

Ronald E. Carr

The standard clinical electroretinogram (ERG) is a recording of the electrical discharges from certain outer retinal layers elicited by a flash of light. The response occurs as a result of transient movements of ions in the extracellular space induced by the light stimulus.1

Clinical Electroretinography

In the clinical setting, only the early electrical responses of the retina (within the initial 200 msec) are measured, because later responses usually are obliterated by eye blinks. Within this 200 msec time frame, two predominant responses occur: the a-wave and the b-wave (Fig. 103.1).

Figure 103.1. Schematic of a dark-adapted ERG in response to a high-intensity light flash (·). The a-wave amplitude is measured from the baseline to the lowest negative excursion of the trace. The b-wave amplitude is measured from the lowest point to the highest positive peak. (Reproduced with permission from Carr RE, Siegel IM. Visual electrodiagnostic testing. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1982.)

The a-wave is the initial downgoing deflection, and it arises from the photoreceptor cells.2 The b-wave is the upgoing deflection that follows the a-wave, and it arises from the Müller cells.3 Although the derivation of the b-wave is from the Müller cells, it reflects such activity from the region of the bipolar cells.4

Under certain recording conditions, small wavelets, called oscillations, may be seen riding on the downgoing and upgoing waves (Fig. 103.2). These oscillatory potentials arise from a number of cell types in the midretinal layers.4

Figure 103.2. Left: Dark-adapted ERG demonstrating the oscillatory potentials riding the ascending limb of the b-wave. Right: By selective filtering, the slower components of the ERG, including the b-wave, can be eliminated, leaving only the fast-frequency components, the a-wave, and the oscillatory potentials. (Reproduced with permission from Carr RE, Siegel IM: Visual electrodiagnostic testing. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1982.)

From the foregoing discussion, it is clear that the ganglion cells play no role in the generation of the ERG. Therefore, diseases affecting only the inner retina or the optic nerve should not alter the ERG. It is also important to realize that the standard clinical ERG is a mass response, reflecting activity from the entire retina. Thus, small localized lesions (e.g., macular degeneration) will not affect the ERG amplitude.

Methods of Examination

The electrical discharges elicited by the light stimulus are recorded directly from the eye via a contact lens placed on the cornea. The signal then is amplified and visualized on an oscilloscope or directly written out on any x-y plotter. To enhance the signal, the light usually is delivered via a Ganzfeld (full-field) bowl, a hemisphere used to scatter light throughout the entire retina. This method also avoids some of the problems associated with light scatter.


Two major parameters are used to evaluate the ERG response in the clinical setting. The first is the amplitude of the wave, which is measured in microvolts (μV). The amplitude of the a-wave is measured from the baseline to the trough of the a-wave, whereas the b-wave is measured from the trough of the a-wave to the peak of the b-wave (see Fig. 103.1).

The implicit time is the second major parameter. It is defined as the time from the stimulus onset to the peak of the response and is measured in milliseconds. The easiest and most accurate measure of the implicit time is the b-wave under light-adapted or photopic conditions (Fig. 103.3).

Figure 103.3. Implicit time of the ERG photopic b-wave. The implicit time is measured from the stimulus to the peak of the response. A:. Normal. B: Patient with retinitis pigmentosa showing a reduced amplitude b-wave with an increased implicit time.

Stimulus Conditions

Certain stimulus conditions allow the isolation of either the cone or rod responses so that each receptor can be studied independently. Under photopic or light-adapted conditions with a bright background light, the rods are sufficiently dampened so that the only response is from the cones. The cone response is rapid, with a b-wave implicit time usually between 28 and 32 msec. The cone response also can be isolated by using a rapidly flickering light. The cones follow a flickering light of up to 60 to 70 Hz, whereas the rods follow a flickering light only up to 12 to 16 Hz. Therefore, a stimulus flickered at 30 Hz elicits a response only from the cone receptors (Fig. 103.4).

Figure 103.4. Flicker ERG. A repetitive high-intensity flash (30/sec) produces this all-cone response. Calibration: 50 msec, 200 μV.

