Visual acuity
Decreased, blurred, and/or fluctuating visual activity, monocular or binocular
Total or partial blindness/amaurosis, usually monocular
Amblyopia, photophobic amblyopia, one or both eyes
Looking past objects, jumbling of print, film over one eye, difficulty judging distances
Visual hallucinations, prolonged after images, muscae volitantes (flying floaters)
Polyopia: diplopia, triplopia, monocular, and binocular
Seeing out of proportion or in color: micropsia, macropsia, megalopsia, dysmegalopsia, micromegalopsia, erythopsia, xanthopsia
Visual fields
Tubular fields: concentric contraction
Inversion of the fields: smaller from central to peripheral
Color fields: contraction, interlacing, or reversal of normal order of color field
Fields: spiral, “gun barrel,” contracting or expanding spiral, fatigue spiral, helicoids contractions
“Oscillating field” (test object disappears and reappears)
Star-shaped field
Interweave or interlacing of the various isopter lines
Scotomas: central, paracentral, ring
Hemianopsia: homonymous, transient, “missing half,” bitemporal
Color and light disturbances
Dark adaptation abnormality, night blindness (nyctalopia), day blindness (hemeralopia)
Color vision abnormalities: achromatopsia, dyschromatopsia, purple chromatopsia, color blindness
Photopsia: flashes of light, colored balls, glittering surfaces before the eyes
Table 17.2
Symptoms at presentation of nonorganic visual loss
Series | Year | No children | Blurred/reduced vision | Field loss | Other subjective visual disturbance | Polyopia/diplopia | Other ophthalmic | Other symptoms |
Yasuna [23] | 1963 | 26 | 26 (100 %) | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Keltner et al. [29] | 1985 | 25/84 | 74 (88 %) | 10 (12 %) | 6 (7 %) | 15 (18 %) | NR | Headache 26 (31 %) |
Catalano et al. [28] | 1986 | 23 | 23 (100 %) | 2 (9 %) | 2 (9 %) | 4 (19 %) | NR | Headache 11 (48 %) |
Clarke et al. [26] | 1996 | 70 | 54 (77 %) | NR | 9 (13 %) | 7 (10 %) | NR | NR |
Bain et al. [27] | 2000 | 30 | 28 (93 %) | 5 (17 %) | 3 (10 %) | 5 (17 %) | NR | Headache 13 (43 %) |
Kinori et al. [24] | 2011 | 12 | 12 (100 %) | 1 (8 %) | NR | 3 (25 %) | 3 (25 %) 2 ptosis, 1 blephaospasm | Headache 4 (33 %) |
Totals | 161a | 143/161 (89 %) | 8/65 (12 %)b | 14/123 (11 %)b | 19/135 (14 %)b | 3/12 (25 %)b | 28/65 (43 %)b |
The visual acuity measured at presentation can vary markedly. Approximately 25 % of children are reported to have acuity <6/60 and approximately 50 % in the range of 6/60–6/12 (see in Table 17.3). Most published series report bilateral blurring in the range of 74–96 % [23, 24, 26–28]. The report of Barris et al. is an outlier with regard to this reporting 5/9 (55 %) with unilateral symptoms and 4/9 (45 %) with bilateral symptoms of blurring [35]. This report is also unusual in the large number of children noted to have abnormal visual fields (14/15).
Table 17.3
Visual acuity at presentation
Series | Year | No children | Blurred/reduced vision | VA < 6/60 | VA 6/60–6/12 | Comment |
Yasuna [23] | 1963 | 26 | 26 (100 %) | 9/26 (35 %) | 16/26 (62 %) | |
Catalano et al. [28] | 1986 | 23 | 23 (100 %) | NR | NR | 7/23 (30 %) ≤6/30 |
Sletteberg [36] | 1989 | 33/54 (≤20 years) | 43/54 (80 %) | 13/54 (24 %) | 30/54 (56 %) | Mainly pediatric, unable to separate adult & pediatric data |
Barris [35] | 1992 | 15/45 | 9/15 (60 %) | 3/15 (20 %) | 6/15 (40 %) | “careful urging” during VA assessment |
Bain et al. [27] | 2000 | 30 | 28/30 (93 %) | 3/30 (10 %) | 16/30 (53 %) | |
Kinori et al. [24] | 2011 | 12 | 12/12 (100 %) | 6/12 (50 %) | 1/12 (8 %) | |
Totals | 139 | 98/106 (92 %)* | 21/83 (25 %)^ | 39/83 (47 %)^ |
Most pediatric series report a low rate of visual field defects in the range of 8–17 % [24, 27, 28] with the series of Barris et al. being an exception reporting 93 % [35]. It is of interest that this report has an overall rate of visual field defect of 96 % in adults and children which is extremely high. This may represent a systematic bias in measurement of visual fields. Pattern of visual field loss reported in children include non-specific constriction, cloverleaf, spiral (the visual field becomes smaller as the same isopter is tested repeatedly with the same size target), tubular, monocular hemianopia and intersecting isopters [8, 22, 24, 27, 35–39]. Tubular visual fields will only be documented if fields are measured at two distances with a tangent screen: demonstrating a failure for the field to enlarge physiologically at an increased distance. The case of monocular hemianopia reported by Acaroğlu et al. is the only one to our knowledge reported in the recent pediatric literature and is well documented [38].
Diplopia or polyopia has been noted in 10–25 % of pediatric nonorganic visual presentations [24, 26–28]. These may be monocular or binocular or both at different times with the same patient. Other subjective visual disturbances that have been reported by children are micropsia [28], “lines or spots in front of their eyes, illusory movement of the environment, pain on visual tasks or a decrease in colour vision” [26] and photopsia, photophobia and altered color vision [27] with incidence of 9–13 % [26–28].
As in adults there can be an overlap of organic and nonorganic disease in children [10, 24, 40]. A history of organic disease should not cause the clinician to dismiss the possibility of nonorganic disease and vice-versa.
Most reports suggest that the prognosis for spontaneous resolution of nonorganic visual loss in children is excellent [10, 24, 27, 28, 36, 41]. Some authors have shown better prognosis for children than adults. Sletteberg et al. reported 10/14 (71 %) patients <15 years of age had spontaneous resolution compared to only 3/15 (20 %) patients >15 years of age [36]. Lim et al. observed resolution of nonorganic visual loss in 85 % of children and 44 % of adults [10]. It has also been noted that significant psychiatric disorders requiring formal psychiatric intervention is more common in adults [10, 36].
