To evaluate the pattern of vision loss and genotype-phenotype correlations in WFS1 -associated optic neuropathy (WON).
Multicenter cohort study.
The study involved 37 patients with WON carrying pathogenic or candidate pathogenic WFS1 variants. Genetic and clinical data were retrieved from the medical records. Thirteen patients underwent additional comprehensive ophthalmologic assessment. Deep phenotyping involved visual electrophysiology and advanced psychophysical testing with a complementary metabolomic study.
Main Outcome Measures: WFS1 variants, functional and structural optic nerve and retinal parameters, and metabolomic profile.
Twenty-two recessive and 5 dominant WFS1 variants were identified. Four variants were novel. All WFS1 variants caused loss of macular retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) as assessed by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and visual electrophysiology. Advanced psychophysical testing indicated involvement of the major RGC subpopulations. Modeling of vision loss showed an accelerated rate of deterioration with increasing age. Dominant WFS1 variants were associated with abnormal reflectivity of the outer plexiform layer (OPL) on OCT imaging. The dominant variants tended to cause less severe vision loss compared with recessive WFS1 variants, which resulted in more variable phenotypes ranging from isolated WON to severe multisystem disease depending on the WFS1 alleles. The metabolomic profile included markers seen in other neurodegenerative diseases and type 1 diabetes mellitus.
WFS1 variants result in heterogenous phenotypes influenced by the mode of inheritance and the disease-causing alleles. Biallelic WFS1 variants cause more variable, but generally more severe, vision and RGC loss compared with heterozygous variants. Abnormal cleftlike lamination of the OPL is a distinctive OCT feature that strongly points toward dominant WON.
T he WFS1 gene encodes for a transmembrane protein, wolframin, which localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Wolframin is highly expressed in the human retina, including Müller and retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Optic neuropathy is one of the major diagnostic criteria for Wolfram syndrome type 1 caused by biallelic pathogenic variants in WFS1 (4p16.1, OMIM 606201 ). , Wolfram syndrome type 1 is a severe, progressive neurodegenerative multisystem disorder that was originally described by its defining features of diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness (DIDMOAD). However, expanding genetic testing has revealed that pathogenic WFS1 variants can result in a much more diverse range of phenotypes, which can be less severe with some heterozygous variants having a dominant mode of inheritance. ,
Optic neuropathy associates with homozygous or compound heterozygous WFS1 variants, referring to an autosomal recessive (AR) disease, and with only 1 pathogenic WFS1 allele, referring to an autosomal dominant (AD) disease. However, only a relatively small subgroup of the >200 reported pathogenic WFS1 variants cause dominant disease. WFS1 -associated optic neuropathy (WON) is usually diagnosed in childhood and there is progressive loss of RGCs with thinning of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL). It has been suggested that the severity of the ocular phenotype correlates with the burden of neurologic complications and with the inheritance pattern. More recently, some patients have been reported with a milder nonsyndromic AR disease limited to optic atrophy or in combination with hearing loss. Because of the relative rarity of WON and its variable genotype, there are limited data on its natural history and the factors that modulate disease progression.
Here, we report a comprehensive ophthalmologic assessment of WON, as part of an ongoing deep-phenotyping study of patients with inherited optic neuropathies. , Our aims were to characterize genotype-phenotype correlations and the pattern and progression of visual impairment in WON. A subgroup of the WFS1 patient cohort was characterized with complementary ophthalmologic, electrophysiological, and psychophysical investigations. In addition to the phenotypic data, the level of circulatory metabolite markers was determined in serum samples of patients with WON and compared with OPA1 -associated dominant optic atrophy ( OPA1 DOA) and healthy controls.
The study had ethical and institutional approval (Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London; the Newcastle Eye Centre, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne; the Royal Bolton Hospital, Bolton), and its design complied with the Declaration of Helsinki. The multicenter study cohort of 37 patients with a diagnosis of inherited optic neuropathy and WFS1 variants was ascertained in the Genetic Service at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (London, UK), the Newcastle Eye Centre, Royal Victoria Infirmary (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), and Bolton NHS Foundation Trust (Bolton, Greater Manchester, UK). WFS1 genetic testing was conducted in accredited molecular genetic laboratories.
