Swept Source OCT of Choroidal Nevi

Fig. 14.1
Multimodal imaging of the right eye of a 65-year-old-female with melanotic choroidal nevus. Top row, Color and red-free photographs. Lower left, Horizontal SS-OCT line scan (12 mm) through the center of the nevus. Lower right, En face SS-OCT segmented at the level of the mid-choroid (12 × 9 mm)

Cross-sectional SS-OCT shows anterior bowing of Bruch’s membrane due to the bulk of the nevus, with an overlying shallow irregular pigment epithelial detachment with intermediately reflective contents. Extreme thinning of the residual choroid is noted over the temporal aspect of the nevus with distended vessels and choroidal thickening immediately adjacent to the nevus. One prominent vessel within the nevus substance appears to be a Haller vessel around which the nevus has grown.

En face segmentation of the volume scan data through the deep choroid shows the arrangement of enlarged choroidal vessels surrounding the nevus.

Figure 14.2 illustrates a subfoveal amelanotic choroidal nevus in the left eye of a 41-year-old male. Color and red-free photography show the amelanotic lesion and an area of altered coloration temporal to the lesion, corresponding with chronic shallow subretinal fluid. A horizontal cross-sectional SS-OCT line scan shows the distentive effects of the nevus on tissues related to it anteriorly, and related to the sclera posteriorly. Shallow neurosensory detachment is seen nasal to the nevus and ellipsoid loss is seen temporal to the nevus, presumed secondary to regressed chronic subretinal fluid. A shallow irregular pigment epithelial detachment is seen at the apex of the nevus, the contents of which are intermediately reflective.


Fig. 14.2
Multimodal imaging of the left eye of a 41-year old male with amelanotic choroidal nevus. Top row, Color and red-free photographs. Lower left, Horizontal SS-OCT line scan (12 mm) through the center of the nevus. Lower right, En face SS-OCT segmented at the level of the mid-choroid (12 × 9 mm)

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Oct 16, 2017 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Swept Source OCT of Choroidal Nevi

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