Vascularization of the recipient stroma
Anterior synechiae
Previous graft failure due to immunological rejection
Previous or ongoing anterior segment inflammation
Uncontrolled glaucoma or glaucoma surgery
Herpes simplex keratitis
Ocular surface disease
Vascularization of the recipient stroma is recognized as one of the most significant risk factors for graft rejection [2, 66]. In many cases, the vascularization includes both blood and lymph vessels [24, 62], causing the immune privilege to be compromised.
Patients with inflammatory conditions of the eye or ocular surface are also at increased risk of graft failure due to rejection. Ocular surface morbidity represents a significant challenge and often have poor prognosis after keratoplasty, even if the underlying inflammatory condition appears to be under control. Similarly, long-term graft survival may be reduced in patients with insufficiently treated intraocular inflammation [14, 61] and in patients with herpes simplex virus, where recurrence of the infection may lead to scarring or rejection of the graft [26, 35, 92]. Uncontrolled glaucoma or need of subsequent glaucoma surgery also may lead to graft failure [115]. Also, previous rejection and graft failure are significant indicators for renewed failure after regrafting [118].
Thus, the indication for performing elective keratoplasty in patients with one or more risk factors should be carefully considered.
Surgical Approaches
Penetrating Keratoplasty
In PK a full-thickness cornea with clear stroma and viable endothelium is transplanted. There are several variations upon the surgical technique, but clinical outcomes are generally comparable [32].
Although successful in many cases, PK has several disadvantages. The surgery causes significant structural changes in the cornea and causes the cornea to be permanently weakened. Thus, even years after surgery, minor blunt trauma may lead to devastating wound dehiscence and globe rupture.
Due to the slow corneal wound healing, sutures have to remain in place for at least 1 year after PK. Although, optical properties tend to stabilize during this period, large refractive changes may occur after suture removal [49, 59, 103]. Thus, visual recovery after PK is slow and typically extends for 1.5–2 years after surgery, since unexpected postoperative ametropia or high astigmatism may require further surgical interventions. In a large registry study of more than 1100 eyes, an average astigmatism of 4.56 dioptres was reported [21]. Various attempts have been made to try to control the postoperative refractive outcome, including suture adjustments or selective removal of single sutures in the postoperative period. However, in most reports, the effect of these approaches is limited and with considerable variation [29, 31, 42, 110]. In addition, suture regularity has been found to have only little influence on the postoperative astigmatism [45].
New technological developments such as femtosecond laser (FS) penetrating keratoplasty allow precise and identical cuts to be made in donor and recipient. FS laser penetrating keratoplasty allows sutures to be removed earlier than after PK. However, FS laser-based approaches were hoped to improve the postoperative refractive outcome, but has so far disappointed. Thus, in several studies, the average astigmatism after FS laser PK is reported to be of the same magnitude or only marginally better than that of conventional surgery [13, 34].
In most cases, the unpredictable refractive outcome after PK can be relieved with glasses or rigid contact lenses; however, additional surgical interventions may be needed including arcuate keratotomy or laser keratorefractive surgery [58, 117]. In some patients, development of cataract may allow postoperative ametropia to be corrected during subsequent cataract surgery.
Immunological rejection is a major complication after penetrating keratoplasty. In most cases the immunological response is raised towards the endothelial cells leading to acute cell loss and imminent graft failure. The patient typically complains of slight ocular irritation or inflammation and reduced visual acuity and clinically presents with endothelial precipitates, sometimes in a Khodadoust line, and overlying stromal oedema [51]. If the condition is treated promptly, the inflammation may be controlled leading to gradual resolution. However, untreated or late-treated endothelial rejection will eventually lead to failure of the graft. An immunological response towards stromal cells is much more rare but should also be aggressively treated, since an untreated stromal rejection may lead to clouding of the graft [75]. The risk of endothelial rejection after PK varies with the pathology that led to corneal transplantation [25]. In keratoconus patients, the risk of endothelial rejection is reported from 5.8 to 6.8 % within the first 5 years [3, 20], whereas in high-risk corneas (Table. 17.1), the risk of rejection may be more than 50 % [2]. In a recent graft registry study, the 10-year graft survival was reported to be 89 % in keratoconus patients, 73 % in patients with endothelial dystrophy, 66 % in corneal scars, 59 % in herpetic scars, 42 % in secondary endothelial failure and 37 % in regrafts [118]. Thus, in patients with one or more risk factors, the indication for PK should be carefully considered, and the expected outcome thoroughly discussed with the patient.