External databases (Genome Aggregation Database [gnomAd, https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org ], ClinVar [ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar ], and LOVD [ Leiden Open Variation Database, https://www.lovd.nl ]) and prediction algorithms (Polymorphism Phenotyping version 2 [PolyPhen-2, http://genetics.bwh.harvard.edu/pph2 ] and Mutation Taster [ http://www.mutationtaster.org ]) were used to assess WFS1 variant frequency and pathogenicity. ACMG (American College of Medical Genetics) classification for each variant is also provided.
For the purpose of comparative analyses, data from patients with DOA and disease-causing variants in OPA1 gene were included as detailed in the advanced psychophysics and metabolomic sections.
Clinical data of the diagnostic and follow-up examinations of 37 patients were retrieved by retrospective review of the medical records from the different study sites. Thirteen of these patients were examined as part of the NIHR RD-TRC Inherited Optic Neuropathy study at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (London, UK). Three of them underwent advanced psychophysical investigations. Blood samples were collected from 9 patients for metabolomic analysis.
The following demographic and clinical data were recorded: WFS1 genotype, detailed family history, sex, age at diagnosis of WON, extraocular abnormalities, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), visual field, red-green color discrimination using Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates, optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging of optic disc and macula, and visual electrophysiology. Visual fields were studied using either automated Humphrey visual field perimetry (Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer, Model 750; Humphrey Instruments) or Goldmann perimetry. The assessment profile for each patient in relation to the imaging, visual field, psychophysical, electrophysiological, and metabolomic analyses is indicated in Table 1 .
Patient | Sex | Inheritance (Family)GC Number | Genotype: WFS1 Variant | Age at Diagnosis of WON, y | Other Clinical Features | Macular OCT FindingsOPL Cleft / INL Cysts+ or -[Age (y) a ] | Complementary Tests |
1 | F | AD (D1) 17594 | c.2051C>T: p.Ala684Val | 5 | HI, epilepsy, hypertension b | +/– [46] | VF, E, ME |
2 | M | AD (D1) 17594 | c.2051C>T: p.Ala684Val | 23 | HI | +/– [23] | VF, E |
3 | M | AD (D1) 17594 | c.2051C>T: p.Ala684Val | 13 | HI | np | E |
4 | F | AD (D1) 17594 | c.2051C>T: p.Ala684Val | 3 | HI | +/+ [3] | E |
5 | M | AD (D1) 17594 | c.2051C>T: p.Ala684Val | U | HI | np | |
6 | F | AD (D2) | c.2051C>T: p.Ala684Val | 60 | HI b | +/– [78] | VF |
7 | M | AD (D3) | c.2051C>T: p.Ala684Val | U | HI, DM1 | np | VF |
8 | F | AD (D4) | c.2051C>T: p.Ala684Val | 38 | HI | +/+ [71] | VF |
9 | F | AD (D4) | c.2051C>T: p.Ala684Val | 28 | HI | +/– [48] | VF |
10 | F | AD (D4) | c.2051C>T: p.Ala684Val | 6 | HI | +/+ [24] | VF |
11 | M | AD (D4) | c.2051C>T: p.Ala684Val | 4 | HI | +/+ [18] | VF |
12 | M | AD (D5) 25494 | c.2051C>T: p.Ala684Val | 16 | HI | +/– [18] | VF, E |
