Upper Eyelid Ptosis and Retraction

Figure 28.1 Upper eyelid anatomy. Cross-section of upper eyelid demonstrating relationship between levator palpebrae superioris, levator aponeurosis, and Müller muscle. 

The tarsus of the upper eyelid is 10 to 12 mm tall at its maximum vertical height. It tapers medially and laterally as it blends into the corresponding canthal tendons. The tarsus is approximately 1 mm thick and is firmly attached to the orbital rim periosteum by the lateral and medial canthal tendons. There are approximately 30 Meibomian glands in the tarsus of the upper eyelid. These specialized sebaceous glands and the Zeis glands on the margin of the eyelid provide the oil component of the tear film.

The upper eyelid skin is the thinnest skin in the body and contains no subcutaneous fat. The preseptal skin superior to the tarsus has some redundancy that allows for a skinfold in some people. The orbicularis oculi can be described in three sections: pretarsal, preseptal, and orbital. The orbital orbicularis produces forced closure, whereas the preseptal orbicularis and the pretarsal orbicularis produce involuntary movements such as blinking. An understanding of the anatomy of the upper eyelid is essential when performing surgery to correct ptosis or eyelid retraction.


Acquired ptosis affects individuals of all ethnicity, gender, and age but is far more common in older adults. Men and women are equally affected, although women may present for evaluation and correction more often compared with men. Eyelid retraction occurs frequently in patients with thyroid orbitopathy (see Chapter 12) and affects women more commonly than it affects men (Box 28.1).


Box 28.1

Classification of Ptosis

1. Congenital (see Chapter 8)

2. Involutional (aponeurotic)

3. Neurogenic

Horner syndrome

CN III palsy

Myasthenia gravis

4. Myogenic

Mitochondrial myopathies (CPEO)

Myotonic dystrophy

Oculopharyngeal dystrophy

5. Mechanical/cicatricial

6. Traumatic

Pathogenesis and Etiology


Congenital Ptosis

Congenital ptosis may be isolated or part of a syndrome (e.g., blepharophimosis, Duane syndrome, monocular elevation palsy, Marcus Gunn jaw-wink ptosis). These conditions typically involve ptosis of myogenic origin and may occur sporadically or through a genetic mutation that may be inherited. Congenital ptosis is discussed in detail in Chapter 8.

Involutional Ptosis

The most commonly acquired ptosis is age-related ptosis (Fig. 28.2). There is ongoing debate about the underlying pathogenesis of involutional ptosis. Jones and others913 proposed that involutional ptosis is caused by disinsertion of the levator aponeurosis from tarsus, so reattachment of the dehisced edge should correct the problem (Fig. 28.3). However, a detached edge cannot be identified in all cases. Nevertheless, many cases of “involutional” ptosis can be satisfactorily corrected with levator advancement well into the aponeurosis or even into the muscle itself. Carroll et al. could not identify defects in the aponeurosis and postulated that the dehiscence and disinsertion seen by others was largely iatrogenic.15,16 In many cases, fat is present in the levator muscle and/or Müller muscle, suggesting that many cases of “involutional” ptosis represent a form of muscular degeneration, be it pathologic or simply age-related muscle mass loss. Supporting evidence that a myogenic etiology might be the underlying problem comes from a report showing that levator function in patients with involutional ptosis is reduced.29 Disinsertion or thinning of the aponeurosis does not explain all cases of involutional ptosis. Although some cases do undoubtedly reflect physical aponeurotic pathology, at least some patients likely have a myogenic component as the major contributor. The cause of age-related ptosis is not clear despite common dogma to the contrary.


Figure 28.2 Bilateral involutional upper eyelid ptosis. A, A 75-year-old woman complained of slowly progressive drooping of both upper eyelids, with loss of peripheral vision. Examination demonstrates bilateral blepharoptosis with superior migration of lid crease, aged facial skin, and, in this case, accentuation of the superior sulcus. B, Ptosis and superior sulcus deformity are best appreciated in comparison to postoperative photo taken 1 week after external levator advancement. (Courtesy of Aaron Fay, Boston, USA.)


Figure 28.3 Levator aponeurosis dehiscence. The thick, white levator aponeurosis (LA) has receded several millimeters from the superior edge of tarsus (T) leaving the Müller muscle (MM) and the peripheral arterial arcade visible beneath a layer of thin connective tissue. LM, levator muscle. (Courtesy of Aaron Fay, Boston, USA.)

Normal “levator function” is not easy to quantify. A slow 12-mm lid margin excursion may not be “normal” in some age groups. Certainly, it is different and discernable from a quick 15-mm excursion. Lid margin excursion may be the best clinical tool we have to estimate the health of the levator complex, but it is a rough estimate of function, as we cannot easily measure velocity, acceleration, or force. Additional research on this topic is needed, but since standard surgeries improve the eyelid height in most patients, there has been little urgency to investigate the etiology further (Fig. 28.4).


