Ophthalmic side effects
Oculomotor dysfunction (nystagmus, opsoclonus, gaze palsy)
Reduce dose
Oculomotor dysfunction
Reduce dose
Steroids: Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and decadron
A. Cataracts
A. May require surgical extraction
B. Elevated intraocular pressure/steroid response glaucoma
B. Topical IOP lowering medications, systemic IOP lowering medications, cessation of steroids, may require IOP lowering surgery
Rare ciliochoroidal effusion: angle closure glaucoma or myopic shift
Stop topiramate, topical IOP lowering medications (NO carbonic anhydrase inhibitors), cycloplegia, IV hyperosmotic medications, IV steroids, NO peripheral iridotomy or miotics
Visual field loss >30 %
Monitor vision every 3 months, periodic visual field or ERG, consider stopping if ERG or visual acuity reduced
Disturbances of all functional classes of eye movements —saccades, smooth pursuit, vestibulo-ocular reflex, fixation, vergence and gaze-holding mechanisms—occur with many AEDs and other drugs that act on the central nervous system [10]. The mechanism of the oculomotor disturbances may be due to a pharmacologically induced transient dysfunction of the vestibulo-cerebellar flocculus loop [11].
The most common ocular movement disorder seen with phenytoin or carbamazepine is gaze-evoked nystagmus [12–15], and rarely others are seen such as downbeat nystagmus [16–18], periodic alternating nystagmus [19], pendular nystagmus [20], opsoclonus, or partial or total gaze palsy [21, 22].
Other AEDs are not exempt from causing oculomotor dysfunction. Lamotrigine has been described as causing oculogyric crises with toxic doses [23], downbeat nystagmus [24], and other forms of nystagmus in various case reports in the literature. Topiramate has also been described to cause diplopia, nystagmus, and visual field defects only very rarely; its most well-known complications are that of acute closed angle glaucoma and myopic shift, both of which are secondary to ciliochoroidal effusion syndrome [25, 26].
The oculomotor side effects of AEDs occur more often at toxic doses, but can also be seen at therapeutic doses. There have been some studies on specific genetic polymorphisms that increase the plasma concentration of some of these drugs, increasing the risk of toxicity at otherwise therapeutic doses (such as CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 for phenytoin) [27].
In addition to those described in the table a newer AED, Ezogabine (Potiga), which is a potassium channel enhancer that was approved in 2010 for the treatment of partial-onset seizures, has been associated with the development of retinal pigment changes. The clinical significance and duration of these findings has yet to be determined [28, 29].
Infantile Spasms
The first description of epileptic encephalopathy dates back to Dr. William James West who, in 1857, described the syndrome [32], initially in his own son. The term ‘West Syndrome ’ has been used to indicate infantile spasms, hypsarrhythmia, and cognitive impairment.
The incidence is 0.25–0.4:1000 live births [31]. When not idiopathic/cryptogenic (which is approximately 25 % of cases,) the causes are often similar to the causes of cortical visual impairment, and include hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy , cortical immaturity, congenital abnormalities of the brain or occipital cortex, or neurometabolic and genetic diseases such as Aicardi’s and tuberous sclerosis [33]. When one of these causes is identified, the disease is termed “symptomatic” as opposed to idiopathic or cryptogenic [34].
Systemic Manifestations
The first symptoms of infantile spasms are usually manifest during the first year of life, age 6–9 months, paralleling a critical period required for proper maturity of visual pathway, including both retina and the visual cortex [35]. The child develops infantile spasms and then progressive deterioration of cognition, and disruption of cortical bioelectrical activity. With this disruption of cortical activity comes cortical impairment and associated vision loss.
Ophthalmic Manifestations
A maturation defect of fixation shift skills is generally observed in infants with infantile spasms, often paralleling a cognitive deterioration, several weeks before the onset of spasms [36]. This decrease in visual attention is separate from the cortical vision loss described in the systemic manifestations section, which these patients can also experience [33].
Clinically, one suspects infantile spasms by parental history or observation of the event. Hypsarrhythmia is seen between seizures, and is characterized by a high voltage (>300 μV), disorganized electrocerebral background with multifocal spikes [37]. The spasms also have a characteristic EEG appearance.
Workup for a metabolic or genetic cause is indicated in cases that do not have other identifiable abnormalities on imaging. A large number of inborn errors of metabolism have been identified in the setting of infantile spasms. These include, but are not limited to, biotinidase deficiency, pyridoxine deficiency, mitochondrial disorders, Menkes Disease, congenital disorder of glycosylation type III, phenylketonuria, peroxisomal disorders, and lysosomal disorders [37]. Defects in a variety of genes have likewise been reported.
As with other seizure disorders, AEDs are the mainstays of treatment. See the special section on Vigabatrin below, as ACTH or vigabatrin are first line for infantile spasms . The ketogenic diet has also been used.
Vigabatrin-Related Visual Field Loss
Vigabatrin is a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) analog that inhibits GABA transaminase. It has been approved for use in the US as an antiepileptic drug (AED) since 2009 [38], and is typically used as adjunctive therapy for adult patients with refractory complex partial seizures, or as monotherapy for infants with infantile spasms, especially in those patients with tuberous sclerosis [39]. Unfortunately, an irreversible, bilateral constriction of the visual fields from retinal toxicity can occur with vigabatrin use.