The speed of resolution of symptoms in children is said to be rapid. Catalano et al. reported 34 % resolving within 24 h, 61 % within 2 months and 71 % within 3 months [28].
Recurrence of nonorganic visual loss after a period of resolution is well known to occur [24, 41]. Rada et al. reported recurrence during follow-up in 15 % of children [41] and Kinori et al. noted it in 25 % [24]. The severity and duration of recurrence of symptoms was not described though Kinori et al. reported multiple relapses in some children [24].
There are two principle aims in the initial clinical assessment of a child with suspected nonorganic visual loss. The first is a thorough clinical examination to exclude obvious organic disease. The second is demonstration that visual function is better than claimed (or is indeed normal) or that the claimed visual symptoms are non-physiologic. This depends on the child being unaware that the responses given to examination tests are not consistent with the level of visual function initially claimed and a lack of knowledge of the normal physiology of the visual system . On occasion, clinical assessment will need to be supplemented by further investigation. Flexibility in assessment is also essential as it is not always apparent at first meeting the child and guardians that nonorganic visual loss is a diagnostic possibility. Different strategies are utilised depending on the laterality and severity of claimed vision loss.
Sir Stewart Duke-Elder emphasized the importance of clinical skill in his statement; “One point is important: the examiner should know thoroughly the tests he proposes to carry out, for the most important feature in such testing is the rapid and sure manipulation; few succeed unless they are well prepared.” [42] It is vital that the examination procedure appear routine and that the child be unaware that the examiner is attempting to demonstrate improved visual function [43, 44]. Drews suggested that the tests utilised in assessment of nonorganic visual loss be practiced with routine patients to improve skill and create awareness of usual responses [43]. The importance of a neutral and non-judgemental attitude has been emphasised by many authors [5, 43, 45, 46]. It is important that the ophthalmologist not demonstrate any irritation nor lose patience with a child during the course of assessment. An attitude of friendly encouragement is most likely to gain optimal cooperation.
Routine historical information should be acquired from the child and guardians. Often the most striking feature of the history is the child’s apparent indifference to their symptoms. This la belle indifference is frequently noted and is more often seen in cases of so called “hysteria ” than malingering. On occasions it is evident that parental anxiety with regard to the symptoms is greater than that of the child. This may especially be the case if there have been previously inconclusive assessments prior to the current consultation.
On specific questioning there may be inconsistencies related to visual activities. A child may describe poor visual function yet not experience any difficulty with reading or playing games on an electronic device. School work or performance may or may not be adversely affected.
It is possible that not all of the relevant history will be obtained initially. This particularly applies to the psycho-social aspects of the history that may not be fully explored until the possible nonorganic nature of the presentation is becoming apparent. There is often some benefit in interviewing the parents or guardians separately from the child to obtain this history. Such enquiry should be open-ended such as: “Are you aware of any problems at school?” or “Have there been any events or stresses at home?” Significant stressful events such as bullying, death of a relative or parental separation may then become evident that may not have seemed relevant earlier in the consultation. A careful family history for significant ophthalmic disease may help explain the source of a child’s visual symptoms. Holden and Duvall-Young reported three children with a family history of retinitis pigmentosa and nonorganic symptoms closely resembling those of retinitis pigmentosa [47]. Skoog et al. reported similar observations in their series of patients seen at a Swedish diagnostic center for retinal degenerations and dystrophies [48].
Initial clinical examination is directed at the detection of organic pathology that would explain the presenting symptoms. Once excluded, the aim of clinical examination switches to the demonstration that visual function is better than claimed (and, if possible, that it is normal) or that claimed visual symptoms are non-physiologic. An example of the former would be demonstration of normal visual acuity with a “trick refraction” such as plano lenses which are presented with the suggestion that they are a true glasses prescription. An example of the second would be the demonstration of a spiral visual field on perimetry.
Many reports have emphasised the importance of initially observing the child move around the waiting and examination rooms [5]. This is relevant for the occasional child who is claiming bilaterally and significantly reduced visual acuity or field. The observation that such a child moves freely is suggestive that visual function is better than claimed but cannot be taken as positive proof that this is the case as some children with severe organic impairments can be remarkably adaptive, especially when the changes are chronic rather than acute. Acute discovery of a chronic organic symptom , previously not reported by the child, must be considered.
A comprehensive review of clinical examination methods for both children and adults with nonorganic visual loss is available in the monograph of Enzenauer et al. [5]. The following discussion is limited to the clinical tests that are useful in the assessment of children and are in common usage. Clinical tests to be considered are listed in Table 17.4.
Table 17.4
Clinical tests used in the examination of children to assist in diagnosis of nonorganic visual loss
Test | Indication | Response | Significance |
Pupil response | Bilateral total blindness | Pupil response present | Excludes ocular cause of visual loss |
Unilateral total blindness | No relative afferent pupil defect | Visual function better than NPL | |
Optokinetic nystagmus | Bilateral or unilateral total blindness | OKN response seen | Confirms presence of vision |
Reduced visiona | OKN response to high frequency grating | Confirms vision better than claimed | |
Mirror test | Bilateral or unilateral total blindness | Eye movement elicited (unilateral with “bad” eye tested) | Confirms presence of vision |
Threat/Startle card/Ridiculous face | Bilateral or unilateral total blindness | Noticeable response from subject (unilateral with “bad” eye tested) | Confirms presence of vision |
Base out prism (4 or 6∆ for fusional response if bilateral total loss & 25∆ for refixation movement if unilateral total loss) | Bilateral total blindness | Fusion response 4–6 ∆ prism | Confirms presence of vision |
Unilateral total blindness | Refixation movement with 25 ∆ in front of “bad” eye | Confirms presence of vision | |
Preferential looking test (Teller Acuity Cards™ or similar) | Bilateral or unilateral total blindness | Fixation response observed | Confirms presence of vision |
Reduced vision | Fixation response observed to high frequency grating | Confirms vision better than claimed | |
Proprioceptive tests | Bilateral total blindness | Exaggerated difficulty | Highly suggestive of nonorganic defect |
Down up refraction (“Doctor killing test”) | Reduced vision | Improved visual acuity with encouragement & patience | Confirms vision better than claimed |
Refractive trickery | Unilateral total loss or reduced vision | Improved visual acuity | Confirms vision better than claimed |
Stereopsis | Unilateral total blindness | Any evidence of stereopsis | Confirms presence of vision |
Reduced vision | Higher level of stereopsis found | Confirms vision better than claimed | |
Red & green color filters with duochrome or red & green letters on white background or Worth 4-dots | Unilateral total blindness | See letters with “bad” eye | Confirms presence of vision |
See 4 dots with Worth test | |||
Ishihara tracing lines | Reduced vision | Unable to read numbers but can trace lines designed for innumerate younger children | Confirms vision better than claimed |
Tangent screen perimetry | Reduced vision or visual field | Gross constriction | Inconsistent with observed mobility |
Spiral field Tubular fields | Non-physiologic | ||
Goldman perimetry | Reduced vision or visual field | Gross constriction | Inconsistent with observed mobility |
Spiral field Crossing isopters Monocular hemianopia Reduced uniocular field of fixation with eye movement | Non-physiologic | ||
Automated perimetryb | Reduced vision or visual field | Gross constriction | Inconsistent with observed mobility |
Monocular hemianopia Binocular testing with preceding instruction “good” or “bad” eye being tested | Non-physiologic constriction when patient believes bad eye is being tested |
The order in which the various tests are used to distinguish organic and nonorganic disorders is largely determined by the severity and laterality of claimed visual loss. As visual field defects are infrequently symptomatic in children and visual field testing is inherently difficult at younger ages such testing is often performed later in the assessment to confirm non-physiologic nature of a patient’s symptoms.
