Jacqueline R. Carrasco
• Congenital orbital tumors are typically found at birth or in early childhood.
• The most common congenital orbital tumors are dermoid or epidermoid cysts and teratomas.
– Orbital dermoid/epidermoid cysts are benign choristomas typically found at the junction of bony sutures (most commonly the frontozygomatic suture).
– Orbital teratomas are benign germ cell tumors that are a rare cause of proptosis at birth.
• Orbital dermoid/epidermoid cysts (1)[C], (2)
– Incidence – Most common space-occupying orbital lesion of childhood. May comprise 30–46% of excised orbital tumors in children.
– Age at diagnosis is most commonly in infants and young children, but may be diagnosed at any age
– Sex – No predilection
• Teratomas – most commonly found in gonadal tissue, rarely involves the orbit (3)
– Incidence – Very rare in the orbit
– Age – Majority present at or shortly after birth
– Sex – 2:1 Females:Males
None identified
• Orbital dermoid/epidermoid Cysts (1)[C], (2)
– Arise from embryonic ectoderm that is sequestered between bones along fetal lines of closure
– Rarely, a dermoid/epidermoid cyst may be completely confined within orbital soft tissues without direct contact with a bony suture
– There are 3 types identified: Juxtasutural, sutural, and soft-tissue types
• Orbital teratomas (3)
– Arises from aberrant germ cells and more commonly occurs in the gonads, retroperitoneum, or mediastinum
– Tumor comprised of mature tissue derivatives from all 3 germ cell layers
• Orbital dermoid/epidermoid Cysts (1)
– Occasionally astigmatism
– Rarely proptosis, diplopia or motility disturbance
– No association with visual loss or elevation of intraocular pressure
• Orbital teratomas (3)
– Severe proptosis and expansion of the orbit are common
– Large masses with severe proptosis may lead to exposure keratopathy, conjunctival keratinization, corneal ulcer formation, and vascular congestion
• Orbital dermoid/epidermoid cysts (1)
– Generally asymptomatic unless they increase in size or rupture (spontaneously or with trauma) resulting in an inflammatory reaction and pain
– Rarely cause proptosis or displacement of the globe
– Growth of these lesions is typically slow
• Orbital teratomas (3)
– Rapidly growing proptosis noted at birth or early infancy
– Typically unilateral
• Orbital dermoid/epidermoid Cysts (1)[C], (2)
– Frequently presents as painless, subcutaneous mass
– Typically located in the superotemporal orbital region (frontozygomatic suture), less frequently superonasally
– On palpation are not fixed to overlying skin – they are partially mobile, smooth, and not tender to touch
– Do not affect vision or intraocular pressure
• Orbital teratomas (3)
– Tend to be more common in the left orbit
– Decreased vision (may be difficult to assess)
– Proptosis, tight eyelids, and a tense orbit may be present
– Performing transillumination may illuminate cystic areas within the mass
• Orbital dermoid/epidermoid cysts (1)
• Initial approach
– Orbital CT (with axial and coronal views) or MRI to aid with surgical planning
– On CT – A round to ovoid lesion with distinct margins. Lumen is usually homogeneous and does not enhance with contrast.
– On MRI – A round to ovoid lesion with variable amounts of material in the lumen relatively isointense to vitreous on T1- and T2-weighted images. The wall enhances with gadolinium.
• Follow Up & Special Considerations
– Repeat imaging may be ordered when observing the lesion for growth or for any change in clinical exam
• Orbital Teratomas (3)
• Initial Approach
– Orbital CT – helpful in detecting calcification characteristic of teratomas which helps to distinguish this from other orbital lesions
– Both CT and MRI show an enlarged orbit with a multiloculated soft tissue mass
• Follow Up & Special Considerations
– Repeat imaging should be performed after surgical excision of teratoma
Pathological Findings
• Orbital dermoid/epidermoid cysts (1)[C], (4)
– Smooth, cystic structure usually white, tan, or yellow in color
– Cysts typically lined by keratinizing, stratified squamous epithelium
– Hair shafts, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, and inflammatory cells may also be found in dermoid specimens
– Histologically, epidermoid cysts have no dermal appendages (2)
• Orbital Teratomas (3)[C], (4)
– Fleshy pink mass on gross inspection – may have solid and cystic components
– Histologically contains structures representing all 3 embryonic germ layers: Ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm
– May be partially calcified or ossified
• If proptosis is present in an infant or child, these other processes should also be considered.