This adverse reaction to the drug was first reported in 1997, and since then many other studies have illustrated similar visual field loss with reproducibility [40].
Visual field loss has been found in approximately one half of adults and one third of children treated with vigabatrin [39].
Systemic Manifestations
Vigabatrin can cause fatigue. There have been some associated MRI changes of unknown significance, as well.
Ophthalmic Manifestations
The onset of visual field loss tends to occur in the first few years after starting vigabatrin [39]. Initially believed to remain stable in early studies, the deficits seem to slowly progress with continued vigabatrin exposure, as demonstrated in a 10-year follow-up study [41]. The deficits are typically not self-recognized early on because they relatively spare the macula, but there is electrophysiological evidence of decreased macular function. Visual field loss is probably correlated with cumulative dose, but individual variation is not uncommon [42].
The mechanism for the retinal toxicity associated with vigabatrin-induced visual field loss is uncertain. However, there is some evidence that vigabatrin induces a taurine deficiency in retinal photoreceptors that leads to phototoxicity [43]. These patients also can show associated thinning of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) [44–46]. The risk to the developing retina from vigabatrin exposure in utero is unknown [10].
The Food and Drug Administration has recommended eye examinations and visual field tests every 3 months because automated static perimetry is the most sensitive test for the detection of early visual field changes. In children who require vigabatrin, however, this can be quite difficult, as perimetry requires active cooperation of the patient, and typically successful perimetry requires a developmental age >9 years [47]. Kinetic perimetry may be considered over automated static perimetry, as the latter may produce variable results in patients with epilepsy [47]. Perimetry is excellent for diagnosis and detection of visual field loss in the cooperative, older patient, but they are imprecise and insensitive in younger children and children with neurological impairment. Inconclusive tests are frequent, reproducibility is poor, and many patients are untestable, which is part of the reason that prevalence of visual field loss in children seems to vary considerably from one study to another [48].
A number of alternative objective tests have been proposed to this end, including serial electroretinograms (ERGs) , optical coherence tomography (OCT) , visual-evoked potentials, and serial fundus examinations [49]. OCTs may demonstrate thinning of the RNFL and are suggested as alternative for young patients who cannot perform perimetry but this test also has practical difficulties in children [42, 46]. ERGs can be very difficult to interpret in these patients and all of these tests may be of minimal value, if any, in the detection of early field changes [50]. As it stands, there is currently no simple, effective method to screen for vigabatrin-associated visual field deficits in many younger or neurologically impaired children .
Regular, age-appropriate vision testing is considered critical, starting with baseline testing and every 3 months during therapy, as well as 3–6 months after discontinuation [42]. Also the ongoing need for treatment with vigabatrin should be periodically reconsidered [47], and the lowest effective dose of the drug should always be used.
Migraine (Ophthalmoplegic)
Ophthalmoplegic migraine, or recurrent painful ophthalmoplegic neuropathy , is characterized by at least 2 attacks of headache and ipsilateral neuropathy, of either the 3rd, 4th, or the 6th cranial nerves, or a combination thereof. It is a diagnosis of exclusion and an orbital or intracranial lesion must be excluded [51].
In a review of all cases published in the English literature, the median age of those affected is 8 years old. Two-thirds of all cases occurred in females. The third cranial nerve was most often affected, followed by the 6th cranial nerve and then the 4th cranial nerve [52].
Systemic Manifestations
The headache can occur up to 2 weeks prior to cranial nerve paresis. The pain associated is not as much a migraine as a painful neuropathy . The majority of patients present with peri or retro-orbital pain. Some can also present with photophobia, nausea, or vomiting .
Ophthalmic Manifestations
In addition to the strabismus and potential diplopia associated with the various possible cranial nerve palsies, other eye findings can include mydriasis and ptosis.
On MRI imaging with gadolinium, there is often nerve enhancement or thickening [55]. One review of ophthalmoplegic migraine cases published in the literature found that vascular imaging was obtained in half of the reported cases and vascular abnormalities of unclear significance were noted in only 3 patients [52], which was a small minority.
Anti-inflammatory and other typical migraine medications can be used. Treatment with corticosteroids is beneficial in some patients.
Concussion is a result of head trauma that causes transient disruption of brain function through concussive forces leading to neurologic symptoms [56].
Estimates show that nearly 150,000 children and adolescents are seen in emergency departments for concussion each year [57].
Many physicians in history have written about and described what is now known as concussion. The corpus Hippocraticum , dating back to the fourth and fifth century, BC, contains references to cerebral concussions, which were translated as commotio cerebri —“caused by a blow, the victim loses his speech and cannot see or hear [58].”
Systemic Manifestations
Higher function problems include difficulties with attention, memory, and concentration. One study showed that headache, fatigue, and dizziness were most common at initial presentation and sleep disturbance, frustration, and forgetfulness developed after the initial injury.
Ophthalmic Manifestations
Ocular symptoms may include diplopia, blurred vision, transient loss of vision and visual processing problems. One may see abnormalities in saccade generation, pursuit, convergence, and accommodation [56]. All of these can cause difficulty with reading. Ocular symptoms resolved faster than the other symptoms listed, which can last anywhere from 2 weeks to more than 3 months [59]. More permanent injuries would include 4th nerve palsy or traumatic optic neuritis .