Over the last years, it has been recognized that penetrating keratoplasty is followed by an accelerated loss of endothelial cells that fits a bi-exponential decay [9]. Thus, an initial rapid loss during the first approximately 4 years is followed by a slower but abnormal cell loss. Since endothelial cells are required to maintain corneal hydration and clarity, the accelerated loss of cells eventually leads to graft failure. The underlying pathology that led to keratoplasty, however, influences the rate of late endothelial changes. Thus, one study found that patients with bullous keratopathy or herpetic uveitis had a higher cell loss than patients with keratoconus [61]. In another study, the incidence of endothelial failure 15 years after PK was 8 % in keratoconus patients and 33 % in patients with bullous keratopathy [12], and it was hypothesized that a reservoir of viable endothelial cells in the recipient cornea reduce the overall cell loss, thus explaining the better outcome in patients without underlying endothelial pathology.
Indications for Penetrating Keratoplasty
Since most corneal pathologies tend to affect either the endothelium or the stroma, it is desirable to try to selectively treat the diseased part of the cornea, reducing the risk of some of the complications after PK. In patients with isolated stromal disease, an anterior lamellar approach may be preferred to PK in order to avoid the risk of failure due to endothelial cell loss or rejection. In contrast, patients with endothelial dystrophy or secondary bullous keratopathy usually have limited stromal changes until in very late stages of the disease. Thus, after the advent of EK, indications have been shifting, and PK is no longer the first choice in patients with endothelial failure. Today the main indications for PK are combined endothelial and stromal disease or deep scars extending to the most posterior layers of the stroma, which significantly reduces the possibility for successful deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK). Other indications for PK include regrafting in patients with failed previous PK, uncontrolled infectious or immunological keratitis or patients with failure during attempted DALK.
Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
As detailed above, two of the major reasons for graft failure after PK are loss of endothelial cells and risk of endothelial rejection [2, 9, 12]. Thus, it makes sense to conserve the endothelial cell layer in patients with isolated stromal conditions such as scars, stromal dystrophies or ectatic disease. Depending on the extent of the stromal changes and the employed equipment, different types of ALK can be performed.
Superficial Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
In patients with superficial stromal changes, ALK may be performed as an automated lamellar therapeutic keratoplasty (ALTK). In ALTK, a microkeratome is used to create a lamellar graft and to similarly remove the anterior part of the recipient cornea. Depending on the thickness of the microkeratome cut, a bandage contact lens may be sufficient to protect the graft for the first period after surgery [96]. Thus, with thin grafts, sutures may not be necessary giving ALTK a considerable advantage over deeper grafts or PK, where sutures may contribute to the unpredictable postoperative astigmatism [21].
In contrast to manual dissection, the microkeratome creates a very smooth interface, and visual outcome has improved with the automated approach. Still, many patients do not achieve as good a visual acuity with ALTK as with PK [77, 95]. Development of haze at the interface and variations in graft thickness may be some of the factors that contribute to the suboptimal postoperative visual performance. A specific challenge with ALTK is risk of epithelial ingrowth into the interface that may be detrimental to the final postoperative outcome [97].
The recent development of femtosecond lasers (FS lasers) has led to new possibilities in ALK surgery (FS-ALK). FS lasers allow the formation of a planar graft with precisely defined diameter and edge. By performing a similar cut in the recipient cornea, a near-perfect match between the graft and the recipient can be obtained. Studies are few, but the visual outcome has been disappointing with only half of the patients obtaining a best-corrected visual acuity of 20/30 or better [15, 91]. At present, clinically controlled studies are needed to determine whether FS-ALK offers any significant advantage over traditional ALTK when it comes to postoperative outcome.
Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
In patients with deep stromal changes or ectatic disease, superficial ALK is insufficient and deeper stromal dissection required. Traditionally, pre-Descemetic ALK has been performed by manual dissection, in which up to 10 % of the most posterior recipient stroma is left [8]. However, even with a meticulous surgical technique, it is difficult to obtain a smooth interface, and the visual outcome is often mediocre. A newer approach, deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK), allows the surgeon to obtain stromal separation at, or very close to, Descemet’s membrane producing a smooth interface while leaving the endothelium intact. The various techniques to obtain the deep stromal separation are discussed in detail elsewhere in the book.