• Capillary hemangiomas also commonly present as orbital masses manifesting at birth within the first year of life (2)[C], (4)
– Orbital hemangiomas may produce proptosis or displacement of the globe and can enlarge with crying or Valsalva maneuvers
– For more information on orbital hemangiomas, please refer to the Orbit/Oculoplastics or Pediatric Section on capillary hemangiomas
• Rhabdomyosarcomas are the most common pediatric malignant orbital tumors (2)[C], (4)
– Presents with rapid proptosis in the first decade of life, with an average age of 7 years
– CT imaging shows an irregular tumor with well-defined margins, soft tissue attenuation and there is often bony destruction/erosion.
– Once a tissue diagnosis is made, systemic survey, including bone marrow biopsy, and staging should be performed
– Prognosis improved with advancements in systemic chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
• Lymphangiomas are benign congenital vascular malformations that may involve the conjunctiva, eyelids or deep orbit (2)[C], (4)
– Typically present in the first 2 decades of life
– May slowly enlarge over years but may also have sudden proptosis from an intralesional hemorrhage
– For more information on lymphangiomas, please refer to the Orbit/Oculoplastics section on vascular orbital tumors
• Optic nerve gliomas are the third most common orbital tumors in children (2)
– Most often associated with Neurofibromatosis type I (usually bilateral), but may also occur sporadically
– Mean age of 8 years at presentation
– Common presenting symptoms are proptosis and visual changes and may have headache or pain with intracranial extension
– On CT gliomas appear as a fusiform enlargement of the optic nerve
– Treatment is surgical excision
• Congenital cystic eye – failure of globe to form during embryogenesis resulting in orbital cysts composed of primitive ocular tissue (2)
• Other considerations:
– Retinoblastoma with orbital extension
– Lymphoid tumors
– Neuroblastoma
– Melanocytoma
– Orbital cellulitis
– Lacrimal mass
– Dacryops
– Abscess
– Parasitic larval cyst
– Sarcomas
– Malignant medulloepithelioma
– Fibrous dysplasia
– Mucocele
– Encephalocele
– Colobomatous cyst
Issues for Referral
• Orbital dermoid/epidermoid cysts
– If asymptomatic, patient may follow-up routinely with a general ophthalmologist or pediatric ophthalmologist
– If large or symptomatic (globe displacement, pain, inflamed), consider referring promptly to an oculoplastic surgeon or pediatric ophthalmologist
• Orbital teratomas
– If an orbital teratoma is suspected or confirmed by imaging, the patient should promptly be referred to an oculoplastic surgeon or pediatric ophthalmologist for surgical management.
• Orbital dermoid/epidermoid cysts (1)[C], (2)[C], (4)
– These benign lesions may be observed or excised surgically
– Surgery may be considered when cosmesis is an issue due to its size or if it is in a location subject to trauma and possible rupture
– Must consider risk of general anesthesia when pursuing surgical management especially in infants
– Rupture of the capsule should be avoided during removal of the cyst
• Orbital teratomas (3)[C], (4)
– Surgical excision/debulking – should aim to preserve the globe and visual function, as well as orbital/facial development and cosmesis
– Massive teratomas may require treatment with orbital exenteration
Patient Monitoring
• Orbital dermoid/epidermoid cysts
– If observation is elected, a general ophthalmologist, pediatric ophthalmologist, or oculoplastic surgeon may follow the patient routinely and also intervene surgically if warranted
– An oculoplastic surgeon may be most comfortable and experienced in surgically excising orbital dermoid cysts
• Orbital teratomas
– Needs regular follow-up to detect recurrences or malignant transformation
– May require further reconstructive procedures after surgical excision or exenteration
• Orbital dermoid/epidermoid cysts (1)
– Benign lesions
– Normal vision/ocular development
• Orbital teratomas (3)
– Benign lesions
– Rarely malignant
– If the globe is salvaged, visual prognosis may be poor
• Orbital dermoid/epidermoid cysts (1)
– May rupture spontaneously or with trauma resulting in an intense inflammatory reaction resembling orbital cellulitis
– Very rarely, these cysts may evolve into squamous cell carcinoma
• Orbital teratomas (3)
– Surgical excision or exenteration may result in loss of vision or loss of the eye
1. Castillo BV, Kaufman L. Pediatric tumors of the eye and orbit. Pediatr Clin N Am 2003;50:149–172.
2. Mehta M, Chandra M, Sen S, et al. Orbital teratoma: A rare cause of congenital proptosis. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 2009;37:626–628.
3. Shields JA, Kaden IH, Eagle RC, et al. Orbital dermoid cysts: Clinicopathologic correlations, classification, and management. The 1997 Josephine E. Schueler Lecture. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 1997;13:265–276.
4. Volpe NJ, Jakobiec FA. Pediatric orbital tumors. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1992;32:201–21.