Vascular Fistulae and Orbital Implications

Figure 26.1 Normal venous anatomy of the orbit and relation to the cavernous sinus. (Redrawn with permission from Steinkuller PG, Jones DB. Microbial preseptal and orbital cellulitis. In: Duane’s Ophthalmology. New York: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2006.)


Dural Arteriovenous Fistulae (DAVF)

DAVF are pathologic direct vascular connections between the meningeal arteries and the dural draining veins, sinuses, or cortical veins.3 DAVF constitute approximately 10% to 15% of intracranial arteriovenous (AV) malformations.4 In adults, DAVF can be associated with trauma or dural venous sinus thrombosis and typically involve the sigmoid (50%) and cavernous sinuses (16%).4 Nomenclature is based on the involved venous sinus. In instances of venous outflow obstruction, the proposed mechanism involves venous hypertension with subsequent pathologic engorgement of the physiologic shunts between the meningeal arteries and dural venous sinuses.5,6 A second hypothesis has been put forward and proposes neoangiogenesis in response to cerebral hypoperfusion secondary to venous congestion.4,7

Increased risk of DAVF occurs with hereditary thrombophilias, lupus anticoagulants, and deficiencies in antithrombin-III, protein C, and protein S deficiencies.8,9

Pediatric DAVF may be congenital and tend to involve the confluence of sinuses or the superior sagittal sinus.10 Etiologies of suspected congenital DAVF include perinatal trauma, infection, and in utero thrombosis. However, the majority of adult and pediatric DAVF are idiopathic.10

DAVF venous drainage pattern is the most important determinant of prognosis.

Carotid Cavernous Fistula (CCF)

CCF constitute pathologic vascular shunts between the carotid arterial system and the cavernous sinus, or rarely, directly to an ophthalmic or orbital vein.3 CCF are categorized as direct and indirect. Direct CCF demonstrate direct vascular communication between the ICA and the cavernous sinus.11 Indirect CCF involve dural vascular connections between branches of the ICA (e.g., meningohypophyseal artery) or external carotid artery (e.g., middle meningeal and/or ascending pharyngeal artery) and the cavernous sinus. Although indirect CCF are considered a subtype of DAVF, they will be discussed separately here.

The notion of “high-flow” and “low-flow” fistulae is often discussed but is incorrect. Fistulae, by definition, are high-flow vascular lesions, and stratification based on “high- or low-flow” fistula is not considered appropriate. However, direct fistulae may have higher flows relative to those that are indirect, although both still represent high-flow lesions. Intraorbital fistulae have also been observed and consist of fistulization between the ophthalmic artery and the ophthalmic vein or one of its branches.1113

Many CCF are direct and are associated with traumatic blunt or perforating injury.14 Bilateral CCF have been reported in 1% to 2% of posttraumatic cases.15 Arterial tear secondary to skull-base fractures and shear wall tension resulting from traumatic positioning or sudden increase in pressure during injury are proposed mechanisms.16 Iatrogenic fistulae have also been reported following carotid endarterectomy, neuroendovascular procedures, and transsphenoidal pituitary and paranasal sinus surgery.1720

Nontraumatic (i.e., spontaneous) CCF are less frequent. Spontaneous cavernous ICA aneurysm rupture21 and inherited connective tissue disorders predisposing to aneurysm formation and subsequent rupture have both been implicated with CCF. In particular, patients with fibromuscular dysplasia,22 pseudoxanthoma elasticum,23 and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome24 have increased risk of arterial dissection and may rupture from “minor” trauma, such as coughing or low-impact motor vehicle accidents. However, similar to DAVF, the majority of nontraumatic CCF are idiopathic.

Clinical Features


The majority of DAVF are acquired, with females in their fifth and sixth decades of life most frequently affected.25 The clinical presentation depends on the location of the fistula and drainage pattern. Branches of the external carotid artery (ECA) are the most commonly implicated feeder vessels in DAVF. In particular, the middle meningeal artery and its branches are typically involved.26,27 The transverse and sigmoid sinuses are the most commonly involved dural venous segments. In these cases, pulsatile tinnitus is one of the most commonly reported symptoms.4 The orbital impact of DAVF with venous outflow in the posterior dural sinuses is limited, and our discussion will be centered on those involving the cavernous sinus. In this group, common presenting symptoms may include ophthalmoplegia, exophthalmos, chemosis, orbital pain, and decreased visual acuity4 (Box 26.1).


