Cost consequences analysis
Cost-minimization analysis
Cost-effectiveness analysis
Cost-utility analysis
Cost-benefits analysis
Many outcomes can be considered
Many outcomes can be considered
All outcomes attained at same level
Only one outcome
Main outcome of compared intervention
Measured in neutral units
Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY)
Many outcomes can be considered
Measure in monetary value
Results of the analysis
Results for each outcome are presented separately
Cost per unit of results
Cost per QALY
An economic evaluation typically takes into account both the resources consumed by an intervention and the consequences of that intervention. The intervention of interest is also always compared to at least one alternative intervention. The following five methods can be considered when performing an economic evaluation: cost-consequence analysis, cost-minimization analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-utility analysis, and cost-benefit analysis [1, 2].
Cost-Consequence Analysis
The cost-consequence analysis is not the preferred method for economic evaluation, although it could be useful in specific cases. When an intervention produces many different outcomes that are difficult to aggregate into a combined measure of benefit, the cost-consequence analysis could be appropriate. In a cost-consequence analysis, costs and outcomes are listed in a disaggregated format. This forces a greater involvement of the decision maker, since he needs to weigh the relative importance of each individual outcome and consider the overall difference between interventions in terms of costs and outcomes.
Cost-Minimization Analysis
When interventions are considered similar in all relevant aspects, a cost-minimization analysis can be considered. In a cost-minimization analysis, the preferred intervention would be the alternative with the lowest cost. For this type of economic evaluation, the critical issue is to confirm that there are no meaningful differences between the alternatives for all important patient outcomes, including efficacy, adverse events, impact on quality of life, treatment adherence or convenience, etc. Once the equivalence of the compared alternatives is established, then the less expensive alternative should be selected. The necessity to demonstrate that alternatives are equivalent limits the use of cost-minimization analyses.
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
The cost-effectiveness analysis is a very popular method for economic evaluation. In this type of economic evaluation, the interventions’ outcomes or effectiveness are measured in terms of natural units. These comprise life-years gained, life saved, deaths avoided, clinical benefits obtained, or clinical events avoided. For a cost-effectiveness analysis, the selected outcomes have to be shared by the evaluated alternatives and should represent a significant outcome for these interventions. The result of a cost-effectiveness analysis is expressed in terms of incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). The ICER is calculated by dividing the difference in effectiveness by the difference in costs:
For example, if a new intervention costs $10,000 and is associated with a 10 life-years gain and if the alternative intervention costs $5000 and is associated with an 8 life-years gain, then the ICER for the new intervention would be $2500 per incremental life-year gained ($10,000–$5000/10 LYG – 8 LYG). There are some constraints with the cost-effectiveness analysis. Only one outcome can be considered when estimating the cost-effectiveness of an intervention. As most interventions produce multiple outcomes, the full impact of an intervention thus cannot be taken into consideration. Also, the ICER associated with an intervention cannot be easily compared with the ICER of other interventions. Even if the selected outcome is the same, for example, life-years saved, the life-years saved produced by one intervention may not be the same as the life-years saved by another intervention. The quality of life of these life-years saved may be different.

Cost-Utility Analysis
To overcome some of the limitations of cost-effectiveness analysis, the cost-utility analysis has been proposed. The cost-utility analysis is very similar to the cost-effectiveness analysis, except that the outcomes of interventions are expressed in terms of quality-adjusted life years (QALY). The main advantage with the QALY is that it enables the integration of a multitude of outcomes (positive or negative), including quality of life. A QALY is basically equivalent to a year in perfect health. As for the cost-effectiveness analysis, the result of a cost-utility analysis is expressed in terms of incremental cost-utility ratio (ICUR). The ICUR is calculated by dividing the difference in QALY between interventions by the difference in costs:
For example, if a new intervention costs $10,000 and is associated with 10 QALY while the alternative intervention costs $5000 and is associated with 8 QALY, then the ICUR for the new intervention would be $2500 per QALY ($10,000–$5000/10 QALY – 8 QALY). Since the ICUR estimated for any intervention is based on a same outcome, the QALY, comparison can therefore be made between ICUR associated with different interventions. Cost-utility analyses have become very popular over the recent years and now represent, for most healthcare decision makers, the preferred method for economic evaluation.

