Age range
Acquired competence
From birth to approximately 2 years of age
Reacting to the world by reflexes and sensorimotor activities; acquisition of ‘object permanence’
(objects continue to exist even when they are not to be seen)
Roughly 2 through 6 or 7 years of age
Developing symbol thinking, beginning of symbol employment (images, words) beyond simple motor play; language development; speech becoming more social; role-playing; egocentric thinking; incremental emergence of reasoning and logical thought
In early elementary school years through age 11 or 12
Concrete problem-solving
learning to think more abstractly, e.g. understanding some reversible operations, reasoning about class inclusion and relations between classes; recognition the difference between volume and size
From about ages 11 or 12 years onwards
Application of logical thought processes and abstract thinking; reasoning about hypothetical problems; deductive reasoning; systematic planning
Sensorimotor stage | |
Substage | Age range |
1. Neonatal reflexive behaviour | From birth to first month |
2. First habits, primary circular reactions (Coordinating sensation and concepts) | 1–4 months |
3. Secondary circular reactions (Intentionally coordinating sensation and concepts; repeating of an action in order to trigger a response in the environment) | 4–8 months |
4. Coordination of secondary reactions | 8–12 months |
5. Tertiary circular reactions, novelty and curiosity (Beginning trial-and-error-experimentation) | 12–18 months |
6. Early representational thoughts, internalization of schemata, invention of new means (Beginning to understand the world through mental operations instead of actions; deferred imitation) | 18–24 months |
Lev S. Vygotsky (1896–1934), a Russian psychologist, defends an alternative position to Piaget while sustaining the commitment to the active learning of children (Kozutin 1984). According to Vygotsky’s sociocultural developmental perspective, every developmental function evolves and emerges through social interaction with others, subsequently organized at the individual level. The psychomotor and cognitive aspects of development inherently interact throughout the lifespan.
9.3 Language Stages of Normal Children at Different Ages
9.3.1 Introduction
Normal speech-language development
Age (months) | Developmental stage |
0–12 | Preverbal stage |
Birth–1.5 | Differentiating cries |
1.5–2 | Cooing (first babbling phase) |
4(6)–12 | Babbling (second babbling phase) |
9 | First word understanding |
10–13 | First word |
From month 12 onwards | Verbal stage |
12–18 | One-word utterances (one-word sentences) (holophrastic phase) |
18–24 | Two-word sentences (telegraphic phase) |
25–36 | Multiple-word sentences |
37–60 | More complex sentences |
From month 60 onwards | Perfecting (intuitive linguistic period) |
In the broadest sense, speech and language development already begins in utero: at approximately 7 months of gestation, a foetus perceives, discriminates and responds to speech sounds. Early speech perception and recognition of rhythmic and prosodic characteristics of the native language appear prenatally (de Langen-Müller et al. 2011, 2012; Hennon et al. 2000; Jusczyk and Aslin 1995). Preverbal development, as noticeable to parents and others, starts at birth. Newborns already recognize and give preference to their native language (Moon et al. 2013). Prosodic characteristics are responsible for recognizing the native language (Nazzi et al. 1998).
Normal physical-motor-mental-emotional development
Normal intelligence
Normal brain maturation, development of hemispheric dominance, laterality
Normal sensory organs (especially normal hearing)
Normal articulatory organs
Favourable sociocultural factors
There are many theories on the mechanisms of language acquisition (evolutionary, psychological, environmental, nativistic and cognitive explanations). ‘Inside-out theories’ (Hockema and Smith 2009) rely on the congenital, genetically caused language ability (innate language-learning mechanism), which is the predominant cause from which language arises. ‘Outside-in theories’ focus on general learning mechanisms (operant conditioning with positive and negative reinforcement, imitation) and comprise cognitive and social-interactive factors. Language acquisition can be explained by a combination of behavioural (Skinner 1957) and mentalistic (Chomsky 1988) approaches of ‘nurture and nature’. Under the influence of environment and experience, the innate language ability results in language acquisition. Modern explanations (e.g. emergentist coalition model) explain language as a development product that results from a combination of congenital language ability and environmental factors (Dale et al. 2015; Hollich et al. 2000).
Two phases of speech-language development can be described: preverbal and verbal phases (Table 9.3) that merge into each other. Modern theories point out that there is a continuous transition from babbling to speech production (Storkel and Morrisette 2002).
9.3.2 Preverbal Phase (First Year)
In this phase, there is no connection yet between produced speech sounds and semantic contents (Yavas 1998). Communication begins before children utter their first words. Babies react to the prosody of their parents’ speech and use facial expressions, gestures, cries and other preverbal vocalizations to communicate with their parents or caregivers. Important steps of preverbal language acquisition are, among others, the sharing of a focus of attention with the parent or caregiver, the use of referential gestures and the imitation of the language babies hear in their environment. Babies recognize sounds of words before they start to understand them. Accurate perception is a necessary component of accurate production (Flege 1995). Dialogue with the parents or caregivers and the associated social interaction are essential for the acquisition of communicative skills and to drive further language development.
Reflexive vocalization (birth to 2 months)
Cooing and laughter (2–4 months)
Vocal play (4–8 months)
Babbling with reduplicative sounds (8–10 months)
Babbling with non-reduplicative sounds in combination with the first words (10–14 months)
Phonation (first month)
Cooing (2–3 months)
Expansion (4–6 months)
Canonical babbling (6–10 months)
Variegated babbling stage (10–12 months)
Level 1: Reflexive level (first 2 months)
Level 2: Control of phonation (1–4 months)
Level 3: Expansion stage (3–8 months)
Level 4: Simple canonical babbling (5–10 months)
Level 5: Progressive forms (9–18 months) The Crying Stage (Differentiating Cries, Reflexive Vocalization; Birth to 6 Weeks)
Cries and vegetative noises are an involuntary and biologically rooted behaviour. A newborn reflexively cries owing to hunger, pain, etc. Subsequently, crying develops to be the first form of communication (crying for attention, a need or comfort). Beginning from the fourth (fifth) week on, one can distinguish between various pleasant and unpleasant cries (indicating hunger, boredom, pain, etc.), the so-called ‘modulated cry’. The sound characteristics and voice onsets differ according to the baby’s intention of crying, and the caregivers can often interpret the intended message. The baby notices that a cry can bring food, comfort or companionship, i.e. the baby learns the basic rule of communication. Newborns also begin to recognize important sounds in their environment (e.g. the voice of their mother). By 6 months of age, most basic sounds of the native language can be recognized. The Cooing Stage (Syn.: First Babbling Stage, Cooing and Laughter; 6–8 Weeks)
At the beginning of the second month, at the same time of the first smile, the baby starts to play with its articulatory organs. He or she produces cooing sounds not only reflexively. These ‘first vocalizations of contentedness’ are predominantly elongated vowels (‘oooo’, ‘aaaa’) and are vocal responses to the speech of others. At the end of this period, simple sequences of consonant-vowels are uttered, by producing pharyngeal, palatal or uvular sounds (Oller et al. 1999). The baby’s cooing contains the basic sounds of all languages, not just those of the baby’s mother language.
It has to be pointed out that even deaf babies coo. Their language development becomes deviant from normality at later ages. The Babbling Stage (Syn.: Second Babbling Stage; 4–12 Months)
(Marginal) babbling: (4 months)
Canonical babbling (6 months)
Reduplicative babbling (e.g. ‘baba’; 8–10 months)
Variegated babbling (e.g. ‘bada’; 8–10 months)
Like cooing, babbling provides a social reward. Babies experiment with speech sounds resulting in pitch and volume variation. Babbling infants do not articulate all the speech sounds they hear in the adult language. On the other hand, babies produce sounds that they have never heard before. Canonical babbling describes the formation of syllables consisting of consonants and vocals (e.g. ‘ba’). At the age of 6 months, the baby’s babbling can be attributed to the native language (Boysson-Bardies et al. 1984). A lacking verbal interaction at this age usually results in a later developmental disorder of speech, language and communication. The babbling consists of a wide variety of sounds and is defined as the combination of consonants and vowels in alternating sequences. Reduplicative babbling is characterized by the production of reduplicated syllables such as ‘bababa’. Variegated babbling brings about more complex syllables or two-syllable utterances or multiple syllables with constant vocals and consonants and different intonation (Harley 2001; Nathani et al. 2006; Werker and Tees 1999). The vocalizations now take a more speech-like quality. Babbling means motor exercise and communicative function at the same time. Around 8 to 9 months, the baby starts to imitate sounds of the environment. For successful imitation, normal hearing (acoustic perception and differentiation) and normal motor skills are necessary. First Word Understanding (9 Months)
At about 8–9 months, the baby turns and looks in the direction of sounds and listens when he or she is spoken to. The baby further pays attention to prosody and intonation or mimics the expression of parents and other persons and tries to imitate adult speech sounds. The baby understands its first words at about 9 months of age, learns about the relation between object and language, recognizes words for common items such as ‘cup’ or ‘shoe’ and begins to respond to requests (e.g. ‘come here’) (Grimm 2003; Bates et al. 1994). This is preparation for the production of the first word (10–12 months). An important precursor in the preverbal development of a child is the joint attention or shared attention. This happens when one individual alerts another (usually parent and child) to an object to bring it to his or her attention using eye gaze (Moore and Dunham 1995; Zollinger 2015 (‘triangulation’)), pointing or non-verbal or verbal indications. Both the child and the caregiver direct their attention to an object of shared interest, and both are aware of the other persons perceiving that object and showing interest in it as well. The First Word (10–13, at the Latest 20 Months)
The preverbal phase ends with the production of the first words, starting with proto-words (word-like utterances) around the age of 10 months (see Sect. 11.3). First words are mainly nouns and refer to people of particular interest (‘mama’, ‘dada’) or objects that move (‘ball’, ‘cat’). Verbs, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions are learned later, usually in that order. In the second year, babbled utterances and meaningful words appear side by side. Later on, linguistic expressions increase and babbling utterances decrease (Nathani et al. 2006).
