Fig. 7.1
Surgical footage demonstrating the stepwise performance of nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery. After creation of a 5 × 5 mm superficial scleral flap, a deep sclerokeratectomy is performed in order to expose the trabeculo-Descemet’s membrane (a). Schlemm’s canal is then unroofed (b) and dissection continues anteriorly into clear corneal stroma. Descemet’s membrane is then exposed by creating two radial corneal cuts with a No. 11 steel blade with the bevel side up and out (c). The anterior trabeculum and Descemet’s membrane are then gently detached using a wet triangular sponge or a blunt metallic spatula. The deep scleral flap is then excised at the level of Descemet’s membrane using microscissors (d). An ab-externo trabeculectomy is performed by grabbing and peeling away the Schlemm’s canal endothelium and juxtacanalicular trabeculum (e). A space-maintaining implant may be sutured to the scleral bed (f)
Closure of scleral flap and conjunctiva: The superficial scleral flap is then repositioned and closed with one or two 10.0 Nylon interrupted sutures. Conjunctiva and Tenon’s capsule are closed separately or in a single layer using polyglactin 9.0 interrupted or running sutures.
7.3 Variations of Surgical Technique
7.3.1 The Use of Implants
Numerous space-maintaining implants have been developed to increase long-term success of NPGS by avoiding secondary collapse of the intrascleral space. They are placed in the scleral bed before suturing the superficial scleral flap. The first to be used was a highly purified lyophilized porcine collagen cylinder (Aquaflow, Staar Surgical AG, Mideau, Switzerland) [8, 10, 11]. It is placed radially at the center of the deep sclerectomy and secured with a single 10.0 Nylon suture to the scleral bed before closure of the superficial flap. It swells rapidly when exposed to aqueous humor and is progressively resorbed within 6–9 months after surgery [12, 13]. Another resorbable implant has been proposed in the form of a reticulated hyaluronic acid triangular implant (SK-GEL, Corneal, Paris, France) [14]. The advantage of this implant is that it does not need to be sutured to the scleral bed and it can occupy a large volume in the intrascleral space given its rheological and physical characteristics [15–17]. Another hyaluronic acid device has been proposed in the form of a slowly resorbable viscoelastic implant that can be injected under the scleral flap and the conjunctiva to maintain both subconjunctival and intrascleral filtration routes (Healaflow, Anteis, Geneva, Switzerland) [18]. A nonresorbable hydrophilic implant has also been developed to maintain the intrascleral space (T-Flux, IOLTech laboratories, La Rochelle, France). Each arm of this T-shaped designed implant is inserted into one of the surgically created ostia of Schlemm’s canal to increase aqueous outflow through this route [16, 19–21].
7.3.2 Trabeculectomy Ab-Externo
Once the conjunctiva is opened, a 4 × 4 mm superficial scleral flap is created with a depth corresponding to one-third of the scleral thickness. A radial cut is performed at the edge of the flap to localize Schlemm’s canal. The change of orientation of the scleral fibers can be a good landmark for this step. Once Schlemm’s canal is identified, it is unroofed. The inner wall of the canal is removed using fine forceps until percolation of aqueous humor occurs. This technique is similar to a sinusotomy except for the presence of a superficial scleral flap and the removal of the inner wall of Schlemm’s canal [5, 22]. It differs from a deep sclerectomy since a deep scleral flap is not created and dissection of a TDM window is not performed.
7.3.3 Viscocanalostomy and Canaloplasty
In the 1990s Stegmann introduced a variant of NPGS consisting of injecting high-viscosity sodium hyaluronate (Healon GV) into Schlemm’s canal to improve aqueous drainage through this pathway [9]. Injection of viscoelastic into the canal not only dilates the canal and associated collectors but also disrupts the internal and external walls of Schlemm’s canal and adjacent trabecular layers, thus increasing trabecular outflow facility and making the procedure act as a trabeculotomy [23]. Increased outflow occurs also at the TDM window into the scleral lake where it can diffuse into the subchoroidal and subconjunctival space. External filtration and filtering blebs are uncommon in viscocanalostomy because of tight suturing of the flap and can be detected only in up to one-third of the eyes [24], whereas a supraciliary hypoechoic area suggesting subchoroidal drainage has been shown in UBM studies [25]. The challenge in viscocanalostomy is to maximize circumferential outflow and this has been possible with the recent advances in cardiac stent technology. Canaloplasty consists of inserting a flexible catheter into Schlemm’s canal (iTrack, iScience Interventional, Menlo Park, CA) [26]. This facilitates Healon GV injection followed by a 10.0 Prolene tensioning suture in the canal to enhance outflow [27, 28].