13 | F | AD (D6) 22818 | c.2051C>T: p.Ala684Val | 40 | aHI, DM2, DM related peripheral neuropathy b | +/+ [64] | |
14 | F | AD (D7) 15095 | c.2390A>T: p.Asp797Val | 45 | HI, DM2 b | +/+ [69] | E |
15 | F | AD (D8) 17496 | c.968A>G: p.His323Arg | 30 | HI | +/+ [44] | VF, E |
16 | F | AD (D8) 17496 | c.968A>G: p.His323Arg | 4 | HI | +/+ [8] | VF, E |
17 | F | AD (D9) | c.2161A>T: p.Asn721Tyr | 50 | HI, nystagmus | +/+ [51] | ME |
18 | M | AD (D9) | c.2161A>T: p.Asn721Tyr | U | HI | np | ME |
19 | M | AD de novo (D10) 22794 | c.937C>T: p.His313Tyr | 7 | HI, DM1, short stature, learning disability | +/– [10] | VF, E |
20 | F | AR (R1) | c.1234_1237delCTGT; p.Val412Serfs*29 c.1673G>A; p.Arg558His | 5 | DM1, NB | np | VF |
21 | F | AR (R2) | c.409_424dup16; p.Val142Glyfs*110 c.2194C>T; p.Arg732Cys | U | DM2 | np | VF, ME |
22 | F | AR (R3) 17712 | c.2648_2651delTCTT p.Phe883Serfs*68 c.2213C>A; p.Ala738Asp | 10 | None | –/– [31] | |
23 | M | AR (R3) 17712 | c.2648_2651delTCTT p.Phe883Serfs*68 c.2213C>A; p.Ala738Asp | 10 | Polyuria | –/– [26] | |
24 | F | AR (R4) 17782/22809 | c.2648_2651delTCTT: p.Phe883Serfs*68 c.1597C>T: p.Pro533Ser | 23 | DI, NB, BI | –/– [44] | VF, E, P |
25 | F | AR (R4) 22809 | c.2648_2651delTCTT: p.Phe883Serfs*68 c.1597C>T: p.Pro533Ser | 37 | DI, NB, BI | –/– [52] | VF, E, P |
26 | F | AR (R5) 26525 | c.2648_2651delTCTT p.Phe883Serfs*68 c.505G>A: p.Glu169Lys | 10 | HI, DM1, NB | –/– [15] | VF |
27 | M | AR (R6) | c.1558C>T; p.Gln520* c.1372G>A;p.Ala458Thr | 24 | DM1 | np | VF, ME |
28 | F | AR (R7) | c.1309G>C;p.Gly437Arg c.977C>T; p.Ala326Val | 18 | DM1 | np | ME |
29 | F | AR (R8) | c.1549delC; P.Arg517Alafs*5 c.1597C>T; p.Pro533Ser c | 17 | HI, NB | np | |
30 | M | AR (R9) | c.2648_2651delTCTT p.Phe883Serfs*68 c.1433G>A; p.Trp478* | 12 | DM1, DI, NB | np | VF, P, ME |
31 | F | AR (R10) | c.409_424dup16: p.Val142Glyfs*110 c.2262_2263delCT: p.Cys755Serfs*3 | 31 | HI, DM1 | –/– [35] | ME |
32 | M | AR (R11) 20579 | c.874C>A: p.Pro292Thr c.505G>A: p.Glu169Lys | 9 | DM1, DI, HI, NB, BI | –/– [45] | |
33 | M | AR (R11) 20579 | c.874C>A: p.Pro292Thr c.505G>A: p.Glu169Lys | U | DM1, DI, HI, NB, BI | –/– [46] | VF |
34 | F | AR (R12) 17240 | c.2643_2644delC:p.Phe883Leufs*56 (homozygous) | 15 | HI, DM1, DI, bipolar affective disorder b | –/– [25] | |
35 | M | AR (R13) 25698 | c.1232_1233celCT: p.Ser411Cysfs*131 (homozygous) | 8 | HI, DM1 | –/– [10] | VF |
36 | M | AR (R14) 24848 | c.1243_1245del, p.Val415del c.1885C>T, p.Arg629Trp | 4 | HI, DM1 | np | |
37 | F | AR (R15) 22817 | c.1283C>G; p.Pro428Arg c.2319C>G; p.Tyr773* | 10 | DM1, UC, ataxia, depression | –/– [23] | VF, ME |
a Age when macular SD-OCT was performed.
b Additional clinical features were as follows—Patient P1: myopia; patient P6: cataract at the age of 77 years; patient P13: high myopia, bilateral posterior cataracts and left epiretinal membrane; patient P14: cataract at the age of 63 years and left epiretinal membrane; patient P34: intermittent myoclonus, occasional balance problem, postural hypotension.
c Also a carrier of the GJB2 pathogenic variant c.35delG p.(Gly12Valfs*2).