Current theories and studies about phonological acquisition challenge Jakobson (1941, 1969) theory of children’s speech, which states that universal contrasts are learned first in all languages (‘mama’, ‘papa’, the so-called phonological universals). Among others, Fox-Boyer and Dodd (1999), Weinrich and Zehner (2003) and Fox-Boyer (2016) have summarized modern knowledge in this field. The order of acquisition starts with vocals, followed by plosives, nasals, fricatives and affricates. Topographically front consonants precede back consonants; the /p/ and /m/ sounds appear before /k/ or /h/. Single consonants are realized before multiple consonants. A child first learns to articulate fricatives at the end of a word and plosives at the word’s beginning. The production passes through a learning process and is not completely correct from the beginning.
9.3.3 Verbal Phase (from 1 Year Onwards)
A central task in the second year is the acquisition of lexicon. Word combinations bring about the beginning of productive syntactic abilities. With 2 years 90% of children can combine at least two words (Szagun 2007).
In the third year of life, basic grammatical regularities of the native language are acquired. The emergentist coalition model is useful in explaining early speech-language acquisition and serves as a model for early intervention strategies. Speech and language are developmental products requiring these factors: sufficient language input, active engagement of the child with the input and the presence of factors that increase the odds for correctly mapping language form to meaning (Poll 2011; Hollich et al. 2000). One-Word Sentences (Holophrastic Stage, 12–18 Months)
The stage of one-word utterances (one-word sentences) begins at about 1 year of age. One-word sentences differ from babbling vocalizations by their symbolic meaning (development of the symbol function of language). One-word utterances are also called holophrases because the toddler expresses the meaning of an entire situation by just a single word (Rupp 2013). This stage of language development interacts with cognitive development, as well as with the development of deixis and gesture. (Deixis describes the fact that words or phrases may require contextual information to convey any meaning, e.g. English pronouns, i.e. their semantic meaning is fixed, but their denotational meaning varies depending on time or place or other factors.) Eventually, one-word utterances turn into longer expressions, i.e. two-word utterances.
The toddler realizes that the acoustic string (word) and the reference (object) belong together (naming insight). Holophrases do not only name objects or persons. There is enormous ambiguity in a child’s holophrases. If, for example, a toddler says ‘papa’, he or she may not mean ‘father’ exclusively but also the coat of the father or asking whether the father will come, etc. The child may declare, demand, describe or question. In conjunction with prosody, mimicry and gestures, the meaning of holophrases can be varied. Owing to the social and situational context, adults can interpret the utterances. According to the noun-bias hypothesis (Gentner 1981, 1982; Nelson et al. 1993), nouns are acquired first and make up the greatest part of the lexicon compared with other word types. In contrast, it has been observed that holophrases also comprise verbs, adjectives, relational and social-pragmatic words (Rothweiler and Kauschke 2007; Rothweiler and Meibauer 1999, Meibauer 1999). Words are frequently under-extended or overextended to inappropriate categories, e.g. all four-legged hairy creatures may be called ‘dog’. At the age of 3 years, children have acquired a balanced and targeted lexicon composition (Pomnitz and Rupp 2013).
At least for English and German languages, the majority of 16- (de Langen-Müller et al. 2011, 2012, 2016) to 18- (Menyuk et al. 1995) month-old toddlers have an active lexicon of about 50 words. The receptive lexicon precedes the active one (Rothweiler and Kauschke 2007): by 13.5 months, toddlers have a receptive lexicon of about 50 words (Menyuk et al. 1995) and by 16 months already 100 words. The phase of the first 50 words starts with the first referentially used words and ends up with the beginning of the naming explosion at the age of 18 months (Kauschke 1999, Kauschke and Hofmeister 2002, Rothweiler and Kauschke 2007). Two-Word Sentences (Telegraphic Stage, 18–24 Months)
In this period, the toddler starts to combine two words and to utter basic sentences such as ‘mummy bag’; the meaning may be, e.g. ‘Mummy, give me the bag’, ‘Mummy, where is the bag?’ or ‘This is Mummy’s bag!’ As in the previous stage, there is an enormous ambiguity in these two-word utterances. The kinds of word that are likely to be omitted are articles, prepositions, pronouns and auxiliary verbs. A toddler talking to him- or herself during this stage avoids pronouns (‘baby go’ instead of ‘I go’) and is able to understand simple instructions and questions.
At the age around 18 months, together with the combination of two words, the child’s vocabulary begins to grow fast (Nelson 1973): this naming explosion or ‘word spurt’ represents a developmental milestone. Children usually add 10 words per day (Clark 2003). By 18 (not later than 24) months, the children utter on average at least 50 words (Menyuk et al. 1995), at the age of 24 months about 200, at the age of 30 months 500 and at school entry 3000–5000 (Clark 2003; Rupp 2013). Interindividual differences must be considered.
Locate or name objects and people—there glass
Request, demand or indicate a desire for people, objects or events—more milk
Negate or indicate refusal or rejection—no wash
Express situations or events—papa go
Indicate possession—mama dress
Describe—doggy big
Question with both where questions and yes/no questions—where ball? daddy go?
No morphemes are used—two woman.
On the basis of imitation, the correct forms are sometimes used.
Rules are being acquired and overgeneralized (overregularization)—he runned, he goed, two cats, three mans.
The adult language is approached.
Approximately 13–20% of children (Ellis Weismer 2007) are so-called late talkers (Grimm 2003; Desmarais et al. 2008). These are defined as having an expressive vocabulary of fewer than 50 words or as lacking combinations of words at the age of 24 months. They are at risk of developing a speech-language developmental disorder. Thirty-five to fifty percent of late talkers turn out to become ‘late bloomers’, who catch up during the following year (until 36 months of age), whereas others end up with a specific developmental disorder of speech and language (Grimm 2003; Kauschke 2006; Schöler et al. 2007; Kühn and von Suchodoletz 2009; Sachse and von Suchodoletz 2013).
Typical deviant phonological processes (physiological speech sound deviations during speech-language development that show a specific error pattern at the age of 24–30 months) comprise, e.g. assimilations, omission of unstressed syllables, a reduction of initial consonants, backwarded articulation or deaffrication (see Sect. 11.3).
The acquisition of lexicon and grammar is mutually dependent. Many theories have been established and discarded, such as the theory of Universal Grammar by Chomsky. Nowadays a use-based approach is favoured. It is discussed whether innate (modular, nativistic) or epigenetic (recognition of regularities) factors are more important (Szagun 2013; Pinker 1991, 1994). Pinker states that a child is prepared for grammar acquisition as a spider is for web construction. The so-called semantic bootstrapping (Pinker 1984) enables children to discover syntactic rules.
A child aged 4 years can speak grammatically correct language, but grammar acquisition is not completely finished. For instance, passive sentences can only be built by 9–10 years. Multiple-Word Sentences (25–36 Months)
With increasing age and larger vocabulary, children form longer and more complex sentences and start to use conjunctions. More complex grammar structures will be acquired: more-word sentences, negations, imperatives, questions and compound sentences. The first combinations are made with matrix sentences (‘Peter falling’, ‘Peter cries’, ‘Mummy runs’). Further on, the sentences are still telegraphic although they may be quite long. Until the end of the third year, the child learns to form flexions, plurals and past forms and to use auxiliary verbs. More Complex Sentences (37–60 Months)
From the third birthday on, development towards an adultlike grammar continues. Auxiliary verbs are being ordered correctly in questions and negatives. Grammatical markers emerge including possessive words or phrases, determiners (i.e. a word, phrase or affix that occurs together with a noun and serves to express the reference of that noun in the context) and irregular past tense verbs. A variety of early complex sentence types emerge including compound sentences, full prepositional clauses in sentences and simple infinitives. At the end of this period, later-developing morphemes are acquired.