Eliciting the pupil response is a measure of the integrity of the afferent visual pathway. In cases of organic bilateral severe visual loss (no perception of light) anterior to the chiasm bilateral amaurotic pupil responses will be seen. Normal pupil responses indicate either post chiasmic disease or a nonorganic disorder.
The presence of optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) is indicative of some visual function. A large mirror positioned directly in front of the patient and then slowly tilted around either the horizontal or vertical axis will induce involuntary following eye movements in almost all sighted individuals thus providing proof of some level of vision. Unexpected visual stimuli such as a sudden threatening movement or ridiculous facial expression of the part of the examiner will often elicit a response from a child that can only be the result of a visual response. Although the presentation of printed profanity as a method of eliciting a startle response has been used in adults, discretion is perhaps warranted when considering this technique in a child. Placing a small base out prism in front of either eye may induce a fusion response that is also evidence of vision. Tests that are not perceived by the patient as tests of visual function such as preferential looking test may elicit a response [34]. Finally tests of proprioception, such as touching both index fingers tip to tip in front of the face, may be mistakenly believed to require visual input and thus be paradoxically poorly performed by an individual with nonorganic visual loss. In reality a child with newly acquired severe visual loss will be able to perform such test quite well.
The absence of a relative afferent pupil defect is very suggestive that vision is better than no perception of light. All other tests used above for a child claiming binocular total loss of vision can be used for a child claiming unilateral total loss of vision. The better seeing eye is occluded and the test then performed. In some cases when performing the base out prism test it may be better to use a stronger prism (25∆) and observe to see if there is an induced refixation movement rather than looking for the small fusional movement induce by a 4–6∆ base out prism.
Refractive trickery is useful in cases of unilateral or bilateral reduced vision more than reported no perception of light. A detailed discussion of the history and attribution of tests used in refractive trickery is beyond the scope of this text. For readers requiring further information should consult Functional Ophthalmic Disorders by Enzenauer et al. [5]. The principle is to suggest to the child that the refractive correction, provided either in trial lenses or the phoropter, will improve the vision when in fact it should not, or to suggest to the child that they are using a better eye when in fact they are using the weaker eye. These techniques tend to be particularly useful when a child responds positively to a query about whether they are interested in obtaining glasses, particularly at times when wearing glasses is considered fashionable or another family member has received attention around the receipt of new glasses.
One technique of refractive trickery is to induce optical blur for both eyes and then, unbeknown to the child, gradually lessen this blur for one or both eyes while encouraging the child to read further down the vision chart. It is important that the changing of lenses is done smoothly. It is often helpful to obscure the child’s view of the vision chart while such manoeuvres are performed. The examiner should encourage the child throughout this procedure and stress that the glasses being tested are very powerful and the vision test is becoming easier. This takes advantage of the child’s suggestibility. In cases of unilateral blindness the better seeing eye is left blurred while blur for the reportedly worse eye is gradually reduced. Blur is most commonly with a hypermetropic over correction or cross cylinder (equal but opposite sign cylindrical lenses with axes at 900). The power of the blurring lens must be sufficient to achieve an expected acuity less than the reportedly worse eye. Thus, this test is best performed after cycloplegic refraction to allow for knowledge of the correct refraction of both eyes. The blur of cycloplegia may also be useful as it can cause some confusion for the child and the relief of this blur may induce the child to see better than earlier in the assessment process. It is important to observe the child, especially if using a phoropter, to note if there is alternate eye closure occurring. Such behaviour may be used in an older child to check which eye is being tested and is said to be utilised by adults who are malingering and attempting to foil the examiner’s trickery [49].
Stereopsis is dependent of both eyes seeing and thus the finding of stereopsis implies both eyes can see. This test depends on the subject being ignorant of this physiologic fact. Verhoeff in 1942 showed that high grade stereopsis correlated with good and equal vision [50] and Levy and Glick correlated levels of visual acuity with measured stereopsis using the Titmus Stereo Test™ (Stereo Optical, Chicago, Illinois, USA) in 1974 [51]. In this study normal subjects were tested and monocular blur was used to induce reduced visual acuity in one eye and stereopsis was measured at different levels of reduced visual acuity. The correlation found by Levy and Glick are tabulated in Table 17.5. The stereo fly can also be useful in a child presenting with a complaint of bilateral blindness as it may induce a startle response indicative of vision, similar to those tests described above.
Table 17.5
Correlation between stereo acuity and visual acuity
Visual acuity | Stereopsis (seconds of arc) |
20/20 | 40 |
20/25 | 43 |
20/30 | 52 |
20/40 | 61 |
20/50 | 78 |
20/70 | 94 |
20/100 | 124 |
20/200 | 160 |
Colored filters that dissociate the visual input to either eye are useful in detecting claimed total blindness in one eye. Herman Snellen is credited with being the first to suggest colored filters for this purpose [5]. With red and green filters in front of either eye the child is then asked to read the letters on a duochrome chart or read a word (such as FRIEND) in which alternate letters are green or red or view the Worth 4-dots. If the child reads the entire duochrome line or word or counts 4 lights they have vision in both eyes and if using a particular line on a Snellen or picture chart, one establishes the acuity in both eyes.