7.3.4 Laser-Assisted Sclerectomy
Numerous authors have reported the use of different kinds of lasers to facilitate the dissection of the deep corneoscleral flap. The use of erbium:Yag and excimer lasers for performing a deep sclerectomy have been described in the literature as relatively effective alternatives to the conventional surgical procedure [29–34]. More recently CO2 Laser-assisted deep sclerectomy has been developed using an OT-135 beam manipulator system, conjugated with a CO2 laser (“IOPtiMate”; IOPtima Ltd., Ramat Gan, Israel). This system, which was first described by Assia et al., enables deep tissue ablation with minimal risk of perforation [35, 36]. The far infrared radiation of this laser (wavelength of 10,600) is absorbed in water and thus is ineffective when applied over wet tissues [37]. Applying CO2 laser energy on the dried scleral and trabecular tissue results in a localized ablation until the point at which fluid begins to percolate through the inner wall of Schlemm’s canal. Once percolation occurs, further laser application is ineffective because of the wavelength characteristics. This technique offers a potential alternative to the manual NPGS, making the procedure simpler and less surgeon dependent [38].
7.4 Pathophysiology
Following NPGS, aqueous humor outflow is facilitated through two main pathways:
Anteriorly through the trabeculo-Descemet’s membrane (TDM): the deep sclerokeratectomy performed during NPDS leaves a patent space behind the anterior trabeculum and Descemet’s membrane. Tissue removal creates a gradient of pressure across the TDM allowing for aqueous humor percolation. In an in vitro model of aqueous dynamics after deep sclerectomy, Vaudaux et al. showed that ocular outflow resistance dropped for a mean of 5.34 ± 0.19 ml min−1 mmHg−1 preoperatively to a mean of 0.41 ± 0.16 ml min−1 mmHg−1 postoperatively while outflow facility increased from 0.19 ± 0.03 to 24.5 ± 12.6 ml min−1 mmHg−1 [39]. Histological studies demonstrated that the main outflow through the TDM occurs at the level of the anterior trabeculum whereas some degree of outflow still occurs through the posterior trabeculum [40].
Posteriorly through the classical trabecular outflow. This pathway is considerably enhanced by ab-externo trabeculectomy [40] since it removes the external trabecular membrane which consists of the inner wall of Schlemm’s canal and the cribriform juxtacanalicular trabeculum [41]. This membrane accounts for more than 50 % of outflow resistance in healthy human eyes and this percentage is suspected to be more important in glaucomatous eyes [42]. Rosier et al. studied aqueous dynamics in enucleated human eyes following ab-externo trabeculectomy. Outflow facility increased from 0.24 ± 0.08 preoperatively to 6.10 ± 6.63 mlmin1mmHg−1 which is still four times lower than after deep sclerectomy [40]. In ab-externo trabeculectomy the filtration membrane is formed by the posterior trabeculum alone whereas in NPGS this membrane is larger since it encompasses the anterior trabeculum and Descemet’s membrane.
Once it reaches the intrascleral space, aqueous humor resorption occurs through four hypothetical pathways:
Subconjunctival bleb: Similar to trabeculectomy, a conjunctival bleb is almost always obtained after NPGS on the first day postoperatively. However this bleb tends to be shallower and more diffuse than the one following trabeculectomy since aqueous resorption following NPGS does not rely solely on the subconjunctival route. UBM studies demonstrate the presence of a low and diffuse subconjunctival bleb even years after successful NPGS [43]. The presence of a subconjunctival bleb following viscocanalostomy (VCS) is still controversial. Some studies suggest that conjunctival blebs are associated with successful IOP control and that the subconjunctival route played a role in aqueous resorption after VCS [44]. Other reports demonstrated that blebs were rarely present following VCS and that a mechanism of filtration other than the subconjunctival one accounted for aqueous resorption [25, 45]. This probably is determined by the surgeons technique and the amount of diligence spent in suturing the scleral flap, with the aim of preventing subconjunctival filtration.