At the age of 4, children are able to talk adequately: articulately, grammatically and semantically. They are able to use communicative language appropriately. Perfecting (‘The Intuitive Linguistic Period’, 4–14 Years)
Although most of the language has been acquired in the period up to age 4–5 years, there are still many linguistic skills to be obtained. In the so-called intuitive linguistic period (Matthews 1996), larger words, a differentiated mental lexicon and longer and more complex sentences are used. There is also a further syntactic development after 4 years of age; for example, the child begins to understand passive sentences.
In this period of linguistic refinement, written language is acquired, and subsequently more sophisticated spoken and written texts are produced. Children develop further metalinguistic awareness (in the four subareas: phonological, word, syntactic and pragmatic awareness (Tunmer and Bowey 1984)) and competence. They reflect consciously upon the nature and properties of language (van Kleek 1982) and are able to talk about, analyse and think about language independent of the concrete meaning of each word. Metalingustic skills are strongly associated with reading comprehension and have also great impact on academic performance (e.g. understanding multiple meanings of words, use of irony and metaphors).
9.3.4 Normal Speech Disfluencies During Speech-Language Development
Mostly between 2.5 and 4 (5) years of age, during the intensive phases of language acquisition, a higher number of normal disfluencies (interruptions of the smooth flow of the speech) are observed in the majority (i.e. about 75%) of children (Baumgartner and Füssenich 2002). They need to be distinguished from stuttering—a term which should be strictly avoided for these normal disfluencies—and are part of normal speech-language development. They mainly consist of whole word and phrase repetitions, revisions, hesitations with interjections or incomplete sentences with change of focus (Kowal et al. 1975; Pellowski and Conture 2002). The children show neither accompanying physical behaviour as typical for stuttering (such as mimicry, limb movements or breathing irregularities) nor negative emotional reactions (such as frustration, anxiety, shame, embarrassment with talking, refusal to talk) with these disfluencies. Normal disfluencies are likely to arise from difficulties in the speech planning processes such as lexical retrieval and grammatical planning of utterances but also by interaction-relevant (pragmatic) or emotional demands (Neumann et al. 2016). Stuttering and non-stuttering children show normal disfluencies to a comparable extent, i.e. 5% (Ambrose and Yairi 1999; Pellowski and Conture 2002; Sandrieser and Schneider 2015). There is no evidence that stuttering develops from normal disfluencies (Yairi and Ambrose 2005). Girls show a tendency to suffer fewer from normal disfluencies than boys (Yairi 1981).
Symptoms: hesitations, revisions and repetitions at the beginning of the words.
No symptoms such as blocks, repetitions of syllables, part-word repetitions, word interruptions or sound prolongations.
No negative reaction to dysfluencies.
No secondary behaviour.
Disfluent speech usually persists no longer than 6 months.
Normal speech-language development.
No risk factors such as a family history of stuttering.
9.4 Stages of Auditory Development in Children with Normal Hearing
Speech-language development relies substantially on hearing, auditory processing and auditory perception; the stages of hearing development are outlined in Sect. 14.3.
At a gestational age of around 26 weeks, hair cells connect to the central nervous system, enabling the foetuses to hear via bone conduction (Sect. 14.3, Table 14.3) and make their first experience with ‘maternal speech’ and the external world (Northern and Downs 2002). Though hearing frequencies normally range between 20 Hz and 20 kHz for humans, hearing in utero is restricted to frequencies below 1 kHz, the reason behind that being the dampening effect caused by maternal tissues and the amniotic fluid. Thus, foetuses are able to perceive prosodic speech cues, while they miss acoustic information on vowel formants and consonant frequencies. This changes dramatically within 1–2 days after birth when newborns start using air conduction as the main hearing medium (Sect. 14.3, Table 14.3) and they become able to hear all speech frequencies. From this moment on, auditory feedback, and later on imitation, becomes essential for the acquisition of language and speech (Kuhl and Meltzoff 1996; Möller and Schönweiler 1999).
Throughout the post-natal stage, infants listen to their parents’ speech and learn to control their own vocalizations and speech sound productions; they are able to learn any language they are presented with (Kuhl and Meltzoff 1996). A reduplicating babbling (e.g. ‘bababa’) which emerges at ages of 8–10 months indicates that a baby hears, because deaf babies are not able to produce it (Northern and Downs 2002).
In the infantile stage, children develop auditory processing and auditory perception abilities that permit speech understanding in a noisy environment, speech sound discrimination, dichotic listening, auditory memory and phonological awareness (Sect. 14.3, Table 14.3). Many of these abilities are required for learning at school. Children who perform poorly in tasks involving auditory discrimination of speech sounds, auditory working memory and phonological awareness are at a high risk for learning disabilities (see Sect. 15.2).
9.5 Multilingual Speech and Language Acquisition
9.5.1 Definition of Multilingualism
Multilingualism is a common human condition that makes it possible for an individual to function, at some level, in more than one language. The term multilingualism includes bilingualism. A child is said to be multilingual if he or she can comprehend or produce two or more languages in oral, written or sign language, with at least a basic level of functional proficiency or use. This is regardless of the age at which the languages were learned (Grech and McLeod 2012). Multilingual children are operationally defined as those children who receive regular input in two or more languages somewhere between birth and adolescence (Kohnert 2010).
Most multilinguals have a dominant language, used by the majority of people in their environment. This is usually the language of greater proficiency (Genesee et al. 2004; Paradis 2010). This language can, however, change with age, education, employment and many other factors (Baker and Prys Jones 1998; Kohnert 2004).
9.5.2 Types of Multilingualism
According to the age of acquisition of the languages:
Simultaneous acquisition occurs when a child is raised bilingually from birth or when the second language (or third) is introduced before the age of 3 (Paradis et al. 2011).
Sequential/successive acquisition occurs when a second language (or third) is introduced after the first language is well established (although not completely acquired), generally after the age of 3 (Genesee et al. 2004).
According to the amount of language exposure:
A majority language refers to the language spoken by the majority of people in a region.
A minority language refers to a language spoken by a minority of the population in a region.
9.5.3 Populations Exposed to Multilingualism
Conditions that foster multilingualism include (Grosjean 1996):
Migrations of Various Kinds (economic, educational, political, religious)
Children may experience sequential acquisition if they immigrate to a country where a different language is spoken.
Sequential learning occurs if the child speaks his native language at home and, after school entry, instruction is offered in a different language.
Children are exposed simultaneously to two languages of the mother and father.
9.5.4 Bilingual Language Acquisition in Typically Developing Children
Simultaneous multilingual children may start talking slightly later than monolingual children. However, they still begin talking within the normal range (Meisel 2004). Those children who are exposed to two languages are able to differentiate them and have been shown to switch languages easily according to their conversation partner (Genesee 2009; Genesee and Nicoladis 2006). Young bilingual speakers may use a combination of both languages when speaking. This is considered a normal situation in bilingual language development. Children may mix grammar rules or use words from both languages in the same sentence. There is evidence that children acquiring two or more languages from birth are able to differentiate the grammatical systems of their languages without apparent effort. Moreover, the subsequent course and rate of acquisition proceed through the same developmental phases as those observed in monolingual children.
The child may go through a ‘silent’ or ‘non-verbal’ period which may last up to several months. This period is necessary for the child to develop his understanding of the language (Tabors 1997). It is noted that younger children usually remain in this phase longer than older ones. Children may rely on using gestures in this period and use few words in the second language.
A child may then begin to use short or imitative sentences and phrases. These early utterances are merely phrases he has heard and memorized. They are not constructed from the child’s vocabulary set.
Later on, the child starts to produce his own sentences incorporating his own newly learned vocabulary. With time, the child becomes more fluent but continues to make grammatical mistakes. It is noted that some of the mistakes are due to the influence of his first language.
9.5.5 Impact of Bilingualism on Language Development and Language Competence
Although it is assumed among researchers that bilingual or multilingual language acquisition occurs as frequently as monolingual language acquisition worldwide (Paradis et al. 2011), monolingualism may seem the natural or normal case of language development to parents. Hence, it is a popular assumption that exposing any child to a second (or third) language during the period of language development may hinder language growth, as well as the child’s academic and intellectual development.
