Measurement of induration (mm)
Negative result
Positive result in individuals who are:
HIV positive
End-stage renal failure patients
Organ transplant recipients and other immunosuppressed patients on cytotoxic immunosuppressive agents (e.g., cyclophosphamide, methotrexate)
On long-term systemic corticosteroid therapy (> 6 weeks) and those on prednisone ≥15 mg/day or equivalent
Recent contacts of active tuberculosis cases
Found to have nodular or fibrotic changes on chest X-ray consistent with old healed tuberculosis
Positive result in individuals who are:
Intravenous drug users
Residents and employees of high-risk congregate settings (e.g., nursing homes, hospitals, prisons)
Mycobacteriology lab personnel
From countries with high prevalence of tuberculosis and have arrived within the last 5 years
With medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, leukemia) that put them at high risk
Less than 4 years old
Infants/children/adolescents exposed to adults in high-risk categories
Positive result in individuals who have no known risk factors for tuberculosis
As the predictive value varies on the local incidence of TB and the BCG vaccination policy, routine use of the TST in patients with uveitis is mandatory in countries such as India [43] but considered unhelpful in some countries such as the United States [44].
Although the TST is inexpensive, it has several disadvantages. It requires multiple visits; is subjective with inter-reader variability, unstandardized in the timing at which the induration is measured (can vary from 48 to 72 h); has a low specificity; and may be difficult to interpret due to confounding factors.
Due to the nonspecific nature of the mycobacterial antigens and cross-reactivity, the TST may give a false-positive response in individuals infected with nontuberculous mycobacterium (NTM) or vaccinated with bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG ) [37, 45]. In BCG-vaccinated individuals, the larger the size of induration reaction and risk factors for TB including contact history with a TB patient, family history of TB, and a country of origin with a high incidence or prevalence of TB increases the likelihood of a true-positive result [10]. The induration is also likely a true-positive result with increasing interval between the vaccination and skin testing as BCG vaccination-induced reactions wane over the first 7 years [46] and seldom persist beyond 10 years after vaccination [47].
The TST may also be difficult to interpret in the presence of certain comorbidities. For example, patients with psoriasis have enhanced response to the TST where the induration has a positive correlation with the psoriasis area and severity index [48], and the exaggerated skin hypersensitivity such as in Behçet’s disease may act as a pathergy test, resulting in a false-positive response [49].
As the TST measures the cutaneous type IV hypersensitivity reaction, individuals with impaired cellular immunity such as young children, the elderly, and the immunocompromised including those with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, diabetes, renal disease, and iatrogenic immunosuppression [50, 51] may have false negative responses. As the TST can be falsely negative in 10–20% of patients with proven tuberculosis with no apparent immunosuppression [52–55], a negative TST result does not exclude ocular TB.
Interferon-γ Release Assays (IGRAs)
A more recent addition to the diagnostic armamentarium are the interferon-γ release assays (IGRAs ), which are sensitive, specific, and objective ex vivo assays for previous exposure to M. tuberculosis [56]. IGRAs measure in vitro interferon-γ (IFN-γ) released in response to stimulation by the TB antigens: early secretory antigenic target (ESAT)-6 and culture filtrate protein-10 (CFP-10) [57]. These peptides are coded by a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) region in the M. tuberculosis genome that is absent in BCG strains and most environmental mycobacteria (with the exception of M. kansasii, M. szulgai, M. marinum, M. flavescens, and M. gastri) [58–60].
Commercially available IGRAs include T-SPOT.TB (Oxford Immunotec, Oxford, UK) and QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT) (Cellestis Inc., Carnegie, VIC, Australia). In T-SPOT.TB, ESAT-6 and CFP-10 are used to harvest viable peripheral mononuclear blood cells that release IFN-γ, which are counted with a T-cell-based enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay [61]. The QFT on the other hand is a whole-blood assay that quantifies IFN-γ produced by previously sensitized T cells in response to ESAT-6, CFP-10, and TB7.7 using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) [62–65].
