Ethnic group
ACD mm (SD)
CCT mm (SD)
ACC mm (SD)
PCC mm (SD)
11.74 (0.42)a–12.92 (0.54)
2.31–2.77 (0.3)a
562 (32)–568 (33)
7.15 (0.34)–7.36 (0.37)
6.44 (0.36)–6.67 (0.34)
12.41 (0.51)–13.85 (0.54)
2.72 (0.37)
562 (34)
7.16 (0.4)–7.17 (0.34)
6.45 (0.35)–6.43 (0.37)
12.75 (0.51)–13.95 (0.51)
2.77 (0.34)–2.78 (0.34)
550 (37)
7.43 (0.37)–7.50 (0.42)
6.45 (0.35)–6.77 (0.36)
12.31 (0.44)a
2.48–3.04 (0.33)a
Historically, the principle indication for undertaking corneal transplantation for endothelial diseases in Singapore (with a predominance of Chinese (73 %) followed by Malay (12 %) and Indian patients (11 %)) over a 15-year period (1991–2006) was pseudophakic bullous keratopathy (PBK) (23 %) with only 7.1 % accounted for by Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy (FED) and 12.4 % regrafting procedures [19, 63]. More recent data from the Singapore Corneal Transplant Study has indicated that the rate of PBK is proportionally even higher, up to 34 % [60].
In other countries outside of Asia, a similar high proportion of grafts were historically undertaken for PBK (25 %) in Australia with 7 % for dystrophies and 18 % regrafts [71]. These figures were mirrored from a German data from the same period with 9.5 % of grafts being undertaken for FED, 33 % for PBK and 22 % regrafts between 1996 and 2000 in Berlin [15]. Twenty-six to twenty-eight percent of keratoplasties in the Wills Eye Hospital between 1989 and 2005 were also undertaken for PBK, and 10.8–15.77 % were for FED and 17.8–22 % were regrafts [32]. A large, single centre US data also showed that PBK previously accounted for more corneal transplantation (PK) than FED (32.1 % vs. 23 %, respectively) in the Midwestern United States between 1982 and 1996 [27]. The Swedish registry revealed FED as an indication for PK in 15 % and PBK in 22 % [23]. In the United Kingdom (UK), by contrast, between 1990 and 1999 in a single, large centre study, revealed a smaller proportion of patients who underwent corneal transplantation for PBK (7.6 %), 9.3 % for FED but a remarkably higher percentage were regrafts (40.3 %) [1]. Interestingly of the high proportion of regrafts, 58.3 % were for endothelial failure or rejection. For the following decade (1999–2009), in the UK as a whole the proportion of grafts undertaken for FED continued to increase from 17.3 to 22.3 %, while the number of grafts for PBK remained stable at 14 %, while the proportion of regrafts increased from 11.9 to 16 % during the same period [35]. Similarly, the US data highlights a shift in the indication for the transplantation from PBK to FED during the last decade (as high as 80% for FED in some centres) [22, 24, 52], which is discussed further in this chapter and elsewhere (See Chap. 6).
There are other unique challenges in Asia including viral causes of endothelial failure such as cytomegalovirus (CMV) endotheliitis [20, 41]. Not only is an infectious aetiology unusual as a primary cause of endothelial failure but also presents challenges in differentiating episodes of reactivation from conventional rejection and indeed rejection as a result of reactivation of CMV.
Endothelial dysfunction has been managed historically by undertaking PK. The 5-year graft survival rates in Singapore with this procedure up to 2006 were 58.6, 50.1 and 18.3 % for FED, PBK and regrafts, respectively [63]. This represented an overall (including all indications for transplant) 5-year graft survival of 63.7 %, lower than the commensurate Australian registry data at 72 % and UK at 82 % [55, 71]. It is important to note that the success of transplantation internationally for PBK is lower, and this is reflected in the higher proportion of these cases in Asia.
The time period that these data pertain to also overlap with a paradigm shift in how corneal transplant was approached for endothelial disease. The details of the evolution from full thickness to selective endothelial transplantation are covered extensively in Chapters 6. Briefly however, the potential for undertaking a partial-thickness graft offered greater mechanical stability, a reduction in postoperative astigmatism, a theoretical reduction in antigen load and therefore a reduction in graft rejection and a faster postoperative recovery. The challenge represented by EK was on safe and reliable insertion of the graft material without a large incision. If one considers the analogy of a mechanical puzzle, the issue is akin to how one might go about the seemingly impossible task of successfully placing a model ship into a glass bottle, but without damaging it. This conundrum of course is exaggerated in the context of (i) smaller anatomical anterior chambers and (ii) a higher rate of more challenging pathology including PBK in Asia.