Cost-Benefit Analysis
Finally, although very promising, the cost-benefit analysis is now less frequently used, as it faces many methodological issues. In a cost-benefit analysis, both cost and outcomes are expressed in monetary value. The main difficulty with this method is to derive the monetary value of health outcomes. For this, the willingness-to-pay approach has been developed, but this approach is associated with significant difficulties, especially because it depends on individual’s ability to earn income.
There are some specifics to consider when performing an economic evaluation. These comprise: the comparator, the perspective, the time horizon, and the generalizability.
By definition, an economic evaluation is always comparative, thus at least two interventions are compared [3]. The appropriate comparator should represent the intervention to be eventually replaced by the intervention of interest. For example, lamellar keratoplasty was compared to penetrating keratoplasty (PK). As well, PK was compared to the absence of surgical intervention, since at the time PK was introduced, no other type of surgery was available.
The perspective of the analysis is also an important consideration for an economic evaluation. It basically defines the point of view of the analysis. The most common perspectives are the societal perspective, the healthcare system perspective, and the third-party payers perspective. The selected perspective defines which cost would be considered in the economic evaluation. For example, the cost of the surgery will be comprised in all of these three perspectives, but the cost associated with the productivity losses while the patient is hospitalized would be included in the societal perspective only.
Time Horizon
An economic evaluation should encompass all relevant costs and health consequences associated with the intervention under evaluation. For this, the time horizon should be long enough to capture all related events and costs. For example when performing an economic evaluation of corneal transplantation, the time horizon of the evaluation should be long enough to capture all the costs and health consequences associated with the intervention but also all those associated with short-term and long-term complications and recurrences.
Generally in medicine, outcomes of an intervention performed in one location are expected to be replicable in other places. For example, the success of a medication or the rate of complications of a surgery is expected to be similar from one country to another, as long as the medication is used and the surgery is performed in similar conditions. Therefore, results of health intervention are in general considered to be generalizable. This is not the case with the results of an economic evaluation. Given the significant differences in cost structure and dispensation of care from one country to another, an intervention deemed cost-effective in one country may not be cost-effective in another country.
Interpretation of the Results
Another key consideration with economic evaluation is the interpretation of the results. Results of the cost-minimization and the cost-benefit analyses are easy to interpret. In the first instance, the least costly alternative is selected, while in the latter, the alternative with the highest net benefits will be selected. For the cost-consequence analysis, the decision maker has to determine which of the alternative interventions would be preferable after considering the various vectors of efficacy and costs. The cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses are the most frequently used methods for economic evaluation, and these analyses result in an ICER or an ICUR, respectively. The ICER and the ICUR basically estimate the incremental cost required to obtain an additional unit of health benefit. For example, results can be expressed in terms of $20,000 per life-year gained or $5000 per surgical success or $40,000 per QALY. To determine if an intervention is cost-effective, the decision maker has to decide if the ICER or the ICUR is below its willingness to pay for the health benefit. If the decision maker is willing to pay $50,000 for a QALY and the ICUR for the intervention is $40,000, then this intervention would be considered cost-effective. In contrast, an intervention with an ICUR of $60,000 would not be considered cost-effective.
Corneal Transplantation
The cornea is one of the most commonly transplanted tissues, with more than 120,000 corneal transplantations performed each year all over the world, approximately 52,000 of which in North America only [4–6]. Such a high degree of corneal transplant activity represents a relatively high economic burden. Over the past decades, improvements in surgical procedures, development of pharmacological and immunological strategies, as well as changes in corneal storage and eye banking regulations have made corneal transplantation one of the most successful transplantations in humans.