Bilingual children are better able to focus their attention on relevant information, ignore distractions, stay focused, switch attention wilfully from one issue to another and hold information in mind (Poulin-Dubois et al. 2011).
Bilingual individuals have been shown to be more creative and better at planning and solving complex problems than monolinguals (Paradis et al. 2011). Some studies have shown that bilingual speakers score higher in IQ tests than monolingual speakers (Weiten 2010).
The effects of ageing on the brain are diminished among bilingual adults (Grosjean 1982). The higher the degree of bilingualism (measured by evaluation of the level of proficiency) in each language is, the more resistant a bilingual person is to the onset of dementia and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. In a study of Bialystok et al. (2007), the onset of dementia was delayed by 4 years in bilinguals compared with monolinguals with dementia.
Previous behavioural studies have supported the idea that language development is acquired in much the same way whether the child is bilingual or monolingual (Paradis 2005). However, more recent neuroimaging findings have proven that bilingual or multilingual language acquisition is associated with structural changes in the brain and with functional changes of neural activation during language processing in both hemispheres, in particular in the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) and left superior temporal gyrus (LSTG). The kind and number of alterations, compared with those of monolingual individuals, depends on the age at which a second language has been acquired and differs between children with simultaneous and sequential bilingual language acquisition (e.g. Jasinska and Petitto 2013).
Among others, the following groups of children with impaired language development have been studied: children with developmental disorders of speech and language (DDSL; synonym, specific language impairment, SLI) (Paradis 2010; Gutierrez-Clellen et al. 2008), children with Down syndrome (Kay-Raining Bird et al. 2005) and children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (Petersen et al. 2011). The bilingual children did not demonstrate any extra delays or greater difficulties in their two languages than monolingual children in any of the studied groups. Thus, bilingualism did not have a negative effect on the children’s language development, and sequential bilingual children with DDSL can also learn a second language. Although they face language-learning challenges, these are not considerably greater than those for monolingual children with the same language impairment. Multilingual children do not suffer more frequently from DDSL than monolingual ones, and multilingualism is not a cause of a DDSL (e.g. Chilla and Haberzettl 2014).
9.5.6 Issues with Assessment and Evaluation
During speech and language assessment of a multilingual child, the phoniatrician needs to determine if the child exhibits only environmentally caused language abnormalities or inconsistencies, for example, those due to an imperfectly acquired majority language, or a DDSL, i.e. a proper impairment. DDSLs always affect all languages to be acquired. Accordingly, the only reason a bilingual child would need to be provided with speech and language services is if the child has impairments in both languages.
During testing of a bilingual child, which ideally should be performed in both languages that the child has acquired, it is accepted that the child may respond in any of the languages he uses (Fierro-Cobas and Chan 2001). Testing language vocabulary and syntax should be done according to the language being tested, taking into consideration that at some stage of development, the two languages may merge with each other. The person administering the assessments must allow certain accommodations, such as additional instructions, additional trial items and training of concepts being tested (Saenz and Huer 2003; Gauthier 2012).
9.5.7 Management Issues
If bilingualism does not cause developmental disorders of speech and language, then stopping the use of one of the languages is not going to solve the problem. Instead, developmental language abnormalities need to be properly diagnosed to find their cause, and intervention needs to be started. It is important to have in mind that environmentally caused language abnormalities, for example, those due to an imperfectly acquired majority language, do not need treatment but benefit from an increase of qualitative and quantitative language input and language training programs. On the other hand, a DDSL cannot be overcome sufficiently by language training but requires language therapy (de Langen-Müller et al. 2011).
Stopping the use of the native language, in particular, causes more difficulties. Parents who stop using the native language may talk less with their child, since they may be less fluent in the other language, thus hindering natural communication. Although it is sometimes advised that each parent should constantly use one language when talking to the child (one-parent-one-language approach), provided that each language is fully mastered by this parent, it has been recognized that children will mix their languages regardless of the parents’ approach (Paradis et al. 2011). Rather, parents should speak to their child in a way that is comfortable and natural to them. Most clinical research supports the idea that intervention should be directed to one language, which is preferably the majority language (Jordaan and Yelland 2003; Zehler et al. 2003). Generalization or transfer across languages from the treated to the untreated language is expected to occur. On the other hand, there is some support for dual-language intervention plans for bilingual children (Kohnert 2008; Pena and Bedore 2009), provided there are bilingual therapists.
9.6 Epidemiology of Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language
9.6.1 Objective
Epidemiological data are necessary for large-scale studies, for example, by the WHO, to provide information about the spread of a disorder and its potential causes. Moreover, they establish a basis for estimating the global and regional burden that a specific disorder brings to both the affected individuals and the society. This enables a calculation of resources that are needed to overcome the disease’s negative sequelae and to plan necessary services. On a country level, epidemiological data are important for managing health services in order to prevent, identify and diagnose a disorder and to provide effective intervention and rehabilitation programs. Furthermore, they are needed for health economics and health insurance calculations on financial resources and for planning reimbursement policies.
Parents whose child is affected by a disorder often want information about its frequency of occurrence, in particular if they compare their child with other children. This also holds true for developmental language abnormalities where parents often sensitively observe siblings and other children, for example, on playgrounds or in kindergartens. An increasing prevalence of developmental disorders of speech and language (DDSL) is a popular assumption frequently presented in the media and suspected by pedagogues and therapists. However, this assumption is not well supported. The probability that a strongly genetically caused disorder, such as a specific developmental disorder of speech and language (SDDSL), increases dramatically during a short period is rather low. Instead, a rise in public sensitivity for language abnormalities and school performance has to be taken into consideration, as well as improved options and tools for identifying and diagnosing developmental disorders of speech and language.
9.6.2 Prevalence of Late Talking and Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language
The prevalence of DDSL in general as reported for the Anglo-Saxon language area is given from 3 to 15%, mostly between 6 and 8% (Canning and Lyon 1989; Tomblin et al. 1997). Severe DDSL have to be expected in about 1% of children. The disorder affects boys more frequently than girls (Thomson and Polnay 2002). DDSL should not be confused with speech and language problems in a broader sense. For example, in an older Canadian study, some impairment of speech and language was observed in 16–22% of 5-year-old children (Beitchman et al. 1986).
Toddlers aged 2–3 years who demonstrate delayed onset and progression of expressive language, associated with an otherwise age-appropriate development, are denoted as ‘late talkers’ (Desmarais et al. 2008). Again, boys are more frequently affected than girls. In an early study (Rescorla 1989), an expressive vocabulary of fewer than 50 of the 310 target words of the Language Development Survey (LDS) and the lack of two-word combinations at 2 years of age were used as criteria for being a late talker. The prevalence reported for the Anglo-Saxon language region ranges from 2.0 to 17.5% (Horwitz et al. 2003; Reilly et al. 2007) and for Germany from 13 to 20% (Grimm 2003).
More recent research used the performance below the 10th centile on the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory (CDI) at 24 months of age (Weismer 2007) or below the 15th centile on the LDS from 18 to 23 months of age (Rescorla and Achenbach 2002) which resulted in prevalence of late talkers of 10 or 15%. Prevalence of Specific Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language
Specific developmental disorders of speech and language (SDDSL), also named primary developmental language disorders or specific language impairment, for which thorough diagnostics do not identify language-relevant comorbidities or conditions, represent a subset of DDSL. Their prevalence is given for the North American language area, according to the criteria of the ICD-10 or the DSM-5, to be from 5 to 8% (American Psychiatric Association 2013; Tomblin et al. 1997). For European countries, similar numbers have to be expected (Neumann et al. 2009). For SDDSL the gender distribution is reported between 1.3 and 5.9 boys to 1 girl (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders 2008; Shriberg et al. 1999; Stromswold 1998; Tallal et al. 2001; Tomblin et al. 1997).
The most often cited study on the prevalence of specific language impairment is that of Tomblin et al. (1997), who reported a prevalence of SDDSL of 7.4% for monolingual English-speaking children of kindergarten age. For 6- and 7-year-old children, Law et al. (2000) noted median prevalence estimates of 5.5% and 3.1%, respectively. Differing from that, a higher prevalence of SDDSL has been reported for the region of Victoria in Australia with 17% (Reilly et al. 2010). Developmental Disorders with Language-Relevant Comorbidities
In general, children with language-relevant comorbidities, such as hearing loss, genetic syndromes, intellectual disabilities, multiple handicaps, pervasive developmental disorders, autism, disorders of social functioning with onset specific to childhood and adolescence such as elective mutism or specific developmental disorders of motor functions, suffer from language disorders more frequently than typically developed children. For DDSL associated with such comorbidities, prevalence is not exactly known. According to conservative estimates, the proportion of children with diseases or conditions establishing such comorbidities in the population is given at about 3% for Germany (Kany and Schöler 2007). A considerable proportion of children have to be assumed as being threatened by a DDSL if a comorbidity—for example, a hearing loss—is not timely diagnosed and treated.
