Protective Mechanisms of the Eye and the Eyelids

University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia


Protective Mechanisms of the Eye


  • Several mechanisms exist to protect the eye from external injury.

  • Mechanisms of potential damage to the eye include:


    Mechanical insult



    Chemical insult



    Biological insult



    Electromagnetic radiation


Mechanical Insult


The orbit (Fig. 1.1)


Fig. 1.1
The orbit

  • The orbital fat and bony walls support and provide protection for the eye and orbital tissues [1].

  • The orbital fat acts as a semi-fluid padding that cushions the eye.

  • The inferior and medial orbital walls are thin. They are readily fractured on blunt trauma, providing some shock absorption and orbital decompression to protect the eye from injury [2, 3].



The eyelids

  • The eyelids provide a mechanical barrier between the eye and external environment, rapidly closing on reflexive or voluntary blinking [4].

  • Cilia (modified fine hairs) on the eyelid skin are highly sensitive to airborne particles; when stimulated, they elicit a blink reflex [5].



The corneoscleral shell (see Chap. 3, The Cornea and Sclera)

  • The corneoscleral shell provides tensile strength to the globe [6].

  • Dense corneal innervation allows for rapid blink and withdrawal reflexes.

  • Corneal innervation also provides trophic factors that promote epithelial healing [7, 8].


Chemical Insult


Eyelid closure

  • Reflex blinking provides rapid closure of the eye in response to splash or foreign body sensation.



Bell’s phenomenon

  • A normal Bell’s phenomenon provides involuntary upward rotation of the globe on lid closure, removing the cornea from noxious stimuli [9].




  • Tear flow increases dramatically in response to mechanical or noxious stimuli [10].

  • This causes dilution and washout of the irritant.



Corneal epithelial barrier

  • The corneal epithelium is 5–7 layers thick with cells adjoined by desmosomes [11, 12].

  • Tight junctions (zonulae occludens) surround the most superficial corneal epithelial cells providing a low conductance barrier to fluid and solutes [13].


Biological Insult


Tear film and conjunctiva (see Chap. 2, The Ocular Surface)

  • The tear film has several bacteriostatic properties [14]:


Glycocalyx and mucous layer

  • Mucins in the glycocalyx (conjunctival cell membrane-bound mucin) and the mucous layer of the tear film provide a physical barrier to pathogens and can trap microorganisms [15, 16].



Aqueous layer

  • The aqueous layer has several antibacterial constituents including secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA), lysozyme, and lactoferrin.



Normal conjunctival flora

  • The normal bacterial flora may inhibit survival of more pathogenic species [16].



Natural killer cells

  • Present in the conjunctiva, natural killer cells may have a role in restricting the spread of viral infection or tumors.




Corneal epithelium and Bowman’s layer

  • These act as physical barriers against ocular penetration by microbial pathogens.



Descemet’s membrane

  • Descemet’s membrane is resistant to proteolysis in severe corneal infections, maintaining the integrity of the globe [17].


Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Toxicity

  • The primary function of the eye is to detect and interpret light information from the external world.

  • However, excessive EMR can be damaging to the eye, and several protective mechanisms exist:


Eyelid closure

  • The dazzle reflex: bright light induces reflexive blinking.



Pupil constriction

  • Rapid pupil constriction in response to bright light limits excessive radiation exposure to the ocular media internal to the iris [18].



Light absorption by ocular tissues (Table 1.1)

Table 1.1
The electromagnetic spectrum: optical radiation [1921, 23]



Wavelength (nm)

Absorption by anterior ocular media

Absorption by retinal and choroidal pigments (non-photoreceptor)

Ultraviolet (UV)



Cornea and sclera



Cornea and sclera



Crystalline lens

Visible light
Xanthophylls, hemoglobin, and melanin

Infrared (IR)


Haemoglobin and melanin



Cornea and sclera



Cornea and sclera

  • Absorption of nonvisible optic radiation prevents harmful levels of EMR from damaging the eye.

  • The cornea and sclera absorb ultraviolet (UV)-B, UV-C, infrared (IR)-B, and IR-C [1921].

  • The crystalline lens absorbs UV-A.

  • Antioxidants in the lens and macula prevent excessive UV-induced oxidative damage.

  • The yellow macular carotenoid xanthophyll pigments in Henle’s fibre layer absorb short wavelength radiation [22]. They minimize blue light incident to the fovea and reduce chromatic aberration and glare.

  • Hemoglobin and melanin, principally found in the choroid, absorb excessive light and IR radiation. This results in excessive heat generation; the choroidal circulation acts as a heat sink to dissipate thermal energy [23].




The eyelids are important for protection and maintenance of normal ocular health and function [24].


Barrier function

  • Eyelid closure provides a barrier function elicited by voluntary or reflexive blinking [4, 16].



Maintenance of globe position

  • The eyelids apply gentle posterior pressure on the globe to counteract forward pressure from orbital tissues behind the globe.



Ocular surface integrity (see Chap. 2, The Ocular Surface)

  • Blinking distributes tears across the ocular surface and promotes drainage of tears via the lacrimal pump mechanism [25, 26].



Eyelid glands

  • The eyelid contains glands with secretions that add to the tear film.





  • In adults, the normal interpalpebral fissure height is 8–11 mm; the horizontal palpebral fissure length is 27–30 mm.

  • The upper lid margin rests 1.5–2 mm below the limbus; the lower rests on the limbus [27, 28].



Anterior lamella (Fig. 1.2)


Fig. 1.2
Eyelid anatomy

The anterior lamella functions as a single unit, consisting of skin, muscle (orbicularis oculi (OO)), and associated glands [29, 30].



  • The eyelid skin is thin, allowing rapid and large movements on eyelid opening and closure.



Muscle: the orbicularis oculi (Fig. 1.3)


Fig. 1.3
Divisions of orbicularis oculi

Oct 28, 2016 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Protective Mechanisms of the Eye and the Eyelids

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