Comparison of IGRAs with the TST
As both the TST and IGRAs are indirect tests that indicate a cellular immune response to recent or remote sensitization with mycobacterial antigens, neither test can distinguish between individuals with latent, active, and previous TB infection, nor do they have a high accuracy for predicting active TB [66].
Although the intensity of QFT response does not help to differentiate active from latent TB infection [67], a QFT >2 IU/mL indicates a higher likelihood of the response of the ocular TB to antituberculosis treatment [68]. IGRAs provide greater specificity for M. tuberculosis [23, 69, 70] in pulmonary TB [45, 61, 70, 71] and, unlike the TST (see Table 5.2), do not give false-positive results in individuals vaccinated with the BCG or infected with most NTM. IGRAs may thus be preferred in patients with previous BCG vaccination. In addition, IGRAs have a lower rate of false negatives than the TST in rheumatic patients taking steroids or disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) [72].
Table 5.2
Comparison between the tuberculin skin test and the interferon-γ release assays (T-SPOT.TB and QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube)
Tuberculin skin test | Interferon-γ release assay | ||
T-SPOT.TB | QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT) | ||
Principle | Measures the degree of type IV delayed hypersensitivity reaction to purified protein derivative | Counts the number of viable peripheral mononuclear blood cells that release IFN-γ using a T-cell-based enzyme-linked immunospot assay | Whole-blood assay – quantifies IFN-γ produced by previously sensitized T cells |
Sensitivity (95% CI) [74] | 0.709 (0.658–0.761) | 0.500 (0.334–0.666) More sensitive than QFT in immunocompromised individuals and children ≤5 years old | 0.642 (0.593–0.691) |
Specificity (95% CI) [74] | 0.683 (0.522–0.844) | 0.906 (0.882–0.929) | 0.996 (0.989–1.000) |
False positives | |||
Cross-reactivity with | |||
– NTM infections | Yes | No | |
– BCG vaccination | Yes | No | |
Misc | Enhanced response in comorbidities (e.g., psoriasis) or exaggerated skin hypersensitivity (e.g., Behcet’s disease) | ||
False negatives | Impaired cellular immunity: young children, elderly, immunocompromised (e.g., HIV, diabetes, immunosuppression) | ||
In individuals | |||
– On steroids or DMARDs | Higher rate of false negatives | Lower rate of false negatives | |
– With low T-cell numbers | Better resolution of samples than QFT | Tends to give “indeterminate” results | |
Tends to have “equivocal” results in individuals <13 years old or >55 years old | |||
Ability to distinguish between latent and active tuberculosis | Unable to distinguish | Unable to distinguish | |
Objectivity | Less objective | More objective | |
Reproducibility | Inter-reader variability; non-standardized timing (varies from 48 to 72 h) of measurement of induration | Intra-patient variability (due to delays in incubation and variations in blood volume) | |
Cost | Inexpensive | More expensive (varies from country to country) | |
Logistical considerations | |||
Specialized equipment | Not required | Required | |
Trained personnel | Nurses, physician | Laboratory technicians | |
Convenience | Requires 2–3 visits | Single visit |
However, IGRAs are not superior to the TST in sensitivity in diagnosing latent TB infections [70, 73, 74] and should not be used as a screening test or first-line investigation in tuberculous uveitis [23, 56, 75], especially in populations where TB is not endemic. Nevertheless, they are a useful adjunct in the diagnosis of tuberculous uveitis when used together with clinical signs suggestive of tuberculosis and TST in BCG-vaccinated populations [57]. A positive IGRA result strongly supports the diagnosis, while a negative IGRA result should be interpreted with caution as it does not exclude the diagnosis [23, 56].
