Chapter 53 Reoperative Thyroid Surgery
Approximately one third of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) have tumor recurrence; most are diagnosed within 10 years of initial treatment.1–3 Locoregional recurrences may arise in the thyroid bed, the central or lateral neck, the mediastinum, or, rarely, in the trachea or the muscle overlying the thyroid bed. The mortality from locally recurrent disease in low-risk group patients (according to the Age, Metastases, Extent, and Size [AMES] prognostic index) with DTC is only 4%. However, high-risk patients, such as males and those older than 45 years of age, experience a significantly higher mortality rate of 27% with disease recurrence.4 Clinical or radiologic evidence of locally recurrent DTC is generally treated with surgical removal of the focus of disease and postoperative iodine-131 with some patients receiving postop radiotherapy (XRT) as well, depending on the tumor extent, exact histology, and completeness of resection. Among younger and low-risk patients (< 45 years), an increasingly preferred approach is to observe patients with nonbulky disease (less than 1 cm), after informed discussion with the patient, and to only recommend surgery with clear evidence of progressive disease.
Revision or reoperative thyroid surgery is often technically challenging because of anatomic changes and reparative fibrosis following primary surgery especially in the central neck (see Chapter 10, Reoperation for Benign Disease). Consequently, reoperative surgery may be associated with high rates of complications in inexperienced hands.5–7 However, with experience and appropriate preparation, the risk of permanent hypoparathyroidism or recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injury after reoperative surgery is reported to be low (less than 3% and 1%, respectively).8,9 Surgeons contemplating revision thyroid surgery must possess the essential reoperative surgical skills and an intimate knowledge of regional anatomy to achieve such a low morbidity for what can often be a tedious and difficult procedure.
Indications for Revision Surgery
Reoperative thyroid surgery may be performed under a number of circumstances. A patient may have had a previous thyroid lobectomy and require a completion thyroidectomy for DTC. Recurrence of thyroid cancer may require reexploration of the thyroid bed and usually central compartment lymph node dissection sometimes combined with the lateral neck (see Chapters 38, Central Neck Dissection: Technique, and 40, Lateral Neck Dissection: Technique). Additionally, recurrence of cancer in the thyroid remnant, after a partially removed nodular or multinodular goiter for benign symptomatic thyroid disease, will also require reoperation.
Anatomic Changes Following Thyroidectomy
A thorough knowledge of the normal anatomy of the neck (and its common variations), in particular the central visceral compartment, provides the fundamental basis for considering both primary and reoperative surgery. However, changes in cervical anatomy often take place following primary thyroidectomy, which should be borne in mind. Scarring from prior surgery may cause increased difficulty in identifying and dissecting important structures. The carotid sheath is an important landmark in thyroid surgery as it provides the constant lateral boundary of dissection and is an important landmark when initially identifying the RLN.10 Realizing that the great vessels of the neck may medialize following thyroidectomy and may be directly adjacent to and often densely adherent to the trachea is important. If the strap muscles were excised because of tumor involvement, the great vessels may be superficial and medial. In circumstances where the strap muscles were previously resected, scarring in the central neck and reoperation is typically dense. Further, the internal jugular vein may become superficial and adherent to the undersurface of the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle, and the brachiocephalic artery may be drawn high in the lower central neck as a result of scar contracture. These venous structures in reoperative surgery are perhaps the most difficult to manage, primarily because of their tendency to scar to adjacent musculature. When reoperating on the area of the ipsilateral thyroid remnant, the recurrent laryngeal nerve is often difficult to identify and dissect because it is buried in scar tissue. Scarring under the strap muscles may lead to a superficial RLN adherent to the undersurface of the muscles. On occasions RLNs have been described on the anterior wall of the trachea due to scarring and wound contracture. Typically during revision central neck dissection the recurrent laryngeal nerve is scarred immediately to the upper cervical trachea over a span of the first several tracheal rings and lateral cricoid and is most commonly injured in this segment (see Chapter 33, Surgical Anatomy and Monitoring of the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve). The tracheoesophageal groove itself may be scarred and distorted, making the identification of the esophagus almost impossible. Placement of a bougie may help prevent inadvertent esophageal perforation during dissection. The location of preserved parathyroid glands will often be grossly distorted and requires a high index of suspicion of any potential parathyroid tissue during reexploration. Parathyroid and recurrent laryngeal nerve identification during revision central neck dissection require a bloodless field.