Intrascleral bleb: Approximately 5 to 8 mm3 of scleral tissue is removed during deep sclerectomy creating a patent space under the superficial scleral flap. This intrascleral volume represents a reservoir equivalent to a filtering bleb. Implants have been used in NPGS to preserve the patency of this space. UBM studies have demonstrated the presence of a scleral hyporeflectivity around the scleral lake in 45 % of patients where a reticulated hyaluronic acid implant was used as an adjunct to deep sclerectomy [43]. Similarly, Kzakova et al. observed an intrascleral bleb in more than 90 % of patients who received a collagen implant and the mean bleb volume was 1.8 mm3 [46]. New scleral drainage vessels develop after deep sclerectomy and are probably responsible for this intrascleral resorption route. Their presence has been demonstrated on animal models by optical microscopy [47] and anterior segment angiography using fluorescein and indocyanine green [48, 49].
Suprachoroidal: Aqueous humor outflow can occur into the suprachoroidal space through a 90 % thinned out sclera following deep sclerectomy. This can be demonstrated by the presence of a thin hyporeflective suprachoroidal area in more than 45 % of cases [12, 43, 46]. On the other hand, the clinical significance of this suprachoroidal area is still quite controversial. Some studies suggest that its presence is associated with a statistically significantly lower IOP [12] whereas other reports find that it is not associated with surgical success [50]. One should keep in mind that this hyporeflective area could also indicate a localized ciliary body detachment with a subsequent decrease in aqueous production and therefore further studies are needed to evaluate this resorption route.
Schlemm’s canal: On either side of the deep sclerokeratectomy site lie the two surgically created sections of Schlemm’s canal. Those two ostia may drain the aqueous humor through a “physiological” route into the episcleral veins. This mechanisms probably plays a more important role after VCS since viscoelastic substance is observed in the aqueous veins as blood is displaced [9]. The T-Flux implant takes advantage of its T-shaped design to keep the two ostia of Schlemm’s canal open thus facilitating aqueous outflow through this route.
7.5 Indications
NPGS offers the advantage of slow postoperative decrease in IOP which helps prevent hypotony-related complications. There is also no need for iris tissue manipulation during the surgery which results in less postoperative inflammatory reaction [51]. In all types of open-angle glaucoma, the main resistance to outflow is at the level of the trabecular meshwork. NPGS targets this specific aspect of the pathology by tackling the juxtacanalicular trabeculum and the inner wall of Schlemm’s canal [42]. Because of its significant reduction in postoperative complications, NPGS can be proposed in early primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) to preserve the conjunctiva from long periods of exposure to topical medication toxicity. Furthermore, it has the advantage of being less cataractogenic as compared to trabeculectomy and would be therefore the most suitable option for young patients with a clear lens [52]. It is also an efficient surgical alternative in advanced and medically uncontrolled POAG [53].
Pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (PEXG) is a challenging condition with high levels of IOP and an irregular pattern of fluctuations. Progression is difficult to halt with antiglaucoma medications and surgery is often needed. NPGS offers a safe surgical option in PEXG where the blood–aqueous barrier is altered and intraocular surgery such as trabeculectomy carries a high risk of complications [54]. Deep sclerectomy is a suitable option for PEXG patients with a high success rate that is maintained for a long period of time [55] with a need for more goniopunctures [56]. NPGS is also an interesting option for pigmentary glaucoma since it targets the main site of pathology. This condition is more frequent in young patients and is often resistant to medical treatment. NPGS early in the course of the disease is a safe, lens-preserving option that is useful to avoid lifelong exposure to the noxious effects of topical medications on the ocular surface of those young patients.
Highly myopic eyes have an increased risk of complications with conventional glaucoma surgery because of their anatomical characteristics. NPGS could offer safer outcomes in those patients because of the gradual postoperative decrease in IOP [57]. On the other hand, highly myopic eyes are elongated with a lower scleral thickness and a modified limbal anatomy which makes flap dissection and identification of Schlemm’s canal more challenging.