The diagnosis of a concussion is based on the history of recently having an injury to the head or neck with any resultant neurologic symptoms. Sideline assessment tools such as the Post-Concussion Symptom Scale (PCSS) and Graded Symptom Checklist (GSC) can be useful for trainers and coaches at sporting events. These tests are not used to rule out concussion, however. The child should be taken out of the game and if there are any persistent symptoms, medical care should be sought immediately to check for any abnormal neurologic signs. CT should not be used to diagnose concussion but should be used to evaluate hemorrhage or fractures if there is clinical suspicion [60]. If there are focal neurologic signs, imaging with an MRI should be done emergently, along with consultation with Neurology.
Treatment is symptomatic for the patient’s specific manifestations, which can include headaches, visual disturbances, nausea, sleep difficulties, and mood lability. Though most symptoms improve with time, repeated concussions can cause more severe symptoms that take longer to resolve. The effects are often cumulative, with frontal and temporal lobe damage as shown on histopathology [56]. Athletes should not return to play until they have been cleared by their physician. A step-wise approach with monitoring for any recurrence of symptoms is best.
Elevated Intracranial Pressure (Including Idiopathic )
Papilledema is the swelling of the optic disc as a consequence of increased intracranial pressure. Initially, there is interstitial edema in the optic nerve. This is followed by axoplasmic stasis and neuronal dysfunction that lead to vision loss [61].
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension can occur in children and adults and is defined as elevated intracranial pressure that is not explained by another cause.
Sir John Herbert Parsons, a British Ophthalmologist, first coined the term “papilledema” in 1908 to refer to optic disc swelling associated with increased intracranial pressure [62].
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is most common among obese women between 20 and 40 years of age, but it can occur in all age groups and genders. It is reported to occur in 1 in 100,000 individuals [65]. In the pediatric population, studies have shown that there is no gender predilection prior to puberty , there is less of an association with obesity than in adults, and more frequently, secondary causes exist [66, 67].
Systemic Manifestations
Headache is the most common symptom [68]. Other symptoms can include pulsatile tinnitus, or vomiting. Patients may experience headaches that are worse in the morning, while laying down, after exertion or vagal maneuvers, or those that wake them up from sleep.
Ophthalmic Manifestations
Patients can experience transient visual obscurations, blurred vision, and decreased color vision . Optic atrophy can also occur from severe or long-term papilledema. Cranial nerve 6 may be affected secondary to mass effect from elevated intracranial pressure , causing esotropia and diplopia [69].
The differential diagnosis of optic nerve head swelling with elevated intracranial pressure includes hydrocephalus from congenital hydrocephalus, brain tumor, meningitis, craniosynostosis, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and leukemic infiltrate. Key findings on physical exam include a bulging fontanelle in an infant or abnormal head shape suggestive of craniosynostosis . Optic disc swelling that mimics papilledema but is not due to elevated intracranial pressure may be caused by inflammatory, vascular, or autoimmune etiologies, or may be pseudopapilledema, which can be from optic nerve drusen.
On clinical exam, initially vision, color vision , and pupils can be normal, but these will become abnormal if the papilledema is severe or chronic. Acute papilledema will present with obscuration of the optic disc border, elevation of the entire optic nerve, obliteration of the optic nerve cup, with or without retinal hemorrhages. In severe cases, there can be nerve fiber layer edema and infarction, and the swelling can extend into the retina, including the macula, causing circumferential retinal folds (Paton’s lines), or hard exudates in the form of a macular star. Often, the retinal vessels are engorged and tortuous.
Chronic papilledema can present with optic nerve pallor, hard exudates, and retinal nerve fiber layer atrophy, and can have decreased vision and visual field changes. A cautionary note is that an atrophic nerve that has been damaged from chronic insult may not appear swollen at all, even in the setting of elevated ICP.
Recommended testing includes neuroimaging with an MRI and MR venogram (MRV) . If these studies do not reveal any etiology for the increased ICP, such as a mass or venous sinus thrombosis, the patient should then have a lumbar puncture (LP). This should be done to measure opening pressure with other appropriate CSF tests, including cell count and differential, glucose, protein, and cytology. Other labs, including serum Vitamin A level and thyroid studies can be sent depending on clinical suspicion. Vision, color vision , fundus exam, and visual field testing are necessary to monitor progression of disease .
Management is aimed at treating the underlying cause and to decrease intracranial pressure. Treatments may include therapy or surgery for the underlying tumor, infection, or skull abnormalities, or cessation of medication that causes elevated intracranial pressure (including Vitamin A analogues, tetracycline, and steroids).
In the case of idiopathic intracranial hypertension, the goal of treatment is to reduce intracranial hypertension to preserve optic nerve function, and manage headaches. Weight loss is recommended if the patient is obese. Acetazolamide can medically reduce elevated intracranial pressure. Other medications that have been tried include furosemide and steroids, although steroids paradoxically can also cause idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Repeated lumbar punctures might be necessary to reduce the intracranial pressure if it recurs. Rarely a ventriculoperitoneal or lumboperitoneal shunt may be needed for long-term treatment of both papilledema and headaches. In severe cases, optic nerve sheath fenestration may be indicated, but it does not treat headaches. Papilledema typically resolves within weeks to months after the underlying cause is treated. Rarely, papilledema may resolve in days.