Box 26.1

Characteristic Ocular Signs and Symptoms of DAVF

Pulsatile tinnitus

Cranial nerve palsies


Orbital pain



Decreased visual acuity

Intracranial or intraorbital hemorrhage may occur, with presenting symptoms depending on the extent of hemorrhage and the areas involved. Extraorbital manifestations may be significant and require treatment independent of orbital symptoms. Uncommonly, nonhemorrhagic symptoms, such as dementia and cognitive decline, can occur but may improve following successful treatment28 (Fig. 26.2).


Figure 26.2 Female patient with right carotid-cavernous fistulae (CCF) resulting in unilateral orbital pain, proptosis, and chemosis (A). Postendovascular CCF embolization via a superior ophthalmic vein (SOV) approach, as depicted in Figure 26.7, with resolution of signs and symptoms but with some residual conjunctival staining (B). 


Direct CCF are estimated to represent approximately 75% of posttraumatic cavernous sinus fistulae.14 They occur most in males between the age of 20 and 30 years, likely relating to increased rates of traumatic events in this cohort.25 CCF signs and symptoms are related to increased blood flow and volume in the involved cavernous sinus(es), resulting in increased venous pressures and congestion. Arterialization of the cavernous sinus results in flow reversal in the orbital veins and, in severe cases, reflux into the cortical veins.29 Symptom onset is often rapid when associated with trauma (Box 26.2).9


Box 26.2

Characteristic Signs and Symptoms of Ocular Symptoms in Patients With Direct CCF


Decreased visual acuity






Eyelid Ptosis

Palsy of CN II, IV, V, and VI

Funduscopic examination often demonstrates venous stasis retinopathy, dilated retinal veins, and retinal hemorrhages. Severe proptosis and chemosis may result in keratopathy and corneal ulceration. Cavernous sinus or cortical draining vein rupture, resulting in intracranial parenchymal and/or subarachnoid hemorrhage, may occur in approximately 5% with this type of CCF.

Indirect CCF have a more diverse presentation. An incidence of 0.29 per 100,000 people per year has been reported, and this type of fistula is common in females between the ages of 50 and 60 years.30 Given the indirect nature of the vascular shunts, vascular pressures are typically reduced, resulting in a more insidious onset. In contrast to direct CCF, objective or subjective bruits are uncommon, as is involvement of cranial nerves V and VII.

Anteriorly directed venous outflow is the most common pattern of venous drainage seen associated with indirect CCF, characterized by retrograde flow in the SOV, often draining into the facial veins. Anterior drainage often results in orbital edema. These patients may present with signs of increased intraocular pressures and are at increased risk of ischemic optic neuropathy.31

Posterior venous drainage usually occurs via the inferior and superior petrosal sinuses. In this type of venous drainage, edema and proptosis are often absent (termed “white-eyed” painful diplopia).3133

Mixed venous drainage is also common. Although cortical venous drainage can occur in isolation, it is more frequently associated with anterior or posterior drainage. Cortical vein involvement is varied but more frequently involves veins communicating with, or in close proximity to, the cavernous sinus, such as the Sylvian vein or the basal vein of Rosenthal.31,33 This pattern of drainage results in increased venous pressures in the cortical veins and can restrict normal cerebral drainage. As such, neurologic examination is important to rule out intracranial complications, such as hemorrhage, venous congestion-related ischemia or infarction, or seizure. Signs and symptoms for each pattern of venous drainage are summarized in Table 26.1.

Table 26.1

Characteristic Signs and Symptoms of Ocular Symptoms in Patients with Indirect CCF Based on Venous Drainage Pattern

Pattern of Venous Drainage Signs and Symptoms



Conjunctivitis/conjunctival injection

CN VI palsy



Loss of vision


Often absence of proptosis, chemosis, and ptosis

Nonerythematous conjunctiva

“White-eyed” painful diplopia

CN III palsy

Cortical or mixed

All of the above

Venous infarction

Intracranial hemorrhage



Various classification schemes exist for CCF. The Barrow classification34 is the most widely utilized, stratifying CCF by etiology and source of feeder circulation (Table 26.2; Fig. 26.3). Other classifications also exist.12,35

Table 26.2

Barrow Classification of CCF

Type Criteria
Type A Direct connection between the intracavernous ICA and cavernous sinus
Type B Dural shunt between intracavernous branches of the ICA and cavernous sinus
Type C Dural shunt between meningeal branches of the ECA and cavernous sinus
Type D Mixed Barrow type C and type D


Figure 26.3 Schematic representation of the Barrow classification of direct and indirect carotid-cavernous fistulae (CCF). 