BCVA was recorded using either the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) or Snellen charts. The Snellen fractions were converted to logMAR units. For 2 elderly patients (P5, P7), no visual acuity data were available. Therefore, BCVA data of 35 patients, 18 of whom had AR and 17 AD WON, were included in the study. Follow-up BCVA data were available for 33 patients, 18 with AR and 15 with AD disease, with BCVA measurements obtained for at least 2 time points. The visual acuity values potentially affected by ocular diseases other than WON, or of the level of light perception, were not included in the analysis. Mean and median BCVA for the AR and AD subgroups were calculated using the first available BCVA value for each patient.
Altogether, 246 BCVA values were used for the longitudinal analysis. Hierarchical regression models were used to estimate longitudinal BCVA outcomes. Population-level effects, also known as fixed effects, were included to reflect the average response seen across all patients at all times (the intercept), separate gradients with respect to time in the AR and AD patient groups, and further nonlinear functions of time, as required. Group-level effects, also known as random effects, were used at the patient and eye levels to reflect that outcomes for an eye are correlated through time and that eyes for a patient are also highly correlated.
High-resolution spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) data were acquired with the Spectralis (Heidelberg Engineering Ltd) and Cirrus HD-OCT 4000 (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc) platforms. For peripapillary RNFL measurements, a 3.5-mm-diameter circular scan centered on the optic disc was used and the sectorial data were collected and compared to the normative data. Automated segmentation and thickness analyses of 10 retinal layers were performed for perifoveal volumetric retinal B-scans using the Heidelberg Engineering segmentation tool, included in the Spectralis Glaucoma Module software (version 6.0), as previously described. , Normative data were generated from SD-OCT images of 48 healthy eyes of 48 subjects.
Twelve patients underwent visual electrophysiological testing according to the standard protocols of the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV). , The tests included the pattern reversal visual evoked potential (PVEP), flash visual evoked potential (FVEP), and pattern electroretinogram (PERG). Pattern ERGs were recorded to a 0.8° check size using both a standard checkerboard field (12 × 15°) and additionally to a large field (24 × 30°). International-standard full-field ERGs were recorded using gold foil corneal electrodes in 9 patients. In addition to standard measurements, the photopic negative response (PhNR) component of the light-adapted single flash (LA 3) ERG was assessed. Two amplitude ratios, N95-P50 of PERG and PhNR–b-wave of the LA 3 ERG, were additionally computed, with the PhNR amplitude measured from the preceding b-wave peak to PhNR trough. The results were compared to reference normative data.
Three patients (P24, P25, and P30) underwent advanced psychophysical investigations using previously described methodology. The normal subjects for psychophysical tests were 15 individuals aged 17-78 years at the time of testing with normal BCVA and normal color vision as assessed by standard color vision tests. Data for 9 patients with OPA1 DOA were used for comparative analyses, and their details have previously been reported (patients P3, P4, P6, P9, P10, P11, P17, P18, and P23).
The test conditions for the following tests were as previously described by the same investigators. , Achromatic spatial contrast sensitivity was measured as a function of spatial frequency. The target stimuli were horizontally orientated Gabor patterns with spatial frequencies ranging from 0.5 to 16 cycles per degree (cpd) and with a spatial Gaussian window with a standard deviation of 6°. Chromatic discrimination was tested using the so-called trivector test procedure implemented as part of the Cambridge Colour Test, version 1.5 (Cambridge Research Systems Ltd).