Although corneal transplantation is associated with high success rates, it has practical limitations. Firstly, there is a shortage of corneal donor tissue, which in several countries impacts on the waiting time from diagnosis to surgery. Secondly, not rarely, there is insufficient access to operating room time, which also contributes to extend the waiting period. In Canada, wait times for corneal transplantation remains a challenging problem in several provinces, with more than 2300 patients waiting for a corneal transplantation in 2009, excluding the province of Quebec [5]. A Canadian study suggested that the average wait time for corneal transplantation was between 7 and 36 months in 2009 [5]. The waiting period for surgery is associated with anxiety, poor levels of visual acuity, and the negative impact on patients’ quality of life is substantial. As demonstrated in several studies, reduced visual acuity highly correlates with low quality of life values [7–9].
The surgical techniques for corneal transplantation have been relentlessly evolving during the past decades. The paradigm of systematic full-thickness corneal replacement has been fundamentally revised, to be replaced by that of lamellar transplantation designed to replace only the diseased tissue while leaving intact the healthy corneal layers.
Endothelial Keratoplasty
A technique for posterior lamellar keratoplasty was described by Charles W. Tillett in 1956 [10], where the diseased posterior half of the edematous cornea of a 68-year-old patient with Fuchs corneal endothelial dystrophy was replaced by the manually dissected posterior half of a donor cornea. The graft was fixed using transcorneal sutures and intracameral air. Despite major postoperative complications related to the air bubble, anterior synechiae, and severe secondary glaucoma, corneal edema resolved, and the cornea remained clear for 1 year after surgery, which at that time constituted a major step forward.
In 1998, the technique was reintroduced by Gerrit R. J. Melles and al. [11, 12] of the Netherlands, with significant improvements characterized in particular by the absence of corneal sutures and a smaller limbal incision of 9–5 mm [13–17].
A few years later, after additional refinement of the surgical technique and instrumentation, Mark A. Terry and Paula J. Ousley performed a modified version of this technique in the United States and presented the first US clinical series in patients with corneal endothelial diseases [18, 19]. Through several clinical studies, these authors demonstrated that their new surgical technique, named deep lamellar endothelial keratoplasty (DLEK), was associated with rapid visual recovery, high endothelial survival rates, minimal astigmatism, and few postoperative complications [20–23].
In 2004, Melles et al. [24] proposed a simplified version of the technique consisting in preparing the recipient bed by simply stripping off Descemet’s membrane and the endothelium without stromal dissection, allowing implantation of the donor posterior lamellar button onto a smooth recipient posterior surface. Francis W. Price introduced technical improvements to further simplify the procedure and reduce the incidence of graft detachment [25], and he renamed the procedure Descemet’s stripping endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK).
Mark S. Gorovoy [26] subsequently promoted the use of a microkeratome, which nearly eliminated the risk of donor tissue loss during donor preparation and also renamed the procedure Descemet’s stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK). Eye banks have since then incorporated the microkeratome into their processing of donor tissue for DSAEK: precut tissue has eliminated the stress and financial risk to the surgeon of tissue loss during preparation [27].
Surgeons around the world rapidly adopted DSAEK as their preferred method of corneal transplantation for endothelial disease [6], because it was easier and faster than DLEK and better than PK, with a better visual outcome and increased patient satisfaction.
Soon after his description of posterior lamellar keratoplasty, Melles promoted the idea of transplanting only Descemet’s membrane and its endothelium into a recipient bed where only Descemet’s membrane and its endothelium have been removed, a technique that was later named Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) [28]. Although theoretically ideal on an anatomical point of view and despite excellent visual results [29–31], surgeons are still reticent about DMEK, because it is technically more difficult than DSAEK, it takes too long to perform, the manual preparation of the donor tissue is more challenging, and it is overshadowed by what many surgeons view as unacceptable risks, including a higher initial postoperative complication rate, donor tissue loss, cancelation of the surgery, and associated financial loss [32]. Complications such as graft detachment and primary graft failure are higher than after DSAEK, although high-volume DMEK surgeons are now reporting complication rates that approach those of DSAEK. Contrary to DSAEK, total dislocation after DMEK usually requires graft replacement.