With DALK, it is possible to obtain a visual outcome rivalling that of PK [5, 22, 74, 90]. Unfortunately the technique is difficult to master, and rupture of the thin Descemet’s membrane during surgery or insufficient separation of corneal layers is frequent complications that may require conversion to conventional PK in a high percentage of cases. When successful, however, DALK allows the recipient endothelium to remain untouched, eliminating both the risk of endothelial rejection and the accelerated postoperative endothelial cell loss that occurs after PK. Although rare, stromal rejection may still occur, which requires prompt reaction and treatment [73, 89]. The most frequent postoperative complication after DALK is unpredictable postoperative astigmatism of the same magnitude as after PK [5, 90].
Tectonic Keratoplasty
A tectonic lamellar keratoplasty is a therapeutic intervention performed to reinforce the cornea or replace tissue lost due to inflammatory ulceration or non-inflammatory thinning disorders. Thus, tectonic procedures are used in patients where ALK or PK is not possible or preferable. The techniques for performing tectonic grafts are multiple and depend on the specific condition being treated. The donor tissue is fashioned to match the defect in the recipient cornea and may include annular, horseshoe shaped, crescent shaped or oval grafts [18, 39, 40, 108]. Depending on the location of the graft and the underlying ocular pathology, the visual outcome after tectonic grafting may be very poor, and a penetrating keratoplasty may be needed to restore the patient’s visual performance after the eye has quieted down.
Indications for Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
An anterior lamellar approach is indicated in corneas with isolated stromal changes. The decision between ALTK and DALK depends primarily on the depth of the stromal changes, but in very superficial cases, other treatment modalities such as excimer laser ablation may be considered if available. Superficial ALK may have the advantage of being sutureless with thin grafts, reducing the postoperative astigmatism; however, the visual outcome is often inferior in comparison with DALK or PK. Since most patients expect a good visual outcome after surgery, it is important that the patient is thoroughly informed about the benefits and disadvantages of a superficial anterior lamellar procedure.
In patients with deep stromal changes or ectatic disease, DALK will often be the most obvious choice since it spares the recipient endothelium. However, the surgical procedure is difficult and more time consuming than PK. Inadvertent perforation of the thin Descemet’s membrane or inability to obtain separation of the corneal layers occurs in a high percentage of cases. In patients with very deep stromal scars after hydrops or keratitis, the risk of perforating Descemet’s membrane is high, and DALK with hydrodissection or big-bubble technique is unlikely to succeed. In these patients, PK may be considered the first choice, although pre-Descemetic ALK with manual dissection might be attempted to reduce the risk of endothelial rejection and graft failure [72].
Endothelial Keratoplasty
Descemet’s Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty
In DSAEK a microkeratome is used to prepare a stromal-endothelial graft that is introduced into the recipient eye, positioned and kept in place with an air bubble. Several surgical approaches have been described, but the specific approach seems to have little influence on the clinical outcome, and overall DSAEK is quick to perform and can be mastered with relative ease. The various techniques are described in detail elsewhere in this book.
Since only the two most posterior corneal layers are affected by DSAEK, it offers several advantages over PK, including a more stable eye, less induced astigmatism and faster visual recovery. Thus, there is no major risk of globe rupture or wound dehiscence with minor blunt trauma after DSAEK. Furthermore, the surgery induces only little astigmatism, and the initial visual recovery is fast, allowing most patients to function normally within a few weeks after surgery. Nevertheless, even though visual acuity improves for more than one year after DSAEK, it still tends to be poorer than after PK [6, 19, 76]. There has been much debate on the underlying cause for the reduced visual acuity after DSAEK including graft thickness, irregularities or haze at the donor-recipient interface, lamellar orientation or changes in the recipient extracellular matrix [16, 17, 43, 50, 101]. Most probably several factors are at play, but the importance of each of these factors remains to be elucidated.
A unique complication related to endothelial keratoplasty is the risk of graft detachment within the first few days after surgery. The reported risk of detachment after DSAEK varies considerably, but in eyes with a normal anterior segment, it is generally in the range of 5–15 % [7, 60]. The underlying reason remains obscure, but detachment occurs more frequently in eyes where the amount of air in the anterior chamber after surgery may have been insufficient. This tends to be eyes with other ocular pathology including previous vitrectomy, iris defects, aphakia and previous glaucoma surgery. Graft detachments can usually be managed by re-centration of the graft and repeated air injection (termed rebubbling).
In DSAEK, the manipulation of the graft leads to a significant loss of endothelial cells during surgery; however, in recent studies, the endothelial cell density after 2 and 3 years has been found to be comparable to that of PK [80, 99].