The test conditions included the modification for observers with reduced visual acuity and the viewing distance of 62.6 cm so that the Landolt “C” opening subtended 5° of visual angle. L-cone temporal acuities (critical flicker fusion, cff) were measured using a Maxwellian-view optical system. The L-cone stimulus was produced by flickering a 650-nm circular target of 4° visual angle in diameter superimposed in the center of a steady 481-nm circular background field of 9° diameter. , , ,
Independent samples Mann-Whitney U was used for comparison of distribution of continuous variables in the various patient subgroups and controls. Spearman rank correlation were used for the analysis of statistical dependence between various variables as indicated in the Results section. The SPSS, version 25 (IBM Corp), and R, version 3.6 (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing), were used for the analyses.
For the metabolomic analysis, blood samples were collected from 9 WON patients, 9 gender-matched OPA1 DOA patients, and 9 gender-matched healthy individuals as healthy controls (HC). The WON group (patients P1, P17, P18, P21, P27, P28, P30, P31, and P37) included 6 patients with AR and 3 patients with AD WON ( Table 1 ). Ages between WON patients, OPA1 DOA patients, and healthy controls were matched with means ± standard error of the mean (SEM) of 42 ± 4 years for both WFS1 and HC groups, and 44 ± 4 years for the OPA1 DOA group.
Serum samples were immediately processed after collection, aliquoted, and maintained at –80°C until required. As part of a wider metabolomic study, these samples were randomized among other patient cohorts with inherited optic neuropathies and assigned a unique identifier, prior to being sent to Metabolon Inc for processing. Proteins were precipitated with methanol under vigorous shaking for 2 minutes (Glen Mills GenoGrinder 2000) followed by centrifugation. The resulting extract was divided into 5 fractions: 2 for analysis by 2 separate reverse-phase (RP) / ultraperformance liquid chromatography (UPLC)–tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) methods with positive ion mode electrospray ionization (ESI), 1 for analysis by RP/UPLC-MS/MS with negative ion mode ESI, 1 for analysis by HILIC/UPLC-MS/MS with negative ion mode ESI, and 1 sample was reserved for backup.
Samples were placed briefly on a TurboVap (Zymark) to remove the organic solvent. All samples were processed on an UPLC and Q-Exactive high resolution/accurate mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific) interfaced with a heated electrospray ionization (HESI-II) source and Orbitrap mass analyzer operated at 35,000 mass resolution. The MS analysis alternated between MS and data-dependent MSn scans using dynamic exclusion. The scan range varied slighted between methods but covered 70-1000 m / z . Raw data were extracted, peak-identified, and QC processed using Metabolon’s hardware and software. Identification of known chemical entities was based on comparison to metabolomic library entries of purified standards. Using this protocol, 1319 metabolites were detected and 1018 metabolites were positively identified
MetaboAnalyst, version 4.0, and R, version 3.6 (The R foundation for Statistical Computing), were used in combination for data preprocessing, statistical analysis, and visualization of univariate and multivariate analyses. Metabolites that were present in less than 25% of all samples were filtered out. Blank data for the remaining metabolites were imputed as half of the minimum positive value. Data was then standardized using z scores. The number of metabolites detected in the final analysis was 694, with 585 metabolites being positively identified. Statistical significance when comparing WON, OPA1 DOA and HC groups was evaluated by 1-way analysis of variance with Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple hypothesis testing (FDR values), followed by Fisher least significant difference post hoc test for pairwise comparisons.
The study cohort included 37 patients (22 females and 15 males) with WON. Their demographic, genetic, and clinical data are presented in Table 1 . The results of the assessment of the pathogenicity using external databases and the ACMG classification are presented for each variant in Table 2 . Nineteen patients from 10 families carried a single heterozygous pathogenic WFS1 variant compatible with AD WON ( Table 1 ). All dominant variants were missense.
