Fig. 24.1
The laser welded anvil profile at slit lamp (a) and OCT (b), 15 p.o. days
24.3 Laser Welding
Laser welding of biological tissues is a technique used to join tissues by inducing a photothermal effect within the wound walls. It has been proposed in several surgical fields over the last 30 years. The first successful test was reported at the end of the 70s, when a neodymium:YAG laser was used to join small blood vessels [6]. Since then, several experiments have been performed using a variety of lasers for sealing many tissue types, including blood vessels, nerves, skin, urethra, stomach, and colon (see also previous reviews [7, 8]). Laser welding has progressively gained relevance in the clinical setting, where it now appears as a valid alternative to standard surgical techniques.
Laser welding technique holds the promise to provide instantaneous, watertight seals, which is important in many critical surgeries, such as in ophthalmology, without the introduction of foreign materials (sutures). Other advantages over conventional suturing include reduced operation times; fewer skill requirements; decreased foreign body reaction; and therefore reduced inflammatory response, increased ability to induce regeneration of the original tissue architecture, and an improved cosmetic appearance. The final aim of this procedure is to improve the quality of life of patients by reduction of healing times and the risk of postoperative complications.
The laser–tissue interaction occurring during a laser-mediated welding of biological tissues is considered to be photothermal [7, 8]. This interaction is distinguished by the absorption of the light emitted by the laser source, which generates heat through a target volume. The thermal changes induced within the tissue about the lesion result, in turn, in a bond between its adjoining edges. The heat is produced through the absorption of the laser energy by endogenous or exogenous chromophores.
In the laser welding approach, optimized by our research team, we proposed the application of a photo-enhancing dye in the tissue and the use of a laser emitting in the near infrared region. The corneal tissue, as well as most of biological tissues, is transparent to the light in this wavelength region, while the stained tissue presents the optical absorbance peak at the laser wavelength. This means that when irradiating the corneal wounds, only the stained tissue is absorbing the laser light and the induced photothermal effect is confined in the stained region.
The result is the selective fusion of wound walls at low irradiation power per target area, thus reducing the risk of thermal damage to surrounding tissues. The welding effect may be modulated in the depth of the transparent tissue, thus resulting in a more effective closure of the wound. Various chromophores have been employed as photo-enhancing dyes , including Indocyanine Green (ICG ) , fluorescein, basic fuchsin, and India ink [9]. A very popular setting of tissue laser welding includes the use of a near infrared laser, which is poorly absorbed by the biological tissue, in conjunction with the topical application of a chromophore absorbing in the same spectral region. Current examples of this modality are in the transplant of the cornea, in cataract surgery, in vascular tissue welding, in skin welding, and in laryngotracheal mucosa transplant [10, 11]. In all these cases, diode lasers emitting around 800 nm and the topical application of ICG have been used.
24.3.1 Surgical Applications of Thermal Laser Welding in Keratoplasty
To the best of our knowledge, the technique optimized and proposed by our research team is the only one laser welding application which has reached the preclinical and clinical phases. It is based on the use of a near infrared diode laser emitting at 810 nm and the topical application of the chromophore ICG , which shows high optical absorption at the laser wavelength emission [12–15]. The procedure consists in a preliminary staining phase with the chromophore, followed by an irradiation phase. ICG has been chosen because of its biocompatibility, which has already favored its exploitation in several biomedical applications. In practice, the chromophore is prepared in the form of an aqueous saturated solution of commercially available Indocyanine Green for biomedical applications (e.g., IC-GREEN Akorn, Buffalo Grove, IL or ICG -Pulsion Medical Systems AG, Germany). This solution is accurately positioned in the tissue area to be welded, using particular care to avoid the staining of surrounding tissues, and thus their accidental absorption of laser light. Then the wound edges are approximated and laser welding is performed under a surgical microscope.
The laser used in preclinical tests and in the clinical applications is typically an AlGaAs diode laser (e.g., Mod. WELD 800 by El.En. SpA, Italy) emitting at 810 nm and equipped with a fiber-optic delivery system.
We proposed two different protocols, to be used in penetrating keratoplasty [12, 13, 16] and in endothelial transplantation [17]. The first one is used in keratoconus patients, in combination with the femtosecond laser to cut donor and recipient tissues.
In penetrating keratoplasty, the technique has been named the continuous wave laser welding (CWLW ). Noncontact, CW diode laser irradiation is used for the welding of corneal wounds, in substitution or in conjunction with traditional suturing procedures. The CWLW procedure developed to weld human corneal tissues in penetrating keratoplasty is as follows. The donor and recipient cornea are trephined by the use of a femtosecond laser . The donor cornea is then applied onto the patient’s eye and secured by 8–16 interrupted stitches or continuous suturing. The ICG chromophore solution is prepared in sterile water (10 % w/w) in the surgery room, soon before its use. The surgeon places a small quantity of chromophore solution inside the corneal cut, using an anterior chamber cannula, in an attempt to stain the walls of the cut in depth. A bubble of air is injected into the anterior chamber prior to the application of the staining solution, so as to avoid perfusion of the dye. A few minutes after the application, the solution is washed out with abundant water. The stained walls of the cut appear greenish, indicating that ICG has been absorbed by the stroma. Lastly, the whole length of the cut is subjected to laser treatment. Laser energy is transferred to the tissue in a noncontact configuration, through a 300-μm core diameter fiber. The fiber is mounted in a handpiece and moved by the surgeon as a pencil. A typical value of the laser power density clinically used is around 10 W/cm2, which results in a good welding effect. During irradiation, the fiber tip is kept at a working distance of about 1 mm, and at an angle of 20°–30° with respect to the corneal surface (side irradiation technique). This particular fiber position provides in-depth homogenous irradiation of the wound and prevents accidental irradiation of deeper ocular structures. The fiber tip is continuously moved over the tissue to be welded, with an overall laser irradiation time of about 120 s for a 360°. This procedure has been performed up to now on 300 patients with very satisfactory results [2, 12, 16]. The position of the apposed margins has been found to be stable over time, thus assuring optimal results in terms of postoperatively induced astigmatism after cataract and keratoplasty surgery. The lower number of stitches reduces the incidence of foreign body reactions, thus improving the healing process. Objective observations on treated patients have proved that the laser-welded tissues regain a good morphology (without scar formation) and pristine functionality (clarity and good mechanical load resistance, see Figs. 24.2 and 24.3).

