Risk Factors for Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine Retinopathy

Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates, Charlotte, NC, USA
Over 80 % of patients taking 4-aminoquinolines (4AQs) have risk factors for retinopathy. The most important risk factor is the adjusted daily dose. Taking hydroxychloroquine at a dose less than 6.5 mg/kg/d based on the lesser of actual and ideal body weight is typically safe. Failure by prescribing physicians to dose correctly and by screening eye care providers to detect and suggest correction of overdosing are the most common factors contributing to 4-aminoquinoline retinopathy. Currently, at least one eighth of patients taking 4AQs are overdosed.
Actual body weight
Adjusted daily dose
4-Aminoquinoline retinopathy
4-Aminoquinolines (chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine)
Ideal body weight
Rheumatoid arthritis
Retinal pigment epithelium
Standard deviation
Systemic lupus erythematosus
The main risk factors for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine retinopathy are the drug used (chloroquine being riskier), high daily dose, increasing cumulative doses and durations of drug ingestion, greater age, preexisting macular abnormalities, obesity, and renal or liver dysfunction [17]. Plausible additional risk factors that have not been sufficiently investigated include predisposing or protective genetic mutations. For example, ABCA4 variants have been proposed as increasing the risk for retinopathy [8].
The disease for which the patient takes the medicine has been inconsistently associated with risk. In some reports systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has been observed to be associated with increased risk [913], but in other series rheumatoid arthritis (RA) was considered to be more predisposing to retinopathy [14], and in others the risk seemed unrelated to the underlying disease [1518]. Where SLE has been found to predispose to retinopathy, it was not ruled out that associated and confounding renal dysfunction was responsible [19]. There is no convincing evidence that the disease for which the 4AQ is taken has a clinically important influence on susceptibility to 4AQR. Many reports pool all patients taking 4AQs together under the assumption that the disease for which the drug is taken is immaterial to the risk of retinopathy [1, 16, 20].
Light exposure has been considered as a risk factor, but insufficient evidence has been adduced to rank it as important relative to the other factors [5, 21]. It can also be considered insufficiently investigated. Beyond the relative importance of particular risk factors, the additive risk of multiple concomitant risk factors has been noted [14].
Certain associations have been put forth, but may not be true risk factors. For example, the proportion of female patients with 4-aminoquinoline retinopathy (4AQR) is higher than the proportion of male patients. It may be that this increased risk follows from the smaller median height and weight of females who do not generally receive a lower prescribed dose. That is, the gender risk factor may reflect an underlying dosing risk factor. Similarly, obesity per se is not a risk factor, but is associated with overdosing, which is common in short, obese persons [22]. There are other risk factors that are not widely acknowledged, but demonstrable by particular examples. Among these would be preexisting visual field abnormalities that confound interpretation of visual fields obtained in screening for retinopathy.
Screening guidelines suggest frequency of follow-up depending on whether patients fall into low- or high-risk groups [4, 23]. The presence of a risk factor places a patient in a high-risk group. This categorization is of little practical use, because such a high percentage of patients possess at least one risk factor [7, 14]. A study of 109 patients in a Veterans Affairs Medical Center found that 87 % had one risk factor and 47 % had two or more [24]. In a survey of 3,995 rheumatologic patients who had taken hydroxychloroquine, 81.5 % had at least one risk factor [15]. In the series of Bergholz and colleagues, the low-risk group constituted only 3.9 % of the patients screened. Perhaps this fact explains why, in practice, clinicians ignore the recommendations of guidelines to omit screening after the baseline examination until the fifth year of follow-up in low-risk patients [25]. Instead they consistently choose follow-up at least as frequently as once a year for all patients [25].
Commonly used abbreviations in this chapter are collected in “Abbreviations” for reference. Each term will be first used in its full form, along with its abbreviation.
The relative frequency of various risk factors in patients screened for 4AQR and in patients with 4AQR is shown in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1
Frequency of risk factors in patients taking 4-aminoquinolines and patients with 4-aminoquinoline retinopathy
Risk factor
Class of patient
Number of patients
Percent with risk factor
Duration >5 years
Flach [24]
Gupta [27]
Lyons [91]
Missner [70]
Michaelides [26]
Mititelu [28]
Shinjo [78]
Anderson [125]
Payne [39]
Bienfang [58]
Daily dosage >6.5 mg/kg/d based, on IBW, HC
Bray [29]
Michaelides [26]
Mititelu [28]
Payne [39]
Daily dosage >6.5 mg/kg/d, based on ABW, HC
Flach [24]
Michaelides [26]
Gupta [27]
Lyons [91]
Neubauer [35]
Elder [52]
Mititelu [28]
Anderson [125]
Payne [39]
Bienfang [58]
Daily dosage >4.0 mg/kg/d, C
Bonanomi [30]
Xiaoyun [93]
Neubauer [36]
Daily dosage >3.0 mg/kg/d, C
Shinjo [78]
Age >60 years
Flach [24]
Gupta [27]
Elman [31]
Elder [52]
Missner [70]
Michaelides [26]
Anderson [125]
Payne [39]
Bienfang [58]
Mititelu [28]
Michaelides [26]
Mititelu [28]
Preexisting retinal disease
Flach [24]
Gupta [27]
Michaelides [26]
Mititelu [28]
Payne [39]
Renal dysfunction
Michaelides [26]
Mititelu [28]
Payne [39]
Bienfang [58]
Liver dysfunction
Michaelides [26]
Mititelu [28]
Renal or liver disease
Flach [24]
Gupta [27]
Class of patient refers to whether the study looked at patients taking 4-aminoquinolines or patients with 4-aminoquinoline retinopathy. 4AQ is 4-aminoquinoline. 4AQR is 4-aminoquinoline retinopathy. IBW is ideal body weight. ABW is actual body weight. C is chloroquine. HC is hydroxychloroquine