Down up refraction (sometimes referred to as “doctor killing refraction” or “toothpaste refraction”) is measuring acuity starting from the bottom of the acuity chart with the smallest optotype and gradually asking the subject to read successively larger lines. The origin of this term is obscure but the meaning is readily apparent when one considers the time that may be required to do this test. This test required significant patience and encouragement on the part of the examiner. It is important to stress how easy each line is to read. Its success with children depends on their suggestibility.
Ishihara line tracing was described by Bourke and Gole [52] as ancillary test for nonorganic visual loss. These authors observed that some children with nonorganic visual loss claimed not to be able to read the numbers on an Ishihara test but were able to trace the winding lines on the plates designed for innumerate individuals. This response is clearly non-physiologic. These authors also noted that some children show inconsistency when reading the Ishihara plates through a red filter [52]. When viewing the Ishihara plate through a red filter all numbers are visible even if there is a color vision defect. Bourke and Gole described a 17 year old girl who claimed to be unable to see the numbers (other than the initial test plate) both without and with a red filter which is a non-physiologic response.
Visual field testing may be used to detect non-physiologic field loss in cases of claimed unilateral total blindness. Osako et al. demonstrated abnormalities in monocular static perimetry in children with nonorganic visual loss [53]. These authors were comparing normal children with children confirmed to have nonorganic visual loss. Smith and Baker suggested that standard static perimetry is unable to satisfactorily distinguish nonorganic and organic causes of field loss when the fields of a group of patients with known organic field loss were compared with a group of patients with nonorganic visual loss [54]. Martin modified a Humphrey Field Analyser™ (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Jena, Germany) so that static perimetry could be performed on both eyes simultaneously [55]. He was able to demonstrate significant differences if the patient was instructed that the “bad” eye was being test compared with when the “good” eye was being tested and that these differences were non-physiologic confirming the finding of nonorganic visual loss. Unless the method of Martin [55] is used, some caution should be taken when interpreting static perimetry in children with suspected nonorganic visual loss. Rather, confrontation technique (as described above for reported tunnel visual fields) or tangent screen, may be more useful in detecting nonorganic visual field loss.
Ali has described a simple and useful technique to distinguish organic and nonorganic constricted visual fields with the Goldman perimeter [56]. This technique compares the size of the constricted field measured with standard steady fixation and kinetic perimetry (target moving peripheral to central) with the field measured with the subject instructed to follow the light until it disappears from view while the target is moved from the central visual field in a peripheral direction. The field measured with eye movement is called the “uniocular field of fixation”. Normal physiology would dictate that the uniocular field of fixation (with eye movement) is larger than the field measured with standard steady and central fixation. Ali clearly demonstrated that in individuals with organic causes for field constriction the uniocular field of fixation was larger as would be expected while in individuals with nonorganic field constriction the uniocular field of fixation remained the same size or indeed smaller [56]. We have found this simple perimetry technique useful in diagnosing nonorganic field defects.
Scott and Egan have drawn attention to the fact that the presence of a central scotoma is likely to have an organic cause, even if there are other features that suggest a nonorganic diagnosis [40].
Perimetry has a long history in the assessment of nonorganic visual loss [15]. Tangent screen testing of visual fields in cases of nonorganic visual loss was first used in the nineteenth century and has been used to document non-physiologic or field defect such as spiralling isopters and tubular fields.
Further investigation. The decision to initiate further investigation can be difficult. In younger children with suspected nonorganic visual loss this decision may be further complicated by the need for general anesthesia to do so. Some authors have extensively used electrophysiology and neuroimaging in all patients with suspected nonorganic visual loss regardless of clinical findings [4, 35]. Some may feel compelled to do so out of medicolegal concerns. Others suggest further investigation only if there is uncertainty of diagnosis after clinical assessment [24, 27]. If uncertainty remains, another option may be to re-examine the child after a period of time without further intervention or testing and then only proceed with further investigation if the symptoms do not resolve spontaneously. It can be difficult for a child to maintain a purposeful falsehood in the absence of true chronic psychiatric disease. Electroretinogram, fundus autofluorescence, and optical coherence tomography may be a particularly useful tests to detect signs of retinal dystrophy or other subtle foveal pathology in cases where there is uncertainty [57–59].
Visual evoked responses (VER). The first reports of the use of VER in detecting nonorganic visual loss appeared in 1960s [60–62]. Potts and Nagaya reported on three (presumably) adult patients with “hysterical amblyopia” and demonstrated normal light adapted flash VER despite the claim of reduced vision [61]. Krill reported 23 patients (15 of whom were age 16 years and younger) with “hysterical amblyopia” based on the finding of reduced visual acuity and/or abnormal visual fields [62]. Krill noted abnormal dark adaptation with abnormally elevated final dark adaption thresholds in 13 of 23 subjects and an upward shift of the final dark adaptation threshold on prolonged testing in 19 of 23 despite normal ERG and VER [62]. It was suggested that this upward deflection of dark adaptation threshold on prolonged testing (called the “exhaustion phenomenon”) may be unique to “hysterical amblyopia” [62]. Behrman reported a larger series of 35 patients 51 % of whom were under 16 years old [60]. Many of Behrman’s patients presented with constricted visual fields and paradoxically normal electroretinograms with abnormal dark adaption curves [60]. In these patients she undertook dark adapted flash VER which was normal prompting her to suggest that “A normal dark-adapted VER, recorded despite a poor subjective dark-adaptation curve, is at present the best indication of hysterical amblyopia” [60].
Pattern VER has supplanted flash VER as the method of choice of recording VER in cases of suspected nonorganic vision loss [63]. Other authors have published reports cautioning against the reliability of both dark adaptation [64] and VER in the diagnosis of nonorganic vision loss [65, 66]. Both Bumgartner et al. and Morgan et al. demonstrated normal adults are consciously able to alter or suppress pattern VER [65, 66]. Saitoh et al. reported that pattern VER is supranormal in all age groups of subjects with “psychogenic visual disturbance” and were unable to offer an explanation for this observation but cautioned that it may be the result of some as yet unrecognised abnormality in the visual pathway [67]. These authors reported that in the case of malingers (all of whom were adults) the VER was subnormal [67]. They suggested that malingers shifted fixation to disrupt the testing process to create an invalid result. The high rates of normal pattern VER in children with nonorganic vision loss reported by some authors suggests that the value of this test may be greater in children [67–69]. This is presumably related to higher compliance with fixation during testing and a low incidence of malingering in children.
