© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
Michael O’Brien and William P. Meehan III (eds.)Head and Neck Injuries in Young AthletesContemporary Pediatric and Adolescent Sports Medicine10.1007/978-3-319-23549-3_1414. Visual Dysfunction in Concussion
Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Ophthalmology, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, 300 Longwood Avenue, Fegan 4, Boston, MA 02115, USA
The last decade has seen a 60 % rise in sport-related brain trauma in emergency departments across the country [1]. Although prima facie disturbing, the steep rise can be attributed to increased awareness of deficits that can occur from concussion. The intent is not to discourage play but rather to enable people to engage in sport and recreational activity armed with knowledge to keep them playing longer, smarter, and safer.
Concussion is defined quite clearly across the literature. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describes it as a “Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) caused by a sudden jolt, bump or blow to the head that can change the way the brain normally works” [2]. However, since every concussion (mTBI) is different and cannot be diagnosed by brain imaging alone, identification and treatment require awareness of the full gamut of symptoms. The most common initial symptoms are headache, fatigue, dizziness, taking longer to think, nausea, emesis, and, occasionally, loss of consciousness. Later symptoms include sleep disturbances, frustration, and forgetfulness [3]. Another major indicator of concussion is vision-related irregularities.
About 50 % of brain areas are involved in visual information processing, and the visual cortex is a complex network within the central nervous system [4, 5]. This makes the visual system susceptible to many functional deficits from mTBI. A myriad of vision and ocular deficits post-concussion have been reported in the literature during the acute, subacute, and chronic phase of the injury with an incidence that varies between 30 and 90 % [6–8]. Left untreated, this visual dysfunction affects rehabilitative therapies [9] and delays recovery [10]. In evaluating mTBI in war veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, vision-related deficits, particularly from a blast-related injury [11–16], have been better characterized, helped establish diagnostic protocols, and allowed targeted treatment. We can apply these lessons to the young athlete. This chapter provides an overview of the typical visual deficits and discusses diagnostic testing and treatment modalities for the visual sequelae of mTBI.
Mechanism of Injury
Cerebral dysfunction from TBI occurs in two categories. The primary effect manifests within minutes to hours and is due to direct trauma to the neurons. This direct trauma causes diffuse axonal injury. The secondary effect, which appears hours to days following the injury, results from nerve edema, inflammation, and/or compression from surrounding swollen areas. The damage from the secondary effect can be more pronounced and long standing than the primary effect and may cause the many symptoms in mTBI [17–19]. The neural injury from mTBI is transient, though recovery from symptoms can take a few days to 6 months, and in some cases, a year or longer [20–22].
Brief Overview of Brain Centers Involved in Processing Visual Information
The image of the visual world is transmitted from the retina through the optic nerve to the occipital lobe in the cerebral cortex. Most connections are directed toward area V1, which is the primary visual cortex of the brain. Information is then relayed to higher visual cortical pathways ultimately splitting into one directed to the temporal lobe (“what” pathway) and the other directed to the parietal lobe (“where” pathway). The “what” pathway, also called the ventral stream, processes information regarding object recognition (i.e., form, shape, and color). The “where” pathway, also called the dorsal stream, processes information regarding visual action (i.e., motion, eye movements, visual attention, and spatial localization). A separate subcortical pathway communicates information from the eye to the midbrain (superior colliculus), and this processing stream relays information on eye movement, pupil control, and accommodation (eye’s ability to focus). Finally, the frontal cortex integrates information from the superior colliculus as well as the parietal, temporal, and occipital cortices. Visual information is processed by these centers in the human brain, and proper function is critical to integration of information; hence, disturbances across several cortical and subcortical regions lend individuals vulnerable to visual dysfunction after mTBI.
Since the effect of mTBI on the visual system is varied, tests incorporating multiple measures of visual function are necessary. Many of these tests can be excellent predictors of subtle cortical and subcortical changes in the brain from injury. Recently, a test incorporating eye movements, the King–Devick test (K–D), may be useful as a rapid screening tool in determining whether an athlete has suffered a concussion [23].
Vision-Related Symptoms
Visual complaints following concussion include blurry vision, difficulty focusing, light sensitivity, double vision, eyestrain, headache when reading, and difficulty reading. In addition, interactions between the visual and vestibular systems cause dizziness and motion sickness, especially in crowded environments. When these symptoms manifest, daily activities such as performance in sport and in school can be affected.
Etiologies for Visual Symptoms
Refractive Error
Symptom: blurred vision—intermittent or consistent at distance or at near.
Refractive error (the amount that the eye is out of focus) can account for blurred vision. Under normal circumstances, the visual system has the ability to compensate for small refractive errors, but if the focusing system (accommodation) is affected by concussion, the ability to compensate can be weak to nonexistent, making the patient symptomatic [6]. In these instances, correction of small magnitude of refractive error can provide better visual clarity post-concussion [6, 10, 24].
Treatment: An eye-care provider is needed to perform a full and dilated eye exam. Once this is done, a measure of the refractive state of the eye under cycloplegic conditions is necessary in young individuals. The cycloplegia (a paralysis of the ability to focus) is necessary since young individuals can change their focus easily. Once refractive error is determined, prescribing a pair of glasses with the appropriate correction can improve symptoms.
Accommodation (Eye Focusing Skill)
Symptoms: blurred vision, focusing difficulties, eyestrain, double vision, difficulty reading, fatigue with prolonged close work, difficulty concentrating and staying focused, and headaches.