Like the TST, the use of IGRAs in pediatric [76–79] and elderly patients [80] has its limitations. Given the variable T-cell IFN-γ response in children, a substantial proportion of children do not have a determinate IGRA result [81], which is likely due to the immature immune system and primary or acquired immune deficiencies [79, 81]. Similarly, as immunosenescence begins at 50 to 55 years of age [82], an age-related waning of T-cell function [80] is associated with decline in the functional activity of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells, reduced diversity of T cells, and a decreasing trend in IFN-γ production from T cells in response to mitogen and M. Tuberculosis antigens in whole blood [61, 80, 82, 83].
Although IGRAs are objective and require only a single visit [84], they have substantial intra-patient variability particularly in settings with low incidence of TB [64, 85–90] that is largely due to sample processing factors such as delays in incubation and variations in blood volume [86, 87, 90–110]. Reversions and conversions around the existing cut-point should thus be interpreted with caution [111]. Moreover, IGRAs require higher material costs, specialized equipment, and trained personnel to analyze the results since the samples are time and temperature sensitive [88].
Choosing Between the T-SPOT.TB and QFT
Although similar, the T-SPOT.TB may be preferred to the QFT and vice versa, depending on patient demographics. In studies comparing both IGRAs, the T-SPOT.TB was found to be more sensitive for M. tuberculosis infection, especially in immunocompromised individuals [83, 112] and children aged 5 years or younger [38, 113]. This is because the T-SPOT.TB has a better resolution of samples compared to the QFT, which may give “indeterminate” results in individuals with inadequate T-cell numbers. However, the QFT was found to be significantly more accurate than the T-SPOT.TB in identifying true-positive tuberculous uveitis cases among discordant cases [114].
Unlike the QFT which has a distinct cutoff value, the T-SPOT.TB has a range of cutoff values (negative <4 spots and positive >8 spots), resulting in an “equivocal” T-SPOT.TB result if the number of spots is more than the negative cutoff value but less than the positive cutoff value (i.e., between and inclusive of 5–7) [73, 83]. If the T-SPOT.TB result is equivocal, the clinician may repeat the T-SPOT.TB or do the QFT [76]. Individuals less than 13 years old or more than 55 years old are especially likely to have an “equivocal” T-SPOT.TB result [76], and in a setting where TB is moderately endemic, doing the QFT may be preferred as the equivocal T-SPOT.TB may be a false positive. These patients have a high likelihood of a negative QFT result and are unlikely to have latent TB infection [76].
Approach to the Diagnosis of Ocular Tuberculosis
Although there have been several attempts to recommend guidelines for diagnosis of ocular TB, there is currently no clear consensus on the most appropriate and cost-effective diagnostic strategy [115, 116]. This may be due to the varying prevalences of TB across developed and developing countries, as well as the local cost of performing IGRAs in the respective countries. In developing countries, the TST is generally preferred over IGRAs [117], and the use of IGRAs for active TB is not recommended due to the poor specificity given the high background prevalence of latent TB infection [118–121].
Common Diagnostic Strategies
Clinicians commonly adopt one of the four diagnostic strategies: firstly, a two-step approach of TST first, followed by IGRA; secondly, both the TST and IGRA simultaneously at presentation; thirdly, TST only; and lastly, IGRA only [116].The UK-based National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines advocate a two-step approach using TST and chest radiography as first-line investigations, with subsequent confirmatory IGRA testing in cases with positive TST results or in those whom the TST is unreliable [122]. In contrast, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines recommend one-step IGRA-only testing for the diagnosis of TB infection [123].