Fig. 24.2
Representative displays of the Corvis ST in a keratoconic eye (a) and in an eye of the same patient, following fs-penetrating keratoplasty (b). The deformation amplitude (DA) at the highest concavity in keratoconic eye (1.61 mm) is deeper than in fs-PK eye (1.41 mm)

Fig. 24.3
Images from the Corvis ST at the highest concavity: simple femtosecond penetrating keratoplasty anvil profiled (a) versus laser welded fs-PK anvil profiled (b) of the same patient. Note the DA in laser welded fs-PK (1.04 mm) is smaller than in simple fs-PK (1.22 mm): this shows a greater biomechanical stability of the procedure. The anvil profile is evident in Scheimpflug image: a perfect synergy is remarkable at the host–graft junction
In endothelium keratoplasty, the technique is called Pulsed Laser Welding (PLW) . In this protocol, single laser spots (lasting tens of milliseconds) are delivered to the tissue, resulting in a photothermal effect localized within the spot dimension (a few hundreds of micrometers in diameter): the induced effect is a hard laser welding, consisting in a photocoagulation of the collagen confined at the donor/host interface. The result of the collagen denaturation at the welded site is a strong adhesion between the donor and host tissues, thus providing a suturing effect that is impossible to obtain with standard technique. The tissue regains his natural appearance in a short follow-up (1 month) and the adhesion between donor/host tissue is improved by the welding provided in the very early stage of the healing phase. However, this protocol is not used in keratoconus cases.
24.3.2 Mechanism of Thermal Laser Welding
The proposed approach has been characterized by the use of different experimental and theoretical studies, such as thermal modeling and microscopic analyses [11–15]. These include traditional methods as optical and fluorescence microscopy which allow for an investigation at the micron scale [18] and transmission and scanning electron microscopy (TEM and SEM, respectively) which are useful when studying nanometric structures [19–21]. Other used techniques are atomic force microscopy (AFM) and second-harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy which provide complementary information [22–24]. These studies have been helpful (although not exhaustive) in elucidating the different dynamics behind the sealing process.

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