Central Nervous System Neoplastic & Paraneoplastic Processes
Though most headaches are benign, some can be the result of a malignant intracranial process. Red flags include headaches that wake one from sleep, are associated with persistent vomiting after laying down or sleeping, or are associated with focal neurologic signs, including nystagmus.
Brainstem Tumors
Brain stem tumors consist of tumors in the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain.
It is unknown when the first report of childhood brainstem tumors was done.
Systemic Manifestations
Presenting symptoms include those of increased ICP, including headache, vomiting, and altered mental status. Midbrain tumors are suggested by ataxia, long track signs, (spasticity, hyperreflexia), and cranial neuropathies . Additionally, a patient with a midbrain tumor may present with facial paresis, absent cough reflex, or depressed gag reflex. Swallowing or feeding abnormalities often indicate medullary involvement
Ophthalmic Manifestations
Pontine gliomas commonly present with 6th and 7th nerve palsies, often together. Strabismus and diplopia from involvement of intracranial portions of the nerves ensue. Pontine tumors have characteristic horizontal eye movement abnormalities such as internuclear ophthalmoplegia or one-and-a-half syndrome, in cases when the paramedian pontine reticular formation is involved. Late stage pontine gliomas may cause elevated intracranial pressure and papilledema. Seesaw nystagmus is a sign of tumor in the diencephalon [73].
On diagnostic MRI, diffuse pontine gliomas have the characteristic appearance of irregularly-shaped lesions with partial contrast enhancement and surrounding edema. Low-grade brain stem gliomas are discrete, exophytic, and often have cyst formation [74].
Because these tumors are located near vital parts of the brain, surgical excision is not typically an option. Treatment consists of local irradiation with or without chemotherapy. Over 90 % of patients who have diffuse intrinsic lesions transiently respond, but ultimately succumb to disease progression [75].
Pineal Tumors
Pineal tumors are derived from cells located in and around the pineal gland. Pineal tumors can be divided into germ cell tumors and non-germ cell tumors. Most are germ cell tumors and up to half of those are germinomas. Nongerminomas include teratomas, choriocarcinoma, yolk cell tumors, and embryonal carcinoma [76].
Pineal tumors make up 3–11 % of brain tumors in children, have a male preponderance, and present at an average age of 13 years. The most common type of pineal tumor in children is the germ cell tumor [76].
The term Parinaud’s syndrome was named after Henri Parinaud, a French ophthalmologist. In a paper in 1886, he described patients who had limitation in upgaze, no convergence, and no pupillary reaction to light [77]. This triad is still used today to define dorsal midbrain, or Parinaud’s, syndrome.
Systemic Manifestations
The most common presentations of pineal tumors include hydrocephalus due to compression of the Sylvian aqueduct and dorsal midbrain syndrome due to compression of the dorsal mesencephalon.
Ophthalmic Manifestations
Dorsal midbrain syndrome is characterized by pupillary light-near dissociation, impaired upgaze, and convergence-retraction nystagmus. In light near dissociation, pupils do not constrict in reaction to light, but do constrict when the patient accommodates to look at a near target.
MRI with contrast will show well-defined and homogenously enhancing germinomas and variable enhancement for non-germinomas. Definitive diagnosis is made by tumor biopsy and histopathological analysis [76].
Tumor treatment depends on histology. Some tumors can be resected, where others, such as pure germinomas , are sensitive to radiation and chemotherapy. Nongerminoma germ-cell tumors have poor prognosis [78].
Posterior Fossa Tumors
The posterior fossa is a small space in the skull, found near the brainstem and cerebellum. Medulloblastomas are by far the most common posterior fossa tumors.
In 1925, Cushing and Bailey named a hypothetical, multipotential cell, the ‘medulloblast’. The medulloblast was thought to be one of five stem cells populating the primitive neural tube. The term medulloblastoma was then conceived [79].
Medulloblastomas are usually diagnosed in children younger than 15 years of age. There is a bimodal distribution, with one peak at 3–4 years of age and then one between 8 and 9 years of age [80].
Systemic Manifestations
The tumors can grow and impinge on the roof of the 4th ventricle, causing elevated intracranial pressure and papilledema. Symptoms include headaches associated with vomiting, especially in the morning, vision changes, and gait abnormalities. Infants can develop rapidly increasing head size due to hydrocephalus.
Ophthalmic Manifestations
In addition to papilledema, other ocular sequellae can include nystagmus, 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th cranial nerve palsies . Unilateral or bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia might also occur. In some children (who are old enough to be able to express themselves and do not suppress an eye) diplopia can result from the strabismus caused by either cranial neuropathies or internuclear ophthalmoplegia.
On MRI, medulloblastoma has heterogeneous enhancement and location adjacent to and extending into the fourth ventricle. Biopsy and histopathology are used to confirm the diagnosis [81].
The first step is surgical resection, and based on the patient’s age and tumor risk factors, radiation or chemotherapy might follow [82].
Optic Nerve Gliomas
To be discussed in neurocutaneous chapter, along with neurofibromatosis.
CNS Leukemia
Leukemia is the most common childhood malignancy and the most common form is acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) followed by acute myeloid leukemia (AML) .
Leukemic infiltration of the optic nerve in children was reported increasingly in the latter half of the twentieth century, and is attributed to longer survival rates and poor penetration of standard chemotherapies into the CNS [83].