Modification in recording techniques has been reported to increase the reliability of VER in detecting nonorganic visual loss. In particular sinusoid patterns [70], step VER (using multiple recording channels) [71, 72], multifocal VER (using both multiple recording channels and multiple stimulation positions across the central visual field) [73] and pattern appearance VER [74] have been described as improvements. Wright et al. have demonstrated that chloral hydrate sedation has a minimal effect on pattern VER and may be a useful technique in uncooperative children [75].
Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis of nonorganic visual loss includes those disorders that give rise to visual loss without an obvious ocular explanation. These include early cone or cone-rod dystrophies, Leber congenital amaurosis, achromatopsia (although nystagmus and photophobia usually present), early Stargaardt disease, congenital stationary night blindness (although high refractive error often present), amblyopia, paraneoplastic and autoimmune retinopathy (much more frequent in adults), retrobulbar optic nerve disease (without optic atrophy) and central defects from the chiasm posteriorly. Clinically many of these disorders will be readily distinguished with findings such as a relative afferent pupil defect or a true homonymous hemianopia in retrobulbar disorders .
Misdiagnosis of organic disease as nonorganic visual loss has rarely been reported in children and is worthy of consideration. Krill and Newell reported 2 of 59 patients (34 of whom were <18 years old) who developed organic disease after an initial diagnosis of nonorganic visual loss [19]. One developed “macular degeneration” and the second unilateral optic atrophy and “was thought to have early multiple sclerosis.” The age of these patients was not stated in the report. Rada et al. reported three children who had no evidence of organic disease initially and these authors suggested that the organic disease may have been co-existent or incipient with the possibility that the true nature of the disease was “initially masked by emotional aspects” [41] Two of these patients are described in detail and both had macular pathology and one had a central scotoma at presentation. Scott and Egan reported a 14 year old boy who was diagnosed as having nonorganic visual loss on the basis of Titmus test stereopsis of 40” of arc despite have best recorded visual acuities of 20/70 and 20/60 and an otherwise entirely normal examination [40]. This boy was subsequently found to have an abnormal multifocal electroretinogram and was diagnosed as having a cone dystrophy. More recently Lim et al. have reported two children aged 11 and 16 years who were found to have Stargardt disease and cone dystrophy respectively on investigation for persistent unexplained “nonorganic” visual loss [10]. The 11 year showed a central scotoma on automated perimetry and had mild temporal disc pallor at presentation both of which call into question the initial diagnosis of nonorganic disease. These authors also reported a 21 year old woman who presented with sequential bilateral visual loss with fluctuating vision who was treated as having “optic neuritis” with no other supporting features on extensive investigation. Subsequent testing revealed a diagnosis of Leber hereditary optic atrophy [10].
The most common management strategy used with children with nonorganic visual loss is simple reassurance [26–28, 41, 76]. This advice is primarily based on the excellent spontaneous resolution rate found in most studies [10, 24, 27, 28, 36, 41]. It has been suggested that this management can be undertaken by “an interested and concerned ophthalmologist who provides both the parents and the child reassurance and the opportunity to discuss sources of conflict.” [41] It is recommended that the child not be confronted with the nonorganic nature of the symptoms [26, 77], although there may be some advantage to having a discussion in front of the child indicating the “good news” that they are normal and their symptoms will resolve thus ensuring parent and child are “on the same page”. It is considered important to leave the child with a diplomatic “way out” [78]. Several authors have advised against placebo therapy, even for short periods of time because of concern of reinforcing the concept of organic disease for both parents and child [21, 41].
Other physicians believe that a discussion of the diagnosis and management plan with the parents or guardians without the child present is recommended. In either plan, it is important that the parents have a clear understanding of diagnosis that is being suggested. Many parents are relieved by this news but some may be confused or even frustrated and angry with their child for causing distress and anxiety [26]. It is vital that the parents are made aware of the unconscious processes that give rise to this scenario. The parents are an important part of the process of reassuring the child and they might also be made aware of the warning signs of non-resolution of symptoms, development of other nonorganic somatic complaints, and the identification of potential stressors in the child’s life that may not yet have come to light, particularly if such warning signs occur.
Psychiatric referral is not required for self-limiting presentations. In children that have persisting symptoms these are often mild and have a limited impact on daily function [36, 41]. Patients who have a prolonged clinical course, ongoing disability, multiple nonorganic somatic symptoms or the possibility of psychological comorbidity may benefit from psychiatric assessment. This assessment should include an assessment of comorbid anxiety or depressive conditions, possible underlying background psychological stress and family functioning. It may also require an assessment of possible secondary gains that the patient may be receiving from their symptoms [79]. In this situation the diagnosis may be a factitious disorder and this is discussed in more detail below.
Factitious Disorder (Previously Münchausen Syndrome)
Factitious disorder is the falsification of medical or psychological symptom or signs in oneself or others. The diagnosis of factitious disorder “requires demonstrating that the individual is taking surreptitious actions to misrepresent, simulate, or cause signs or symptoms of illness or injury in the absence of obvious external rewards.” [14]. It is further subdivided into factious disorder by self or by others. Previously this was often referred to as Münchausen syndrome or Münchausen by proxy. Factitious disorder by others is discussed in Chap. 6 (Ocular Manifestations of Child Abuse). Factitious disorder is differentiated from malingering on the basis of the absence of any obvious reward beyond receiving “medical attention” in the case of factitious disorder and a clearly identifiable personal gain in malingering such as financial gain or avoidance of some duty [14]. Malingering is classified as an antisocial personality disorder [14]. By definition antisocial personality disorder is not diagnosed in individuals under 18 years old and is thus not considered to be a pediatric condition. This is consistent with the lack of reports of ocular malingering in the pediatric literature [18, 29, 67].
DSM-5 defines self–induced factitious disorder as follows:
- A.
Falsification of physical or psychological signs or symptoms, or induction of injury or disease, associated with identified deception.
- B.
The individual presents himself or herself to others as ill, impaired, or injured.
- C.
The deceptive behavior is evident even in the absence of obvious external rewards.
The behavior is not better explained by another mental disorder, such as delusional disorder or another psychotic disorder [14].
The expression “Münchausen’s Syndrome ” was first used by British psychiatrist Richard Asher to describe the deliberate falsification of physical symptoms in oneself in 1951 [80]. Orly and Haines have written a history of the use of the term [81]. Hieronymus Carl Friedrich Freiherr von Münchhausen was a wealthy aristocrat who wrote a series of exaggerated tales that resulted in his name being linked to the disorder [81].
The first report of ophthalmic factitious disorder involving a child was written by Jay et al. in 1982 [82].