Uncontrolled aphakic glaucoma is one of the most difficult situations to manage when it comes to glaucoma surgery [58]. NPGS, unlike trabeculectomy, does not require an iridectomy that would potentially disrupt the vitreous body stability. The vitreous base might migrate through the iridectomy and block the filtration site despite extensive peripheral vitrectomy that is often challenging in such cases. This instability carries an increased risk of traction retinal detachment. Aphakic glaucoma is also a serious complication in 14–45 % children who are left aphakic after congenital cataract extraction [59]. An early indication for NPGS instead of prolonged medical therapy would be beneficial in managing those cases. Zimmerman et al. performed nonpenetrating trabeculectomy in 28 aphakic eyes. The first group of 18 eyes had chronic open-angle glaucoma while the second group had secondary complicated glaucoma. At 1 year after surgery IOP was controlled in 89 % of eyes in the first group and 37.5 % in the second group. NPGS may be a good option in aphakic patients who require surgical management, at least in the setting of a chronic open-angle glaucoma [22].
NPGS has also been evaluated in congenital glaucoma. Tixier et al. were the first to report the results of deep sclerectomy in 12 eyes with juvenile glaucoma [60]. Success was achieved in 75 % of eyes (IOP < 16 mmHg under general anesthesia at final examination) with no intra- or early postoperative complications. Therefore deep sclerectomy is at least as effective as trabeculectomy in congenital glaucoma with a lower risk of complications. Other authors have drawn the same conclusions with deep sclerectomy and viscocanalostomy on congenital and juvenile glaucoma [61–63].
In open-angle uveitic glaucoma, inflammatory cells and mediators can activate fibroblasts and create excessive scarring that is detrimental for surgical success. Antimetabolites have been used to tackle the scarring cascade and increase the success rate but are also associated with an increased risk of late postoperative complications [64]. NPGS does not disrupt anterior chamber integrity and it does not require an iridectomy. It is indicated in uveitic cases because it is associated with less inflammation and targets the damaged trabeculum that is the site of resistance to aqueous outflow [12]. Both deep sclerectomy and viscocanalostomy have been reported to be safe and effective in the setting of uncontrolled uveitic glaucoma [65, 66]. However, when extensive peripheral anterior synechiae (PAS) develop, NPGS is no longer a suitable option.
Sturge–Weber syndrome (SWS) is a neurocutaneous disorder with angiomas that involve the leptomeninges (leptomeningealangiomas) and the skin of the face, typically in the ophthalmic (V1) and maxillary (V2) distributions of the trigeminal nerve. Glaucoma occurs in 30–70 % of patients with SWS and is therefore the most common ophthalmic complication of this congenital disease [67]. Trabeculectomy offers good short-term results but with a risk of massive choroidal effusion or expulsive hemorrhage, which is already high in these patients because of the increased episcleral venous pressure [68, 69]. Few reports have been published on the use of NPGS in SWS [70, 71]. NPGS associated with laser and/or medical treatment is a safe and efficient alternative to trabeculectomy in SWS because it does not involve an abrupt peroperative drop of IOP that can be catastrophic in the setting of an elevated episcleral venous pressure [72]. Further studies of NPGS for glaucoma associated with thyroid orbitopathy, carotid-cavernous fistula, or SWS are warranted to explore the benefit of nonpenetrating procedures when glaucoma is caused by an increased episcleral venous pressure.
7.6 Relative Contraindications
NPGS relies on the integrity of the trabeculum for its outcomes and it works best when the angle structures are within limits of the normal anatomy and consequently when the cause of elevated IOP is structural rather than anatomical.
Most authors consider angle-closure glaucomas a relative contraindication to NPGS. Many therapeutic strategies have been proposed for angle-closure glaucoma. Laser peripheral iridotomy or surgical iridectomy is at best a temporary option to widen the angle configuration. Cataract surgery or clear lens extraction opens the angle too and helps deepens the chamber. When chronicity and progression occur, glaucoma surgery is indicated alone or in combination with lens extraction. NPGS can be attempted for these cases, even though the iris root is very close to the filtration window and may impede adequate outflow.