7.1 Age

The inconsistent reports regarding the effects of age on risk of 4AQR suggest that it is a weak factor. Some have reported no effect [18, 28, 30]. Many have reported that increasing age increases the risk of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine retinopathy [14, 31]. In reports showing an association, the most commonly asserted threshold for increased risk is 60 years [15, 23], although some have posited ages 40 [17, 32], 50 [6, 31], 65 [33], or 70 [34] years as more appropriate.
There is no rational basis for any of these thresholds [35]. The evidence to support associations of increased susceptibility to 4AQR with age is indirect. For example, a documented case of hydroxychloroquine retinopathy occurred in a patient taking less than 6.5 mg/kg/d. The patient happened to be older than 60 years. Because dosing was appropriate and there were no other risk factors, age was hypothesized to be a relevant predisposing factor [35]. In other studies the age of patients with and without retinopathy has not been compared [36].
It is probable that risk increases incrementally and continuously with age rather than reaching a threshold at which risk suddenly increases. Evidence for this comes from articles in which the median age for patients developing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine retinopathy is greater than that of patients without retinopathy taking these drugs [14, 37]. In a multivariable analysis of risk factors associated with hydroxychloroquine retinopathy, age was not a significant predictor after other variables were taken into account [15]. Although Elman suggested that age less than 50 implies no need to screen [31], enough patients under age 50 have been reported with retinopathy that younger age does not excuse screening in published guidelines.
There may be multiple mechanisms by which increased age adds to the risk of 4AQR. For example, renal function decreases with age. As decreased renal function is a risk factor for 4AQR, increased age may just be an indirect risk factor working through the proximate factor of diminished renal function [22]. Likewise, effectiveness of hepatic metabolism of 4AQs may decrease with age, although this has not been investigated.