Systemic Manifestations
Patients with factitious disorder fabricate or exaggerate symptoms in order to receive medical care. Secondary gains may be related to attention, escape from other family or social situations, and other perceived benefits of the “sick role”. The case reported by Voutilainen and Tuppurainen is particularly important as there was a long history of ophthalmic manifestations commencing at age 12 that were eventually determined to be the result of protracted sexual abuse by her father [33]. Almost any medical symptom may be reported. Common examples include seizures, black outs, gastrointestinal symptoms and asthma [87]. Patients may also create clinical signs (for example by bruising [81, 88] or fever [89]), manipulate their laboratory tests specimens [90, 91], falsifying medical records, ingesting or injecting substances (such as insulin to induce hypoglycemia [92]).
Ophthalmic Manifestations
In his major review of “unnatural” ocular injuries, Taylor commented that self-inflicted eye injury in childhood falls mainly into categories of dermatitis, keratoconjunctivitis , ocular self-mutilation and trichotillomania [93]. Trichotillomania is considered below (see page 592). He also emphasised the importance of underlying medical conditions as the primary cause rather than psychiatric disturbance in children.
Periocular self-induced dermatitis ( dermatitis artefacta ) has been reported in a 13 year old girl [85]. The eyebrows were involved as well as other areas on her face and body more generally. The exact nature of the eyebrow involvement was not described. These authors stress the observation that this often occurs in multiple sites in the one patient, often on anterior skin surface that are easily accessible [85]. Tong et al. describe a 10 year old girl who presented with the complaint of a bilateral lower eyelid “rash” that was subsequently found to be the result of her coloring the eyelid skin with a purple marker [94].
Keratoconjunctivitis is the most commonly reported self-factitious disorder reported in childhood with four reports [33, 82, 84, 86]. Jay et al. reported an 18 year old girl who had a history of unexplained recurrent corneal ulceration and conjunctival trauma going back to age 7 years that had resulted in corneal scarring. Psychiatric assessment was not undertaken and she was lost to follow-up [82]. The keratoconjunctivitis can be produced mechanically with fingers [82], chemical agents [33], chalk particles [84] and tissue paper [86]. All authors stress the recurrent nature of the injuries and the difficulty in making the diagnosis. This should be distinguished from the incidental and somewhat accidental singular episode of deposition of a foreign body on the ocular surface or conjunctival fornix by a child during play, usually in only one eye. These have been referred to as ‘teddy bear granulomas” due to stuffing or fur of the bear being the material discovered [95–98].
Penetrating injury has not been described as a self-factitious injury in a child. In a case reported by Voutilainen and Tuppurainen ophthalmic symptoms were secondary to incest. Her symptoms commenced at 12 years of age with non organic visual loss, followed by factitious keratoconjunctivitis and finally self-induced scleral perforation with a safety pin at 20 years of age [33]. These and other authors have stressed that there can be overlap with other ophthalmic manifestations of psychiatric disease such as nonorganic vision loss [33, 82].
The visual outcome is primarily determined by the nature and severity of the induced injury. Permanent visual impairment is possible [33].
The ophthalmic diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion [86, 93]. A history of other poorly explained ophthalmic symptoms may be important [33]. The injuries may be inconsistent with history or there may be no explanation given. Parents may be complicit in their interactions with their child and treating physicians [84]. As the noxious agent is introduced into the eye or onto the surrounding skin by the patient ease of access is important and it has been suggested that the inferior fornix is more often involved [86, 99]. In cases of dermatitis artefacta multiples site on the anterior surface of the body may be a clue to the diagnosis [85]. Delay in the diagnosis of factitious disorder may result in considerable expense to the health system [100] as well as irreparable harm to the patient.
An importance differential diagnosis for factitious corneal injury is congenital corneal hypesthesia and corneal sensation needs to be carefully tested all cases. Conditions that need to be considered in this respect are congenital corneal hypoesthesia, Lesch-Nyhan and Smith Magennis syndromes [83, 93, 101]. Self-inflicted corneal injury due congenital corneal hypesthesia usually presents at a much younger age [83, 93]. The four boys described by Trope et al. with congenital corneal anesthesia and corneal injury were all under 2.5 years of age at the time of presentation [83].
The ophthalmic management is determined by the nature and severity of the induced eye disorder.
Factitious disorders are usually resistant to psychiatric treatment as patients deny responsibility for their actions and often change medical care teams when confronted [102]. These conditions often overlap with personality disorder [102]. Factitious disorder places a significant cost burden on medical systems [102, 103] and detection may depend on chance recognition of the subject by a previous treating health practitioner [103].
Tics are defined as “repeated, individually recognizable, intermittent movements or movement fragments that are almost always briefly suppressible and are usually associated with awareness of an urge to perform the movement.” [104] The DSM-5 classifies Tic Disorders as a subcategory of Neurodevelopmental Disorders [14]. Neurologically tics are part of the spectrum of hyperkinetic movements can be considered as “unwanted or excess movements” and include in addition to tics; dystonia, chorea, athetosis, myoclonus, tremor and stereotypies [104]. There are periods of normal movement between episodes of abnormal movement.
Tics are further subdivided into simple, complex and phonic [104]. Complex motor tics are more complex or sequential movements involving multiple muscle groups. In the case of complex motor tics there can be significant overlap with obsessive-compulsive disorder [104] but this does not seem to be seen with ocular tics even if chronic [105]. Tourette syndrome forms a major subset of motor tics and demonstrates more variability and is significantly more disabling [106].
The duration of the symptoms is of some importance in distinguishing “transient” tics from more chronic tics and conditions such as Tourette’s syndrome [107]. Recently there has been discussion as to what constitutes a “transient tic disorder” [108]. It would appear that there is considerable overlap between transient tics and conditions such as Tourette syndrome with reports of individuals within the one kinship with transient tics and Tourette syndrome in different individuals [109, 110].
In DSM-5 transient tic disorder has been renamed “provisional tic disorder” to allow for fact that at the time of diagnosis it is uncertain if the disorder will persist for <12 months which is the only distinguishing characteristic currently between transient and chronic disorder [108]. The criteria for diagnosis provisional tic disorder are as follows:
- A.
Single or multiple motor tics and/or vocal tics (a tic is a sudden, rapid, recurrent, non-rhythmic motor movement or vocalization)
- B.
The tics have been present for less than 1 year since first tic onset
- C.
The onset is before age 18 years
- D.
The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., cocaine) or a general medical condition (e.g., stroke, Huntington’s disease, or postviral encephalitis)
- E.