Figure 28.4 Eyelid vital signs. A, Normal eyelid – MRD1 = 4 mm. Lid crease = 8 mm. B, Upper eyelid ptosis – MRD1 = 2 mm. Lid crease = 12 mm. C, Upper eyelid retraction – MRD1 = 6 mm. D, Upper eyelid ptosis and lower eyelid retraction – MRD1 = 2 mm, MRD2 = 8 mm. E and F, Lid margin excursion (commonly called “levator function”). E, Position of eyelids in downgaze. F, Position of eyelids in upgaze. Excursion of lid margin measures 15 mm. (A–C, with permission from Nerad, JA. Techniques in ophthalmic plastic surgery, a personal tutorial. St. Louis, MO: Saunders; 2012.)

Controversy: One commonly cited cause of aponeurosis disinsertion is long-term contact lens wear. This idea was based on a small number of cases reported in the 1970s but has not been corroborated. Given the number of long-term contact lens wearers, one would expect to see more contact lens–related ptosis cases if there were causation. Those supporting the contact lens theory of aponeurotic ptosis link it more closely to hard or rigid gas-permeable contact lens wear; wearers are instructed to drag the lid laterally and squeeze the orbicularis when removing the lens. However, even soft contact lens wearers have a demonstrable higher tendency toward ptosis.30

Neurogenic Ptosis

Unilateral ptosis in combination with pupillary abnormalities may be caused either by disruption in the sympathetic pathway or by an oculomotor nerve palsy (Fig. 28.5). Horner syndrome comprises a triad of findings: ptosis, miosis, and anhidrosis on one side, caused by a defect in the sympathetic pathway (Fig. 28.6). A lesion anywhere along the sympathetic pathway can lead to decreased Müller muscle tone, causing a ptosis typically of 1 to 2 mm. Anisocoria that is more pronounced in dim light should prompt pharmacologic testing to confirm Horner syndrome. An acute onset Horner syndrome can be caused by carotid dissection and should be urgently evaluated (see below). Complete third cranial nerve palsy causes unilateral ptosis, mydriasis, and limited adduction, supraduction, and infraduction. Partial or incomplete third nerve palsy can also occur and does not always involve the pupil; pupil-sparing oculomotor palsy is more likely to result from ischemia.


Figure 28.5 A, Sympathetic innervation of the eye and eyelids. B, Horner syndrome can be caused by injury to first, second, or third-order neuron. (Redrawn courtesy of Peter W. MacIntosh, Chicago, USA.)


Figure 28.6 Horner syndrome. A, A 27-year-old man presented with left upper eyelid ptosis, elevated left lower eyelid at rest, and intermittent ipsilateral headaches for several months. B, Five minutes after instilling a single drop of phenylephrine 2.5% in the left eye, both upper and lower eyelids were symmetric with resolution of ptosis. C, MRI of neck demonstrates left carotid artery dissecting aneurysm. D, Left carotid artery aneurysm (arrow). The patient was treated with anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy. (Courtesy of Aaron Fay, Boston, USA.)

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is another rare cause of ptosis, in which autoantibodies block transmission of neuroelectrical signals at the neuromuscular junction. Although MG is a systemic disease, many patients initially present with symptoms of ptosis or diplopia. Autoantibodies variably affect different extraocular muscles, leading to intermittent diplopia. This may cause a noncomitant strabismus pattern that can vary from day to day. MG is sometimes classified as a form of myogenic ptosis, but because the muscle itself is not abnormal (as in the case of other myogenic ptoses), this neuromuscular junction disorder is more appropriately grouped with neurologic disorders (Fig. 28.7).


Figure 28.7 Ptosis in a patient with myasthenia gravis. 

Myogenic Ptosis

Myogenic ptosis refers to a dystrophic condition that is primary to the muscular tissue. It may represent a failure of muscle development, as in congenital ptosis, or it may be acquired, as in oculopharyngeal dystrophy. In either case, the effect is a focal form of muscular dystrophy that prevents effective contraction of muscle fibers, typically leaving a fatty or fibrous tissue in place of healthy striated muscle (Fig. 28.8).


Figure 28.8 Adult myogenic ptosis. Presenting characteristics include profound ptosis, no lid crease, extreme frontalis overaction, and youthful presentation (in contrast to age-related (involutional) ptosis). A, A 60-year-old man with oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy who had undergone frontalis suspension 20 years earlier. B, A 40-year-old man with myotonic muscular dystrophy. (Courtesy of Aaron Fay, Boston, USA.)

Most forms of sporadic or syndromic congenital ptosis are myogenic and are reviewed in detail in Chapter 8.

Adult-onset myogenic ptosis may be caused by mitochondrial myopathies, oculopharyngeal dystrophy, and myotonic dystrophy.