Genotype, WFS1 Variant | Patients(n) | Exon | Allele Frequency gnomAD(all) | Prediction PolyPhen2(score) | Prediction Mutation Taster | ClinVar Interpretation (No. of Submissions) | LOVD | ACMG Classification | First Published Report * |
AD inheritance | |||||||||
c.2051C>T, p.Ala684Val | 13 | 8 | VNF | Probably damaging (1.0) | Disease causing | Pathogenic (8) | Pathogenic | Pathogenic: PS3, PM1, PM2, PP2, PP3, PP5 | Tessa et al |
c.2390A>T, p.Asp797Val | 1 | 8 | VNF | Possibly damaging (0.826) | Disease causing | — | — | Likely pathogenic: PM2, PM5, PP2, PP3 | Rohayem et al ; patient reported in Majander et al ; not reported in AD disease in other cohorts |
c.968A>G, p.His323Arg | 2 | 8 | VNF | Probably damaging (0.997) | Disease causing | — | — | Likely pathogenic: PM2, PP1, PP2, PP3, PP5, | Smith et al ; patients reported in Majander et al ; not reported in AD disease in other cohorts |
c.2161A>T, p.Asn721Tyr | 2 | 8 | VNF | Possibly damaging (0.826) | Disease causing | — | — | Likely pathogenic: PM2, PP1, PP2, PP3 | Patients reported in Majander et al ; not reported in other cohorts |
De novo | |||||||||
c.937C>T, p.His313Tyr | 1 | 8 | VNF | Probably damaging (0.974) | Disease causing | Likely pathogenic (1) | — | Likely pathogenic: PS2, PM2, PP2, PP3, PP5 | Hansen et al |
AR inheritance | |||||||||
c.505G>A, p.Glu169Lys | 2 | 5 | 0.00002483 | Probably damaging (1.0) | Disease causing | Uncertain significance (1) | — | Likely pathogenic: PM2, PM5, PP1, PP2, PP3 | Hardy et al |
c.874C>A, p.Pro292Thr | 8 | 0.000007966 | Probably damaging (1.0) | Disease causing | — | — | Likely pathogenic: PM2, PP1, PP2, PP3, PP5 | Astuti et al | |
c.2648_2651delTCTT, p.Phe883Serfs * 68 | 2 | 8 | 0.00009239 | — | Disease causing | Pathogenic (2) Likely pathogenic (1) | — | Pathogenic: PVS1, PM2, PP1, PP3, PP5 | Hardy et al |
c.1597C>T, p.Pro533Ser | 8 | 0.0007487 | Probably damaging (1.0) | Disease causing | Benign (1) Likely benign (1) Uncertain significance (3) | VUS | Likely pathogenic: PM1, PM2, PM5, PP1, PP2, PM3, PP3 | Crawford et al ; patients reported in Majander et al ; not reported in optic neuropathy or Wolfram syndrome in other cohorts | |
c.2643_2644delC, p.Phe883Leufs * 56 (homozygous) | 1 | 8 | VNF | — | Disease causing | — | — | Pathogenic: PVS1, PM2, PP3, PP5 | Patient reported in Majander et al ; not reported in other cohorts |
c.409_424dup16, p.Val142Glyfs * 110 | 1 | 4 | 0.00004386 | — | Disease causing | Pathogenic (3) | — | Pathogenic: PVS1, PM2, PP5 | Rohayem et al |
c.2262_2263delCT, p.Cys755Serfs * 3 | 8 | VNF | — | Disease causing | — | — | Pathogenic: PVS1, PM2, PP3 | Khanim et al | |
c.1232_1233delCT, p.Ser411Cysfs * 131 (homozygous) | 1 | 8 | 0.000003977 | — | Disease causing | — | — | Pathogenic: PVS1, PM2, PP3 | Giuliano et al |
c.1433G>A, p.Trp478 * | 1 | 8 | 0.00002003 | — | Disease causing | — | — | Pathogenic: PVS1, PM2, PP3 | Hardy et al |