In the next subsections, exemplary studies are mentioned that deal with the coincidence of DDSL with some of the above-named comorbidities.
Language Impairment in Children with Developmental Disabilities
Among disorders of children and adolescents with disabilities aged from 6 to 21 years, such as developmental delay; mental retardation; multiple disabilities; traumatic brain injury; autism; impairment of hearing, vision, speech or language; orthopaedic or other health issues; emotional disturbance; or specific learning disability in the Montana, USA, DDSL made up about 20% of those disorders in 2006/2007 according to the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and the State Education Agencies (SEAs). Among children aged from 3 to 5 years receiving special education, the respective value was even 60% (US Department of Education et al. 2008). Often, implications about the coincidence of DDSL and other language-relevant diseases can only be made indirectly. For example, in a study that compared communication deficits in toddlers who were diagnosed with Down syndrome and cerebral palsy, who had a history of seizures or a seizure disorder or who were born prematurely, those diagnosed with cerebral palsy evidenced significantly fewer communication impairments than children with Down syndrome and children with a history of seizures or seizure disorder (Hattier et al. 2011).
Language Impairment in Preterm Infants
Language development in infants born very preterm or with very low birth weight is often compromised, even in the absence of brain damage (Charollais et al. 2010; Fernandez et al. 2010). These infants are at an increased risk of developmental language delays or language disorders that cannot be compensated for as the children age. In particular, difficulty in performing speech and language processing tasks involving complex materials indicates a problem for infants born preterm in their initial approach to language acquisition that may constrain their future language skills (Bosch 2011). For example, in a Brazilian study, 29% of very low birth weight preterm infants aged from 18 to 24 months of corrected age presented developmental language delay (Fernandez et al. 2010). Poor language skills have also been described later in life in preschoolers and teenagers who were born preterm (Charollais et al. 2010; Georgsdottir et al. 2012). Functional magnetic resonance connectivity studies in infants born preterm also suggest that the effects of preterm birth on the functional organization of language in the developing brain are both proximate (i.e. causal) and long-lasting (Kwon et al. 2016). Ethnicity and race seem to influence the cognitive and language outcome at age 18–22 months as shown in a multicentre study of Duncan et al. (2012) for extremely preterm infants.
Language Impairment in Children with Hearing Loss and Other Sensory Deficits
It is well known that children with hearing impairment have a higher risk of developing speech and language disorders. For example, in a retrospective chart review of 200 children with permanent hearing loss, 61% had received speech and language evaluations, and 77% required language intervention (Wiley et al. 2011). Especially receptive language skills are impaired in case of a hearing impairment (Hansson et al. 2007; Keilmann et al. 2011). As it is obvious and reported in many studies, the probability of acquiring a language disorder depends on the severity of the hearing loss. Moeller (2000), who examined the relationship between age of enrolment for intervention of deaf and hard-of-hearing children and language outcome, reported that two factors—age at enrolment and family involvement in the rehabilitation process—explained a significant amount of the variance in language scores obtained by the children and hence play a key role in the outcome.
Children who have visual impairment develop language normally in most cases (Keilmann 2009).
Language Impairment and Other Somatic Diseases
Some other disorders not mentioned above also harbour an increased risk of a DDSL. For example, children with complex congenital heart diseases have been shown to have a significantly increased risk of difficulties in their expressive and receptive language development (Marino et al. 2012).
Ample research has been conducted to examine language development in individuals prenatally exposed to alcohol, both with and without foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Many of these individuals tend to exhibit delays in acquisition of fundamental language skills, comprehension, language and speech development, overall language competence and knowledge of words. For example, in a study by Wyper and Rasmussen (2011), children with FASD had significantly lower scores than control children of both receptive and expressive language skills. The potential coincidence of DDSL with other FASD-related disorders such as hearing dysfunction, or craniofacial anomalies such as cleft palate or cleft lip, needs to be considered in the diagnostic process. Another environmental factor that affects language development in children with FASD is early caregiving experiences (Wyper and Rasmussen 2011).
For children with congenital cytomegalovirus infections, a high proportion of abnormalities in language development despite normal mental development is reported, for example, 32% in a Polish study (Milewska-Bobula et al. 2010).
The majority of children with autism spectrum disorders show some form of DDSL. For example, in a study of 170 diagnosed autistic children, delays in the development of speech and language skills occurred in 78% of the cases (Lian and Ho 2012). For children with both fragile X syndrome and varying degrees of autism, language measures were also correlated negatively with the severity of autism, i.e. children with more severe autism had lower language skills (McDuffie et al. 2012).
Many genetic and some non-genetic syndromes are known to be associated with a higher proportion of DDSL than typically developing children (see Sect. 9.10).
9.7 Symptomatic Profile of Specific Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language
9.7.1 Early and Core Language Symptoms of Specific Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language
Developmental disorders of speech and language (DDSL) as defined in the current version of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, the ICD-10 of the World Health Organization (2011), are subclassified as specific DDSL (SDDSL) and other DDSL associated with language-relevant comorbidities (DDSLC), also called non-specific DDSL. Specific DDSL, also called ‘specific language impairment’ (SLI) and coded as F80 in the ICD-10, are sole developmental language disorders without any other conditions that could impair the language development of a child. DDSLC, on the other hand, are language disorders associated with other diseases or conditions that may have an impact on language development.
Early language symptoms of a specific developmental disorder of speech and language (modified from de Langen-Müller et al. 2012, with kind permission from Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften)
Expressive symptoms | Receptive symptoms |
• Prelinguistic gestures are lacking • Late onset or lack of canonical babbling • Only repetition of syllables (canonical babbling), no varying babbling (‘lala’ instead of ‘lela’) • Late or lacking onset of speaking • No or only single, idiosyncratic words • First words much later than 15 months • At 24 months production of fewer than about 50 words (late talker), no making up for a delay until 36 months • Slowed course or stagnation of language development • Concern of caregivers because of language development of the child | • Lacking reactions to their own names • Social routines (‘away’, ‘no’, ‘high’) are not yet or poorly understood • Commands are not or not appropriately followed • Questions are not correctly answered despite knowledge of the correct answer • Initially often autistic or compulsive seeming behaviour as expression of an impaired speech perception • Sometimes echolalia Note: Because of the redundancy of communicative situations, receptive deficits are only unreliably recognizable for caregivers and always need a specific examination at single linguistic levels |
Core language symptoms of SDDSL at distinct linguistic levels after 24 months of age as identified by the patient’s history, informal examinations and language tests (modified from de Langen-Müller et al. 2012, with kind permission from Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften)
Linguistic level | Symptoms |
Vocabulary (lexicon) Semantics | Poor receptive (passive) or expressive (active) vocabulary or age-inappropriate vocabulary The child • Speaks only a few words (poor vocabulary) • Learns new words only slowly (slowed increase of vocabulary) • Has difficulties in word retrieval • Makes naming errors or averts naming • Uses passe-partout words (make, do) • Often replies with commonplace phrases (Oh really? O.K.) • Replies in an unspecific way (yes/no/don’t know) More detailed symptoms and test results • Poor vocabulary (lexemes) or meaning (semantic) concepts • Unsecure interconnections and structuring (semantic fields and relations) • Impaired storage or access to word forms • No age-appropriate performance in word production or perception • Low lexical variety • Only restricted fast mapping possible (quick adjustment of an unknown word form to an unknown referent, e.g. quick learning of the new word ‘dog’ and finding its correct meaning out of a large number of possible meanings when meeting a dog which nibbles on a bone and understanding implicitly that ‘dog’ is neither the bone nor the nibbling nor the colour, the tail or the snout of the dog (Grimm and Weinert 2002)) • Unstructured vocabulary • Abnormal composition of the vocabulary, deficits may be specific for a word class (e.g. verbs) |