Serum Thyroglobulin Levels
Serum thyroglobulin (Tg) level measurement is the most widely used method of early detection and monitoring for persistent or recurrent thyroid cancer. Persistently elevated thyroglobulin after surgery or focal radioiodine avidity suggests residual tumor burden or residual functioning thyroid tissue. When thyroglobulin is elevated because of tumor burden, it may be due to residual or recurrent tumor, regional nodal disease, or distant metastases. Thyroglobulin doubling time of less than 1 year has recently been found to have significant prognostic importance.11
Ultrasonography has been shown to be a highly sensitive and specific technique that can be used to monitor patients for recurrent thyroid carcinoma in the thyroid bed after total thyroidectomy. A major advantage is that it can detect recurrences that are noniodine avid and when Tg measurements are compromised by the presence of antibodies. One large study reported sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive values for ultrasound (US) in reoperative patients of 90%, 79%, and 94%, respectively.12 The ultrasound scan must encompass both the central compartment and lateral necks in a comprehensive fashion. High-resolution ultrasound offers detection limits as small as 3- to 4-mm metastatic or recurrent deposits, and thus allows for the accurate detection of cervical lymph node and soft tissue metastases that are not evident on physical examination.13 Preoperative high-resolution ultrasound mapping has been shown to improve the detection and assessment of lymph node metastasis in patients with persistent or recurrent papillary thyroid cancer (PTC).12 Ultrasound becomes especially helpful in reoperative planning and determination of the need for further neck dissection. Stulak et al. reviewed almost 1000 patients who underwent preoperative US scan prior to thyroid surgery (primary and revision) and showed that in reoperative patients, nonpalpable disease was detected in 64% via US.12 They also showed that even when disease was palpable in the neck, US assessment altered the extent of planned operation in 43% of reoperative cases. However, US imaging is relatively poor at the skull base, retromanubrial, retropharyngeal, and retrotracheal spaces. Also, it offers poor sensitivity for tracheal invasion and extranodal extension of disease. Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning is required for accurate assessment of these areas and features.
CT Axial Imaging with Contrast
Contrast enhanced CT imaging is commonly used in the head and neck in the evaluation of nodal metastases. CT is not operator dependent and is done in a highly repeatable fashion and performed with fine cuts that are several millimeters in size. CT images are familiar to surgeons and can give detailed anatomic information. Additionally, CT is used as the test of choice for evaluating laryngeal or tracheal cartilage invasion in thyroid cancer. CT performs better than MRI in the determination of positive lymph nodes.14 Characteristics of lymph node metastases on CT scans include cystic change, enhancement, calcification, and enlarged size.
The downside of CT imaging is that when the CT is performed with iodinated contrast, the patient will need to wait approximately 2 months before receiving radioactive iodine. Recent data have shown, however, that even significant delays in radioactive iodine do not have an adverse effect.15 Generally, radioactive iodine treatments are not given until 6 to 8 weeks following surgery; therefore, the delay resulting from the CT contrast imaging is minimal. The benefits of contrast on localizing lymph node metastases allowing for effective surgery outweigh the short wait for radioactive iodine while the patient recovers from surgery. Further, it has been our experience that the majority of patients with recurrent central neck disease no longer maintain radioactive iodine avidity, a fact confirmed by others. Clayman et al. found that 82% of those with recurrent disease scanned failed to take up radioactive iodine.16
Evidence is now emerging that the combination of CT and ultrasound will give the highest yield in preoperative nodal planning (see Figures 14-1, 14-2, and 14-3 in Chapter 14, Preoperative Radiographic Mapping of Nodal Disease for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma). The combination approach has been found to be superior to ultrasound alone.17,18 Kim and others found the combination approach increased the sensitivity of detection of central lymph node metastases when compared to ultrasound alone.