A study compared the above four strategies for the diagnosis of tuberculous uveitis and found that it was the most cost-effective to do both the TST and IGRA at presentation and least cost-effective to do an IGRA only [124]. It cited two main advantages that likely outweighed the cost of performing both tests simultaneously. Firstly, the dual strategy had higher predictive power which reduced the number of false-positive results and the associated unnecessary costly treatment. Secondly, patients who were initiated on antituberculous treatment based on the positive results from both tests had a decreased likelihood of recurrence of uveitis and lower ocular morbidity [35]. However, this study was conducted in a country with a high cost of IGRA. In countries with a lower cost of IGRA, the two-step approach strategy which the NICE guidelines recommend is more cost-effective than the single-test strategy [124]. If a single-test strategy is used, doing IGRA only may be more cost-effective than TST for the screening of latent TB infection in immigrants from high-risk countries [125].
Although many studies have explored the use of IGRAs in tuberculous uveitis [3, 56, 75, 126–130], their role in the diagnosis and testing strategy of latent TB or tuberculous uveitis is still uncertain [35, 114, 130]. However, based on two systematic reviews, IGRAs should not be used to diagnose active TB in adults because a positive IGRA result may not indicate active TB and a negative IGRA result may not rule out active disease. IGRAs should only be used as an adjunct test in the diagnosis of active TB and should not replace the standard microbiological and radiographic tests [120, 131]. Although IGRAs should ideally be performed prior to the TST, they may still be done in patients who have done the TST as the TST is unlikely to affect the QFT result [65, 76] and the boosting effect is likely to be insignificant if T-SPOT.TB is performed within 3–7 days after the TST [108]. As prevalence of TB affects the interpretation of IGRAs, Harada et al. (2004) [132] suggested that the cutoff value of QFT be reset at a lower level in the context of high prevalence of TB.
Gupta et al. (2007) [10] proposed a diagnostic criteria for intraocular TB, based on clinical signs, ocular investigations, systemic investigations, exclusion of other uveitis entities, and therapeutic test. The algorithm by Vasconcelos-Santos et al. (2009) [130] applies mainly to regions where TB is non-endemic and proposes the use of TST and chest radiograph as the initial investigations, with subsequent options of IGRA , computed tomography of the chest, and/or a trial of antituberculosis therapy depending on the TST and chest radiograph results.
Ang et al. (2009, 2012) [56, 57] recommend a combination of IGRA with TST as performing both tests increases the diagnostic accuracy and avoids negative or indeterminate solo test results [23]. If both the TST and IGRA cannot be performed due to cost or logistical issues, the investigation of choice depends on the prevalence of tuberculous uveitis in the population. IGRA is preferred in populations with low prevalence as it is more specific [114], while the TST is preferred in populations with high prevalence of tuberculous uveitis or in patients in whom there is already a high index of suspicion for tuberculous uveitis [23].
However, doing both the TST and IGRA may give rise to discordant results even in countries with low BCG vaccination. Individuals with concordant positive TST and IGRA results have the highest incidence of progression to TB, compared to those with discordant results. Those with positive IGRA and negative TST have a slightly higher risk of progression to TB as the results tend to represent new or active infections, whereas positive TST and negative IGRA are associated with previous BCG vaccination especially in the young [56].
Other Techniques
Besides the TST and IGRAs, other tests include microbiological investigations, molecular techniques, and diagnostic imaging.
Direct Evidence
Direct evidence of M. tuberculosis from tissue or fluid samples can establish the diagnosis of ocular tuberculosis.
Acid-Fast Smear
The traditional direct microscopy of smears of infected tissue or fluid of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) after acid-fast staining, usually with Ziehl–Neelsen or auramine–rhodamine stain, is a rapid method of diagnosing tuberculosis. However, at least 106 organisms/ml of sputum are required for detection on a smear [133].
Culture of Intraocular Fluid/Tissue
Culture of M. tuberculosis on Lowenstein–Jensen (egg-based) medium is regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis of tuberculosis [69]. The cultures are incubated for 6–8 weeks, and visible colonies are identified by Ziehl–Neelsen stain. Cultures also enable the viable mycobacteria to be tested for antibiotic resistance. However, the process is prolonged and cumbersome. Costly semiautomated and automated systems with liquid media may allow earlier results [69].