Morphology syntax | Impaired ability to understand and apply the morpho-syntactic rules of the native language; stagnation of the grammatical development • Expressive level – Problems in using the morphological (i.e. case, tense, number and genus markings, subject-verb congruency, verb flexion) and syntactic (i.e. word position, in particular of verbs, subordinate clauses) rules of the native language – Later restrictions of the narrative and text-grammatical abilities • Receptive level – Problems in the perception of complex sentence structures and W-questions (Who? Where? Why?) or of the function of morphological markings More detailed symptoms • Length of utterance too short for the age • Lacking or wrong word markings • Rare structures which are untypical of normal language acquisition, i.e. phenomena that occur during normal language acquisition but are no longer age-appropriate • Children between 2 and 3 years of age: – No word combinations at 24 months – Only one-word or two-word utterances at 28–36 months – Wrong word position and word sequence (e.g. verb in second position in Germanic languages at 36 months) • Children between 3 and 4 years of age: – Degraded sentence structures, grammatical markings and omitted function words • Children between 4 and 5 years of age: – Only simple main clauses, lacking of subordinate clauses and obligatory constituents • Children older than 5 years: – Superficially correct syntactic structures but only few complex sentence structures – Rigid, inflexible sentence structures – Difficulties in making an experience or a process understandable |
Phonology | Impaired ability to receive and organize phonemes in a target language and to retrieve and use them adequately (phonological disorder)a • E.g. elision, substitution, permutation of sounds • Poor phoneme inventory • Non-overcome/age-inadequate phonological processes (use of wrong phonological rules or of rules that belong to earlier developmental stages) • Problems in the retrieval and combination of phonemes to sound sequences and words • Abnormal word accentuation |
Pragmatics | Lacking competence to understand and use language appropriately in a communicative situationb • Qualitative and situation-related restriction of communicative and dialogue competencies • Striking echolalia • Difficulties in understanding of speech acts • Problems in the use of non-verbal communicative means, e.g. non-modulated or suspect eye contact • Problems in the organization of narratives • Difficulties with turn-taking • Difficulties of older children in making an experience or a process understandable |
Up to 2.5 years:
Elision of final consonants (table → tabe)
Forward displacement of the velar nasal sound (anger → anner)
Plosivation (sun → dun)
Glottal replacement /r/ (robber → hobber)
Up to 3.0 years:
Deletion of nonstressed syllables (banana → nana)
Deaffrication of /pf/ and /ts/ (Mitsubishi → Misubishi)
Up to 3.5 years:
Forward displacement of /g/ and /k/ (garden → darden; cup → tup)
Backward displacement of /sch/ (sheep → çeep)
Up to 4.0 years:
Reduction of consonant clusters (snow → now)
Assimilations (Maria → Mamia)
Up to 4.5 years:
Voicing (tone → done)
Devoicing (vase → fase)
Up to 5 years:
Forward displacement of /∫/ and /ç/ to /z/ (school → sool)
9.7.2 Differential Diagnoses and Associated Disorders
Differential diagnoses (other diseases, comorbidities)
Potentially SDDSL-associated findings that may also be of importance for other language abnormalities
Solely or additionally occurring environmentally related language abnormalities that do not need language therapy such as:
Sociogenically caused deviations from the normal language development due to lacking input
Language abnormalities during bi- or multilingual language acquisition
Differential diagnoses and potential SDDSL-associated findings that have to be taken into consideration when diagnosing an SDDSL (modified from de Langen-Müller et al. 2012, with kind permission from Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften)
Differential diagnoses | Potential SDDSL-associated findings |
SDDSL is not caused by the following disorders: | But SDDSL may be associated with organic and developmental psychopathological findings |
Sensory disorders • Hearing disorders (H90.–)/deafness (H 91.9): – Recurrent otitis media with effusion and conductive hearing loss – Other acquired hearing loss – Congenital/neonatal sensorineural or conductive unilateral or bilateral hearing loss (H90.0–H90.4), ear malformations – Combined hearing loss (H90.5) • Other sensory disorders, e.g. vision disorders/blindness (H53–H54) | • Occasionally occurring otitis media: may indicate a comorbidity; therefore in case of an SDDSL a repeated assessment of hearing is necessary • Limitations of the verbal short-term memory and of central auditory processing |
Pervasive developmental disorders (F84) • Childhood autism (F84.0) • Atypical autism (F84.1) • Rett syndrome (F84.2) • Other childhood disintegrative disorders (F84.3) • Asperger syndrome (F84.5) | • Combination with mild, non-predominant other developmental abnormalities such as mild specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills (F81) or of motor function (F82) |
Mental retardation (F70–F79) Multi-handicaps Genetic syndromes (see Sect. 9.10) | • Mild non-verbal abnormalities with normal IQ |
Neurological disorders such as • Developmental neurological disorders, e.g. mild forms of cerebral palsy • Acquired aphasia (R47.0), childhood aphasia • Landau-Kleffner syndrome (F80.3; acquired childhood aphasia with epilepsy; onset of the disorders accompanied by EEG abnormalities in the temporal lobe) | • Subtle structural/functional abnormalities of the brain • Lacking asymmetry and lateralization/hemispheric dominance • (Focal) neurological deficit |
Conduct and emotional disorders (F90–F98) • Hyperkinetic disorders • Anxiety disorders • Attachment disorders • Elective mutism (F94.0) | • Problems of social interaction – Negative experience of communication – Low self-esteem • Conduct abnormalities/disorders with low social contact, drawback, depression, school refusal or aggressiveness as possible social consequences or accompanying symptoms |
Environmental language abnormalities • Neglect: frequently language abnormalities of socially deprived children, twins who are often on their own, children from lower, less-educated social classes | • Psychosocial factors that influence treatment effects and course of an SDDSL negatively • SDDSL of multilingual children affects all languages |
Further differential diagnostic needs (modified from de Langen-Müller et al. 2012, with kind permission from Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften)
SDDSL also have to be differentiated from: |
• Disturbed motor functions – Malformation or impairment of the articulation organs – Disturbed oral speech motor functions by cleft palate – Other organic diseases of the articulators • Specific developmental disorders of motor function (F82) – Clumsy child syndrome – Developmental coordination disorder – Developmental dyspraxia, childhood apraxia of speech – Specific developmental disorder of oral motor function (synonym, orofacial disorder, myofunctional disorder, F82.2) – Phonetic disorder (synonym, speech disorder, speech sound disorder, articulation disorder) – An interdental or addental sigmatism, as it occurs frequently in preschoolers, is in most cases not caused by a phonological disturbance but by a phonetic abnormality |
• Speech fluency disorders – Stuttering (F98.5) – Cluttering (F98.6) |
• Voice disturbances (R49) |
• Central auditory processing disorders (CAPD) (F80.20) |
• Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills (F81) – Specific reading disorder (F81.0) – Specific spelling disorder (F81.1) – Specific disorder of arithmetical skills (F81.2) – Mixed disorder of scholastic skills (F81.3) |
9.7.3 Environmental (Sociogenic) Language Abnormalities
Oral language acquisition requires in addition to congenital species-specific abilities the presence of a sufficient and informative offer of verbal communication in a target language. Children use the verbal input of their environment to approach the target language. Environmental conditions may thus influence language development positively or negatively. A negative influence may lead to similar language-associated abnormalities such as an SDDSL on the symptoms’ surface or, for example, in the case of social deprivation, to language and communication abnormalities related to attachment disorders (F94.1, F94.2). The following environmental (socially related) language abnormalities have to be distinguished from an SDDSL:
Sociogenically Caused Deviations from the Normal Language Development Owing to Lacking Input
Language abnormalities due to lack of input, neglect or wrong language role models do not require a language therapy but language-stimulating training (Neumann and Euler 2013). They may aggravate a present DDSL.
Language Abnormalities During Bi- or Multilingual Language Acquisition
Bi-/multilingual children (see Sect. 9.5) sometimes show peculiarities during language acquisition that result from an interference between the languages on the phonetic-phonological, semantic-lexical and morphological-syntactical levels. They do not represent a DDSL. Children who grow up in a positive multilingual environment do not have more frequent DDSL than monolingual children. SDDSL of bi-/multilingual children always affect all languages (Håkansson et al. 2003; Paradis et al. 2003). The acquisition of more than one language does not additionally complicate the language acquisition of children with DDSL who grow up with a simultaneous bilingualism.
DDSL are to some extent language-specific, i.e. depending on the complexity and the age at which certain structures have to be acquired; for example, different grammatical abilities may be affected across languages (Leonard 2000; Paradis et al. 2003).
9.7.4 Developmental Language Delay/Late Talkers
Developmental language retardations have to be classified, dependent on the age of the child, as developmental language delay – late talkers up to the third birthday – or as DDSL, from the third birthday on (Kiese-Himmel 2008). According to the UEP (1987), a developmental language delay is a delay of at least 6 months from the age norm of the normal language development. The term can be misunderstood, because it suggests that the language abnormality is only a transient developmental retardation. This occurs however only during early language acquisition, whereas later on a substantial delay is in most cases paralleled by a contentual deviation from the normal language development and hence is a DDSL. Therefore, the term is used in Germany, for example, only for children between their second and third birthdays (de Langen-Müller et al. 2012).