In one study, it was found that 44 % of children with acute leukemia who were referred for an ophthalmological evaluation had ophthalmic involvement. All of those with ophthalmic manifestations were found to have bone marrow relapse or CNS involvement. In patients with ALL, 5 out of 17 Ophthalmology referred patients had optic nerve infiltration and 1 had uveal infiltration [84].
Systemic Manifestations
Leukemia is a group of so-called liquid tumors of bone marrow and white blood cells, that result in overproduction of immature white blood cells called blasts. Systemic manifestations are beyond the scope of this text, but include fatigue, infections, bleeding, and death if untreated.
Ophthalmic Manifestations
Ophthalmic involvement from leukemia usually can precede or coincide with bone marrow involvement. The most common leukemic recurrence sites in the eye include the optic nerve and choroid. Optic nerve infiltration presents as unilateral or bilateral optic nerve swelling, with peripapillary hemorrhages, and some lead to central retinal vein and/or artery occlusion (see Fig. 15.1.) Retinal detachment can occur as a result of choroidal infiltration. Recurrence of leukemia may not only affect the retina and optic nerves, it can also present as a conjunctival mass or hypopyon not responsive to steroids [85, 86]. Though more commonly occurring during relapses, leukemic ophthalmopathy can also occur at the time of initial diagnosis. The most frequent symptoms were blurred vision, photophobia, and eye pain [87]. But asymptomatic patients are not uncommon, especially in younger children.


Fig. 15.1
(a, b) Right and left eye fundus photographs showing leukemic infiltration of the optic nerves . Note the clear media, edematous and elevated nerve heads with obscured margins, extensive peripapillary flame-shaped hemorrhages, obscuration of the vessels at the optic nerve head, and macular star formation in each eye
The diagnosis of optic nerve involvement of leukemia is a combination of clinical exam and imaging. On exam, findings usually include reduced vision, reduced color vision, APD, and a swollen optic nerve. Often both nerves are involved, although the severity can be asymmetric. The preferred diagnostic modality is MRI orbits with contrast. Optic nerve enlargement with enhancement is a typical sign of leukemic infiltration [88].
Infiltration of the optic nerves by leukemia is an ophthalmic emergency. If not promptly acted upon, drastic and permanent vision loss can occur. Treatment includes emergent radiation with systemic and/or intrathecal chemotherapy .
Paraneoplastic Processes
Neuroblastoma is a cancer of the neural crest cells that give rise to sympathetic neural ganglia and the adrenal medulla. Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS) is an associated paraneoplastic syndrome of chaotic eye movements, myoclonic jerks, and ataxia.
In 1891, German pathologist Felix Marchand first described a sympathetic nervous system tumor [89]. In 1910, James Homer Wright noted the tumors originated from primitive neural cells, and named it neuroblastoma. He also noted circular clumps of cells now termed “Homer-Wright pseudorosettes [90].”
Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial tumor of childhood. The incidence of neuroblastoma in North America and Europe approaches 10.5 per million children between 0 and 14 years of age [94, 95]. It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in infancy with most patients diagnosed before 4 years of age. Familial neuroblastoma is rare and the inherence pattern is autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance. Neuroblastoma can occur in other neural crest disorders, such as Hirschprung disease and congenital central hypoventilation syndrome [96]. OMS is usually diagnosed between 1 and 3 years of age. It occurs in 2–3 % of patients with neuroblastoma [97].
Systemic Manifestations
Symptoms of neuroblastoma may differ based on tumor location and extent. They most commonly arise in the adrenal glands and may cause hypertension, abdominal pain, and constipation due to the abdominal mass. In infants, they more commonly arise in the cervical sympathetic chain and may lead to Horner’s syndrome (ipsilateral ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis). Paraneoplastic symptoms can also include diarrhea caused by vasoactive intestinal peptide and opsoclonus myoclonus ataxia syndrome [98, 99].
Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome is a paraneoplastic syndrome, that in children, is associated with neuroblastoma in more than half of the cases [100]. It presents as an acute onset of myoclonic jerks, ataxia, along with the chaotic eye movements of opsoclonus described below.
Neurological symptoms can also include difficulty or refusal to walk, sleep disturbance, irritability, or speech abnormalities.
Ophthalmic Manifestations
When Horner’s syndrome is noted, the ptosis is usually 1–2 mm. In addition to upper eyelid ptosis, patients may present with reverse ptosis , (in which the lower lid is higher and covers more of the cornea than normal,) heterochromia iridis, conjunctival congestion, and transient hypotony.
Opsoclonus is defined as conjugate (ie, both eyes moving in the same direction,) fast, multidirectional eye movements.
All patients with OMS should undergo an evaluation for neuroblastoma, which includes MRI of the brain and neck, along with MRI or CT of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Urine catecholamine metabolite levels, such as vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) and homovanillic acid (HVA) are tested, but normal values do not rule out a neuroblastoma. An iodine-123-meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG scan) is sometimes necessary to find the abnormal tissue. Diagnosis is definitively made by tumor tissue biopsy.
Most cases of congenital Horner syndrome have benign etiologies and many of them are associated with birth trauma . The presence of birth trauma does not exclude the possibility of neuroblastoma. All children with acquired Horner syndrome should undergo systemic evaluation, lab testing, and imaging [101].