7.2 Gender

More than 90 % of cases of 4AQR occur in females [1, 28, 38, 39], but the relevant factor for this preponderance is the lower heights and ideal body weights (IBWs) of females with no adjustment of dosing. That is, the risk factor is the overdosing and not the gender.
A calculation illustrates this point. The average height of women in the US population is 65 ± SD3.5 inches and that of men is 69 ± SD2.8 inches. The IBW at which a typical hydroxychloroquine (HC) dose of 400 mg/d becomes toxic based on a threshold of 6.5 mg/kg/d is 135 pounds, which corresponds to a height of 5 ft 3 inches using the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Table of IBW (Table 7.2). If one assumes that the distribution of IBWs is normal, then the concept of a Z-score is applicable (see Chap. 8). The Z-score tells where, along the normal distribution, a value of the independent variable (in this case height) lies. It is calculated by the formula Z = (X − μ)/σ, where X is the value of the variable (in this case, 63 inches), μ is the mean value of the normal distribution (in this case, 65 inches), and σ is the standard deviation of the distribution (in this case, 3.5 inches). The Z-score for a height of 5 feet 3 inches (63 inches) would be Z = (X − μ)/σ = (63–65)/3.5 = −0.5714. Looking this score up in a standard table of Z-scores shows that 28.4 % of women will be overdosed with typical 400 mg/d dosing of hydroxychloroquine. The analogous calculation of a Z-score for men yields a score of −2.14 which implies that only 1.6 % of men will be overdosed with typical hydroxychloroquine dosing. Similar calculations for the other algorithms of IBW in common use yield height cut-points ranging from 62 to 68 inches at which typical dosing represents overdosing (Table 7.2) [40].
Table 7.2
Algorithms for ideal body weight used in the literature regarding 4-aminoquinoline retinopathy
Algorithm for ideal body weight (in kg) in women
Height below which 400 mg/d daily dosing of HC is an overdose
Easterbrook [40]
45.5 + 2.3 × every inch over 5 ft
5 ft 7 in.
Easterbrook [48], Vine [87]a
1.364 × (height in inches) − 32.273
5 ft 9 in.
Easterbrook [48], Vine [87]b
1.506 × (height in inches) − 31.319
5 ft 2 in.
Browning [42]
1.9467 × (height in inches) − 61.05
5 ft 3 in.
Bergholz [14]
[2.54 × (height in inches) − 100] × 0.85
5 ft 8 in.
Walvick [43]
Referenced, but formula not given
5 ft 4 in.
Michaelides [26]
(1.07 × weight (in kg)) − 148 × (weight2/(100 × height (m))2)
Depends on ABW
ABW is actual body weight. HC is hydroxychloroquine
aMeans that the Metropolitan Life Insurance Table for Women, Small Frame was used for this row
bMeans that the Metropolitan Life Insurance Table for Women, Large Frame was used for this row
Ideal, Lean, and Top Normal Body Weight
The fact that fat does not collect appreciable quantities of 4AQs has led to wide recognition that dosing should be based on an index that excludes the fatty component of body weight [2]. Most authors who discuss the issue use the terms IBW, lean body weight, and top normal body weight synonymously [2, 4045], although some do not [46]. In cases where distinctions are made, the algorithms for lean body weight exclude more fat that algorithms for IBW [45]. Algorithms for IBW may yield weights that are higher or lower than top normal body weight for any given height [47]. Readers should be aware of these semantic differences as they read the literature on 4AQR. The various algorithms for lean, ideal, and top normal body weight can yield differences in weight as great as 20 pounds for a given height with implications on frequency of calls to prescribing doctors to adjust dosing [47]. Some authors have changed their preferred IBW algorithm over time, which can make comments written in one report inapplicable to those in the second one [48, 49].