In conclusion, according to the published results on DLEK, DSEK, DSAEK, and DMEK, the advantages of the selective replacement of the posterior cornea – which has been dubbed “endothelial keratoplasty” – over standard PK are significant for patients with endothelial diseases.
First, the absence of corneal sutures associated with these techniques leads to greatly reduced levels of astigmatism and fewer suture-related complications, such as neovascularization, inflammation, and infectious keratitis.
Second, clinical data show that endothelial keratoplasty provides a greater and more rapid visual recovery compared to PK [33, 34]. This is related to the dramatically lower levels of induced astigmatism.
Third, endothelial keratoplasty is associated with lower rejection rates than PK; however, additional studies are needed to nuance the conclusions according to surgical technique, diagnosis, and risk factors [35]. Price et al. [36] found that the 3-year predicted probability of a rejection episode was statistically significantly less with DSAEK (9 %) than with PK (20 %). Hjortdal et al. [37] found similar results for patients with Fuchs endothelial dystrophy, documenting rejection episodes in 5 % of DSAEK and 16 % of PK eyes during the first 2 years after surgery. Ezon et al. [38] only found significant differences among non-glaucomatous eyes, for which fewer rejections were observed after DSAEK than after PK. Anshu et al. [39] demonstrated that patients undergoing DMEK have a significantly reduced risk of experiencing a rejection episode at 2 years compared with DSEK and PK performed for similar indications and using the same corticosteroid regimen.
Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
There has also been an increased interest in newer techniques for the selective replacement of the anterior layers of the cornea for vision restoration in eyes where the posterior layers, and more specifically the corneal endothelium, remain healthy, as this is usually the case in keratoconus, for instance. The deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) is a surgical procedure consisting in the removal and replacement of the anterior layers, down to Descemet’s membrane.
Both observed and long-term predicted graft survival and endothelial densities are higher after DALK than after PK, making it a preferred technique for younger patients with corneal diseases not involving the endothelium [43]. The median predicted graft survival is 49 years in patients who underwent DALK and 17 years in patients who underwent PK and had normal recipient endothelium (P < 0.0001) [44]. DALK is superior to PK for preserving endothelial cell densities, with an average 5-year postoperative endothelial cell loss of −22 % after DALK and −50 % after PK (P < 0.0001) [44]. The risk of endothelial rejection is also eliminated, and the incidence of rejection episodes after DALK was reported to be 50 % less than after PK [45].
On the other hand, there are no advantages to DALK for refractive error and best-corrected visual acuity outcomes [46]. Overall visual acuity after DALK and PK is the same. It must be said, however, that DALK with a manual dissection technique results in lower visual acuity than PK (average difference of 1.0–1.8 line) or DALK using a big-bubble dissection technique (average difference of 2.2–2.5 lines) [44].
As an extraocular procedure, DALK has important theoretic safety advantages. However, DALK has not yet reach levels of popularity comparable with current endothelial keratoplasty techniques [6]. The standardization of the big-bubble dissection technique warranted to reduce the incidence of Descemet’s membrane perforation [47] would increase the corneal surgeons’ confidence in the technique.
Economic Evaluations of Corneal Transplantation Techniques (See Table 11.2)
Table 11.2
Economic evaluations of corneal transplantation
Author (year) Country | Type Perspective Time horizon | Comparators | Costs included | Base case results |
Hirneiss et al. (2006) [48] Germany | Cost-utility Healthcare system 10-year period | PK versus no surgical intervention | Donor tissue preparation, surgery, follow-up, medications | ICUR PK versus no surgical intervention: US$11,557/QALY |
Bose et al. (2013) [49] Singapore | Cost-utility using a decision tree Healthcare system 3-year period | DSEK versus PK PK versus no surgical intervention DSEK versus no surgical intervention | Medical charges associated with the initial procedure and related complications | ICUR DSEK versus PK: US$5209/QALY |
Prabhu et al. (2013) [50] USA | Cost-utility using decision tree Third-party payer 5-year period | DSAEK versus PK | Donor tissue preparation, surgery, follow-up, postoperative complications, procedures, medications | DSAEK dominates PK |
van den Biggelaar et al. (2012) [51]
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