The definition of the term late talker differs somewhat in the literature. According to most authors, it depicts children without any primary abnormality, who produce up to their second birthday fewer than 50 words and no word combinations (Desmarais et al. 2008). For other authors late talkers are children who have not produced their first words by 18 months (Bishop et al. 2012). The prevalence of late talkers has been reported as 2.0–17.5% for Anglo-Saxon countries (see Sect. 9.6).
Some late talkers make up for the delay between their second and third birthdays—late bloomers. In a literature review, 75% of children diagnosed as late talkers at 18 months of age were reported to move into the normal range on standardized language measures by 3 years of age (Paul and Roth 2011). But an illusionary recovery is also possible with recurrent problems, frequently in phonological awareness but also in morphosyntax, a short time before school entry. Other authors have reported that about half to two thirds of late talkers fail to make up for the delay completely until the 36th month of life or end up with a DDSL (Kauschke 2003; Sachse and von Suchodoletz 2009). In particular, a child with a language delay at an age of 2 years has a very low probability of making up for it if he or she has a deficient language perception and if the educational status of her parents is low. Compared with normally developed children, late talkers have a 20-fold increased probability for language abnormalities at kindergarten age. At school entry age, 16% of the former late talkers suffered from an SDDSL, and an additional 18% showed mild language deficits in a study of Kühn and von Suchodoletz (2009). About 20% of late talkers examined by Rice et al. (2008) were diagnosed with a DDSL at 7 years of age (Rice et al. 2008). Buschmann et al. (2008) observed cognitive developmental delays and autistic symptoms of late talkers at the age of 24 months. All these findings point to the necessity of a thorough diagnostics and follow-up of late talkers.
9.8 Aetiology and Pathogenesis of Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language
9.8.1 Introduction
The aetiology of developmental disorders of speech and language (DDSL) differs between specific developmental disorders of speech and language (SDDSL), where other language-relevant disorders or disturbances are excluded and other DDSL associated with language-relevant comorbidities (DDSLC), where the comorbidity is the reason for the language disorder, either alone or with additional factors that also underlie SDDSL, i.e. predominantly language-specific genetic influences (Neumann et al. 2009). Therefore, in the following subsections, aetiology and pathogenesis are separately described for SDDSL and the most important comorbidities of DDSLC.
9.8.2 Aetiology of Specific Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language (SDDSL)
SDDSL, in the ICD-10, the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (World Health Organization 2016), coded as F80, may not be referred causally to neurological or sensory disorders, genetic syndromes, malformations such as cleft palate, mental retardation, pervasive developmental disorders, multiple disabilities, conduct and emotional disorders or socioculturally caused environmental language abnormalities. In other words, SDDSL are diagnosed by exclusion (‘assumption of normality’) (de Langen-Müller et al. 2012). Genetic Factors
Genetic factors are recognized as being the main cause of SDDSL (SLI Consortium 2002). The hypothesis of a polygenic-multifactorial inheritance with involvement of a ‘major’ gene and a gender-dependent threshold is favoured (Lewis et al. 1993; Monaco 2007; Newbury et al. 2002). In family aggregation studies (Lahey and Edwards 1995; Tallal et al. 2001; Tomblin 1989) and in twin studies (Bishop et al. 1995; Lewis and Thompson 1992; Tomblin and Buckwalter 1998), a familial clustering of SDDSL has been shown. Several gene loci have been identified by linkage analyses and are applicable to large groups of children with SDDSL. In a study of the SLI consortium (SLI Consortium 2002), linkages between SDDSL and gene loci at 16q and 19q have been found. Bartlett et al. (2002) reported linkages with chromosomal regions 13q and 2p. Neither study showed coherence with the chromosomal region 7q, which has been described for the KE family. Behavioural-Genetic Studies
Behavioural-genetic studies, in particular twin and adoption studies, may quantify how much variance (diversity) in a population related to language competence may be referred to genetic variability and how much to environmental influences. A thorough review and meta-analysis of behavioural-genetic studies including linkage studies (Stromswold 2001) and further studies (Bishop et al. 2006; Hayiou-Thomas 2008) have shown that genetic factors are responsible for a considerable part of the variance in developmental language disabilities but only for a small part of the variance of language competence of subjects with normal language development. Hence, genetic factors are the main reason of the language competence of children with DDSL. Environmental Factors
Environmental factors, in particular social determinants of the language environment, have much less influence on the occurrence of SDDSL, and the influence of the family-specific environment is—except for the extent of the vocabulary—obviously negligible. With caution it may be stated that poor language stimulation by the family, in particular by the mother, is not a primary cause of an SDDSL (Leonard 1987). Sachse and von Suchodoletz (2009) observed in late talkers that, in addition to deficits in speech perception, poor school education of the parents in particular reduced the probability of their children’s catching up the delay by the age of 3 years and predicted an SDDSL. It is unequivocal that institutionalized children, with whom only poor social interaction takes place; twins, who are often on their own; and children from families with many children, in particular those from socially disadvantaged groups, all exhibit developmental language deviations more often than others (Grimm 2003). The parental socio-economic status (income-to-needs ratio, family income) was not an influential factor for the appearance of an SDDSL in several large studies (among others National Institutes of Health). However, maternal sensitivity and depression, and whether the mother was married, have been shown as possibly influential, whereas maternal education has been evaluated controversially (Botting et al. 2001; La Paro et al. 2004; Stanton-Chapman et al. 2002). Neurolinguistic Perspective
From a neurolinguistic perspective, deficient cerebral processing and representation of language may be causal for SDDSL. If mechanisms of language processing do not function effectively, the input cannot be used effectively. Hence, language acquisition runs slower and is more troublesome. Abnormalities causal for an SDDSL may also occur at the cognitive level (weakness of domain-non-specific information processing), the perceptual level (disturbed basal and higher functions of sensory processing, in particular of auditory processing) and the biological level (abnormal development and lateralization of cerebral structures and genetic factors). None of these hypotheses is sufficiently proven empirically so far or fit all children with SDDSL (de Langen-Müller et al. 2012).
Currently, predominantly genetically determined developmental factors are assumed to be causal for SDDSL, possibly with some psychosocial and environmental factors working epigenetically. Therefore, and because the aetiology of SDDSL is only identified for subgroups of children, a causal therapy of SDDSL is not available so far. Hence, the intervention focuses on specific language symptoms, independent of the assumed causality.
9.8.3 Aetiology of Other Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language Associated with Language-Relevant Comorbidities (DDSLC or Non-specific DDSL)
For DDSL associated with comorbidities, the proportion of the language impairment that is caused by the additional underlying disease or disturbance is not easy to separate from a possible SDDSL component. It has to be assumed that the same hereditary factors, which are mainly causal for SDDSL, may also contribute to complex language impairment in some children with language-relevant comorbidities, but the extent and nature of this proportion is hard to assess because it interferes with the components of the underlying condition. Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language Associated with Mental Retardation (ICD-10: F70–F79)
The prevalence of intellectual disabilities for European countries ranges from 3 to 7% of the population (for Germany 0.4% with IQ values up to ≤50 and 2.5–2.9% with IQ values >50–70) (Langen 2006; Maulik and Harbour 2010). Causes are genetic factors resulting in brain diseases and—to a lesser degree—acquired cerebral injuries such as alcohol embryopathy. In most cases (up to 75%), the causes for intellectual disabilities remain unidentified. The largest cause of mental retardation (about 15%) is Down syndrome (Bower and Petterson 2001). For most subjects with an intellectual disability, oral communication is disturbed or—less often—impossible. Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language Associated with Hearing Loss or Central Auditory Processing Disorders (ICD-10: H90–H91; F80.20)
Hearing disorders are the most prominent comorbidities of DDSLC. In case of mild hearing loss, language deficits are often counterbalanced by compensatory strategies and speaking does not appear abnormal to other people. For children with severe hearing loss, DDSLCs are common. Their extent and pattern depend on the time of diagnosis and treatment of the hearing loss, the language talent of a child and the familial background (Moeller 2000). With timely and modern hearing intervention and rehabilitation, many children develop normal language abilities (Kiese-Himmel 2003).
Disturbed middle ear ventilation because of age-related anatomical characteristics of the Eustachian tube, a smaller tympanum and frequent infections of the upper airways, otitis media, and blocking of the pharyngeal ostium of the Eustachian tube by secretion or enlarged adenoids are typical conditions at toddler and preschool ages. From the first to the third year of life, about 10–30% of children have been reported to suffer from middle ear effusion with resulting conductive hearing loss; at preschool ages the value is still 10–20% and at school age 5–10% (Fiellau-Nikolajsen 1983; Northern and Downs 2002). A reduced Eustachian tube pressure may also cause a mild conductive hearing loss ranging from 10 to 30 dB; in case of a middle ear effusion, the hearing loss mostly ranges from 20 to 50 dB (Schönweiler 1992).
