Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome

Fig. 9.1
(a), Focal idiopathic vitreomacular traction. V-shaped. (b) Broad vitreomacular traction in a patient with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. J-shaped

Bottós et al. classified incomplete detachment of vitreomacular traction as either V-shaped or J-shaped (Fig. 9.1). A high correlation was found between V-shaped and focal vitreomacular traction and between broad and J-shaped vitreomacular traction [3].

Eyes with V-shaped focal attachment are more likely to develop macular edema, full thickness macular hole, and fovea detachment. On the other hand, epiretinal membranes more often coexisted with broad, J-shaped adhesions.

Recently the vitreomacular traction study group differentiated vitreomacular adhesion from vitreomacular traction syndrome. Vitreomacular adhesion does not present morphologic changes in the retina (Fig. 9.2).


Fig. 9.2
(a, b) Vitreomacular adhesion in an 80-year-old woman. (a) Fovea contour and retina morphology is undisturbed. The outer choroidoscleral boundary is regular. Visual acuity is 1.0 Snellen. (b) One year later, vitreomacular adhesion in the same patient. Slight elevation of the fovea contour is visible. Visual acuity is unchanged, 1.0 Snellen. (c, d) Vitreomacular traction syndrome in a 79-year-old woman. (c) Focal vitreomacular traction with elevation of the fovea contour. Cystoid spaces in the inner retinal layers are visible. Slight elevation of the photoreceptor layer and external limiting membrane may be observed. Nuclear and plexiform layers are elevated. The outer choroidoscleral boundary is irregular. Visual acuity is 0.5 Snellen. (d) Vitreomacular traction in the same patient eight months later. The cystoid spaces regrouped into one large space. None of the retinal layers are now elevated. Visual acuity decreased to 0.3 Snellen

9.2 Clinical Appearance

Three-dimensional scanning enhances our knowledge of vitreomacular traction syndrome (Figs. 9.3, 9.4, and 9.5). SS-OCT enables simultaneous high quality three-dimensional visualization of the vitreous, retina, and choroid. Vitreomacular traction should always be regarded as a three-dimensional disease. Many adhesion points between the vitreous and retina exist, besides that seen in the foveola on the central B-scan. The adhesion between retina and vitreous is usually strongest 1500 μm around the fovea [4], at the optic nerve, and along retinal vessels. Three-dimensional imaging might thus facilitate surgical planning, as it reveals multiple traction sites besides the fovea. In the natural course of the disease it is possible that the central traction is relieved, but it persists in the proximity to retinal vessels.


Fig. 9.3
(a) Focal vitreomacular traction on SS-OCT. Visual acuity is 0.15. (b) Three-dimensional image of the same patient. Multiple adhesion points between the vitreous and fovea are visible


Fig. 9.4
Three-dimensional imaging of vitreomacular traction syndrome


Fig. 9.5
(a) B-scan of focal vitreoretinal traction syndrome. Visual acuity is 0.16. (b) Three-dimensional SS-OCT scan. Multiple traction sites are visible. (c) Cross-section through the fovea in the three-dimensional scan. Traction on the fovea and optic nerve is visible. (d) B-scan shows normalization of the fovea contour 6 months after surgery. Visual acuity is 0.8. (e) Three-dimensional SS-OCT without any visible traction after surgery. (f) Cross-section through the fovea in the three-dimensional scan after surgery

Many morphological changes of the fovea might be observed in SS-OCT. Cystoid spaces in the inner retinal layers are visible in most eyes (Fig. 9.1a [star]). The photoreceptor layer and external limiting membrane might remain intact in the presence of an inner cystoid space despite existing traction. Thus inner cystoid spaces are not always symptomatic. They might progress over time. If multiple cystoid spaces are present in the inner retinal layers, they tend to group into one larger cystoid space (Fig. 9.2c, d). Less frequent, outer retina cystoid spaces may be visible (Fig. 9.6, upper left [star]). If an elevation of the photoreceptor layer coexists with an outer lamellar macular hole, it is highly probable that this appearance will progress to full thickness macular hole (Fig. 9.6) [5]. If vitreomacular traction is released (spontaneously or after treatment), cystoid spaces decrease in size and later disappear (Fig. 9.7).