At the turn of the millennium, two broad approaches were conceived: the anterior ‘endokeratoplasty’ approach described by Busin and the posterior approach described by Melles [16, 45]. The latter gained popularity because it offered the advantage of a closed technique and evolved to become a Descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK), and with the assistance of a microkeratome (or latterly by femtosecond laser), a Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK). The term DSAEK is almost universally synonymous with endothelial keratoplasty as we understand it. Further iterations including ultrathin DSAEK, pre-Descemet’s endothelial keratoplasty (PDEK) or indeed Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) have facilitated progressively thinner grafts, and with them increasing technical challenges in the way surgeons can safely insert the corneal tissue and simultaneously maintain endothelial cell counts (ECCs). A full appraisal of these issues is beyond the scope of this chapter and is discussed elsewhere in this book.
The advent and uptake of DSAEK are reflected in a significant change in global trends in corneal transplantation generally and indeed the indications for transplantation itself. In the USA, the rate of uptake from EK rose exponentially from 3.2 to 49.7 % of all grafts between 2005 and 2014 with a corresponding drop in rates of PK from 94.9 to 41.5 % [49]. A marked shift in the indications for surgery reflected a change in the disease profile as discussed, with PBK and FED accounting for 17.8 and 47.7 %, respectively, of EK surgery by 2014. A similar increase has been observed in large series in the USA, the UK and Australia [24, 25, 33, 35, 49, 60].
These changes have also been reflected in other Asian countries, including India but with a preponderance of EKs being undertaken for bullous keratopathy (47.9 %) compared to Fuchs’ endothelial corneal dystrophy (10.8 %) and regrafting (20.0 %) [47]. The high incidence of BK and the anatomical differences from Western populations already discussed highlight a particular challenge encountered in Singapore when switching from PK. This transition including the problems encountered and the steps to overcome them will be discussed in the rest of this chapter.
9.3 The Drive for Safer Donor Insertion: Adopting the Sheets Glide
EK was initiated in the Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) in 2006. At the time of adoption, the small-incision procedure included the use of a microkeratome-assisted preparation of the donor material (DSAEK) (Moria ALTK microkeratome, Moria) as opposed to manual preparation (DSEK) [53]. As outlined earlier in this chapter, one of the principle challenges in undertaking a small-incision keratoplasty procedure is ensuring a minimal donor endothelial cell damage for the procedure to be successful. Endothelial cell preservation is crucial as graft survival has been shown to depend on the maintenance of an adequate endothelial cell count [15]. Indeed this was one of the principle problems with penetrating keratoplasty, with gradual endothelial cell attrition and late endothelial failure accounting for a significant proportion of grafts becoming irreversibly dysfunctional (22 %) in the Singapore Corneal Transplant Study [63].
Like most centres, the initial approach to DSAEK involved ‘taco’-folding the donor graft. This essentially involved bringing the endothelial side of the prepared graft into apposition and pulling the donor material into the anterior chamber through the scleral (or indeed corneal) incision, typically measuring 4–5 mm. Once inside the anterior chamber, the graft could then be opened and attached to the underlying host stromal bed with air. In order to minimise attrition, the service in SNEC employed non-compression forceps (Goosey forceps; Moria) to hold and pull the 8–8.5 mm graft.
The anatomical challenges presented by a predominantly Asian population were considerable, and in the initial phase of transition to EK, apparently insurmountable with this technique. It has subsequently become apparent from other larger series outside of Asia that the endothelial cell loss with this approach was higher compared to penetrating keratoplasty, up to 41 % at 2 years [54, 65–67]. At that time however, these data were not available, but it was apparent from the challenging case mix of small eyes in Asia combined with higher rates of PBK, late presentation and high vitreous pressure that there were significant challenges in maintaining the anterior chamber (AC) and preventing iris prolapse. This resulted in an unacceptably high endothelial cell loss (60 %), with an excessive rate of primary graft failure (25 %) from the analysis of our cohort of first 20 patients [60]. In addition to the trauma of AC instability, ECC loss was compounded by the unavoidable destruction of endothelial cells with forceps. This resulted in evident linear ‘crush’ injuries to the endothelium, seen on vital dye staining and confirmed with scanning electron microscopy, even with seemingly careful manipulation of the graft [44]. An alternative approach was therefore considered.