c.2648_2651delTCTT, p.Phe883Serfs * 68 | 8 | 0.00009239 | — | Disease causing | Pathogenic (2) Likely pathogenic (1) | — | Pathogenic: PVS1, PM2, PP3, PP5 | Hardy et al | |
c.1558C>T, p.Gln520 * | 1 | 8 | 0.000003991 | — | Disease causing | — | — | Pathogenic: PVS1, PM2, PP3 | Giuliano et al |
c.1372G>A, p.Ala458Thr | 8 | 0.00003188 | Probably damaging (0.990) | Disease causing | — | — | VUS: PM2, PM3, PP3 | Not reported | |
c.1283C>G, p.Pro428Arg | 1 | 8 | VNF | Probably damaging (1.0) | Disease causing | — | — | Likely pathogenic: PM1, PM2, PP3, BP1, PM3 | Astuti et al |
c.2319C>G, p.Tyr773 * | 8 | VNF | — | Disease causing | — | — | Pathogenic: PVS1, PM2, PP3 | Astuti et al | |
c.1549delC, P.Arg517fs * 5 | 1 | 8 | VNF | — | Disease causing | — | — | Likely pathogenic: PVS1, PM2 | Hardy et al |
c.1597C>T, p.Pro533Ser | 8 | 0.0007487 | Probably damaging (1.0) | Disease causing | Benign (1) Likely benign (1) Uncertain significance (2) | VUS | VUS: PM2, PP3, BP1 | Crawford et al ; not reported in optic neuropathy or Wolfram syndrome in other cohorts | |
c.1309G>C, p.Gly437Arg | 1 | 8 | 0.000003983 | Benign (0.029) | Polymorphism | — | — | Likely benign: PM2, PP5 | Hardy et al |
c.977C>T, p.Ala326Val | 8 | 0.00004951 | Probably damaging (0.997) | Disease causing | Uncertain significance (1) | — | Likely benign: PM2, PP3, BP1, BP6 | Toppings et al | |
c.409_424dup16, p.Val142Glyfs * 110 | 1 | 4 | 0.00004386 | — | Disease causing | Pathogenic (3) | — | Pathogenic: PVS1, PM2, PP5 | Gómez-Zaera et al |
c.2194C>T, p.Arg732Cys | 8 | 0.00006092 | Probably damaging (1.0) | Disease causing | Uncertain significance (1) | VUS | VUS: PM2, PM3, PP3 | La Morgia et al | |
c.1234_1237delCTGT, p.Val412Serfs * 29 | 1 | 8 | 0.000003976 | — | Disease causing | — | — | Likely pathogenic: PVS1, PM2 | Gasparin et al |
c.1673G>A, p.Arg558His | 8 | 0.00006383 | Probably damaging (1.0) | Disease causing | Likely pathogenic (1) | — | Likely pathogenic: PM2, PM5, PP3, PP5 | Smith et al | |
c.2213C>A, p.Ala738Asp | 2 | 8 | 0.00005054 | Benign (0.011) | Disease causing | — | — | Likely pathogenic: PM2, PM3, PP1 | Not reported |
c.2648_2651delTCTT, p.Phe883Serfs * 68 | 8 | 0.00009239 | — | Disease causing | Pathogenic (2) Likely pathogenic (1) | — | Pathogenic: PVS1, PM2, PP5 | Hardy et al | |
c.1243_1245del, p.Val415del | 1 | 8 | 0.00004772 | — | Disease causing | Pathogenic (2) | — | Likely pathogenic: PM1, PM2, PM4, PP3, PP5 | Hardy et al |
c.1885C>T, p.Arg629Trp | 8 | 0.00001195 | Probably damaging (0.996) | Polymorphism | — | — | VUS: PM2, PP5 | Giuliano et al | |
c.505G>A, p.Glu169Lys | 1 | 5 | 0.00002483 | Probably damaging (1.0) | Disease causing | Uncertain significance (1) | — | Likely pathogenic: PM2, PM3, PP3, PP5 | Hardy et al |
c.2648_2651delTCTT, p.Phe883Serfs * 68 | 8 | 0.00009239 | — | Disease causing | Pathogenic (2) Likely pathogenic (1) | — | Pathogenic: PVS1, PM2, PP3, PP5 | Hardy et al |

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