Descemet’s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty
The slightly disappointing outcome in terms of visual acuity after DSAEK has led to development of another surgical approach termed Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) [69–71]. In DMEK, Descemet’s membrane with endothelium is carefully harvested from the donor cornea and subsequently introduced into the recipient. Several techniques have been described and are detailed elsewhere. In contrast to DSAEK, DMEK is surgically much more challenging since the thin Descemet’s membrane scrolls up with the endothelium facing outwards. Thus, the surgeon has to unscroll the tissue while at the same time ensuring proper centration and introducing and air bubble to keep the graft in place. In addition to being a more difficult procedure, the risk of graft detachment after DMEK is higher than after DSAEK. Thus, graft detachments have recently been reported to occur in as much as 33–78 % of eyes within the first 4 days after DMEK requiring rebubbling in 7–30 % [105]. Furthermore, eyes with total graft detachment after DMEK represent a considerable surgical challenge since the thin graft will curl up again.
In comparison with PK, DMEK has the same favourable advantages as DSAEK when it comes to globe stability, induced astigmatism and visual recovery; however, in terms of postoperative visual outcome, DMEK seems to fare better than DSAEK [37, 38, 104]. Although the initial loss of endothelial cells may be higher after DMEK, the long-term cell loss has been reported to be similar to that of DSAEK and PK [30]. Furthermore, the risk of endothelial rejection has been reported to be much lower after DMEK as compared to DSAEK and PK [6].
Indications for Endothelial Keratoplasty
Due to the favourable outcome of EK in comparison with PK, all endothelial pathologies should, in principle, be treated with endothelial keratoplasty. Most secondary stromal changes due to endothelial pathology are reversible or may be addressed during surgery. Thus, patients with long-standing endothelial failure may have deposition of sub-epithelial fibrotic tissue that can be scraped or peeled off during surgery without compromising Bowman’s layer. Full-thickness transplantation should only be considered in cases where other significant stromal changes such as keratoconus or stromal scars are considered to influence upon the postoperative visual outcome.
When it comes to choosing between DMEK and DSAEK, the decision may be more difficult. Overall, DMEK appears to be more favourable than DSAEK due to a better visual outcome and lower rejection risk. However, DMEK is surgically more challenging, which should be taken into account. First, harvesting the thin graft for DMEK requires considerable skill and may cause loss of tissue, which needs be considered in countries with shortage of donors. Second, the time required for successful DMEK surgery is more variable than for DSAEK, and even when the tissue has been prepared, DMEK may take considerably longer than DSAEK. Besides, many cornea banks are able to deliver pre-cut tissue for DSAEK, whereas only few banks as of yet are able to deliver pre-dissected DMEK grafts. Finally, patients with anterior chamber abnormalities including anterior chamber IOLs, aphakia, large iridectomies, partial aniridia, previous filtering surgery, glaucoma tubes or previous vitrectomy are generally not good candidates for DMEK, whereas DSAEK may be attempted.
Taken together, there are several factors to consider when choosing the optimal surgical approach for endothelial failure, where local circumstances may play a significant role, including availability of donor tissue and local logistics. Thus, although DMEK represents the state-of-the-art approach, DSAEK may still be the more obvious choice at many institutions.
To Graft or Not to Graft
Keratoplasty surgery has been rapidly evolving during the last 15 years, and indications have been changing. Where corneal transplantation used to be considered primarily in patients with severe visual reduction and bilateral affection, there has been an increasing tendency towards earlier intervention as well as treatment in cases with unilateral disease and a normal contralateral eye. However, the basic premise for doing surgery remains an estimation of the expected outcome in any given case. In other words, what are the odds that the patient will benefit from the surgical intervention? In most corneal transplantations, the main concerns will be the patient’s postoperative visual acuity, the refraction and the expected risk of graft failure. To address these concerns, the surgeon needs to have specific knowledge of the possible surgical approaches as well as the postoperative treatments. In addition, the patient needs to be thoroughly informed about the procedure and the expected outcome, as well as the potential risk for failure after surgery. Below, some of the most common pathologies leading to corneal transplantation are considered.
Endothelial Failure
In patients with endothelial failure due to Fuchs dystrophy or secondary bullous keratopathy, endothelial keratoplasty as either DSAEK or DMEK is the obvious surgical approach. The refractive outcome is generally excellent in both procedures, although a minor hypermetropic shift may occur [48]. However, DMEK usually offers better visual acuity than DSAEK, as well as a lower rejection rate, but the surgery is more complicated and with higher risk of perioperative tissue loss and postoperative graft detachment. Thus, local organization and tissue availability may make DSAEK the preferred approach. Furthermore, DMEK is usually not recommended in patients with anterior segment abnormalities, whereas DSAEK may be attempted in these cases.