Eyes that have been treated with laser trabeculoplasty present ultrastructural and morphologic trabecular changes. The trabeculum may be more easily ruptured during surgery. In the setting of a perforation, an iridectomy is performed and NPGS can be then converted to trabeculectomy. Scarification of the trabeculum might also occur in posttraumatic angle-recession glaucoma. The damage of the trabeculum is not always complete and an attempt to perform NPGS can be made by trying to restore adequate outflow function. This is done by thoroughly scraping and peeling the posterior surface of the trabeculum during surgery [73].
7.7 Absolute Contraindications
NPGS is contraindicated in conditions when the angle is invaded by abnormal structures that will obstruct outflow. This is the case of neovascular glaucoma where rubeosis iridis extends to the iridocorneal angle. This is also the case of the iridocorneal endothelial syndrome (ICE syndrome). The trabeculum is obstructed and loses its function [74]. Neovascular glaucoma is a challenging condition and until now favorable outcomes have been reported only with drainage devices with or without the use of anti-VEGF injections [75, 76].
7.8 Complications
Various reports agree on the fact that NPGS offers the advantage of a low complication rate when compared to trabeculectomy. Visual acuity is also preserved after NPGS and quickly returns to the preoperative level within the first postoperative week [77]. This is mainly due to the fact that it is a closed-globe surgery that does not disrupt the anterior chamber structures. Inflammation and disturbance of the blood–aqueous barrier are minimal since there is no need for an iridectomy. Reduction of IOP is gradual because it relies on percolation through a membrane rather than the creation of a hole, thus preventing complications related to sudden hypotony. We prefer to classify potential NPGS complications according to the anatomical or functional structures involved (Table 7.1).
Table 7.1
Complications of nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery according to the anatomical/functional structures involved
Structure/function involved | Intraoperative | Early postoperative | Late postoperative |
TDM and iridocorneal angle | Perforation | PAS | |
Iris Prolapse | |||
Anterior chamber | Inflammation | ||
Hyphema | |||
Cataract progression | |||
Intraocular pressure | IOP spike | ||
Hypotony | |||
Hypotony maculopathy | |||
Choroidal effusion | |||
Suprachoroidal hemorrhage | |||
Sclerocorneal | Descemet’s membrane detachment | Corneal steepening | |
Corneal endothelial decompensation | |||
Scleral ectasia | |||
Bleb | Wound leaks | Bleb leaks | |
Blebitis | Bleb fibrosis |
7.8.1 TDM and Iridocorneal Angle Complications
Intraoperative perforation of the TDM is likely the most common complication of NPGS. It occurs during the anterior deep dissection, which is a delicate and complex technique resulting in the relatively flat learning curve of NPGS. It is not uncommon to encounter a 30 % perforation rate during the first 10–20 cases and this rate drops to 2–3 % after the learning phase [78]. Management of this complication depends on the magnitude of perforation, the depth of the anterior chamber, and the presence or absence of iris prolapse [79]. A small hole with a deep anterior chamber can be disregarded and the surgery is completed normally. These small perforations can be usually tamponaded by positioning the collagen implant next to the hole. If a larger crack in the membrane occurs upon deep dissection with a flat or deep anterior chamber and no iris prolapse, viscoelastic can be injected through a paracentesis to restore a normal configuration. This prevents further iris prolapse or PAS. In the worst situation, transverse tears occur at the weakest point of the TDM which is the junction between the anterior trabeculum and Descemet’s membrane. Such tears are immediately followed by iris prolapse. Protruding iris tissue must be excised by a peripheral iridectomy. NPGS is then converted to a trabeculectomy and the superficial scleral flap is tightly sutured with 6–8 10.0 Nylon sutures and outflow resistance is created by injecting viscoelastic into the intrascleral reservoir.
Late postoperative complications can also occur at the level of the TDM. PAS can develop late after intraoperative microperforations. They can also be caused by iris prolapse following goniopuncture [80] or any other traumatic disruption of the TDM (e.g., blunt trauma, valsalva maneuver followed by corectopia and iris prolapse). PAS can disrupt aqueous outflow resulting in increased IOP. Failure of Nd:YAG laser synechiolysis to reposition the iris is an indication for medical or surgical treatment if the IOP is still high.