After assessing tumor genetics and histopathologic features, as well as signs of metastasis, the patient is stratified into a risk group. Treatments such as surgical resection, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or immunotherapy are based on individual patient’s risk category [102].
Cerebral Malformations
Septo-Optic Dysplasia
Optic nerve hypoplasia is a congenital, non-progressive cerebral malformation that can involve optic nerves, midline brain structures, and cerebral hemispheres. Along with low vision or blindness, it can have associated Endocrine, Neurologic, and Developmental abnormalities [105, 106]. The definition of septo-optic dysplasia is the combination of optic nerve hypoplasia and absence of septum pellucidum, but other findings can be present as well [107].
The first description of a hypoplastic optic nerve was written in 1884 by Magnus [106]. In 1915, Schwarz is credited with describing hemi-hypoplastic nerves. In 1941, Reeves reported on a 4 month-old child with absence of septum pellucidum and blindness that was thought to be secondary to congenital aplasia of the optic nerves [108]. After Georges de Morsier’s 1956 report on a series of autopsy brains with absent septum pellucidum, one of which had a hypoplastic optic nerve, the terms “septo-optic dysplasia” and “De Morsier syndrome ” came into use [109]. The septum pellucidum need not be absent in order to have the constellation of other findings, and there is now some push for abandonment of the two terms linking optic nerve hypoplasia and absent septum pellucidum [108]. In 1970, Hoyt et al. described the association between optic nerve hypoplasia and hormone insufficiency [110].
Although optic nerve hypoplasia is rare, it is a leading cause of congenital blindness, and is the most common congenital anomaly of the optic disc [111]. There is limited information on the incidence and prevalence of optic nerve hypoplasia, but studies suggest that the disease may be on the rise [105, 108]. A population-based study done in Minnesota found the annual incidence of optic nerve hypoplasia to be 1 in 2287 live births over the study period from 1984 to 2008. They also found an increase in the prevalence per 100,000 people under age 19 in their population when they compared the first 5 years of their study to the last 5 years (from 2.4 to 3.05) [105]. A study in Sweden found that the prevalence quadrupled to 7.1 per 100,000 between the years of 1980 and 1999, and a 2006 study from England found the prevalence to be 10.9 per 100,000 [108].
The explanation for the apparent increase in prevalence is not clear, as causative factors are largely unknown. It has been postulated that it can be explained by increased recognition among clinicians [112]. Young maternal age and first born children are reported to be associated with optic nerve hypoplasia, but data on potentially causative prenatal exposures is un-convincing. Similarly, data on genetics in this condition is limited, but there are rare reports of clusters in families, and reports of associated PAX6 mutations [113].
Systemic Manifestations
Reported systemic manifestations are variable and depend on which areas of the brain and body have associated defects. They can include global developmental delay, cortical malformations, focal deficits, or epilepsy secondary to the associated malformations, pituitary hormone deficiency, dysmorphic features (facial midline, skull, musculoskeletal system), sensorineural hearing loss, anosmia, cardiac anomalies, and esophageal anomalies [109].
Of special concern for a patient with a new diagnosis of optic nerve hypoplasia is the potential associated pituitary hormone deficiency, which may not yet have been recognized. It can range from a single hormone deficiency to panhypopituitarism with associated absence of stress response elevation in cortisol. This can result in adrenal crisis, hypoglycemia, and death in times of stress if not appropriately managed [107]. This should be kept in mind when these patients undergo anesthesia, or other stressful events.
Ophthalmic Manifestations
As with the many possible associated systemic findings, optic nerve hypoplasia itself is highly variable in its severity. Optic nerve findings can range from a unilateral, mildly small nerve, to complete bilateral optic nerve agenesis. Vision can range from near normal to no light perception. There can also be associated microphthalmia , which can range to anophthalmia in the most severe cases [109].
Nystagmus is often present, and is considered secondary to the low vision resulting from the hypoplastic nerves. This can result in an anomalous head position, which patients may adopt for improved vision they can have when gazing in the direction of their nystagmus null point. Strabismus is also seen, as is superimposed amblyopia [105].
The diagnosis of optic nerve hypoplasia is a clinical one made by ophthalmoscopy, and a small optic nerve head is the unifying characteristic. This can be difficult to visualize in these children, as nystagmus is often present and there can be a so-called double ring sign mimicking a normal optic nerve. Vascular anomalies including tortuosity or straightening, anomalous branching, and vessels that are large-appearing compared to the size of the nerve can be helpful clues. A thin peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer can also be found. When feasible, fundus photography can be helpful in confirming the clinical diagnosis of optic nerve hypoplasia [106].
In uncertain cases, MRI can be helpful in confirming the presence of hypoplastic optic nerves. It is also prudent to consider MRI to evaluate for ectopic posterior pituitary with absence of the typical bright spot, as this is highly correlated with endocrine anomalies [114]. Keep in mind that endocrine anomalies have occurred in absence of MRI findings, however [105].
In newborns, or when there have been any potential endocrine issues, such as recurrent hypoglycemia, jaundice, and temperature instability, referral for endocrine work-up for possible panhypopituitarism should be considered. Basic laboratory testing is done, and growth should be monitored.