Both DMEK and DSAEK can be performed as triple procedures with concurrent cataract surgery. However, in patients with limited changes due to endothelial dystrophy, it may be appropriate to do cataract surgery alone and postpone keratoplasty [109].
Before keratoplasty is considered in patients with keratoconus, an attempt to correct the refraction with rigid, gas-permeable contact lenses should have been performed.
Other surgical interventions including implantation of intrastromal corneal ring segments should also have been considered [23]. However, if these approaches are found insufficient to help the patient, keratoplasty may be attempted.
During recent years, there has been a gradual shift in the preferred treatment of keratoconus at some institutions. Where PK used to be the preferred procedure of many surgeons, the use of DALK is gradually becoming more widespread. The main complication of both procedures is an unpredictable refractive outcome; yet, the best-corrected visual acuity is usually good. DALK offers the advantage of eliminating the risk of endothelial rejection; however, graft survival after PK in keratoconus is usually excellent, and a 10-year survival of 89 % has been reported [118]. Two recent studies found similar long-term graft survival after DALK or PK in keratoconus patients, with marginally better visual outcome after PK, but fewer postoperative complications after DALK [65, 122]. In this context, both procedures may still be considered as acceptable approaches when keratoplasty is needed in keratoconus patients.
Stromal Dystrophies
Keratoplasty for stromal dystrophies other than keratoconus constitute only a fraction of the total number of corneal transplantations. The surgical approach to stromal dystrophies varies according to the location of the stromal changes. In patients with predominantly superficial changes such as early granular dystrophy, treatment with excimer laser photoablation or superficial ALK may be performed. With deeper stromal changes, DALK or PK may be considered. Overall, the outcome of transplantation in stromal dystrophies is good with respect to the risk of rejection episodes. Unfortunately, several dystrophies show a high tendency towards recurrence, which severely may limit the outcome after transplantation, as detailed elsewhere in this book. Thus, knowledge of the tendency towards recurrence of the various dystrophies is of high importance in order to decide whether keratoplasty should be performed.
Stromal Non-herpetic Scars
Scars after infectious keratitis or corneal trauma may vary considerably in their extent. Furthermore, stromal scars tend to diminish over time due to slow corneal remodelling, why keratoplasty eventually may not be needed [67]. Thus, in most cases the surgeon should wait for several months, before surgery is considered. The specific surgical approach may be varied according to the depth of the stromal changes. In very superficial scars, excimer laser photoablation may be attempted or superficial ALK considered. With deeper scarring, DALK or PK may be preferred, but in patients with previous corneal perforation, DALK is unlikely to succeed.
A 10-year graft survival of 66 % has been reported after PK in patients with stromal scars, whereas only 47 % of grafts after traumatic injury were clear after 10 years [118]. In one report of DALK for infectious scars or trauma, a six-month graft survival of 94 % was reported [112]; unfortunately long-term studies are lacking.
It should be noted that stromal scars due to infection or trauma represent a very diverse group due to varying degree of accompanying risk factors. In many patients with stromal scarring, vascularization or glaucoma may be present, which will negatively affect the outcome of subsequent keratoplasty. Thus, in each case, the presence of risk factors should be noted and incorporated into the preoperative assessment.
Herpetic Scars
Stromal scarring secondary to herpetic eye disease may lead to severely compromised visual acuity and photophobia. However, performing a keratoplasty in herpetic eye disease may represent a significant challenge. First, vascularization of the stroma is often present which increases the risk of graft rejection significantly. Furthermore, even if the underlying infection has been quiet for years, the surgical insult and the subsequent steroid treatment may lead to herpetic recurrence [26, 63]. Viral reactivation will also lead to accompanying inflammation within the eye, further increasing the risk of a rejection episode [46, 102]. To reduce the possibility of viral reactivation, prophylactic antiviral medication should be administered for a long time after surgery [10, 33, 111]. Overall, there is considerable risk of graft failure, but with prophylaxis, a 2-year failure rate of 14 % was reported as compared to 56 % in patients with no prophylactic treatment [10]. Since the endothelium may be assumed to be unaffected in most patients, DALK may reduce the risk of a rejection episode and was recently reported to have better postoperative outcome than PK [119], whereas another study reported of a high percentage of postoperative complications including rejection and graft failure [64]. Thus, both PK and DALK may be attempted, but the indication for performing keratoplasty in patients with herpetic eye disease should be carefully considered, and the patient thoroughly informed about the potential outcome of the surgery.
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