Although a direct suture ‘pull-through’ procedure had been described, without a means of mounting the graft on a glide, this also represented a high level of attrition with endothelial cell loss measured at up to 39.4 % at 6 months [34, 58]. The Busin glide was developed as a means of supporting the corneal donor material while opening the lip of the incision prior to pull-through with forceps from the opposite side [17]. The theoretical advantage to this approach included pulling the donor edge from the opposite corneal incision without the requirement to ‘grab’ the entire graft. Although this has been shown to facilitate ECC loss at less than 30 %, and despite the method appearing to have intuitive merits compared to a forceps or direct pull-through technique, the initial experience with Asian eyes in SNEC was disappointing. With the glide positioned through the wound, AC stability could not be effectively maintained resulting in immediate chamber collapse or in significant iris prolapse [60]. An alternative means of opening the corneal incision while enabling the reposition of the iris was needed and led to the adoption and modification of a Sheets glide (BD Visitec), conventionally used to insert an anterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL).
The Sheets glide offered an alternative means of avoiding forceps while maintaining the iris reposition when pulling the graft into the eye [44]. Briefly, the technique involved trimming an IOL glide, placing the prepared donor material endothelial side down on a dispersive ophthalmic viscosurgical device (OVD) and then placing the distal end of the glide through a 5-mm scleral tunnel into the anterior chamber. By employing an anterior chamber maintainer in tandem, the risk of AC collapse was avoided while preventing the problems of iris prolapse seen with forceps or indeed a pull-through technique alone. Kawai capsulorhexis forceps (model AE-4388, ASICO) were then used to grasp the edge of the donor endothelium before pulling it through into the AC while retracting the glide to stabilise the AC.
The first 20 cases undertaken at SNEC with this technique reduced the primary graft failure rate to 4.8 % [6]. In fact this was an isolated case as a series of 220 consecutive cases (0.45 %) to 2011 [60]. The evaluation of the technique following 2 years of use since inception in 2006 showed a drastic reduction in endothelial cell loss compared to the taco-folding technique at 22.4 % and manifested in graft survival at 1 year of 92 % [7]. These outcomes were encouraging when considering the burden of patients with pseudophakic bullous keratopathy in this cohort (63 %). Furthermore the visual improvement was considerable with a change from a mean best-corrected LogMAR acuity of 1.56 (0.66SD) to 0.27 (0.17SD) at 1 year.
It was apparent from an Asian patient population that the risks of taco-folding compared to the use of a Sheets glide were significant. Taco-folding conferred an odd ratio of primary graft failure of 34 % (p < 0.01) [6]. It is interesting to note that in non-Asian populations, while the attrition from taco-folding is considerably less (34 % ECC loss at 6 months), it is still relatively high and higher than using alternative glides such as Busin’s [13]. The variation in DSAEK outcomes with different insertion devices is discussed later in this chapter, but suffice it to say that different populations and surgical experience play an important role in adopting the technique that is best suited to those needs. A critical early determinant of success was comparing the Sheets glide technique against the data for penetrating keratoplasty. It is important to note that some large population studies such as the Australian graft registry have shown less favourable outcomes with DSAEK compared to PK [25]. The variation seen in SNEC with two different DSAEK donor insertion approaches highlights that a suboptimal technique can profoundly influence the outcome. To better understand therefore whether the adoption of EK offered an advantage to Singaporean patients over existing full-thickness transplantation, the outcomes were evaluated at 1 and later at 3 years following surgery.
In a cohort of patients with similar baseline characteristics, although graft survival was comparable at >92 %, endothelial cell loss was found to be significantly worse in those undergoing PK (40.9 %, n = 173) compared to DSAEK (22.4 %, n = 68), p < 0.001 [7]. The Sheets glide DSAEK approach predictably also conferred less astigmatism (measured at 1.7D at 1 year) compared to PK (3.2D; p < 0.001) and a resultant improvement in visual acuity, with the added advantage of a faster recovery [7].
