patients, to react not only to sulfonamides but also to other medications that utilize these pathways.42 As all active metabolites for drug reaction are not know, skin testing is not predictive of future response in patients with TMP/SMX reaction. As nonantibiotics, sulfa-containing medications do not have this structure, and the chance of cross-reaction between them is very low and has not been convincingly described.
Presentations may vary, and this is another medication that through varied immune processing and presentation can cause various cutaneous and extracutaneous features. Reaction to TMP/SMX can include a morbilliform rash, which often develops between 1 and 1.5 half weeks after starting the medication. TMP/SMX is a common cause of Stevens–Johnson syndrome and mucocutaneous lesions are an absolute contraindication to repeated use of the drug. The metabolic machinery of a particular patient may put them at risk, as slow acetylators of TMP/SMX may be more likely to have mucocutaneous complications. A significant portion of HIV-positive patients develops a drug reaction to sulfonamides.43 Even many HIV patients without clinical symptoms of drug reaction have measurable IgG and IgM antibodies toTMP/SMX. The utility and predictive value of these antibodies is unknown.
Drug allergy to other antibiotic classes such as aminoglycosides and macrolides is less frequent. Telithromycin, although a new class of medications, may have cross-reactivity with those with drug reactions to related macrolides. Drug reaction to quinolones, topoisomerase inhibitors, are associated with cutaneous lesions in 2% of people on the first dose, responding to an unknown mechanism.44 There is usually cross-reactivity within the quinolone class of antibiotics, with allergy to one medication in the class eliminating other members for use.45 Skin testing to these medications is not standardized.
IgE-mediated reactions have been described to several anticancer therapeutics, such as L-asparaginase, doxorubicin, and cisplatin and carboplatin. Skin testing to the platins has a 91% negative predictive value.46 Desensitizations to these medications have been performed, but success is variable.47 Prior to the use of L-asparaginase, some chemotherapy protocols call for an intradermal skin test placement, as the risk of reaction to this drug may be greater than 10%. Other frequently used products, like Cremophor El, the solvent for paclitaxel, have been implicated in anaphylactoid reactions. Bleomycin, busulfan and cyclophosphamide are implicated in cytotoxic pulmonary fibrosis, but are unlikely culprits in IgE-mediated disease.48 Methotrexate may be associated with an acute presentation of fever, cough, and shortness of breath months after the medication was started. Again, this reaction is unlikely to be IgE mediated. As long as the diagnosis is made and the medication discontinued in time, diffuse infiltrates usually clear from chest X-ray.49
Perioperative drug reactions are also common. Muscle relaxants are the most common agent involved in an IgE-mediated reaction during anesthesia. They are responsible for one reaction in 4500 cases. Some muscle relaxants may be potent histamine releasers, but IgE has been demonstrated as well to muscle relaxants.50 Induction agents, like thiopental, should also be considered. During investigation of perioperative anaphylaxis, not only anesthetic agents should be evaluated, but also latex and prophylactic antibiotics should be considered in the differential. “Allergic” reactions to local anesthetics, although a frequent cause of referral to the allergist’s office, are not likely to be secondary to IgE mediation, but rather to vasovagal reactions or toxic reactions following accidental injection into the vascular system.51 Local anesthetics belong to one of two classes, the amides and the esters. Despite past belief, there may be cross-reaction both within and between classes. Testing is usually conducted by a graded challenge, if prick testing to full strength material is negative. Intracutaneous doses of 0.1 ml of dilutions starting at 1 : 1000 or 1 : 100 of multiple local anesthetic agents should be tested.
Reaction to blood products during transfusion may be secondary to the presence of anti-IgA antibodies in IgA-deficient patients reacting to IgA in the product. Patients with diabetes, on neutral protamine hagedorn (NPH) insulin, who undergo coronary artery bypass surgery, are at risk for drug reaction to the protamine given to reverse the effects of heparin at the end of the procedure. This risk is elevated 50 times in these patients as a significant portion of them have become sensitized to protamine through their NPH insulin product.52 Diverse reactions to heparin have been described, from urticaria, increased eosinophils and anaphylaxis to thrombocytopenia.53 The latter reaction may be secondary to IgG antibody formation to platelet factor 4. Cross-reactivity with low molecular weight heparin exists, but cross-reaction to synthetic products are minimal.

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