Eyelid Inflammation

Eyelid Inflammation


A type of focal inflammation of the eyelid; it is a common lesion of the eyelid. The most common cause is blockage of a meibomian gland of the eyelid. Chalazia can present with an inflamed, tender, red eyelid or as a discrete nontender lump in the eyelid.

Epidemiology and Etiology

• Age: Any

• Gender: Equal

• Etiology: Focal inflammation of the eyelid resulting from the obstruction of the meibomian glands


• Often present with acute onset of focal eyelid inflammation. The inflammation will resolve but may turn into a chronic cyst-like lesion.

• The onset may be more insidious with the appearance of the cyst-like lesion with minimal inflammation.

Differential Diagnosis

• Sebaceous adenocarcinoma

• Squamous cell carcinoma

• Basal cell carcinoma