Mitochondrial disease is a group of disorders caused by dysfunctional mitochondria, the organelles that produce energy for the cell. This usually results from sporadic mutations in mitochondrial DNA, specialized circular DNA containing 37 genes that code for Krebs cycle enzymes. This circular DNA replicates within mitochondria that are inherited entirely from the mother. Mutations in nuclear DNA genes that code for mitochondrial proteins may also result in these diseases.

Mitochondrial myopathies constitute a subgroup that specifically causes neuromuscular weakness, of which the most common manifestation is chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO). CPEO is characterized by slowly progressive paralysis of the extraocular muscles, usually associated with preceding progressive bilateral upper lid ptosis. It may occur as an isolated syndrome or in association with skeletal muscle weakness. The isolated variant typically develops in the fifth or sixth decade.

Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS) is a mitochondrial myopathy with onset before age 20 years manifesting with CPEO, pigmentary retinopathy, and one or more of cardiac conduction defects, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) elevated protein, or a cerebellar syndrome. Other abnormalities in KSS include mental retardation, hearing loss, seizures, and endocrine disorders3 (Fig. 28.9).


Figure 28.9 Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS). A–C, This woman presented with gradual progression of upper eyelid ptosis. Both vertical and horizontal ductions were limited. D, Pigment clumping, sometimes described as “salt and pepper” appearance, can be seen in peripheral retina. E, Patients with KSS are at risk for cardiac conduction abnormalities such as the right bundle branch block with first-degree heart block seen in this electrocardiogram. (Courtesy of Neil R. Miller, Baltimore, USA.)

CPEO may also be a sign in oculopharyngeal dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy, or myasthenia gravis.

Myotonic dystrophy usually presents clinically during the teens or early twenties. Patients may manifest additional ocular signs including refractile lenticular deposits (“Christmas tree cataract”), pigmentary retinopathy, or ophthalmoplegia.

Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD) typically presents in the seventh decade of life. Patients develop ptosis, facial muscle weakness, and progressive dysphagia. A family history is present, often associated with a French Canadian pedigree. OPMD is inherited as an autosomal dominant somatic mutation.

Mechanical Ptosis

Ptosis caused by a local mass effect is considered mechanical ptosis. A benign neoplasm, edema, or even a chalazion in the upper eyelid can weigh or push the eyelid down. Usually, a mass or edema is easily identified as the cause of ptosis, and when treated appropriately, the eyelid position reverts to normal (Fig. 28.10).


Figure 28.10 Mechanical ptosis. A, This patient had a gold weight implanted to correct paralytic lagophthalmos and developed mechanical ptosis, which was subsequently repaired with a levator advancement. B, This 47-year-old man with active acne rosacea developed a hordeolum in the left upper eyelid with focal cellulitis. The mechanical ptosis more likely results from tissue noncompliance caused by edema and inflammation rather than added weight as in part A. (A, courtesy of Peter Dolman, Vancouver, Canada.)

Traumatic Ptosis

Injury to the upper eyelid may damage the levator or its aponeurosis, especially given the thinness of the upper lid. Blunt or sharp trauma causing preaponeurotic fat herniation should raise suspicion of underlying levator laceration or hematoma: this can be tested by measuring the levator function if the patient is conscious. Scar tissue following trauma may cause limited lid excursion, causing both ptosis and eyelid lag. Traumatic third nerve palsy is usually classified as neurogenic. Certain ocular surgeries, including retinal, glaucoma, and anterior segment surgeries, may lead to postoperative ptosis that may be transient or permanent. This may be caused by the eyelid speculum pulling the eyelid up while the eye is infraducted, causing a stretching of the aponeurosis from its tarsal insertion site. This type of ptosis is less commonly seen with the elimination of a superior rectus traction suture (Fig. 28.11).


Figure 28.11 Traumatic ptosis. A, A 17-year-old female struck her left orbit on a steering wheel, presenting with a left lower lid medial avulsion and canalicular tear and left upper lid ptosis with no evidence of laceration. B, Three months later, the lower lid and canaliculus were functioning following repair, and the upper lid ptosis had spontaneously improved without any intervention. (Courtesy of Peter Dolman, Vancouver, Canada.)


A number of eyelid conditions can mimic ptosis and potentially mislead the clinician. Common causes include severe enophthalmos with narrowing of the palpebral fissure, ipsilateral hypotropia, brow ptosis, and contralateral lid retraction giving the impression of relative ptosis of the opposite lid. The most common cause is dermatochalasis that reduces the true margin reflex distance by mechanical effect or the functional margin reflex distance by overhanging the lid margin proper. These cases are confirmed when the lid height returns to normal after simple blepharoplasty without surgical repair of the ptosis (Fig. 28.12).


Figure 28.12 Pseudoptosis. A, A 74-year-old man complained of drooping eyelids and diminished peripheral vision. He presented with dermatochalasis and reduced margin reflex distance. B, Following bilateral upper blepharoplasty without ptosis repair, lids and MRD returned to normal. (Courtesy of Aaron Fay, Boston, USA.)

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