Management of systemic complications is highly variable, but may require a multidisciplinary approach, including the pediatrician, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, and others, depending on case-specific manifestations. hormone replacement is often necessary. If the patient requires stress-dose steroids prior to surgery, this is usually determined by the pediatrician or pediatric endocrinologist.
Management of ophthalmic manifestations may include optical correction, even for small refractive errors, and low vision services. Amblyopia treatment should be undertaken, keeping in mind that the final visual outcome may be limited by the reduced amount of optic nerve tissue present in these patients. Some children may benefit from strabismus surgery, and occasionally, extraocular muscle surgery for severe anomalous head position for nystagmus null-point [105].
Aicardi Syndrome
Aicardi syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder with complete or partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, chorioretinal lacunae, and infantile spasms [115].
So called X-linked dominant, or hemizygous male-lethal, the syndrome is only seen in females or XXY males [118]. It is therefore, always considered to be a novel mutation, which has been localized to Xp22 [115, 116].
Although the incidence is unknown, there are about 200 cases in the literature, and Jean Aicardi states that he personally knows of around 450 cases worldwide [117]. The NIH estimates the current prevalence at about 4000 individuals worldwide, and incidence to be between 1/93,000 in the Netherlands and 1/105,000 newborns in the US [119]
Systemic Manifestations
Typical brain anomalies include some degree of agenesis of the corpus callosum, polymicrogyria, periventricular and subcortical heterotopia, intracranial cysts, cerebellar anomalies, and large cisterna magna [120]. Epilepsy is often difficult to treat and can be intractable [115].
Also seen are developmental delay, costovertebral anomalies , cleft lip and palate, and anomalous facies. The facial features described are sparse lateral eyebrows, upslanting palpebral fissures, upturned nasal tip, decreased angle of nasal bridge, deep philtrum, prominent premaxilla, and large ears. The developmental delay is usually severe, with most affected girls having little or no language function [121].
Ophthalmic Manifestations
Chorioretinal lacunae are considered pathognomonic, and appear as hypopigmented lobules, which can have retinal vessels crossing their margins. Their size can range from ~1/10 disc diameter to several disc diameters. They usually are multiple and bilateral, and clustered around the optic nerve. They are stable in size in shape over time, but can become more pigmented with time [117].
Optic disc colobomas are present in about half of cases, and are often associated with dilation of the retrobulbar optic nerve. A morning glory like anomaly can also be present, as can microphthalmia.
Neuroimaging, a neurologic evaluation with EEG, and a dilated fundus exam are required to find the corpus callosum abnormalities, infantile spasms, and chorioretinal lacunae in the classic triad [117]. The criteria have been revised over time to include at least two of the classic features above, plus other supporting criteria, but the triad is pathognomonic .
For infantile spasms, ACTH or Vigabatrin are typically first line. If these fail, the ketogenic diet is also an option. If the patient has other seizure types, there are a variety of anti-epileptic drugs that can be utilized.
Traditional therapies should be started as soon as possible for developmental delays.
An orthopedic evaluation and possibly monitoring is recommended for any vertebral anomalies, including scoliosis.
The most common cause of death is from pulmonary infections, so these should be treated aggressively.
As with any primary anatomic eye problem that may have superimposed amblyopia, amblyopia treatment should be undertaken to maximize vision . This includes spectacle correction and patching, when appropriate.
Neuromuscular Disorders
Guillain-Barre Syndrome (Miller Fisher Variant)
Of the acute neuromuscular disorders known to affect children, Guillain-Barré (specifically the Miller-Fisher variant) has been known to have ocular manifestations.
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy characterized by acute, typically bilateral limb weakness and loss of deep tendon reflexes. It is an autoimmune disorder and presents after an infectious illness, most commonly Campylobacter jejuni , a gram-negative bacterium that causes enteritis. Less commonly, other bacteria and viruses have been implicated such as cytomegalovirus, (in up to 10 % of cases [122, 123]), also Haemophilus influenza , Mycoplasma pneumoniae , Epstein–Barr virus and varicella zoster virus [124].
GBS is often used as an umbrella term describing a heterogeneous group of subtypes, including the Miller-Fisher Syndrome variant (MFS). Patients with classic GBS develop a bilateral ascending flaccid paresis in two or four extremities, with variable involvement of bulbar, cervical, facial, and upper limbs, with or without paresthesias. The MFS variant of GBS is specifically characterized by the triad of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and areflexia.
There is overlap between the subtypes and variants. Bickerstaff’s brainstem encephalitis, defined by the presence of either altered consciousness or hyperreflexia in addition to progressive ophthalmoplegia and ataxia, is often on the differential for acute onset of ophthalmoplegia [125].
About two thirds of GBS cases are preceded by either diarrhea or upper respiratory infection, but less than 1 in 1000 individuals who have a C. jejuni infection go on to develop GBS [126]. Because only a minority of infected individuals develop the disease, genetic factors may potentially confer susceptibility [126]. GBS is therefore considered to be a complex multifactorial disorder with both genetic and environmental factors.
The syndrome was named after the French physicians Guillain, Barré, and Strohl, who first described it in 1916, although a variant had been described by Landry as early as 1859. This is the reason it has also been called Landry’s paralysis . In 1932, the triad of ataxia, areflexia, and ophthalmoplegia was first described as a variant of the Guillain-Barre syndrome by J. Collier. However it was not until 1956 that Charles Miller Fisher reported three patients with ataxia, areflexia, and ophthalmoplegia as a separate entity, and thus the Miller Fisher variant was named after him [129].