Having established the safety profile and outcome of DSAEK at SNEC at a 1-year time frame, longer-term assessment was completed. At 3 years, the Sheets glide DSAEK technique maintained its advantage over conventional surgery. When comparing patients with the principal indication for DSAEK (PBK and FED), it was found that ECC loss was 39 % compared to 47 % with PK [8]. Graft survival was maintained at 87 % for DSAEK, and while comparable to PK, the latter had a higher rate of complications including wound dehiscence, infection and epitheliopathy. Reassuringly, technique-specific complications such as donor detachment occurred in only 2.6 % of cases [8]. This was substantially lower than that described in other series [59]. Overall therefore the Sheets glide technique not only offered advantages over the benchmarked procedure of PK, but also problems unique to an Asian population were circumvented.
Systematic evaluation and modification of the surgical technique is critical to optimise the outcome for patient benefits. Tailoring the approaches undertaken as outlined resulted in a significant improvement in outcome to Asian patients in terms of visual recovery, outcome and graft survival compared to conventional full-thickness grafting. Despite this success, there appeared to be room for improvement, not only in the hands of experienced EK surgeons but potentially for those learning this technique. The next section will discuss the evolution of an insertion device.
9.4 The Drive for Safer Donor Insertion: Evolution of the EndoGlide
The adoption and validation of the Sheets glide approach facilitated a wholesale change in the accepted practice in managing endothelial dysfunction in Southeast Asia. SNEC is a regional hub for many surrounding countries where keratoplasty services are less established. Patients may therefore travel considerable distances for evaluation, surgery and long-term follow-up. Access to a less invasive procedure with a relatively fast recovery represented a significant step forward in managing corneal disease in this corner of the world.
While the Sheets glide had facilitated the conversion from PK to EK, there remained an ambition to further reduce the rate of endothelial cell loss and improve AC stability, while attempting to make the procedure easier to perform consistently. While problems with iris prolapse had been largely circumvented, Sheets glide DSAEK still represented a considerable surgical challenge, in particular during the learning phase of the procedure. As DSAEK adoption has risen exponentially, the variation in practice has come into focus, in particular with variable rates seen in larger national registries such as the UK and Australia [25, 33]. It is worth noting that while the surgeon experience has been highlighted as a risk factor for graft failure, it seems that some surgeons maintain a higher failure rate despite an aggregate higher number of cases performed [25], and this may go some way to explain why centre experience in some countries appears to confer an impact on survival while individual surgeon experience does not [33]. It is therefore worth re-emphasising the point that learning the correct technique and taking appropriate measures to minimise endothelial cell trauma facilitate graft survival. In order to further control the safe passage of the donor material of different sizes and thickness into the anterior chamber, therefore, an insertion device as an alternative to the Sheets glide was conceived.
In 2008 the original Coronet EndoGlide insertion device (Network Medical Products, Ripon, UK) was created. Subsequently this has been modified for ultrathin DSAEK to facilitate graft insertion up to 10.0 mm in diameter and up to 250 μm in thickness (Fig. 9.1). The development of the original insertion device was an iterative process considering the following parameters:


Fig. 9.1
The EndoGlide insertion device for DSAEK surgery. Colour photographs showing the components of the current Coronet ‘Ultrathin’ EndoGlide. Panel a shows the base (1), the saddle (2) and the cartridge (3). Once the graft has been placed on the saddle (endothelial side up) and pulled through into the introducer with Tan straight DSAEK forceps (not shown), the saddle is removed and the introducer (Panel b, 4) clips into the base and cartridge. The introducer-cartridge is then removed from the base and inverted ready for transfer
- (i)
Combining a glide with the pull-through technique with IOL insertion akin to a ‘USB thumbdrive’ for ease of manipulation
- (ii)
A means of loading the graft material into a double-coiled configuration to reduce the degree of endothelial touch
- (iii)
Small enough to allow insertion through a 4.5-mm scleral (or corneal) incision
- (iv)
Distal glide to ease passage into the anterior chamber and prevent iris prolapse
- (v)
Sufficient cartridge diameter to house the donor material while maintaining the incision seal, circumventing the AC collapse
- (vi)
Distal opening to allow safe pull-through of the graft material into the AC
The original EndoGlide was developed to allow insertion following a 4.5-mm scleral tunnel. The details of the entire procedure have been described elsewhere [38]. Briefly the precut tissue of an appropriate diameter including the anterior and posterior caps are carefully placed endothelial side up into the well of the base which together with the cartridge have been filled with balanced salt solution (BSS) (Fig. 9.2). A thin sliver of OVD is injected over the endothelium once mounted, and the BSS is drawn from the distal ‘glide’ end of the inserter with a sponge to help bring the graft closer to the cartridge (Fig. 9.2a). The posterior cap is pulled gently into the cartridge with straight EndoGlide forceps (Network Medical Products) from the distal opening, ensuring that the graft double coils in a straight fashion (Fig. 9.2b, c). An even coiling is essential to maintain the shape of the graft for a successful pull-through once in the AC. It is critical that an adequate but not excessive edge is revealed distally to facilitate this. The inserter is clipped into place following removal of the posterior cap and inverted so that the endothelium is facing downward.


