and Potential Etiologies of Chronic Rhinosinusitis


Rhinosinusitis is widely believed to comprise of a spectrum of inflammatory and infectious diseases concurrently affecting the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses (PNS). It is one of the most common disorders and is a major health problem worldwide.1 The term “rhinosinusitis” is fast replacing “sinusitis”, because sinusitis is often preceded by rhinitis and rarely occurs without concurrent nasal airway inflammation.2,3 When rhinosinusitis is persistently present for 3 months of more, it is called chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). This multifactorial disease has a complex nature, and the limited understanding of its relationship with associated factors makes it difficult to precisely define and classify the condition. Although the mortality of the disease is low, its morbidity is high, with CRS patients demonstrating worse quality-of-life scores for physical pain and social functioning than those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, or angina.4

The ultimate end stage of CRS is inflammatory mucosal thickening and in a subset of patients, polypoid changes.5,6 Although its histologic hallmark is persistent underlying eosinophilic inflammation,68 the exact cause and pathophysiology have been the source of extensive controversy. Several competing hypotheses exist regarding the underlying cause, the mechanism leading to persistence of pathology, and the categorization of patients into subgroups.9 This chapter will attempt to bring to light some of the important as well as controversial factors in the pathophysiology of CRS.

Relevant Normal Physiology of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses

To understand the pathophysiology of the disease, it is first necessary to have a brief overview of the normal physiological mechanism of the nasal cavity and PNS. The main physiological protective mechanism of this system is a functional mucociliary transport system. The various components of the mucociliary transport system of the nose and the paranasal sinuses work together in synchrony to maintain the internal milieu of this compartment. Any derangement in one or more of these components can lead to a disruption of this ‘fine-tuned’ process, leading to stasis of mucus and infection or inflammation.

Drainage Pathways of Paranasal Sinuses

All the mucus from the nose and paranasal sinuses is transported to the nasopharynx, where it is eventually ingested and presented to the gastrointestinal tract. Understanding these pathways helps locate the obstruction to the normal outflow tracts and target the therapeutic measures to selectively correct it with minimal intervention to other areas both structurally or functionally.

Donald et al10 and Antunes et al11 have summarized these pathways as follows:

Role of Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium and Ciliary Motility

Cilia are cylindrical organelles protruding from the apical surface of epithelial cells. These are anchored to the cells by intracellular basal bodies derived from centrioles. Cilia are responsible for clearing the mucus belt with the entrapped debris from the nose and PNS. This mechanism is so powerful and efficient that it can clear the mucus blanket of the entire nose or sinus in 10 minutes14 The mechanism of ciliary motion depends on a series of ATP-dependent molecular motors that cause the outer doublets of the axoneme to slide relative to each other, producing a vector force.11 All the cilia beat together in a coordinated fashion to produce what is referred to as a metachronous wave.15 At the individual level, each cilium has a forward power stroke followed by a recovery stroke. During the power stroke, the cilium is fully extended and at the apogee of the arc with the distal tip making contact with the viscous outer mucus layer (gel phase), thereby transmitting directional force to the overlying mucus blanket. During the recovery stroke, the cilium bends 90˚ and sweeps back to its starting point within the thinner periciliary fluid layer (sol phase).

Anatomical Variations Influencing the Development of Rhinosinusitis

Along with an understanding of the normal physiology and protective mechanisms of the nose and PNS, it is important for the clinicians to be aware of the anatomical variations commonly encountered. Knowledge of the anatomical variations can help in determining the potential pathway of spread of disease from one “compartment” to another as well as serve as a road map for the endoscopic sinus surgeon so as to avoid a potentially hazardous surgical outcome. An anatomical variation may at times be the cause of the disease by blocking the normal drainage of the PNS. However, it must be kept in mind that sinusitis is not merely an anatomical problem, but an entity that occurs due to an infection, superimposed by mucosal and airflow changes within the nasal and paranasal sinus cavities, in individuals, who may be anatomically and genetically predisposed.

Detection and documentation of anatomical variations can be done effectively using CT scan. Some commonly seen anatomical variations are described in the following section.

Potential Causes of Chronic Rhinosinusitis

As stated before, CRS is a multifactorial disease and most of the time the long-standing duration of clinical features, the possible overlap between exposure to potential causative factors, and presence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors contributing to the condition make it difficult to classify or pinpoint the exact etiology. Benninger et al16 have proposed a system of classification for potential causes of CRS, which is exhaustive yet precise (Table 1). However, to prevent this section from becoming a didactic review, we have addressed a few of the salient and clinically relevant potential etiologies and pathogenesis mechanisms with special focus on recent views and future trends.

Table 1 Extrinsic and Intrinsic Potential Causes of Chronic Rhinosinusitis


Role of Infections in Chronic Rhinosinusitis

Sinusitis generally develops as a complication of viral or allergic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.17 Although bacteria can be found in the sinuses of most patients who have CRS, the exact etiology of the inflammation associated with this condition is uncertain.18,19 The evolution of rhinosinusitis with infection as a possible causative factor occurs in a phase-wise manner, as described below.

Bacterial Infection as Etiological Factor—Proof For and Against

From the points stated above, it is evident that noncontaminated collection of sample from the proper site plays an important role in narrowing down the cause of the disease. In an ideal scenario, this sample should be collected preferably from the infected sinus exclusively. A study by Brook22 demonstrated differences in the distribution of organisms in a single patient, who suffers from infections in multiple sinuses. He emphasized the importance of obtaining cultures from all infected sinuses. But then in such a scenario, culture of targeted sinus mucosal biopsies would be the only plausible option available for a near accurate diagnosis, which would then mean the requirement of surgical biopsies for all patients in the quest of diagnosis. As this is not practically acceptable, the clinicians usually opt for the most accessible areas to collect the sample. Due to the accessible location of the maxillary sinus, it is usually the sinus of choice for sampling to obtain specimens for culture.

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Jun 5, 2016 | Posted by in OTOLARYNGOLOGY | Comments Off on and Potential Etiologies of Chronic Rhinosinusitis

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