7.3 Daily Dose Adjusted for the Lesser of Ideal and Actual Body Weight (Adjusted Daily Dose)

The importance of adjusted daily dose (ADD) is suggested by the rarity of retinopathy in patients who take 4AQs for malaria prophylaxis (a low-dose use, see Chap. 2) and the frequency of overdosing among patients with retinopathy who take the drugs for chronic autoimmune diseases (a higher-dose use) [6, 29, 50]. However, the evidence to support the role of ADD is not ironclad. Patients developing retinopathy do not always have higher mean daily doses than patients without retinopathy. For example, in one study involving both 4AQs, 18 patients with retinopathy had a mean daily dosage that was significantly higher than 84 patients without retinopathy. For patients on chloroquine, the mean daily doses were 5.35 ± 0.26 mg/kg (IBW)/d (n = 10) and 3.97 ± 1.2 mg/kg (IBW)/d (n = 34) for the cases with and without retinopathy, respectively. For those on hydroxychloroquine, the mean daily doses were 8.39 ± 0.42 mg/kg (IBW)/d (n = 8) and 6.90 ± 0.23 mg/kg (IBW)/d (n = 50) for the cases with and without retinopathy, respectively [2]. However, in a different study that involved both 4AQs, the mean ADDs were not different between patients with and without retinopathy [14].
There is considerable overlap in the daily dosing of patients with and without retinopathy. Many patients taking toxic doses never develop retinopathy, and rarely do patients taking subtoxic doses develop retinopathy. Levy and colleagues reported on 302 patients taking 6.5 mg/kg/d or more based on actual body weight (ABW). Only one of them developed retinopathy [51]. An example of such a patient is shown in Fig. 7.1. There have been between approximately 20 cases in which retinopathy developed despite adjusted daily dosing in the range less than 6.5 mg/kg (IBW)/d [1, 26, 5259]. This implies considerable individual variability in sensitivity to retinopathy [60].
Fig. 7.1
This 57-year-old woman on hydroxychloroquine for Sjogren’s syndrome was 5 feet 1 inch in height, and weighed 112 pounds. She had been taking 400 mg of hydroxychoroquine per day for 4 years yielding a cumulative dose of 681 mg and an adjusted daily dose of 7.9 mg/kg (actual body weight). In this case, the adjusted daily dosing was based on actual body weight because it is less than ideal body weight. Despite toxic dosing, both her 10-2 visual fields (VFs) and her multifocal electroretinogram (mf ERG) testing were normal in both eyes. (a) Normal 10-2 VF of the right eye. (b) Normal 10-2 VF of the left eye. (c) Normal mf ERG of both eyes. The display is shown in the retina view (as though the patient was looking at the reader, so that the display for the right eye is on the left side of the figure). Based on the toxic dosing, a request was made to her internist to consider reducing the dose of hydroxychloroquine
A range of maximal safe daily doses can be found in the literature ranging from 3 to 5.1 mg/kg/d for chloroquine and from 6 to 7.8 mg/kg/d for hydroxychloroquine (see Chaps. 2 and 3) [2, 6163]. The most commonly cited toxic thresholds are 3.5 mg/kg(IBW)/d for chloroquine and 6.5 mg/kg (IBW)/d for hydroxychloroquine (see Table 3.​2).
It is important to normalize dosing by the lesser of IBW and ABW [29, 64, 65]. The importance of calculating daily dose based on IBW has been known for a long time although it is often not done and is often done inaccurately [6670]. In the obese person, much of the body weight is fat, into which 4AQs do not distribute much (see Chap. 2), and a false sense of safe dosing may be engendered [14]. Less well known is adjusting the dose for ABW when ABW is less than IBW [25]. A flow chart (Fig. 7.2) will help the clinician who screens for hydroxychloroquine retinopathy. To reduce dosing, an easy method is to exclude dosing for 1 or 2 days of the week—typically the weekend. Because of the long half-life of hydroxychloroquine, no important fluctuations in plasma hydroxychloroquine concentrations are effected by this method. The average daily dose is calculated by adding the total weekly dose and dividing by seven.
Fig. 7.2
Flow chart for avoiding pitfalls in daily dosing of hydroxychloroquine