Histopathologic Examination
Histopathologic examination of tissue sections with evidence of necrotizing granulomatous inflammation may support a diagnosis of tuberculosis [43, 134]. However, if no AFB are seen, the diagnosis of ocular TB cannot be confirmed unless results of other investigations, such as culture or nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs), are positive [19, 135].
The main drawback of the acid-fast smear, Lowenstein–Jenson mycobacterial culture, and histopathologic examination is the low yield of organisms in intraocular fluids and biopsies. Moreover, intraocular biopsies are also invasive and difficult to obtain. Although these methods are often not helpful in the diagnosis of intraocular TB, they may be useful in lesions with abundant caseation necrosis or in those presenting with endophthalmitis which may have a higher yield of AFB [134, 136].
Polymerase Chain Reaction
The use of molecular techniques to detect the DNA of MTB in ocular fluid/tissue is a challenging task due to the paucibacillary nature of the disease [137] and a possible immune-mediated mechanism of intraocular inflammation [26] which may be related to cytokine responses in the eye [138]. Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) [139], quantitative real-time (RT) PCR [140], multiplex PCR (MPCR), and loop-mediated isothermal amplification test (LAMP) [141] amplify mycobacterial DNA severalfold, enabling rapid detection of the mycobacterial genome.
They are emerging as important tools for timely and accurate diagnosis of ocular TB as PCR can be performed with very small sample sizes of intraocular fluids, which may be aqueous [17, 31, 139, 142, 143], vitreous humor [139, 144–146], subretinal fluid [147, 148], or, rarely, tissue obtained by chorioretinal biopsy [149–152]. As the target gene is absent in 20–40% of M. tuberculosis isolates [153], several studies using single gene targets for the detection of MTB DNA in ocular fluid sample showed poor sensitivity of PCR (ranging from 33.3% to 66.6%) [139]. However, studies using two or more gene targets yielded significantly better diagnostic sensitivities [154], with a multiplex PCR (MPCR) using three target genes yielding a sensitivity of 77.8% and specificity of up to 100% for diagnosis of ocular TB [137].
In addition to detecting M. tuberculosis DNA in active lesions, real-time PCR may also detect the presence of DNA from possibly dormant mycobacteria in normal tissues of latently infected individuals [155–157], although its use has not been reported in the diagnosis of ocular TB as of yet.
Genotypic methods such as the GeneXpert MTB/RIF (Xpert) (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA) assay potentially provide information on drug resistance, which may be the reason for recurrence in patients with recurrence of ocular TB despite effective antitubercular therapy, without a need for culture [158].
Besides the chest radiograph, other diagnostic imaging modalities include computer-assisted tomography (CT) scans and positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET-CT) scans. CT scans may help to delineate concomitant hilar, parenchymal, or pleural disease in highly suspected cases where plain chest radiographs are normal or inconclusive [29, 159]. More recently, PET-CT scans have been shown to be useful in identifying pulmonary and extrapulmonary lesions in patients with presumed ocular TB, which can be biopsied to establish the diagnosis [160, 161]. However, the high cost and lack of availability limit its use for routine investigation.
In a patient with clinical features typical of tuberculous uveitis, positive tuberculin skin test and/or interferon-γ release assay results are commonly used to aid the diagnosis of presumed tuberculous uveitis, especially if there is no evidence of associated systemic infection. The TST is widely used particularly in TB-endemic countries because of its sensitivity and low cost, while IGRAs provide greater specificity for M. tuberculosis infection in individuals infected with nontuberculous mycobacterium or previous BCG vaccination. As there is currently no clear consensus on the approach to diagnosing ocular tuberculosis, the choice of investigation(s) depends on the local prevalence of TB, cost-effectiveness, and the patient demographics.
Compliance with Ethical Requirements
Nicole Shu-Wen Chan and Soon-Phaik Chee declare that they have no conflict of interest. No human or animal studies were carried out by the authors for this article.
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