Surgeons working position at microscope
For both surgeon and assistant, the ideal position for a micro-anastomosis is on the surface, not in a deep hole or under a bony shelf; neck extension on the operating table may be useful. Exposure must be adequate to access a good length of recipient vessel; careful use of self-retaining retractors or sutures to hold back the skin edge will further refine anastomotic exposure and access. An accurate hemostasis of the surgical field represents a keystone in performing a microsurgical procedure. A continuous trickle of blood is a very disturbing complication, and blood may stick on the vessel wall and become difficult to remove after a fibrin clot formation. A frequent irrigation and usage of moistened gauze may help to solve this problem. Vessels to be anastomosed should be parallel to the surgeon, and the vessel lumen should be on the same plane and clearly in view.

Correct microsurgical instrument handling
3.3 Selection of Recipient Vessels
The recipient vessels should be as long as possible to permit them to reach closer the surface and to allow adequate exposure, access, and vessel rotation. The site of anastomosis should be chosen away from branches and venous valves, at least within the segment of vessels included in the clamp. Side arterial branches and tributary veins may act as restraints causing kink or alter anastomosis position before wound closure.
The recipient vein should be selected based on its caliber (up to twice as flap vein diameter). After its division, it is advisable to check for valves near the site of anastomosis that may cause drainage resistance. This may be accomplished through direct inspection under microscope magnification or through “a flush test.” It consists in flushing the recipient vein with dilute heparinized saline through a blunt catheter in order to assess the ease of drainage. If high resistance or consistent backflow is encountered, a sacrifice of small vein segment containing the valves may be necessary. If this maneuver causes an excessive shortening of the vessel, another recipient vein should be selected. If there are no valves but high backflow is present, tying tributaries beyond the anastomosis site may represent a valid solution.

Vessel preparation
3.3.1 Pedicle and Recipient Vessel Preparation

Microsurgical clamps

Adventitia cutting

Background material positioning
3.4 Vessel Anastomosis
3.4.1 General Principles
Tie the knots with adequate tension in order to prevent stenosis and prevent leakage.
Place the smallest number of sutures to achieve a leakproof anastomosis.
Position the knots at equal distance apart.
The bites on both sides must be equal, and the needle should cross exactly in a straight line.

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