Specific diseases such as Kartagener syndrome, an autosomal recessive genetic ciliary disorder comprising the triad of sinusitis, situs inversus and bronchiectasis or a primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD; same symptoms as Kartagener syndrome but without situs inversus) also lead to chronic middle ear effusion. The genetic defect causes, among other conditions, a disturbed action of cilia lining the lower and upper respiratory tract, sinuses, Eustachian tube and middle ear. Congenital or, in the neonatal period, acquired permanent hearing disorders are predominantly associated with sensorineural hearing loss. Their prevalence in Europe ranges from 1 to 3 per 1000 newborns. About 10–30% of permanent hearing loss in children has a late onset or runs progressively. Causes for permanent infant hearing loss are genetic factors, pre-, peri- or postnatal infections such as congenital CMV infection, syndromes, craniofacial malformations and ototoxic impairments, e.g. caused by aminoglycosides.
Because of both the typical recurrent or fluctuating middle ear-caused hearing loss and the occurrence of fluctuating and progressive sensorineural or mixed hearing loss, singular audiograms often do not reflect the conditions for language development well, and repeated measurements may be useful for estimating the hearing profile over a longer period and for the reduction of obtainable audio-verbal learning pattern for a child. Hence, for a middle ear effusion persisting longer than 3 months, draining ear tubes and eventually an adenectomy are recommended (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie 2005).
In a study of 1300 German-speaking preschoolers with DDSL, hearing loss was diagnosed in 48% (Schönweiler 1992). In the age group up to 4 years—the most important period of language development—more than half of the children were hard of hearing. In 95% hearing loss was a mild conductive hearing loss fluctuating about 20 dB. Results of meta-analyses examining the relationship between otitis media with effusion and language development found either low effects (Casby 2001) or no to very small negative associations (Roberts et al. 2004). However, these reviews have been criticized because of systematic errors and do not seem to be generalizable for children with increased risk for a DDSL or language-relevant comorbidities.
Cause phonological misperceptions
Reduce the comprehension of new words
Affect the perception of unstressed syllables, particularly at word-end positions
Lead to morphological errors and contextual misinterpretations together with pragmatic disturbances
Unilateral hearing loss as caused by hereditary factors, malformations, trauma, otosclerosis, disturbed tympanic ventilation, cholesteatoma or infections may also be associated with distorted language development and may affect scholastic skills later on (Lieu 2013).
Central auditory processing difficulties are frequently associated with DDSL (Tallal 1980). An interface between the auditory and language systems is the phonological storage component of the auditory working memory, the phonological loop (Baddeley 1992). It stores and rehearses speech-based information and is necessary for the acquisition of both native and second-language vocabulary. This loop enables a child to keep longer, not yet analyzed language portions in the phonological working memory and is an important predisposition for the production and retrieval of phonemes and the development of vocabulary, syntax, morphology as well as reading and spelling skills. Hence, the acquisition of a lexicon and grammar is closely related to this memory system. Children with DDSL perform significantly worse in the phonological working memory than peers with normal language development (Grimm 2003; Hasselhorn and Werner 2000). Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language Associated with Other Sensory Disorders and Multiple Disabilities
Blindness with or without residual vision (visus ≤2%), with a prevalence of 4–5 per 1000 newborns, is a frequent sensory disorder and may influence language development at the beginning. Its causes are hereditary malformations of the eye and the optic nerve, inflammation and impairment of the immature retina (retinopathia praematorum) or of the visual cortex in preterm babies. Most of the affected children have normal language development. Sometimes, however, the disturbed acquisition of the precursor abilities, such as the absence of referential eye contact, hinders early language development. Nevertheless, the subsequent language acquisition of blind children of normal intelligence resembles that of typically developed children with some minor qualitative deviations. This is interpreted as a result of adaptive compensatory strategies of children and parents (Perez-Pereira and Conti-Ramsden 1999).
For children with multiple disabilities, whether they are of genetic or non-genetic in origin, such as Down or Landau-Kleffner syndromes, the severity of the language impairment depends on the specific combination of physical and intellectual disabilities. The specific aetiology of some exemplary language-relevant syndromes is described in Sect. A large synopsis of language-related syndromes is given in Sect. 9.10. Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language Associated with Pervasive Developmental Disorders (ICD-10: F84)
Pervasive developmental disorders comprise, among others, childhood autism; atypical autism; Rett syndrome; other childhood disintegrative disorders such as dementia infantilis, disintegrative and symbiotic psychoses and Heller syndrome; overactivity disorders associated with mental retardation and stereotyped movements; and Asperger syndrome. They are characterized by qualitative deviations in social interactions and communication patterns and by a restricted, stereotypical, repetitive repertoire of interests and activities. In a study of Schönweiler (1994), 20% of children with language impairment had global developmental retardation.
Rett syndrome (see also Sect. is a seizure syndrome that nearly exclusively affects girls but in combination with the Klinefelter syndrome can affect boys. After the first to second year of life, both cognitive and language abilities are lost (e.g. object permanence) leading to a severe impairment of language and communication.
The causes of autism are not clear up to now. The most probable cause is a pre-, peri- or post-natal brain injury. Anomalies of chromosomes 3, 7 and 15 and the X chromosome are discussed. Five per 10,000 children are affected. The gender proportion is about 4:1 boys/girls (Grimm 2003). About half of the autistic children do not acquire oral language; language development of the other half is strongly delayed and qualitatively aberrant. This does not hold true for children with Asperger syndrome, a mild form of autism that affects ~3.6 per 1000 children aged from 7 to 16 years. Here, language development is nearly undisturbed, although speech may appear formal and pedantic with a peculiar prosody (Ehlers and Gillberg 1993).
For hyperactive disturbances with reduced intelligence and movement stereotypies (ICD-10: F84.4), an ill-defined disorder of uncertain nosological validity, a severe mental retardation (IQ <35) is combined with problems of hyperactivity, attention deficits and stereotypical behaviour. Language impairment is obligatory and contributes to a specific or global developmental retardation. Speech and Language Abnormalities Associated with Disorders of Social Functioning with Onset Specific to Childhood and Adolescence Such as Selective Mutism (ICD-10: F94.0)
Selective mutism is not a speech or language disorder but a communication disorder due to a psychically caused speech arrest. Speech and language abilities are normal in most cases. The communication may run normally or almost normally under specific circumstances (i.e. in a certain group of subjects or with a specific individual). A prevalence of selective mutism from 0.5 to 0.7 per 1000 children at early school age is reported (Schwartz and Shipon-Blum 2005). Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language Associated with Syndromes
Many syndromes (clusters of symptoms, genetically caused in most cases) are associated with DDSLC. Subsequently, some language-relevant syndromes are listed exemplarily with a focus on their aetiology and pathogenesis. For a comprehensive systematic list of language-affecting syndromes with focus on their symptoms, see Sect. 9.10.
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
Also called infantile acquired aphasia, acquired epileptic aphasia or aphasia with convulsive disorder, the Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS) is a rare childhood neurological syndrome characterized by acute or progressive loss of the receptive and expressive language abilities of a child and development of an aphasia paralleled by the appearance of paroxysmal electroencephalographic (EEG) activity, in particular sleep-activated EEG paroxysms predominating over the temporal or parieto-occipital regions (Pearl et al. 2001). It affects both Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area, i.e. cerebral regions that control speech motor planning and comprehension of speech. Usually it emerges from the ages of 3 to 7 years with a sex ratio of 1.7–2:1 males to females. In most cases, the reasons for LKS are unknown. It may appear secondary to other diseases such as low-grade brain tumours, closed-head injury, neurocysticercosis, demyelinating diseases or a vasculitis of the central nervous system (Neiman and Seyffert 2016). Also genetic causes are assumed (Myers and Scheffer 1993).
Angelman Syndrome (AS)
This neurodevelopmental disorder is caused by genomic imprinting, i.e. by a deletion or inactivation of genes on the maternally inherited chromosome 15, while the paternal chromosome, which may be of normal sequence, is imprinted and therefore silenced. The usual maternal contribution to a region of chromosome 15 is lost mostly by a deletion of a segment of the chromosome and less often by a uniparental disomy, translocation or single gene mutation in that region. Its sister syndrome, the Prader-Willi syndrome, is caused by a similar loss of paternally inherited genes and maternal imprinting. AS is characterized by severe intellectual and developmental disability, sleep disturbance, seizures, jerky movements such as hand flapping, frequent laughter or smiling, a happy demeanour and DDSLC.

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