In clinical practice, guidelines for regulating dosing based on IBW frequently get translated into guidelines based on height. These translations are based on an underlying assumption by the issuer as to which algorithm for IBW should be used. For example, Schwartz states that 400 mg/d of HC is safe unless a patient is shorter than 5 feet 2 inches [71]. This is equivalent to choosing the Metropolitan Life Insurance Table for Women of Medium Build, Top of Range algorithm relating height and IBW. Marmor makes an analogous statement that women of height less than 5 feet 7 inches are overdosed when taking hydroxychloroquine 400 mg/d. Implicit in his comment is a preference for a different algorithm relating height and IBW than the one favored by Schwartz [46, 47]. There is no evidence to guide the clinician in choosing an algorithm, but the choice has consequences. Choosing an algorithm associated with a lighter IBW (e.g., the one favored by Marmor) for a given height will lead to lower dosing, but will imply that the screening eye doctor will need to call prescribing physicians more often to adjust dosing downward. Choosing a “heavier” algorithm will allow higher doses for patients, but calls to change dosing downward will be fewer [47].
When the ADD is 6.5 mg/kg/d or less, the risk of development of retinopathy is extremely low [33, 72]. Mackenzie reported that he had never seen a case of 4AQR in a patient taking less than 6.5 mg/kg/d of hydroxychloroquine or 3.5 mg/kg/d of chloroquine [2]. His sample size for making this statement was 900 patients. Bernstein reported on 1,500 patients and noted that he had never seen a case of hydroxychloroquine retinopathy if the patient took less than 6.5 mg/kg/d and had been taking drug for less than 10 years [72, 73]. Levy reported that of 1,556 patients taking hydroxychloroquine, the only patient with definite toxicity was taking greater than 6.5 mg/kg/d [51]. In the only prospective study, 526 patients taking hydroxychloroquine at doses less than or equal to 6.5 mg/kg (ABW)/d were followed for 6 years with no cases of retinopathy. Subsequently two of these patients developed retinopathy after 6.5 and 8 years of retinopathy, respectively [74]. Had they been dosed based on IBW, presumably the incidence of retinopathy would have been even less. Since this report there have been at least 15 cases that violate his threshold [5458, 75, 76], but this is as good a practical threshold for safety as has been found and has been widely adopted.
Is 6.5 a Magic Number for Hydroxychloroquine Dosing?
Much has been made of the cut-point of 6.5 mg/kg/d based on IBW as a threshold for increasing risk, but it is probably disadvantageous to see this as a clear dichotomy. There is no question that cases of 4AQR can occur in appropriately dosed patients (see Fig. 6.​1) [1, 53, 54, 58]. Scientifically, the risk increases in a continuous manner, although it may be nonlinear. The dosage of 6.5 mg/kg/d may represent an inflection point of sorts, although even this has not been established. From a clinician’s perspective, the take-home message is that risk can always be decreased by reducing daily dosage. The difficult task is determining how far one can reduce the risk of toxicity and not lose the therapeutic efficacy of the drug in treating the autoimmune disease [47]. Large rheumatologic case series in which attention was paid to keeping daily doses below 6 mg/kg (ABW)/d have reported no hydroxychloroquine retinopathy [77]. Therefore, one can expect that if dosing falls below 6.5 mg/kg/d, the risk of retinopathy continues to decrease.
Among reports of retinopathy for which daily dosing by IBW has been reported, rates of overdosing range from 12.8 to 100 % (Fig. 7.1) [1, 20, 25, 30, 33, 39, 51, 63, 65, 66, 78]. The percentage of patients overdosed depends on the algorithm for IBW that is used [47]. The most common daily dosages prescribed are 400 mg/d for hydroxychloroquine and 250 mg/d for chloroquine [16, 25, 47, 69]. In the author’s series of 433 patients taking hydroxychloroquine screened for retinopathy for whom daily dosing was determined, 60 % were taking 400 mg/d. Grierson reported that 611 of 758 (81 %) of patients taking hydroxychloroquine were given 400 mg/d [69]. These commonly prescribed daily doses are in the toxic range for many women of small stature and low IBW and many taller women with an asthenic somatotype and lower ABW than IBW based on height. In the latter situation, it is the ABW that should be used for calculating daily dosing, and not the IBW [25].
In failure analyses of cases of 4AQR, overdosage is the most common problem and the most important problem, because it is remediable [1, 20, 33, 40, 79, 80]. Lowering daily dosage is a good response to data that suggest but do not prove retinopathy [23, 24, 62]. The general principle guiding clinical practice in prescribing 4AQs should be to find the smallest effective dose [31, 80, 81].

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May 26, 2017 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Risk Factors for Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine Retinopathy

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