The Borden36 and Cognard25 classification systems, both proposed in 1995, are widely utilized for characterization of DAVF. The Borden classification groups DAVF on the basis of the anatomic location of the drainage vessel and the presence of additional cortical venous drainage, but it has limited prognostic use. The Cognard classification also incorporates venous drainage pattern but also captures the rates of hemorrhage and neurologic consequences. Although the Borden classification was not originally conceived for prognosis, type I DAVF are typically benign, presenting incidentally or as a result of pulsatile tinnitus and/or proptosis. Subsequent studies suggest an aggressive course in only 2% of type I DAVF.26,27 The presence of cortical vein drainage is associated with increased risk of neurologic complications.



Conventional radiography currently plays no role in the evaluation of DAVF and CCF.


Orbital sonographic evaluation is often not the initial imaging modality utilized in the workup of orbital pathology; however, it can play an important role. Although conditions with similar presentation to DAVF and CCF, such as intraocular tumors, scleritis, and myositis, can be excluded by using this modality, the role of sonography in the diagnosis and management of DAVF and CCF is limited. Orbital color Doppler sonography can detect flow reversal or thrombosis of the SOV.11 Arterialization and low resistance flow in the SOV on Doppler sonography can be seen in both DAVF and CCF. Arterialization of the ophthalmic veins should also be assessed in relation to carotid flow velocities, which have been found to be abnormal in the presence of a direct fistula.37

Computed Tomography (CT)

Orbital CT is the initial imaging modality in most institutions. It allows for rapid and fairly comprehensive assessment of the structures of the orbit. On routine contrast-enhanced CT, an ectatic SOV is seen in 86% to 100% of orbital vascular fistulae.38 Orbital CT findings that can be seen in DAVF and CCF are summarized in Box 26.3. CT is also useful in evaluating patients with abrupt onset of symptoms, identifying skull-base and calvarial fractures and intracranial hemorrhage. CT angiography (CTA) permits evaluation of the arterial and venous structures.39 Given the typical flow characteristics of DAVF and CCF, respectively, early enhancement of the cavernous sinus is observed in both, although classically more prominent in direct CCF, whereas enhancement will be more delayed in indirect DAVF.40 Direct CCF also results in increased cavernous sinus pressures with possible sinus expansion. Dural venous sinus thrombosis can also be detected by using this modality. Although CTA with dynamic arterial and Valsalva-augmented venous phase technique is a powerful tool for assessing a variety of orbital vascular pathologies, its use in high flow lesions is limited.41


Box 26.3

Common CT Findings Associated with Arteriovenous Fistulae Affecting the Orbit

Extraocular muscle enlargement

Periorbital fat stranding secondary to edema


SOV and/or IOV dilation

Cavernous sinus enlargement and early contrast opacification

Tortuous feeding arteries with possible aneurysm formation

Flattening of the optic disk or dilation of optic nerve sheath, indicative of papilledema

Skull-base fracture (in the setting of traumatic CCF)

Subarachnoid hemorrhage (if rupture)

Dural venous sinus or cortical vein thrombosis

CTA also helps with treatment planning, providing the spatial information of the surrounding parenchyma and calvarial anatomy, as well as serving as a guide to possible endovascular routes of access for closure of the fistula (see later). The recently developed four-dimensional CTA (4D-CTA; time-resolved) imaging provides dynamic information and may become a valuable adjunct to conventional CTA in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and follow-up of patients with cranial DAVF.42,43 However, the radiation dose of 4D-CTA is substantially higher compared with conventional CTA44,45 (Fig. 26.4).


Figure 26.4 Common CT findings associated with fistulae involving the orbit, demonstrating proptosis (A); optic disk cupping (B, vertical arrow) and optic nerve sheath dilatation (B, horizontal arrow) reflecting papilledema; superior ophthalmic vein (SOV) (C) dilatation, and early filling and distension of the left cavernous sinus (D, arrow); and extraocular muscle swelling due to venous congestion of the right orbit (E). 

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