7.8.2 Anterior Chamber Complications
Early postoperative inflammation is relatively less common in NPGS compared to trabeculectomy. Chiou et al. compared flare levels after deep sclerectomy with collagen implant and conventional trabeculectomy [12]. Postoperative flare was significantly lower in the deep sclerectomy group and there was a quick return to the preoperative level within 1 week whereas the intense inflammation following trabeculectomy persisted for 1 month. Eyes with a compromised blood–aqueous barrier such as those with uveitic glaucoma or PEXG may benefit from this advantage that NPGS offers.
Early postoperative intraocular bleeding is a rare complication because the IOP is reduced gradually with nonpenetrating techniques. Hyphema has a low incidence after NPGS [79, 81] and does not require any particular treatment. It is usually due to a rupture of small iris vessels or leakage of red blood cells from the scleral bed or Schlemm’s canal ostia through the TDM.
Cataract progression seems to be significantly reduced with NPGS. Cataract formation rate after trabeculectomy is 78 % at 5 years and the risk of cataract increases considerably in the setting of a flat anterior chamber or significant postoperative inflammation [51]. Shaarawy et al. followed 105 patients after deep sclerectomy and found no surgery-induced cataracts. The mean follow-up was 64 months and 25 % of eyes showed progression of a preexisting age-related cataract [13].
7.8.3 IOP Complications
Early postoperative IOP spikes have been described following trabeculectomy when the scleral flap has been too tightly sutured. This complication seldom occurs following NPGS if the dissection of the membrane has been done properly. Insufficient surgical dissection in the hands of an inexperienced surgeon can be a potential cause of hypertony. Hemorrhage in the scleral bed or even excessive viscoelastic in the anterior chamber can cause IOP spikes that are usually self-resolving in a few days. Hypertony can also be caused by malignant glaucoma following NPGS as reported by Shaarawy et al. in a case that was successfully treated with cycloplegics [82]. Steroid response during the first postoperative weeks is also a potential cause of hypertony when other conditions have been ruled out. Iris prolapse and PAS should always be ruled out by gonioscopy in the setting of a postoperative IOP spikes and should be managed with laser synechiolysis or surgical management if the former doesn’t work [80].
Hypotony occurs in 50 % of patients for some days following NPGS and the average IOP on the first postoperative day has been reported to be 5 mmHg [9, 82]. This indicates that the dissection was adequately performed and is generally considered as a favorable predictive factor for surgical success [13]. Prolonged hypotony should be carefully monitored to identify a cause such as wound leakage. The risk of prolonged hypotony remains minimal following NPGS [9, 82] but still can lead to hypotony maculopathy if left untreated [10, 83]. Choroidal effusion is a rare complication [9, 79, 84] and the incidence rate has been reported to be 5 % after NPGS which is four times lower than following trabeculectomy [85]. Suprachoroidal hemorrhage has been rarely reported after deep sclerectomy [86] or viscocanalostomy [87] and the main risk factor seems to be the occurrence of a prolonged hypotony [88]. Hypotony is more common in the first weeks following NPGS when compared to trabeculectomy but complications associated with prolonged hypotony are much less frequent in the former. The safer profile of NPGS is also due to the absence of an abrupt IOP decrease during the procedure [77].
7.8.4 Sclerocorneal Complications
Early postoperative Descemet’s membrane detachment occurs in about one of 250–300 operated eyes after NPGS [77]. In viscocanalostomy, this complication is due to a misdirection of the viscoelastic canula during injection into Schlemm’s ostia [89]. Descemet’s membrane detachments are less frequent after deep sclerectomy and occur when the membrane is undermined by aqueous humor, viscoelastic, and/or blood [77]. This can be seen several weeks after surgery as a bulla under the cornea at the level of the dissection site and the adjacent stroma becomes opalescent. Reflux of fluid in the sub-Descemet space can be caused by an elevation of intrableb pressure in the setting of a trauma or bleb fibrosis. Treatment consists of curing the cause if the problem is an encysted bleb or dealing with the detachment itself by descemetopexy.

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