Since Tourette’s first description of the syndrome that bears his name in 1885 [111] there have been numerous publications regarding tics and associated conditions. Eye blinking as a transient tic in childhood has long been recognised in the general medical literature with Corbett giving a brief summary and reference to earlier descriptions in 1971 [107]. The first ophthalmic reference to eye blinking as an innocent and transient phenomenon in the ophthalmic literature is by Vrabec et al. in 1989 [112].
The prevalence of tics varies with the population studied and the stringency of criteria used to define the condition [113]. Estimates range from 1 to 29 % of children [113–117]. A recent meta-analysis of 22 studies of tic disorders in general populations revealed an incidence of 3 % (confidence interval 1.6–5.6) [117]. Tics are more common in boys [104, 117, 118] and in children in special education settings [116, 117]. Eye blinking tics usually present in the first decade of life [105, 110, 112, 118]. There is evidence that tics are more common in childhood with a declining prevalence in adults [117].
Systemic Manifestations
Nonocular tics are probably the most common associated nonocular manifestation. Bisker et al. [105] and Jung et al. [110] both reported over 20 % of patients having nonocular and/or vocal tics in association with their ocular tics. The majority of non-ocular tics involve the face, head, neck and upper extremities. Jung et al. showed a significant association between the duration of the tic and somatic complaints and attention problems [110]. A weak association with ADHD, development delay and autism have been reported [105, 110, 118]. Overall however, tic disorders often occurs in children who are otherwise developing normally with no significant comorbidity [119].
Initial reports stressed the observation that ophthalmic tics (eye blinking and eyelid pulling) were isolated motor tics [112, 120]. Subsequent reports have described a significant proportion of child having other tics. Bisker et al. reported 16 % having nonocular tics, 9 % having vocal tics and 5 % having both nonocular and vocal tics in addition to the ocular tic [105]. Three of seventeen children with excessive blinking reported by Vrabec et al. subsequently developed other facial tics (nose wrinkling, nose rubbing and ear pulling) [112]. Obsessive-compulsive disorder does not seem to be associated with chronic ocular tic disorder [105].
Ophthalmic Manifestations
The most common ophthalmic tic in childhood is excessive eye blinking [105, 110, 112, 118]. Vrabec et al. described 17 children with isolated excessive blinking with no excessive orbicularis contraction nor evidence of other ocular disease [112]. Eye rolling and widening of the palpebral aperture (“eye widening”) was as common as excessive blinking in the series reported by Bisker et al. [105]. Eyelid pulling was described in five children by Catalano et al. [120]. Shawkat et al. reported an 8 year old girl with intermittent opsiclonus-like eye movements that persisted for 5 months [121]. The frequency of these movements was a less than usually seen with opsiclonus and they were associated with eyebrow raising, facial grimacing, limb movement and aching of her back consistent with non-ocular tics [121].
Ptosis has rarely been described, either as an isolated observation [122] or in association with blinking [118]. The case of nonorganic ptosis reported by Mohamed and Patil is of interest as the ptosis was unilateral and isolated apart from some slight ipsilateral eyebrow depression [122]. In many respects this does not fit the definition of a tic in that it is hypokinetic rather than hyperkinetic! It has more in common with hysterical paralysis [123]. This child had a history of previous nonorganic abdominal pain and possible chronic fatigue syndrome as well as protracted pain after a minor foot injury.
Early reports stressed the benign nature and favourable outcome for ocular tics [112, 118, 120]. In general the tics were classified as transient. Longer term follow-up has shown that this perhaps not the case [105]. Bisker et al. reassessed 32 of 43 children with ocular tics after an average of 6.1 years [105]. At follow-up 14 (44 %) were noted to have persistence of ocular tic, 3 (9 %) had developed nonocular tics, 5 (16 %) had new vocal tics and 4 (13 %) had both new nonocular and vocal tics. One (3 %) child had been diagnosed with Tourette syndrome and 3 (9 %) with ADHD [105]. These results suggest that ocular tics may not be as benign as first reported and supports the change in terminology from transient to provisional tic disorder [108]. Recurrent episodes of excessive blinking have been reported [112].
Most of the ophthalmic reports relating to excessive blinking and eye lid pulling have not used strict diagnostic criteria as described above [112, 118, 120, 121]. More recent studies have used defined criteria, either specifically defined and consistent with the definitions of tic given above [105] or ICD-10 [110].
Diagnosis of tics is usually made on clinical assessment. Questionnaires may be useful preliminary screening tools to identify individuals at risk of having Tourette syndrome [117]. Apter et al. developed a four item self-report questionnaire regarding the lifetime incidence of tics [124] and this has been widely used by other researchers [117].
Differential Diagnosis
The study of Coats et al. is useful as real life description of 99 children prospectively presenting to an ophthalmologist with the main complaint of excessive blinking [118]. The fact that the study was undertaken in a tertiary referral center may explain the range of significant pathology diagnosed in some children. Isolated excessive blinking was reported as the chief complaint in 70 % with multiple associated complaints including discomfort, blurred vision, conjunctival injection, other abnormal movements, photophobia, etc. [118]. Ninety percent were bilateral and definitive diagnosis was made in 98 % (see Table 17.6). Thirty-five percent were considered to have a tic syndrome with 21 % being isolated motor tics, 10 % isolated motor tic with detected psychologic stressor and 2 % had a diagnosis of Tourette syndrome. Twenty-two percent were noted to have co-existing central nervous system disease that was thought to be related in 6 % [118]. The findings of this report emphases the need for careful and thorough ophthalmic assessment in reaching a diagnosis when a child presents with excessive blinking. Rarely other organic disease such as Lesch-Nyhan syndrome can also manifest tics or blepharospasm as a feature [125]. Perhaps the most commonly overlooked cause of excessive blinking is blepharitis.
Table 17.6
Final Diagnosis in 99 children presenting with excessive eye blinking
Diagnosis | Bilateral blinking—n ≈ % | Unilateral blinking—n ≈ % |
Habit tica | 21 | 2 |
Uncorrected refractive error | 14 | – |
Conjunctivitis (allergic 12, other 2) | 14 | – |
Psychogenica | 10 | – |
Intermittent exotropia | 10 | 1 |
Keratitis (foreign body 3, rosacea 1, microbial 1) | 5 | 1 |
Dry eyes | 5 | – |
CNS disease (brain tumour 2, ADEM 1, epilepsy 1)b | 4 | – |
Lid abnormalities (blepharitis 2, trichiasis 1) | 3 | – |
Marcus-Gunn jaw winking | – | 2 |
Orbicularis myokymia | – | 2 |
Tourette syndromec | 1 | 1 |
Uveitis | – | 1 |
Unclassifiedd | 2 | – |
Total | 89 | 10 |
Often ophthalmic management of isolated tics such as excessive blinking is simple reassurance [112, 118]. Formal psychiatric intervention is seldom required for these children. A small proportion of children presenting with isolated tics subsequently have formal psychiatric diagnoses made such as Tourette syndrome and ADHD [105]. Patients with chronic or complex tics also require more consideration of psychiatric consultation.