A common cause for intermittent blurred vision is deficits in accommodation. Accommodation is defined as the ability of the eye to focus from distance to near and to maintain clarity of the target image. Multiple brain centers including the midbrain, cerebellum, and cortex control accommodation, and it can be easily affected by mTBI [25]. Loss of accommodation (accommodative insufficiency) is common after mTBI [6, 13, 25]. The incidence varies from 10 to 40 % [6, 8, 26]. This causes fluctuation in near vision affecting reading by causing fatigue with close work and inability to sustain reading for long periods of time.
Treatment: Near-vision spectacles (low-powered plus lenses) can be helpful when there is loss of accommodation. This is akin to reading glasses used by older individuals. Appropriate correction of distance farsightedness and astigmatism can also help the accommodative system function efficiently. Optometric vision rehabilitation measures are the treatment of choice to help normalize function of the accommodative system [27, 28].
Convergence Insufficiency (Eye Teaming Skill)
Symptoms: double vision, difficulty reading, skipping lines, skipping words, words moving on the page, intermittent blurry vision, eyestrain, visual fatigue, re-reading lines, and headache.
Vergence or eye teaming is the ability of the eyes to work together. This involves disconjugate eye movements where the eyes move in opposite directions while trying to focus on an object at near. The most common cause of visual symptoms post-mTBI is convergence insufficiency [6, 11–14, 29–32]. This deficit can also be caused by deficits in accommodation, which makes the convergence appear weak.
Treatment: Prism glasses can compensate for a difficulty in convergence and can be prescribed. Optometric vision rehabilitation measures are most effective in improving convergence insufficiency, overall symptoms, and quality of life related to this deficit [33].
Ocular Motility (Eye Tracking Skill)
Symptoms: difficulty following lines when reading, skipping lines, words, re-reading lines, words appearing to move or jump on a page, dizziness, and motion sensitivity.
Version or eye tracking is the ability of the eyes to follow objects conjugately. In this case, both eyes move in the same direction. This includes fixation, saccades, and pursuits. Fixation is the ability of the eyes to hold gaze in a particular position. Saccades are the ability of the eyes to fixate quickly between one target and another. Pursuits are the ability of the eye to follow or track a moving target. Areas of the midbrain, frontal cortex, and parietal cortex control the eye tracking ability [6, 34], and these areas are susceptible to injury from concussion. Studies suggest that eye movement deficits may be more sensitive than neuropsychological testing for persisting neurological anomalies [35, 36] after mTBI. The symptoms reported from eye focusing, eye teaming, and eye tracking skills affect daily activities like reading in school-aged children to employment tasks in teens and adults. They also affect overall performance in sports in an athlete.
Treatment: Optometric vision rehabilitation measures are the most effective in improving the eye tracking skills [37].
In this chapter, eye teaming (vergence), eye focusing (accommodation), and eye tracking (ocular motility) deficits have been discussed separately to highlight symptoms related to each system for ease of comprehension. In true essence, these deficits are rarely isolated, and there is substantial interaction between these visual systems . The goal of optometric vision rehabilitation is to normalize each of these systems to optimal levels with the aim of reducing or eliminating symptoms [10, 32, 38].
Light Sensitivity (Photophobia)
Symptom: Sensitivity to light indoors and outdoors.
Light sensitivity is a very common symptom post-concussion though the exact etiology is not known [10, 39]. It is common during the subacute stage of the injury. Improvement of symptoms occurs by 6 months, but some can remain for longer [40–42]. Patients have trouble with indoor and outdoor lighting; even back-illuminated light sources like televisions, computer screens, smartboards, iPads, and e-readers are overly bright.
Treatment: Indoors: Decreasing the brightness of electronic screens helps with function. Low-grade, tinted glasses of 20–30 % brown, rose, or gray alleviate symptoms; these are typically fit based on patient trial. Natural recovery occurs though a variable time course. Outdoors: Tinted lenses from 60 to 90 % gray and brown provide relief and are again chosen based on patient trial. Tinted lenses have to be used cautiously as there are reports that these lenses may cause symptoms to linger and psychological adaptation, which can cause difficulty weaning wear of these lenses [43].
Visual–Vestibular Deficits
Symptoms: dizziness, nausea, imbalance, vertigo, motion sickness, feeling overwhelmed in a crowded environment, reading in the car, and dynamic environments can be hard to handle [44, 45].
The vestibulo-ocular reflex helps in stabilizing the vision as the head moves. The control for this reflex comes from the semicircular canals in the inner ear. Vision provides indirect control for this reflex [45, 46].
Treatment: A comprehensive vestibular evaluation is important. Visual-motor rehabilitation including ocular motor control (fixation and pursuits) can help improve symptoms and function. Combined rehabilitative modalities with physical and occupational therapy are most effective.
Diagnostic Protocol
Early and accurate diagnosis is crucial as one of the current recommendations for concussion management is cognitive rest [3, 47–49]. Patients suspected of having concussion should undergo a standard battery of tests of the visual system, especially those with prolonged visual symptoms after the first 3–6 weeks. This evaluation is necessary as part of the diagnostic work-up but also as part of the approach to treatment. The visual exam needs to include tests that assess eye teaming, eye focusing, and eye tracking skills. Specifically, recent evidence suggests that near point of convergence, accommodative amplitude, and vergence and accommodative peak velocity yield the highest sensitivity in identifying vision-related deficits post-concussion [50]. This diagnostic evaluation needs to be performed by an eye-care provider versed in addressing binocular visual function. Pediatric optometrists and optometrists specializing in binocular vision eye exam are typically the most proficient in performing these exams, and they should be sought out to appropriately diagnose and manage these patients.
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