Fig. 9.2
Surgical steps in the donor preparation. Colour photographs showing the loading of corneal graft material into the EndoGlide (a–d) and insertion through a temporal scleral incision (e–i). The donor material is placed endothelial side up in the EndoGlide base and pulled into the cartridge with the assistance of forceps prior to inversion ready for insertion. The flat blade of the device is placed in the incision and advanced until a seal facilitates gentle grabbing of the graft material from the opposite nasal incision, air bubbling and removal of the EndoGlide
Once loading is completed, the device is then detached from its base and introduced into a temporal scleral incision measuring 4.5 mm (Fig. 9.2). The forward-most flat blade of the glide acts exactly like a Sheet glide to hold away the iris and prevent iris prolapse, and once the EndoGlide has been advanced to form a complete seal, the AC maintainer flow is reduced prior to the insertion of curved EndoGlide forceps (Network Medical Products) from a nasal incision (Fig. 9.2e, f). The stromal edge of the graft is grabbed carefully but firmly, and the graft material is pulled into the AC (Fig. 9.2g). Expedient but careful removal of the EndoGlide chamber is undertaken while ensuring that the donor material is still gripped, and an automatic deepening of the chamber, combined with gentle, waving side-to-side movements of the donor with the EndoGlide forceps, usually facilitates unfurling of the donor (Fig. 9.2h). Once the AC is stable, a small 1/3 air bubble is injected carefully behind the graft to maintain its position, opposed to the host corneal stroma (Fig. 9.2i). The incision is then sutured, the AC maintainer removed and a full air fill is achieved for 6-8 min, while all incisions are secured. Partial air release is undertaken before appropriate posturing. The ultrathin EndoGlide including modifications such as a removable saddle to assist coiling, a shallow base well to ease the removal of the anterior cap of the cornea (Fig. 9.1a) and a clear marking for the correct attachment and insertion of the graft has facilitated an enhanced safety and ease of use (Fig. 9.1b) [3].
At the time of its development, there were no commercially available insertion devices, but subsequently a number of other ‘platform inserters’ have been introduced, including the Daya Endostar (Duckworth & Kent), Rieck glide (Geuder), Al-Ghoul injector (Ension, PA, USA), Macaluso sealing glide (Janach) and the EndoInjector, formerly Endoshield (KeraMed, California), but many have not made it to clinical use, with the exception of the EndoSerter (Ocular Systems Inc., Winston-Salem, North Carolina) and the Neusidl Corneal Inserter (Fischer Surgical, Imperial, Montana) devices, both platform inserters [3]. It is important to consider that the insertion of biological graft material is not the same as a synthetic IOL with coiling and injecting potentially causing endothelial cell damage. This was exemplified in a study that assessed a bifold folding technique compared with the employment of a Monarch IIB injection cartridge in a cohort of 179 patients. The bifold technique resulted the ECC loss at 12 months was 42.5 %, and with the cartridge 51.4 % [70]. Another cartridge-based device SFC-45 Visian implantable Collamer lens cartridge (STAAR Surgical, California) was compared in a cadaveric series following the microkeratome-prepared donor tissue [42]. While the immediate endothelial cell loss was significantly better than the forceps delivery, this was not substantiated in a patient series. An isolated case report however demonstrated an endothelial cell loss of 21 % at 5 months.

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