Tourette Syndrome
Tourette syndrome is a complex neurologic disorder of childhood-onset tics (motor and vocal) with features of ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other behavioural problems including poor impulse control, inability to control anger and possible self-injurious behaviour [126].
Tourette syndrome is defined as follows in DSM-5:
- A.
Both multiple motor and one or more vocal tics have been present at some time during the illness, although not necessarily concurrently.
- B.
The tics may wax and wane in frequency but have persisted for more than 1 year since first tic onset.
- C.
Onset is before age 18 years.
- D.
The pathogenesis of Tourette syndrome remains uncertain [127]. The available evidence supports “the notion that it is that Tourette’s syndrome is an inherited, developmental disorder of synaptic neurotransmission resulting in the disinhibition of the cortico–striatal–thalamic–cortical circuitry.” [126] Tourette in his original description suggested that it was a familial condition [111] but to date no specific genetic cause has been identified [127].
First described in 1885 by French neurologist Georges Gilles de la Tourette [111], this condition was for the next 80 years considered to be a rare psychological disorder [128]. From the 1960s onward reports of treatment with neuroleptic medications emerged and the current concept of a developmental disorder of synaptic neurotransmission emerged [126]. There were relatively few reports relating to Tourette syndrome in the ophthalmic literature until the 1980s as it was regarded as a purely psychiatric disorder despite the obvious ocular involvement. Amongst the first reports in the ophthalmic literature were those of Enoch et al. relating to visual field defects in individuals with Tourette syndrome [129].
The prevalence of Tourette syndrome in children has been estimated to be 0.77 % compared with 0.05 % in adults in a recent meta-analysis [117]. In a large Danish study Tourette syndrome was found to have a cumulative incidence of 6.6/10,000 by age 13 years [130]. Tourette syndrome is more common in boys than girls with a ratio of approximately 4:1 [117]. Tourette syndrome is manifest by 11 years old in 96 % of cases with most having onset between 3 and 8 years [126].
Systemic Manifestations
The nonocular tics include other motor tics and vocal tics. These may range from relatively simple to complex tics. Complex tics are often “camouflaged” behind a seemingly intentional movement such as brushing the hair away from the face with an arm, and are only distinguished as tics by their repetitive nature. Motor tics may be clonic (rapid) or tonic (sustained). Rarely, serious injuries can result from the motor tics such as spinal cord injury [131].
Phonic tics may be simple with sniffing, throat clearing, grunting, squeaking, screaming, coughing, barking, blowing and sucking noises [126]. More complex phonic tics result in recognisable speech with sufferers shouting obscenities, profanities, repetition of other people’s speech or their own. Some affected individuals can partially suppress less socially acceptable utterances. These tics may have premonitory sensations [126].
Other associated features include ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other behavioural problems including poor impulse control, inability to control anger and sometimes self-injurious behaviour [126].
The natural history of Tourette syndrome is of eventual lessening of the severity of symptoms in many affected individuals [126, 132]. The reported prevalence is certainly less in adults than children [117]. There is evidence that adults with Tourette syndrome often underestimate the ongoing presence and severity of their tics [132]. As many as 90 % of affected adults still have tics [132].
Ophthalmic Manifestations
Tics involving eye movement or eyelid/eye brow movement are very frequently observed in Tourette syndrome [132–136]. Eye movement tics may take the form of eye rolling deviations in any direction [134–136] or staring [136]. Less frequently the ocular deviation may be more prolonged and resemble an oculogyric crisis and this is referred to as a “dystonic tic” [136]. Blepharospasm (clonic tic) is the most common eyelid tic [133–136]. Widening of the palpebral fissure secondary to levator overaction can also be seen [133, 136]. Eyelid and eyebrow tics are often associated with both frontalis overaction and lower facial muscle tics [133]. Tulen et al. reported that patients with Tourette have higher blink rates than normal controls when not manifesting their tics [137]. These authors also noted that tics were suppressed to some extent during conversation. Martino et al. noted that of the 212 patients with Tourette syndrome they studied, 78 % had eye movement tics and 93 % had eyelid and/or eyebrow tics reinforcing the fact that ocular tics are central to the diagnosis of Tourette syndrome [136].
Reports regarding visual field defects in Tourette syndrome are conflicting. Enoch et al. reported a series of patients with a variety of visual field defects obtained with Goldman kinetic perimetry [129]. These defects included arcuate scotoma, steps, baring of the blind spot and enlargement of the blind spot. The field defects were usually asymmetric. Two of the patients described by these authors had keratoconus which has not been described elsewhere in individuals with Tourette syndrome [129]. Tatlipinar et al. found no visual field defects with Goldman perimetry in their series of patients with Tourette syndrome [135].
Coats et al. in their report on excessive blinking in 99 children only found 2 cases of Tourette syndrome which suggests that patients with Tourette syndrome seldom present to pediatric ophthalmologists [118].
Eye movement recordings may help reveal some of the underlying neurobiology of Tourette syndrome. A 13 year old boy with Tourette syndrome demonstrated saccadic intrusions during smooth pursuit and optokinetic nystagmus with dysmetric reflexive and voluntary saccades and a complete inability to perform antisaccades [138]. This was hypothesized to be due to abnormalities in the frontal lobes and basal ganglia. Patients with Tourette syndrome have difficulty with delayed response saccadic tasks which are tasks in which a subject has to memorize a saccadic task and perform it after a specified delay [139]. It has been suggested that this may reflect their “difficulty in maintaining internally planned behaviours without acting on them” consistent with the inability to control tics [139].
The diagnosis of Tourette syndrome is made on the basis of history and clinical assessment [126]. Video recordings can be useful for comparing the nature and severity of the clinical features over time [132]. It is important to recognize, as discussed above, that only a minority of children with ocular tic, will have Tourette syndrome.
The ophthalmic management of Tourette syndrome is limited. There are reports of the use of botulinum toxin injection for ocular tics [142] and phonic tics [143] in children with Tourette syndrome. Botulinum toxin improved both the motor component of the ocular tic and the associated premonitory sensation [142].

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