Recently, in a study examining the efficacy of lymph node detection by physical exam, ultrasound, and contrast-enhanced CT, the greatest sensitivity in imaging of the central and lateral neck was demonstrated to be with a combination of CT and ultrasound.18 Primary and revision patients with papillary thyroid cancer benefited from imaging with both modalities. The sensitivity of CT scanning was found to be superior to US in the central neck of patients undergoing primary surgery for thyroid cancer (50% versus 26%). The addition of the CT scan gave valuable data in the search for macroscopic disease in the central neck that would have been missed by ultrasound alone. In both the central and lateral neck, the greatest sensitivity is delivered by the combination of US and CT compared to physical exam or ultrasound alone. Importantly, in 26% of patients overall, dissection based on a positive CT scan but negative ultrasound scanning yielded positive lymph nodes on pathology that would not have been removed with ultrasound alone; 25% of patients undergoing primary surgery and 27% of patients undergoing revision surgery had lymph nodes removed because of CT findings that would not have been removed based on ultrasound alone. This represents a significant number of patients who may have been spared from further required surgeries.
Detailed radiographic evaluation is important, as central neck recurrences are typically small. Farrag et al., in a study of 33 patients, noted average lesional nodal size was only 1.4 cm.19 Others recommend at least one lesion of 1 cm and greatest diameter and evidence of progression of disease greater than a 50% increase in size over a 6-month period of observation.16 Rondeau et al. studied a cohort of patients with thyroid bed nodularity identified on postoperative surveillance ultrasonography. The average age of these patients was 40 years, and 84% had been treated with radioactive iodine ablation postoperatively. Thyroid bed nodules were all less than 11 mm, with a mean size of 5.7 mm. In only 9% of patients did the nodules significantly increase in size, on average 1.3 mm per year. An increase in size was less likely if there were no other worrisome cervical lymphadenopathies, no worrisome intralesional ultrasonographic findings, and a stable thyroglobulin profile.20 We must keep in mind that not all thyroid bed nodules identified on surveillance ultrasonography are malignant. This is especially true if patients have not been treated with post total thyroidectomy iodine ablation where benign thyroid remnant nodularity may persist.
Other Imaging Modalities
Positron Emission Tomography with 18-Fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose/CT Scanning
Fused PET/CT (18-fluoro-2deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography) can provide good anatomic localization of recurrent or metastatic thyroid carcinoma. The sensitivity of PET/CT in Tg-positive and 131I scan–negative recurrences has been reported to range between 60% and 94%.21,22 Sensitivity of PET/CT has been shown to be optimal in large bulk diseases associated with high Tg levels (poor when Tg < 10 ug/L), with negative iodine-WBS and with TSH stimulation.23 PET/CT has been shown to have added benefit when it is used as a complementary modality in specific situations, most notably in those patients where 131I-WBS is negative. The combination of 131I-WBS and FDG-PET has been shown to increase the detection rate to more than 90% to 95% of cases, significantly better than WBS alone. Two thirds of recurrences or metastases of differentiated thyroid cancer take up iodine.24 The remaining one third of metastases that are 131I negative demonstrate FDG uptake, which correlates with rapid tumor growth and poor differentiation, whereas most of the 131I-positive metastases are FDG-PET negative.24 Further, the intensity of FDG uptake has been shown to provide prognostic information as poorly differentiated cancers are believed to undergo more rapid mitosis and have more glucose-dependent metabolism. However, PET/CT has been shown to be less useful in detecting low-volume recurrent disease, in particular the small metastatic nodal deposits where US remains superior, and has poor sensitivity in detecting lung metastases. PET/CT scans have a high false negative rate compared with other modalities; therefore, negative imaging must not stop further investigations when clinical suspicion or other evidence of recurrence prevails.25
Iodine-131 Whole-Body Scintigraphy
Although 131I has a high specificity for DTC (90%),26 given that only about two thirds of metastases from DTC accumulate iodine, it is relatively insensitive (50% to 60%).27 Therefore, in addition to 131I whole-body scintigraphy (WBS), other nonspecific tracers (e.g., 99mTc tetrofosmin WBS, 99mTc sestamibi WBS, or PET-FDG) can be used to detect iodine-negative recurrences or metastases.27 CT scanning remains the most sensitive for lung disease.
Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA)
Prior to reexploration, modern US (together with FNA) now allows for an accurate evaluation of suspicious lesions within the thyroid bed. In one study, the reported sensitivity of ultrasound-guided FNA for diagnosing recurrent carcinoma in the thyroid bed after total thyroidectomy was 100%, with a specificity of 85.7%.28
However, inconclusive and false-negative results occur. Recent evaluation of Tg measurements in fine-needle aspirate washouts (FNAC-Tg) for detecting metastatic lymph nodes and disease recurrence after previous total thyroidectomy has shown this additional test to increase the diagnostic accuracy and sensitivity of FNAC.29,30 In addition, this relatively simple and inexpensive assay has been demonstrated to be valid even in the presence of Tg autoantibodies.
Preoperative Details/Documentation
Careful review of the primary surgery operative notes must be made to aid in planning the revision surgery. We have found when initial cases are associated with strap muscle resection and significant jugular vein dissection, reoperative surgery can be substantially more difficult. This is also true when initial surgery involved cervical work in conjunction with sternotomy. This substantially distorts the venous anatomy of the neck base dangerously. Of course, patients subjected to external beam radiation therapy make for difficult reoperation subjects. In particular, the status of the RLNs and parathyroid glands must be discerned. Preoperatively, indirect laryngoscopy or video stroboscopy should always be performed to assess and document vocal cord function and any prior RLN damage. Unrecognized RLN injuries occur after thyroid surgery and clinical symptoms alone are not reliable for documenting RLN function. Lo et al. showed a 6.6% incidence of RLN palsy on direct laryngoscopy postoperatively, whereas only 1% had recognized nerve damage during the operation.31 Further, Echternach et al. reported a 31% incidence of vocal cord injury on stroboscopic evaluation postoperatively with only 6% of problems being due to paresis secondary to RLN injury.32 Recognizing RLN palsy preoperatively also allows both the surgeon and the patient to be prepared for the possible need for a tracheostomy after the revision thyroid surgery if the contralateral RLN is injured.
Surgical Therapy
The use of surgical loupes and a headlight may be of benefit in the identification of critical structures and aid in safe disease removal. Many surgeons have routinely used intraoperative neural monitoring (IONM) techniques in an attempt to provide a functional assessment of the RLN during surgery. Although not considered as a substitute for detailed knowledge of anatomy, the use of IONM can be valuable in maintaining the functional integrity of the RLN, particularly in reoperative thyroid surgery, where the location of the RLN is less constant and embedded in scar tissue (see Chapter 33, Surgical Anatomy and Monitoring of the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve).33,34 A large study evaluating the use of IONM on 1000 RLN-at-risk patients showed that the postoperative RLN palsy rate for reoperative patients for reoperative patients was much higher in the control group compared with the neuromonitored group (19% versus 7.8%).35 However, many other studies have failed to demonstrate definitive evidence for IONM in reducing the rate of RLN injury during thyroid surgery, and the authors recommend direct localization and visualization as the optimal method of nerve function preservation.36 With the use of neural monitoring in reoperative surgery, international standards should be reviewed in order to provide optimized neural monitoring.37
Reoperative Surgery: Completion Thyroidectomy
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