Systemic Manifestations
The patient will often have a history of a recent gastrointestinal or upper respiratory illness, predating the onset of symptoms as short as 3 days or as long as 6 weeks, with a median time interval of 10 days [124]. The patient may complain of numbness, paresthesias, dysesthesias, and/or weakness of extremities that progressively worsens over several days, and may also complain of facial weakness or diplopia depending on the subtype. Classically the limb weakness begins more distally and progresses proximally, termed an “ascending paralysis.”
In the majority of patients, the GBS continues to progress for up to 1–2 weeks after the onset of symptoms. Approximately two thirds of patients have such severe distal limb involvement that they are unable to walk at the peak point in the illness , while 25 % progress to have involvement of the respiratory muscles causing respiratory insufficiency, sometimes requiring intubation [122]. Patients with the MFS variant typically have a more benign course, with 5 % progressing on to develop respiratory insufficiency [130]. The symptoms then resolve at variable rates, making prognostication difficult.
Ophthalmic Manifestations
The MFS variant (ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and areflexia) is the subtype to most likely present with ocular manifestations. The classic ophthalmoplegia is a symmetric paresis of upgaze and progressive impairment of horizontal gaze, with variable involvement of downgaze [131]. Ptosis is typically very mild or not present at all and pupillary dysfunction is variable [131]. There are often asymmetries between the eyes, and a variety of other ocular problems can be found including abduction, adduction, or third nerve palsies , abnormal pursuit, Optokinetic reflex (OKR), vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), and VOR-cancellation [125, 132]. Rare reports have also documented nystagmus of various kinds (gaze-evoked, dissociated abducting, convergence-retraction, rebound, and upbeat lid nystagmus) [131].
Several diagnostic criteria for GBS have been proposed, including the recent Brighton Criteria (formed by the Brighton Collaboration, sponsored by the World Health Organization), which proposes various clinical findings, each with a related level of diagnostic certainty. The more findings that are present the higher the likelihood of the GBS diagnosis, helping to account for the syndrome’s heterogeneity and subtypes. It includes the following findings: bilateral and flaccid weakness of limbs, decreased or absent deep tendon reflexes in weak limbs, monophasic course and time between onset-nadir 12 h to 28 days, CSF cell count <50/u, CSF protein concentration > normal value , nerve conduction study findings consistent with one of the subtypes of GBS, and absence of alternative diagnosis for weakness.
A lumbar puncture is typically performed to rule out infectious or malignant causes, and also can support the diagnosis by demonstrating albumin-cytologic disassociation in the cerebrospinal fluid. Of note, however, only 50 % will show this classic albumin-cytologic dissociation during the first week of illness, and only 75 % by the third week of illness. Therefore the absence of albumin-cytologic dissociation does not rule out the diagnosis of GBS. Nerve conduction studies may show prolonged distal latencies , conduction slowing, conduction block, absent F waves, and temporal dispersion of compound action potential in demyelinating cases. They can be helpful to confirm a diagnosis but they are not necessary for diagnosis .
Management is largely supportive. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) or plasmapheresis can be used in the acute phase. Steroids do not affect the course of the disease [130].
Other Considerations
Other neurological conditions, which commonly mimic GBS variants include: brainstem stroke, myasthenia gravis, botulism (described more often as descending paralysis), lyme disease, tick paralysis, and bacterial, carcinomatous, or lymphomatous meningitis [133].
Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disorder that frequently has ocular manifestations.
Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is an autoimmune mediated disorder of the neuromuscular junction that results in weakness and fatigue of skeletal muscles. Autoantibodies directed against the Acetylcholine receptor (AChR) or Muscle-Specific Kinase (MUSK) block the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles and prevent the appropriate muscle contraction from occurring.
MG occurs in all ethnic groups and both genders, and while it may occur at any age from infancy to late adulthood, the onset in childhood is less common and accounts for only 10–15 % of cases [76]. When the classic disease does present in children, it is called juvenile myasthenia gravis (JMG) , and the manifestations are the same as those in adults. In post-pubertal children, JMG is more prevalent in females, but in pre-pubertal children the incidence is the same between girls and boys [76].
JMG should not be confused with neonatal myasthenia gravis or congenital myasthenic syndrome .
In transient neonatal myasthenia gravis, a fetus may acquire immune proteins (antibodies) via placental transfer from a mother affected with myasthenia gravis. Between 10 and 25 % of babies born to mothers with MG may have this temporary form of the condition. Generally, the child’s symptoms resolve within weeks to months after birth [134]. Treatment is still important in these cases, as the neonate may be very ill during this period.
Congenital myasthenic syndrome is a similar but different disease of the neuromuscular junction that is genetic rather than autoimmune in origin. It is rare, and rather than being autoimmune in nature, it is caused by genetic mutations that produce abnormal proteins leading to defective acetylcholine, acetylcholinesterase , or the acetylcholine receptor [134].
MG was first recognized as a distinct clinical entity in 1672 by Oxford physician Thomas Willis. His report, which was in Latin, went largely unnoticed, and subsequently the first modern description was made in 1877 by Samuel Wilks, a London physician [135].

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