Fig. 9.6
Vitreomacular traction syndrome progressing to a full thickness macular hole. The B-scans, shown on the left, and three-dimensional scans, on the right, were taken at monthly intervals from October 2013 to March 2014. Visual acuity decreased from 0.4 to 0.2 Snellen in the course of this disease


Fig. 9.7
Vitreomacular traction syndrome with epiretinal membrane in a 78-year-old woman. (a) Before surgery. Visual acuity is 0.2 Snellen. (b) One month after surgery. Visual acuity is 0.2 Snellen. (c) Eighteen months after surgery. Fovea contour and retina layers completely normalized. Visual acuity improved to 0.32 Snellen

Epiretinal membranes might coexist with vitreomacular traction syndrome in about 25–83% of eyes (Fig. 9.7) [1, 6, 7]. Spontaneous resolution of eyes with coexisting epiretinal membranes and vitreomacular traction syndrome is less likely, but possible in very rare cases.

Photoreceptor and external limiting membrane defects develop during follow-up of vitreomacular traction syndrome in more than 60% of cases (Fig. 11.​1b) [1]. They are associated with decreased visual acuity and metamorphopsia.

9.3 The Natural Course of Idiopathic VMT

There are only a few studies describing the natural course of vitreomacular traction. In our series of 130 eyes observed for 24 months, only 20 required surgery (Michalewska et al. unpublished data). Most eyes resolve spontaneously with good final visual acuity (Fig. 9.8). In some cases, however, vitreomacular traction may be a very dynamic disease and may lead to development of full thickness macular holes (Figs.9.6 and 11.1), lamellar macular holes or epiretinal membranes.


Fig. 9.8
(a) Vitreomacular traction syndrome in a 64-year-old woman. Visual acuity is 0.8. Suprachoroidal layer is visible. (b) Spontaneous release of traction. Visual acuity is 0.8. Suprachoroidal layer remained visible

Earlier spectral domain OCT (SD-OCT) studies reported that spontaneous resolution of vitreomacular traction is more probable in eyes with a smaller adhesion area between the vitreous and retina.

We confirmed with multivariate analysis (Michalewska et al. unpublished data) that two factors are independently associated with progression or resolution of vitreomacular traction syndrome: phacoemulsification (p = 0.02) and observation time (p = 0.03). Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict which vitreomacular traction will progress and which will resolve spontaneously. The only described morphological criterion of progression is the elevation of the photoreceptor layer. If such an elevation exists, it is highly probable that a full-thickness macular hole will develop [5].

Choroidal thickness measurements are possible with SS-OCT. In a group of 27 eyes evaluated for 24 months with SS-OCT we confirmed that choroidal thickness decreases in eyes in which vitreomacular traction is spontaneously relieved (Michalewska et al. unpublished data).

9.4 Treatment

Symptomatic vitreomacular traction may be treated with either intravitreal injection of gas, ocriplasmin, or vitrectomy (Figs. 9.7 and 9.9). Vitreomacular adhesion resolves in about one-quarter of ocriplasmin-treated eyes [8], which makes this technique less efficient than vitrectomy. Even if injections are considered to be less invasive than surgery, about 68% of ocriplasmin-treated patients developed minor adverse events, such as conjunctival hemorrhage or floaters. A small case series reported release of traction in about 55% of cases after intrevitreal gas injection [9]. The lack of randomized studies on this topic make specific treatment recommendations difficult. Earlier SD-OCT studies reported that the outer foveal thickness (the distance between the external limiting membrane and the retinal pigment epithelium) is the sole factor confirmed by multivariate analysis to be correlated with visual acuity 12 months after surgery for vitreomacular traction syndrome [10]. The exact timing for treatment still remains a topic of controversy. It must be taken into consideration that according to recent reports, three years after vitrectomy only about 30% of patients have experienced full restoration of the IS/OS junction [11], whereas just 1 year after vitrectomy for full-thickness macular hole, full restoration occurred in 70% of cases [12]. This is perhaps surprising, as most would assume vitreomacular traction as a less severe disease than an impending macular hole (Figs. 9.7 and 9.9).
Oct 16, 2017 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome

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