After sufficient dark adaptation (30 min), the rod responses are optimized under these scotopic conditions. A single bright flash gives a response that is a composite of the dark-adapted rods and the dark-adapted cones. This response is much larger and has a longer implicit time than is the pure cone response. How, then, does one look at the rods alone? Because the rods are very sensitive to light at the blue end of the spectrum, a weak blue-light stimulus produces an essentially pure rod response (Fig. 103.5).

Figure 103.5. ERG response of the dark-adapted eye to a dim blue flash. Calibration: 80 msec, 200 μV.

Finally, a red stimulus under scotopic conditions results in a biphasic response in which the initial wave represents the more rapidly responding cones and the second response the slower responding rods (Fig. 103.6). This biphasic response occurs because the rods are relatively insensitive to light at this longer wavelength.

Figure 103.6. ERG response of the dark-adapted eye to a dim red flash. Left: Rod and cone systems respond with sufficient difference to allow separation of cone (initial positive response) and rod (second positive response) systems. Right: Patients with an absence of cones will show only the second (rod) portion of the ERG response.

Standardized Protocol

To allow more reliable comparisons of ERGs between labs, a standardization of the clinical full-field ERG was established by an International Standardization Committee.5 The committee proposed standards for the following five commonly obtained responses:

  • A maximal response in the dark-adapted eye

  • A response developed by the rods (in the dark-adapted eye)

  • Oscillatory potentials

  • A response developed by the cone

  • Responses obtained to a rapidly repeated stimulus (flicker)

(For the details of the basic technology and clinical protocol see reference 5.)

Clinical Uses of the ERG

The ERG is helpful in diagnosing a number of disorders. It can be used:

  • To aid in the diagnosis of a generalized degeneration of the retina or to avoid the mistaken diagnosis of a generalized retinal degeneration

  • To assess family members, in cases where other individuals in the family have a known hereditary retinal degeneration

  • To aid in the diagnosis of patients presenting with decreased vision and nystagmus from birth

  • To assess retinal function in the presence of vascular occlusions

  • To assess retinal function with opaque media

  • To aid in a diagnosis when subjective complaints outweigh objective findings

Generalized Degeneration of the Retina

Among the multitude of generalized degenerations of the retina, retinitis pigmentosa is the best known. Although this term has been used generically to describe any generalized retinal degeneration, attention to a family history and evaluation of other family members; assessment of complaints that may indicate systemic disease, long-standing uveitis, or drug use; and careful evaluation of the ERG will help to clarify the diagnosis of disorders in this group and place them into better-defined entities (Table 103.1). It will also help to avoid a mistaken diagnosis of a generalized retinal degeneration.

Table 103.1. Generalized retinal degenerations

  1. Retinitis pigmentosa
  2. Other heredoretinal degenerations

    1. Retinitis pigmentosa sine pigmento
    2. Retinitis punctata albescens
    3. Inverse retinitis pigmentosa (cone–rod dystrophy)
    4. Leber congenital amaurosis
    5. Choroideremia
    6. Gyrate atrophy of retina and choroids
    7. Favre disease
    8. Wagner disease
    9. Vitreoretinal degenerations
    10. Associated with systemic abnormalities

  3. Pseudoretinitis pigmentosa (see Table 103.2)

Any patient with a generalized heredoretinal degeneration, of which retinitis pigmentosa may be considered the prototype, has an abnormal ERG. In most cases, the ERG is extinguished or markedly reduced in amplitude and, in most instances, it has prolonged implicit times.6 In a few cases, usually early in the course of the disease, the ERG is affected only slightly in terms of amplitude (usually reduction of the b-wave), but the prolonged photopic implicit time directs the examiner to the appropriate diagnosis (Fig. 103.7).7

Figure 103.7. ERG recordings from a 14-year-old boy with documented autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. His ERG shows a reduced amplitude and prolonged photopic implicit time, as compared with the normal.

Jul 11, 2016 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Electroretinography

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